From: Travis Grant Ranma 1/2 belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Sailor Moon belongs to Nauko Takauchi. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Timeline notes: In the Prologue Ranma has just had his run in with the cursed springs of Jusankyo and visited the quiet peaceful village of the Chinese Amazons. There he met Xian Pu(Shampoo) the village champion and got the kiss of death. Chapter One and beyond it will be six months after Phoenix Mountain and the failed wedding attempt. In Sailor Moon, it has been six months after the battle with Galaxia and the subsequent aftermath. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ** means signs <> means sounds ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Untitled) Prologue ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Late night around a fire in the woods of backwoods china. We see two people cooking on the fire. One is old, bald, and fat in a dirty brown gi and a white bandana covering his head. The other is in his midteens, wearing a red Chinese shirt and black Kung Fu pants.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oyagi no baka! How could you get us cursed, you idiot. Just cause it's a training ground don't mean you don't listen to the guide." "Ranma were you not willing to give your life for the Art" "My life yes! My manhood is different entirely" "This doesn't matter daugh ah son I have a way to cure you. I put my life in grave danger facing great odds to gain this scroll." ********************************************************************** (Flashback) ********************************************************************** Just one more panty for the master and I get my chose of scrolls. hehheh Whats this, a shadow uh "Mam I was just looking for my glasses hehheh just look, there on my face the whole time. Well bye. No I wasn't stealing your panties." brrr(To think a woman could hit with a bouken like that. To think I married her) Women chasing him, each with blunt weapons and some not so blunt. Crouch of the Wild Tiger in front of Master Houpposai. "Please I'm just one panty short great and powerful master of the grand school of Anything Goes Martial Arts." "Sure Genma, here is a scroll it's of no use to me. Now come here my little silky darlings. Let Happy rescue you. ********************************************************************** "Hey Oyagi what's the scroll do? For all I know it's like that Nekoken Training Manual that you didn't read completely." "My son, my only son has no faith in me where did I go wrong. Whaa" "Hey old man or should I say panda your all wet." *No Son of mine will get the drop on me* "Grrrr" "Anytime your ready to fight fur face." Ranma slips into a ready stance. Five minutes later one very battered panda is asleep due to extreme head trauma and a female Ranma is eating all the dinner. Ranma grabs his stomach. "The old man's cooking is just getting worse. Aug Whats happening I"ll get him in the morn......" (Heh my plan worked except him beating me and eating all the food! Am I getting old? Hmmm Naaa, he was just lucky. Now to tie him up.) The cursed master used this knot on me torturing me (Eating in front of me what cruel torture!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (In the morning) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Goddamn it oyagi untie me or I will kill you old man." "Now son the path of the Martial Artist is fraught with peril. It is your duty to find us errr yourself a cure to this evil curse. Do you want to tarnish the fine name of the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts by refusing this challenge or have you become a weak little scared girl." "What! I'm not afraid of nothing, furball." "Then will you face this great challenge as a Martial Artist." "Sure oyagi now untie me." "My son you must be as still as possible and being tied up will help." "When I get free I'm gonna flatten you, old man." "Quiet son I must start." "Free me now. You fat bald piece of ......." "Ranma I must have complete quiet to use this scroll." "Mrrrr MRRRR"(Man getting hit with one of his stupid panda signs is bad enough, but his bandana he hasn't washed in four months is too much. I'm leaving him after this. No, after I put him in the hospital for a month. No, after I escape from that loon Shampoo.) "Now son I am ready to began." "Des la grata. Junta borgon shina repata torgatoga. (A slow white and purple glow surrounds Ranma and gets lighter.) Silva Millim brek brrier of spec und time. Frek thes porson from bonds of time (The light gets too bright to look at) Selenenty gelp thes porson gift hs purse.*Whosh* (We hear a sound like a vacuum sucking in and a big flash of light)" "Wooo That was some spell I wonder if it worked. Uh son, why are you a girl and free? Gupp" "Why pop I'm here to show you my undying respect for tying me up and gagging me with your bandana." "Now where should I start your ribs, your head, your manhood...." "Gupp Now son it was for the best." "This is for the best oyagi-san." "RANMA SHAMPOO KILL." "Ahh IT'S THAT CRAZY GIRL." "RUN RANMA I'LL BE IN FRONT OF YOU CLEARING THE WAY IN CASE THERE ARE ANY OTHER DANGERS." "COME BACK HERE OYAGI." "Ahya why they run over me. It takes me hours to get footprints off of cloths. I will catch them yet. Come back I haven't killed you yet" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Two minutes later) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A cute little pig comes across the campsite. "bree breee beeee snort. Wee bre breeee snort bree bbrrreeee."(Damn you Saotome because of you I've seen Hell. Now where is Kyoto I know its somewhere close.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Prologue ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the third one I've written and the first I've felt has the potential to be worthy of being read by the public. Any Flames will be put out and recycled. Any constructive criticism is welcome. Praises will be more than welcome and will hopefully not be just a dream. I will state now that I have not decided whom Ranma will end up with yet. I will ask the readers to decide whom he ends up with. Email me once to vote. Only one vote will be counted per person. This means any person from Ranma 1/2 or Sailor Moon male or female can end up with Ranma and the story will bend that way. The exception will be Usagi and Mamoru I believe they are fated to be together, unless you give me a very strong reason. Results will be given at the end of the story. Follow the FFML rules private replies please. Put the tag "Vote: partnership" as the subject. As the story progresses reader will be able to choose the way the story goes. E-mail me at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ranma 1/2 belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Sailor Moon belongs to Nauko Takauchi. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Timeline notes: In the Prologue Ranma has just had his run in with the cursed springs of Jusankyo and visited the quiet peaceful village of the Chinese Amazons. There he met Xian Pu(Shampoo) the village champion and got the kiss of death. Chapter One and beyond it will be six months after Phoenix Mountain and the failed wedding attempt. In Sailor Moon, it has been six months after the battle with Galaxia and the subsequent aftermath. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ** means signs <> sounds ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Untitled) Chapter1: Shadows on the Horizon ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (In a dark room sit five people and only Ranma is visible to us. All are sitting at a round table. A sixth person has now entered the room from a previously unseen door. Three of the shadows appear to be male and the other two appear to be female.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now that we are all here can we get this meeting in order?" "Sure Captain when ever you're ready to begin." "Excuse me!'' "Sorry Cap err Ranma." "Well you're the one to call this meeting. What do you want?" "I was wondering errr… that is to say…" "What's Dai is trying to say is when do we move. For Se err.. For petes sake its been two years since we found each other. We may already be needed." "Yes I know Hiroshi, but our orders and mine specifically were not to interfere until we were called. Any way we still aren't ready for the job we were given. Do you think I like being hung on by three Fiancées and one psycho gymnast. My god first I have a girl that cooks food that is toxic and she tries to feed it to me. If I do anything wrong she ether mashes me with what ever handy or I get a flight curtsey of Air Akane. Even through all that I saved her life at Phoenix Mountain because I care about her." Female1: "Well you could stop shooting that big mouth of yours off and be nice to her more often. Also stop being a jerk and act like you do around us in private." "I know she your friend and all, but if I slip any more and not act like I was raised by that idiot; people might become suspicious." "Which idiot is it Kuno, Ryoga, Mousse, or your Dad." "Hiroshi you know which one, yes Kuno is an idiot, Ryoga and Mousse are just stubborn, and its my baka oyagi that's the idiot. I've already slipped too many times and having used my power I was given at Phoenix Mountain may have drawn unwanted attention." Female1: "Your right Ranma, but I don't like the way you treat her she's still my friend. May be we should bring her in on the deal." "Yu how would she react to the fact that you're not a Martial Artist and you can wipe the floor with her using your powers." "Hii, I will leave it for now. What about the other three?" "Well Shampoo is not brain dead as most people think. The old Ghoul of hers suspects something is up and well the drugs and schemes don't sit well with me. She is a good fighter and would; if given a chance would fit in quite well. Ukyo is like a sister to me and makes great okonomiyaki, but she is always trying to manipulate me and be the cute fiancée." "What about Kodachi eh Ranma?" "Don't ask. Don't even ask." "Any more questions?" "Yes why do you treat me the way you do at Furinkan?" "We have to keep hidden until its time. Don't worry it will be soon and then we can meet our friends again and you can meet a certain girl again. Ehh" "You're just saying that. We will never be called to action. We will ……." "RANMA NO BAKA! WHERE ARE YOU?! YOU BAKA HENTAI!" "WHERE DO YOU COWER FOUL ONE! THE BLUE THUNDER OF FURINKIN HIGH WILL DEFEAT YOU." "RANMA PREPARE TO DIE." "AHYA WHERE HUSBAND TO SHAMPOO BE." "RANCHAN SHOW YOURSELF TO YOUR CUTE FIANCEE." "RANMA-SAMA WHERE ARE YOU" "Everyone split up and make break for it it's the Crew. I'll cover for you." Everyone: "Right!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Some time later) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey P-chan get lost or something. It only took you two weeks to find me this time." "Ranma, I've seen Hell because of you. Now die." "This is getting old Ryoga come up with something new." "What?? (AM I that stuck. Naaa its Ranma's fault.) Prepare of fry you sex changing freak. SHI SHI HOUDOKEN." Ranma jumps away and dodges away from Ryoga. "AHHH" "Ryoga is that all you got maybe you are Akane's widdle P-ch…." (Pantyhose!?!) "Look Ranma Tarou wishes to talk you." "Look Femboy I just had the old freak and your Ki blast made me lose him. Therefore, I am going to make your life a living hell until you either capture or kill the old freak." Ranma nods "Good starting tomorrow I am going to give you hell and with the help of P-chan. Right P-chan." "I AM NOT P-CHAN! Wait did you say your going to make Ranma's life hell. I'm in. Yeah. Prepare for hell and make it double." Tarou drops Ranma with the massive face fault."What's with the looks." Ranma sneaks away. "P-ch ah Ryoga let me guess to much Pokemon." "Yeah I got stuck in theater that was running a 24 hour marathon." Tarou looks around. "Hey where's femboy at. He snuck away." "Well we will get him in the morning where's your place?" "I think its in Kobe or is it in Chicago." Tarou shakes head and sighs.(Great out of all of Femboy's enemies I pick LostBoy) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Juuban District) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Early morning about 4 am) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "This had better be good Luna I was having a dream about my Mamo-chan" "Ya, what the ditz said what did you call a emergency sailor meeting so early?" "Luna, Michiru and I don't mind so much, but Hotaru still needs all the sleep she can get." "Senshi I will tell you when all of you are here. Talking about everyone all of you are here even our resident Meatball Head." "Sounds like a crabby kitty needs a visit to the vet, then a nice long cold bath." "Now don't be hasty Usagi I was just joking. Now back to business where is Pluto! She is never there when we need her for a battle. She comes and goes as she pleases. We are the last to know about everything that's important and…." "Whats so funny!" "Luna you real need to look behind you." "Hey beautiful you fell into it this time didn't you." "Artemis what do you mean?" "Luna, Pluto has been behind you the whole time." Luna turns her head to look and sees a smirking Setsuna. "Hello Pluto nice weather we are having ahh." "Luna remember my main job is to guard the gates of time." "Rrriigghhtt. Now as I was saying I remember that more than us were reborn." "Duh Luna you already told us. Just before D-point; remember D-point where we died the first time." "Makoto so we screwed up, but you still won in the end. As I was saying another group was the Knights." "This maybe forward, but who are the knights and how many were there?" "Ami there was.. ahhh more than one and the knights were ahhhh." Luna looks at all the focused faces. "You forgot.?" Massive sweet drops from everyone. "They were part of the royal guard and did functions you Senshi couldn't do." Everyone face faults. (No way Setsuna actually revealed information!!) "I suggest you all get to sleep because tomorrow will be a big day." "Hmmm pallad that's a new color for Usagi and the rest. My future self was right this is fun." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Unknown Place) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Are we ready to begin?" "Yes your highness. We are prepared to invade and crush the Earth." "What of the Senshi nine different groups have tried and died. You three are the only ones to survive the invasions and how goes gathering your armies for our invasion." "Your supreme majesty we will be ready in a few months time." "Good but I want results now there are two areas that will be major threats to our invasion. Eliminate these two problems immediately." Collectively. "Yes your Lordship!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- End of chapter one ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I will state now that I have not decided whom Ranma will end up with yet. I will ask the readers to decide whom he ends up with. Email me once to vote only one vote will be counted per person. This means any person from Ranma 1/2 or Sailor Moon male or female can end up with Ranma and the story will bend that way. The exception will be Usagi and Mamoru I believe they are fated to be together, unless you give me a very strong reason. Results will be given at the end of the story. Follow the FFML rules private replies please. Put the tag "Vote: partnership" as the subject. As the story progresses readers will be able to choose the way the story goes. E-mail me at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ranma 1/2 belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Sailor Moon belongs to Nauko Takeuchi. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Timeline notes: In the Prologue Ranma has just had his run in with the cursed springs of Jusankyo and visited the quiet peaceful village of the Chinese Amazons. There he met Xian Pu(Shampoo) the village champion and got the kiss of death. Chapter One and beyond it will be six months after Phoenix Mountain and the failed wedding attempt. In Sailor Moon, it has been six months after the battle with Galaxia and the subsequent aftermath. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ** means signs <> sounds ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Untitled) Chapter 2: Surprises ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6:00 am Tendo Yard ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ahhh" "Son a Martial Artist must be ready any time for an attack to come. This proves you have become lax in your training, prepare yourself Ranma here I come. Kiiyaa!" Genma does a leap kick at Ranma's chest and Ranma dodges. "Son you should have seen that coming. So now, I must push you to improve again. Are you two ready to push my lazy son to his limits." "Yes it will be a distinct pleasure to fight Femboy." "Ranma I've seen hell because of you, now I return the favor." "Saotome release my fair Shampoo." "Mousse would you care to fight with us to teach my son not to lax in his training." "I would be honored Mr. Saotome." ********************************************************************** Ranma's point of view ********************************************************************** Great if Pop, Ryoga, and Tarou weren't bad enough now Mousse. Here they come. Have to go all out. Tarou is going above me lining up for a Meteor Kick. Yep the same as Pop except he wants me to be on the ground. Mousse is firing his chains. Ryoga is coming is on the side with that damn umbrella of his and he's already out with his bandanas. Move forward dodged Mousse's chains; great they are barbed he's playing for keeps. Duck head, left, and right, jump left "Ahhh" Ryoga grazed me in the ribs with ones of his bandanas. Here comes Tarou; reverse his kick and counter their he goes.. oh #%$@ he hit the pond one instant freak job with tentacles heh. Where's oyagi at, I had better move one belly flop. ********************************************************************** "Hey pop nice one what do call that one Flop of the Wild Tiger." "Son for that you must learn to respect your father as is only proper and honorable." "Yah Ranma respect your father he is better person than can ever be and so am I. We are both more honorable than you." "Thats low P-chan. You sleep in Akane's bed as P-chan and you say you're more honorable." "How could you reveal I'm P-chan have you no honor Saotome." "Ryoga everyone here knows your P-chan and after this fight so will Akane. You abused my honor every time you slept with her as P-chan. I must uphold my oath." "Then I will kill you. Are you with me Mousse? Tarou? Genma?" "Kill Soutome and I get Shampoo. Femboy dies. My son dishonors himself; he must die to restore his honor. Get him!!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the Tendo home. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Kasumi what is going on out in the yard?" "Oh my just Ranma having his friends over for a little match. Why don't you go back to reading your manga Nabiki." "Kasumi what's for breakfast? Kasumi what's that baka doing. He better not be picking Ryouga or P-chan! RANMA NO BAKA! AHHH " ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "That's it if you every attack me again I won't hold back." Ranma looks around seeing a devastated yard and all four enemies lay out. Mousse is in the pond smoking and bald. Tarou is unconscious and sparald out in his human form. Ryoga is just plain baked and lying in the crater. Genma is in panda mode. Looking at Genma's sign it says. *I'm just a cute little panda. Don't kill me I didn't see you throw a fireball at Ryoga. I'm just a cute panda. * "RANMA HOW DARE YOU PICK ON RYOGA. DON"T YOU FIGHT WITH HIM ENOUGH. YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HIM." "AKANE SHUT UP AND LISTEN FOR ONCE HE TRIED TO KILL ME."(Ranma yelled at me/Akane.) "I'm leaving for school. Maybe I will see you later." "Oh my he forgot his lunch." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "My book. Well to late now. What did my computer find? What Silver Millennium energy in to triangulate this... ah ha Nerima.. Nerima? What's it doing there. Better call the others." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "What is it Phobos, Demios. What is this it can't be good. Better call the others." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Luna you got me up early once. What is so important?" "Usagi I felt a strange new energy source, but strangely familiar." "Could it be a new enemy, Luna?" "It may well be possible Usagi." "Mina-chan did Artemis drag you out of bed too." "Yep Artemis is getting a bath when we get home if this is another false alarm." "Let's get to the temple." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Your Highness we felt a new energy source just appear." "Yes I felt it appear also. It is very powerful, but some how less than one of the Senshi." "Your highness it isn't a new source. I dealt with it during the invasion of the Moon Kingdom. It is the energy signature of a knight." "Who is this knight?" "The knights are the elite bodyguard of the Moon Kingdom. They protected the common people of the moon and the Senshi and the royal family. In our invasion a full third of our army was lost in fighting them." "Then Jadeite you will lead the mission eliminate this knight before the senshi find out where this knight is." "Yes your majesty; at once." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- End of chapter 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to see a character from Ranma or Sailor Moon end up with Ranma send in your vote at: Also any C&C is welcome.