Disclaimer: I didn't create the majority of the characters in this fic, they belong to their respective creators! (Please don't sue me!!) Chapter 3 Secrets??? "We're home". Ranma called out as he and Ranko entered the house. They were greeted with a very worried Akane, "RANMA where have you been?", Akane nearly shouted out "Oh we just went to help out in defeating that angel that's all", the redhead said casually. Akane noticed that Ranma looked slightly injured by his stiffness. "What happened?". "Nothing much that angel or whatever caught me by surprise that's all". he answered. "Mr overconfidence here nearly got himself killed", Ranko commented. "I did not, there was no way a thing like that could take me out!", he retorted. "Anyway lets get you upstairs", Akane said as she went to support Ranma Shori at this moment appeared. "Where have you guys been I've been looking all over for you!", she asked loudly. "Just fighting off god's angels that's all", Ranko said as she Ranma and Akane went upstairs Shori was left dumbfounded downstairs, *nahh she must have been kidding*, noticing that Ranma seemed slightly injured *he probably got injured during the attack*, she thought trying to convince herself. As she went to the kitchen to prepare dinner having noticed her mother was too busy to do it herself. Ranma was lying down on his futon, already casting a healing spell and entering a trance. Although it would work faster if he were asleep he could tell by the look on Akane's face that she wanted to know exactly what had happened. "all right Ranma what happened to you?", Akane questioned, he detected a trace of anger in her voice. "Just fought one of those angel monster things that's all". "...And lost", she said questioningly. "No way it caught me off guard that's all, otherwise I'd had wiped the floor with it!", he replied slightly insulted by her implying that he had been defeated. "What happened than?", Akane asked. "Well all I could see was Ranko use a fire spell on the angel and then it exploded", He answered. "I think that's enough for today Ranma, get some rest please", Ranko said with concern as she gently pushed Ranma's head towards the pillow. "All right all right", He said before he closed his eyes and went into a healing trance. Ranko noted that Akane seemed rather worried, "Don't worry Akane Ranma's been through much worse than this before!". "What really?". "I'll tell you about it another time but it had something to do with a phoenix", She said as she dragged Akane out of the room to allow Ranma to rest. The three sat in the dining room, Shori continuously throwing questions at Ranko to verify her story which she still found hard to believe. *destroying angels single handidly?*, she repeated in her head as if trying not to believe what she had heard. ----------------- Ritsuko walked into Gendo's office a look of shock on her face. "What is it?", he asked getting straight to the point. "We've managed to piece together a picture of what our would be saviour looks like", She placed a photo on the table which had the image of the boy around 16, although the picture was not entirely clear, a few of the main features could be seen, mainly the pigtail. "What have you found out about him?", he asked after studying the photo for a minute. "Well this is what will really surprise you", She placed another photo on the table this one much clearer than the last showing the Japanese martial artist. "According to our computers there a 90% probability that the picture is of the same person". "It's the same boy what's your point?", Gendo asked after studying both photographs. "That's just it, it can't be because the boy you see in the second photograph was taken over twenty years ago!". "Who is he?", although Gendo was as shocked as Ritsuko he did not show it. "According to what I could find his the boy's name is Ranma Saotome, family killed in second impact but he had already disappeared several years before that". "How do you know?", now suspicious as to where this information had come from. "Basically I looked over all the records of that time and traced his family line, he is the last of his family, according to what I looked up he never married". "So you believe that this is the same person as that nearly 22 years ago?", he asked seriously. *Was SEELE operating than, there were rumours of cryogenic freezing*, he thought. "Well not really but since he never had any children....". "Perhaps......thank you that will be all, continue with your work", He said dismissing her. Gendo was left alone with his thoughts, *Who are you Saotome??*. ---------------------- Ranma came downstairs to see that dinner was already being served. "Hey is there any left for me?, he asked generally as he took his seat. Shori left for the kitchen returning a moment later with a plate full of food, placing it in front of Ranma, who started eating like a starved man. "So Ranma you feeling better?", Akane asked. "Yeah like I said it was nothing I couldn't handle", he said bragging slightly. "You still got hit right", Ranko retorted. "Like I said before it caught me of guard", Ranma, Ranko and Akane all set into an argument about how Ranma should take care of himself, how careless he was that he should be more careful in future. The argument ended with Ranma knowing that it was pointless to argue with two girls, so promised to take more care in future. "Hey Shori what's the matter you've been silent the whole time?", Ranma asked having noticed the silence of the girl through the whole of dinner. *I can't exactly say I don't believe a word their saying*, "Oh nothing just school and things", she replied innocently. "Oh I know it must be difficult for you to understand about Ranma and my..abilities", Ranko said as though she had read Shori's mind. Akane was about to tell Shori more about what she had seen but Ranma intervened. "I suppose we must sound like a couple of crazy people?", he asked her Shori glad that the subject was now out in the open replied. "Well let's just say that some of the things you say your capable of are pretty much impossible", She stated matter of faculty. Ranma started chuckling, Akane and Ranko also started to grin. "What's so funny?", She asked confused. "You and your beliefs, you don't believe in what a little magic and martial arts can do, but you believe in those messengers of God coming down to destroy humanity", He said between laughs. Shori pouted, "That's different everyone knows about that and seen them". "ok, so how to you explain this", Ranma said before he used the dimensional teleport to make him invisible. Shori could not believe her eyes, one moment Ranma was seated before her the next he had disappeared. She nearly jumped when she heard his voice whisper something into her ear. She turned around in a flash, "Wha..ttt? how?", She asked completely confused. *I gotta go for a checkup*. "Ranma stop picking on my daughter!", Akane said not seriously, while pulling up her sleeve. "Yeah Ranma leave the poor girl alone, you going to scare her to death", Ranko said noting the look of shock on Shori's face. Shori decided to speak up, having come out of her shock. "Ho..w did you do that?". Ranko decided to explain, "well that simply is a martial arts technique, taught to us by an ancient pervert". "Like some kind of magic trick?", The youngest Tendo questioned trying to explain to herself what she had just seen. "Um.. something like that, only it's real meaning I can do it whenever I want", Ranma stated. *Just like a magician he just distracted me and moved really quickly, there simple*, She thought trying to convince herself. "Ok it's obvious your still not convinced so what's this?", Ranko said holding out her palm in front of her, which had a small sphere of red energy floating above it. The rational part of Shori's mind nearly blew a fuse when she saw the redhead's hand outstretched with a red sphere of light floating above it. "Convinced?", Ranko asked. Shori had by than begun to search around the sleeves of Ranko's clothing for any hidden projectors. What finally convinced her was when she noted that the small sphere seems emanate heat. "H..ow?", She asked while staring at the sphere. "It's just a simple martial arts technique, anyone can to it with enough training", Akane said to her daughter. "Can you mother?". Akane was slightly embarrassed, as she had practised martial arts all her life yet had still been unable to properly focus her chi how Ranko was now. "It's really really difficult, it takes a lot of practice and you gotta be completely devoted to the art", Ranma answered noting the how Akane seemed uncomfortable with the current topic. "Oh..", Shori said. "So now do you believe in what we can do?", Ranko asked dissipating the chi sphere. "All right I admit that you two are more than you appear to be and are not crazy". The two smiled at her, while Akane laughed. The rest of the night was spent with Ranma and Ranko explaining about their abilities to Shori, who was now fascinated by the topic. --------------- Misato walked into the commanders' office for the second time that day. "Sir I may have something". Gendo swivelled around on his chair to face the scientist, remaining silent. "I checked the current records for anybody by his name, as everything else was a dead end", Gendo remained silent indicating for Misato to continue. "Anyway a match came up, we have a match for a boy named Ranma Saotome who recently began attending the same school which all three of our Eva pilot's do". "how recently?", he questioned. "According to the school register he began attending the day after the first appearance of that energy beam". "Have you questioned the pilots yet?". "I've called them in for tomorrow morning" , she answered back. "Fine dismissed", he said and swivelled round on his chair so was no longer facing the scientist. Misato having gotten used to the commander's attitude, left without further word. After she had gone Gendo turned round and picked up the phone, dialled a number and waited for an answer. "Rei return to headquarters immediately", the man stated before replacing the phone. Half an hour later Rei arrived in Gendo's office. He indicated to the pictures on his desk, on it were pictures of a familiar pigtailed martial artist. "Rei tell me have you ever seen this person?". "Yes", the girl replied simple and quickly "Where?", Gendo asked, eagerness present in his voice. "He attends my class in school" Gendo knowing that for Rei to answer so quickly was because she was sure, *So could it be that she has seen this boy*, he thought glancing at the photographs from a newspaper over twenty years ago. "What is his name?", He asked to be even more certain. "Saotome Ranma" the girl replied The man was silent for a moment, not being one to believe in coincidence. *Hmm could he be working for SEELE?", he thought to himself. "Rei I want you to watch this boy, just see if he does anything... out of the ordinary". The girl nodded in acknowledgement, turning to leave the office. Before she exited the room, he spoke once more. "Remember no one is to know about this" , Rei turned and nodded before leaving. As Rei was leaving Gendo's office she failed to notice a man paying particular attention to her. *I wonder what she and Gendo were talking about*, Kaji kept asking to himself as he too left the area. ----------------- Ranma and Ranko were walking to school the next day, all the while Shori was throwing questions at them about their abilities. "So you can actually fly?? how fast? for how long??", she asked Both were beginning to tire of the interrogation and were beginning to regret their display the previous evening. "Um Shori we approaching the school now, do you think you could keep this to yourself?", Ranma asked. "Oh what of course", *If I tell anyone they'll probably think I'm mad*. "Well see you later Shori", Ranko said as she pulled Ranma along to their classes. "Yeah see ya", Ranma said Shori just waved and left for her class as well. None noticed that from the third floor window, a blue hair girl had been watching the trio specifically the pigtailed pair. Ranma had tried to stay awake during class but was failing miserably, although the teacher was talking about the history he and Ranko had wanted to learn, he found it nearly impossible to stay awake. Only Ranko mind speaking to him every other minute kept him from being thrown out the room. {WAKE UP!} Ranma jolted up again, {Damnit Ranko do you have to think so loud!} {Well if you stayed awake....} she allowed to sentence to trail knowing that Ranma understood. {all right....} With that Ranma again tried to concentrate on what was being said. Throughout the rest of the lesson Ranma noticed that whenever he made a move the blue haired girl to the right of him would look his way. *Maybe I'm distracting her somehow*, but than thought that other members of the class who were noisier than him were not noticed. Finally getting annoyed of being watched he turned to her as she turned to him and said quietly, "Look Rei is it? do you want something?". The two looked at each other for several moments before Rei simply replied "No", Than turned her head back to her work. Ranma likewise turned back to his desk, *strange girl*, he thought, but for the rest of the lesson he could not help but shake the feeling that something about the girl was not right. It had been over a week since the last angel attack, Ranma was still upset whenever anyone mentioned his near death experience, although he was mainly upset by the fact that he had lost. Ranma had felt like a worm being watched by a bird, whenever he was in class he noticed that the blue haired girl kept sneaking glances at him. He had kept the matter to himself, as he did not think what Ranko would do to the girl if she found out. Also what disturbed him was that every time he confronted the girl, she seemed to study him answered quickly and simply to his question with no hint of emotion. Ranma's thoughts were interrupted when sirens started to sound, he had nearly fell off the fence. Turning towards Ranko who looked back, the pair nodded to each other. "So let me guess you want to go and fight another of those angels?", the redhead asked in a serious tone. "Yes, anyway I kinda owe them for what they did to me the last time". "Well I suppose if I'm there to save you nothing will happen", Ranko said in a mocking tone. "Oh yeah.... well we'll see", he said back in a tone of mock anger. Together the pair headed off to the place they suspected the angel to be. --------------------- Within the control room of NERV headquarters, Ristuko was frantic as where the Angel had been detected at the peak of the planet's atmosphere now there was nothing except static. "Damnit Maya what's wrong with this machine?", Misato said in frustration to the console in front of her. "According to MAGI all systems are operating at 100%". "It appears the angel is probably jamming our radar". "Well get me an approximation on where the angel will land". "Calculating", Maya replied. "Done it will land six miles from the geofront at co-ordinates...... !". "Feed the co-ordinates through to the Evas", Misato said cutting off Maya. At that moment Gendo enters the room, tension immediately rising in the presence of the commander of NERV. "Status?", He said. "The angel was detected at the peak of the planetary atmosphere, we have co-ordinates on where it should land and have dispatched the Eva's to the co-ordinates", Ritsuko said all in a single breath. The man nodded and took his seat, all the while watching the screen showing the location of the Eva's. ---------------- Shinji was nervous, having reached the area of the suspected angel landing he was unnerved by the fact that nothing was here. "Where..is it?". "Well duh stupid it's obviously not here". came Asuka sarcastically. Rei remained silent while she surveyed the area, *could the angel be invisible but surely it would have attacked by now, just like that boy*, she thought remembering how the pigtailed boy seemed to fade from view. "Stay alert guys, this angel has somehow managed to jam our radar", Misato informed over the com. "So be prepared, it's probably still descending from the atmosphere", Ritsuko added. The three pilots acknowledged this and immediate went to the nearest weapons' bunkers equipping their Evas with long range weapons. No sooner had they started to survey the area than Shinji indicated to the sky, "I think I see it", he said directing his Eva to face the oncoming sphere of white energy. Immediately all three pilots turned and began to fire at the descending target when it was within weapons range. Within moments the descending object exploded before reaching the ground. "Yes I did it!", shouted Asuka over the com, Rei remained silent thinking that it was unusually easier this time. Shinji was relieved that it was over but couldn't shake the feeling in the back of his mind. ---------------- Back in the control room Ritsuko was still confused as to why the sensors were not functioning, after all the angel had been destroyed. "that was unusually easy", Misato commented Gendo remained silent never taking his eyes of the screen. No sooner had Mistao commented when several more white spheres were seen from various cameras to be descending towards the three Evas. ---------------- Ranma and Ranko flown into the war zone completely undetected, they stopped several hundred feet away from the Evas. Looking up, "So that's where you are", Ranko said as she stared into the sky. Ranma catching on also used the seeing spell, within moments he saw the angel which seemed like a giant human. The fact that it was glowing bright white made it difficult to discern it's features. "Guess it's staying up there", Ranma said as he saw something shoot forth from the angel. The pair watched as the projectile was destroyed in mid-air by the three Evas, only moments later several more projectiles were being launched from the angel. "Looks like we're going to have to deal with it ourselves again", Ranko said as she saw the Evas frantically shoot the fallling projectiles. Ranko looked around, she saw that Ranma was already heading towards the angel, *Ranma no baka, leaving me behind*, she thought angrily although she knew that Ranma was eager to engage the angel. She quickly hurried off after him. ----------------- "Where the hell are these coming from????", Asuka shouted as her Eva shot another white sphere. Shinji and Rei were both too busy concentrating on shootinig the spheres, not wanting to see what would happen if one were to hit the ground or them. Due to her momentary lapse in concentration. one of the spheres managed to last long enough to reach the ground under the barrage. "Wha.....T", was all Asuka could say as the sphere exploded outwards in a burst of white energy momentarily blind all of the cockpit screens, before the wave actually hit. ---------------- Back at NERV headquarters all visual sensors were blinded by the light released from one of the spheres. The whole of NERV headquaters shook as if from an small earthquake. As the systems came back on line, everyone recovered and quickly went to their stations. "Report", Gendo asked in his usual calm tone. "According to MAGI the origin if the shockwave originated where the Evas were". "What is the status of the Evas?", The man asked with more emotion. "All tranmissions from the Evas have stopped....", Misato said slowly. "Bringing a visual up now sir!", Maya said. "My... god...". was all On screen were the three Evas, all looked battered with burn marks covering the whole body. In some parts of the Eva the actual armour had melted. "Getting some readouts on the damamge to the Evas". "STATUS", Gendo practically shouted. ".......All three angels have suffered surface damage of 70%, power is down to the emergency battery" Every one knew that the emergency power within an Eva only lasted for a maxium of five minutes. "Which Eva has had it's cord severed?", Misato asked frightened by the answer to come. "...all three...", Maya said slowly in a slightly frightened tone know that now there was little anyone could do to stop the angel. "Sir???", Ritsuko asked "Order all Evas to return to base for repairs". "Sir there is no way we can repair the amount of damage done in that ti.....", Misato was cut off "You have your orders carry them out!", Kouzou ordered, having arrived only moments before the shockwave hit. "Yes...sir..", Misato replied attempting to radio the Evas. "You think they will come?", Kouzou asked Gendo quietly. "If they do not, we are doomed", Gendo replied neutrally The two stood side by side staring at the screen. -------------------- Ranma could now see the angel in the distance without the use of magic, it had stopped firing white spheres at the surface. "so what's it doing?", asked Ranko only having just caught up with Ranma. He turned slightly angry that she would follow him into such a dangerous situation, he was about to comment but thought better of it. *She can take care of herself*, he kept trying to tell himself. "Well nothing now.....", he used a spell to see how the Evas were holding up after the last barrage, *Wha..t??*, he thought as he saw the machines were badly damaged and were retreating. "Yeah looks like it down to us..", Ranko said having seen what Ranma had seen after casting her own spell. "Anyway there's no point in getting any closer I ca.....", He was not allowed to finish his sentence as spheres similar to those that had moments ago bombarded the surface, shot forth from the angel directly towards them. "Ranma look out!!!", the redhead shouted as she casp a shield spell and flew in front of Ranma. The first few spheres connected with her shield shattered and were dispersed, but the next few Ranma could see were slowly wearing down her barrier. Ranma gathered up his chi using the time Ranko had bought him to comcentrate, after what seemed like the longest seconds of his life. "Ranko move out of the way I'm gonna blast that thing!," he shouted as he cupped his hands together. Both had noticed that the angel was approaching them very quickly, it would be on top of them in seconds. As Ranko turned to fly out of the way, momentarily dropping the shield spell and casting a speed spell, she was hit by one of the white balls. "ARRRGHHHHH...." was all Ranma heard screamed as he saw her body go flying towards the surface. Ranma quickly released his attack shouted, "HEAVENLY DRAGON BEAM", As a golden yellow beam more vibrant than the ones before shot from his hands and hit the approaching angel. Before the attack was complete, he knew the angel was dead. Unfortunately he had not suspected the mass of the angel to be so large, so only most of it was destroyed. The rest headed towards the ground, unfortunately Ranma was between the falling mass and the ground. To tired to fly away fast enough, Ranma was hit by several tons in remains of angel and forced to descend uncontrollably After falling over thirty thousand feet but just managing to focus enough energy to perform a shield spell he impacted with the ground and was engulfed in the following explosion greater than those created by the spheres. After the blinding light from the blast had subsided Ranma stood in the middle of the area where the angel had exploded, the ground surrounding him for a mile in every direction was smooth as glass. Immediately he tried to move wanting to find Ranko, but could not falling to the ground coughing blood before passing out from the damage to his body, his last thoughts. *Rannkk....*. ------------- Everyone in the control room had braced, expected it to be the end when a mass greater then before fell impacted with the ground. The explosion was enough the rock the foundations of NERV headquaters, severely damaging both equipment people. As everyone regained their senses in the control room, which was now a mess, Gendo immediately ordered for a report. "Sir the area where the angel hit...". Maya tried to continue but was cut off. "Any cameras operating?". "....Yessir one...". "Feed it though I want to look at what we're up against", Gendo asked thinking the angel was still out there. "Sir according to MAGI the angels gone!", Misato said with a surprise. "Impossible", The man said knowing that the angel had been winning. "Sir live feed coming through", Maya said ".....Wha...ttt????," Ritsuko commented. The rest of the bridge crew were too shocked to say anything. On the screen there was a visual of the origin of the explosion, the whole area surrounding the place was as smooth as glass not even a pebble could be seen on the ground. The only thing that stood out was the pigtailed japanese boy who stood at the centre of the glass like area, only to collapse moments later. "Is that the angel?", Ritsuko asked slowly "Not according to MAGI...", Misato answered in a confused voice. ".....Send out a team to pick up that boy", Gendo ordered. Misato nodded still in shock, relaying the command to the med teams. ------------------ (To be continued...) C&C welcome! a.liu@btinternet.com darkvortex.geo@yahoo.com http://www.geocities.com/darkvortex.geo