Infinity's Shore, Chapter 8 By James Barnhill Disclaimer: Yeah, yeah, I know I know. I dont own any of these characters. Thats pretty obvious aint it? These characters are the property of their prespective creators......which I would tell you if I could remember at the fact, I cant remember my own name......IVE LOST MY MEMORY! DAMN THIS DISCLAIMER, DAMN IT! Satisfaction Disclaimer: You are entering a place, a place of bad taste and no jokes, an area where the standards of 'good taste' never applied. You are now entering (da da da!) "The Fanfic Zone". Please observe that there are no exit signs, I forgot to add those.....maybe in the next chapter? Thanks go out to my prereader Jerry and the people at The Ranma Fanfic Forum. Special thanks go out to the people that contributed ideas for this story, if anyone else has an idea where this story could go Id love to hear it! Prenote: This chapter should be considered a roughdraft as I dont fee it is suitably dark enough yet, the reason Im releasing it is that I want to show you all what Ive been doing for the past several months. ------------------------------------------------ While Ranma was away Kima along with her advisors and helpers were trying to organize everyone for an evacuation. Some of the Workers had found some old wagons that had been used for heavy lifting and transport when the Pheonix people had ruled the earth, but given their extreme age not more then four or five out of fifty such wagons were expected to work. Safety concerns aside her hardest problem was getting everyone else ready to move out, either packing up what they could and or leaving it all behind, the people that believed her were trying desperately to deny it while everyone else just went into shock. Amid the mutterings of 'fools' and 'cant be' the sounds of the Workers hastily refitting the wagons for their trip, in most cases canabalizing useful parts from other wagons while Benar directed the other Keepers to look through all the books they had brought for operating instructions. Several teams had been sent back up to look for several specific texts that hadnt been brought down with the original load. Kima looked at the mounds of books with a silent sigh, knowing full well that Benar wouldnt want to leave any of those other books behind. The thought of actually telling him such news panged her, as she did not want her old mentor to feel any worse then he already must. Instead she focused on giving orders to the people around her who were in charge of getting everything organized for the march to the Musk Citadel, trying to busy herself enough to forget the thirty soldiers standing guard around the remains of the boring machine that had penetrated the chamber and the soldiers who were outside acting as sentries in case of any new push on the Chinese armies part, or the fact that none of those outside soldiers could see very well with the storm raging overhead blocking the light of the moon except when a stray lightning bolt flashed bright enough to briefly see by. After Io had teleported away the fighting died down enough for them to try and scavenge some weapons, try was the main word as most of the weapons had proven to be jammed with some sort of mechanical failure which then attributed to the soldiers death, after that they had concentrated on finding night vision gear but that turned out to be a bust as those peices of headgear that hadnt been totally destroyed by whatever killed their wearers were instead shorted out by the rain. None of the Workers knew enough about either the weapons or the night vision equipment to even glance at the scavenged junk. Though some of the explosive weapons turned out to be still working they provided a means by which the entrances into the mountain could be sealed to prevent looting, she really didnt see much reason to preventing it when they wouldnt even be able to get back into it! But would probably help morale if everyone thought they they planned to take back the mountain sometime in the future, at the very least it might work as a future goal they could help attain sometime in the future. Kima went off in search of something more physical to do, all the while trying not to wonder if any of them would have a future. ------------------------------------------------ Cologne looked around at the spectacle. Despite the possability of being attacked by the Chinese Army almost all the Elders except for herself and one other were busy instead 'oohing' and 'aahing' the magical items the Senshi had loaned them for the defense of the village, the warriors who would normally act as sentries were instead negligent in their duties and excitedly commenting on some pieces of the silver colored armor. She refused to participate in the procedings, instead exiting the hall via one of its side entrances to get some fresh air. Outside she drew in a great lungful of air and let it out, certain that her presence would not be missed for some hours. "Peaceful out here isnt it, Khu-Lon?" "Yes it is, Xi Na." Looking above she could see almost all of the stars, and in the distance a flicker of lightning. Cologne frowned, thinking that there shouldnt have been a storm tonight but just gave it up. Like everything else even the weather was beginning to make less sense to her. At length she spoke to her friend. "I couldnt stand the commotion inside." "Ha! I remember a younger Cologne, one that was very easy to excite. Especially with the promise of battle. Or meeting Happi." Cologne grimaced at the name of her once long time friend, instead faking a smile and chuckling along with the half hearted joke. "Those days are gone, old friend. It takes quite a bit to excite me these days....but..." "But?" Xi Na pried further. Cologne shook her head at her friends curiousity. "These Senshi, they are not Amazons, nor do they understand the ways of our traditions, or of this world. The way they act is far worse then my great-grand daughter, as if they havent a care in the world. I have seen them fight. They arent even warriors, they are more like a bunch of girls dressing up for a game of make-believe." "I understand too well. Yet history has a way of repeating itself, and I fear the part of history we are to repeat will not bode well for the village at all. These Senshi are just the start, even their 'gifts' are changing the minds of our younger warriors, turning them away from our honored traditions." "Like the Romans." "Just like the Romans." "And like last time there is no stopping the inevitable." Xi Na smiled at Colgne. "I wouldnt say that. Im sure you'll think of something, old friend." With that she reentered the hall, leaving Cologne to ponder what she had said. "How can I change anyone's opinion when none of them will listen to me now?" From within the Hall she could hear the voice of her great-grand daughter coming through one of those communication sets the Senshi had given them. She hastened to walk away from the sound of her daughters voice expulging on the amazing magic and weapons of the Senshi. Now she needed solitude and silence. The most silent place in the entire village was the library, very few people ever went there, fewer still stayed there to learn something useful. It was the single greatest folly of the younger generation. Cologne could remember when she was a younger girl still studying the ways of combat, her teachers sending her to the library to brush up on battle tactics that had been used long before her time to defend the village from those people that would destroy it like the Musk or the current warlord of the time. She had spent days there at a time until either her mother or father dragged her off to bed lest she fall asleep and drool on the volume she was reading. It was during this reminisce that she suddenly stopped, her senses flaring as something passed very close. Ahead of her she noticed four shadowy figures sneaking toward the library. She caught the familiar sight of a pigtail and opened her senses, feeling the ki around her, the people in the huts nearest her and finally the bright ki signature of the pigtailed shadow. When the shadowy figures entered the library she began to lightly chuckle as she followed them. ------------------------------------------ The single concrete room was bare and simple, the only furniture some simple chairs placed at the corners. The only unusual feature being the single trapdoor in the floors middle. While Ranma covered the entrance Hre and the scout pulled the trapdoor open as silently as possible, the creaking of the doors hinges protested that action and seemed like ti would awake the entire village before they were through opening it. With severel muttered curses Hre got one of the chairs and used it to prop the door up at a less then ninety degree angle. After propping another chair against the thick door they descended into the library. After a quick climb down a ladder they went down a long spiral stairway that had been cut into the rock. The soldiers pulled out several glow strips they had scavenged, with a crack the strips glowed a bright green. At the foot of the spiral staircase they came to a impossibly large room. Around them the pillar that contained the spiral staircase could be seen while all around them the floor was as empty as far as the glow strips glow would reach. Cautiously they stepped forward, letting the glow rods light their path as they carefully made their way across the floor away from the pillar, wary of any traps that may be set into the floor. "You should be more careful, Ranma." An aged voice sid from in front of them. "NO...!" Something blurred in front of him so fast Ranma found himself sliding along the floor to the base of the stairway. Getting up he was knocked down again when Hre collided with his legs, shortly followed by the scout and the other soldier. Pushing his face away from the smell of the dead soldier he faught his way to a standing position. The glow rods had gone of in other directions, but none of them lit the area very well. The others were slowly getting their legs under them again. Off to the left a small flash preceded a torch being lit, suddenly the immense room was lit be every other torch in it. With the light what was once thought to be a large room turned out to be a immense cavern larger then a football field, the roof easily two hundred feet high and the end of the cavern was obscured by high book cases and objects who's purpose could not be easily guessed. "Behold the treasure of the Amazons, Ranma Saotome. This is what three thousand years of Amazons have lived and died to protect from everyone else." While Cologne droned on and the Pheonix soldiers stared about them in wonder Ranma kept his attention on the floor, carved into its surface was a line of symbols that looked familiar, the cavern they were in looked exactly like the cavern under Phoenix Mountain. He looked up from the floor, fixing his gaze on Cologne. "So whats next, Cologne." The old woman smiled at Ranma. "Why are you asking me, sonny boy?" She looked at the Pheonix soldiers and smiled at them. "But from the looks of your friends I get the idea your planing a party." She walked over to the scout and tapped the dead body slung over his shoulder with her cane. Ranma interposed himself between Cologne and the dead soldier, shoving her cane aside at the last moment. "Get out of here Cologne. Remember, you owe me. Dont interfere." Cologn scowled at Ranma for a moment before replying in a voice devoid of humor. "It is you who owe me Ranma, as I saved you from this caverns sole trap." Cologne hopped back a few feet until she was at the edge of the sparkling ring that enclosed the massive column leading to the surface. With a tap of her cane the material instantly became tan a second before thousands of small spikes no more then a inch in diameter shot upwards at every angle possible. For a moment they all stared at the trap, each wondering how many unfortunate spies or sabotuers had been caught in it. With another tap of her cane against one of the floors inset stones the spikes retracted. The warriors were then able to see the slight difference in color between the trap and the rest of the light grey floor, that difference being moderately pink and slightly darker in the parts where the spikes had emerged. "You came here to destroy the library as well as plant evidence that it was the Chinese Red Army that perpetrated this crime in the hopes of using my fellow Amazons as a diversion for whatever else you have planned. Is that correct?" She smiled crookedly at Ranma as he stopped looking at the discolored floor to stare at her slack jawed. His eyes finally focused though his skin was still unusually pale as he shook himself from the daze and assumed a offensive stance. "Your going to stop us arent you?" Colgone's smile go even wider as the warriors behind Ranma came to their senses and made a halfhearted attempt to surround her while keeping away from the boobytrapped flooring. "No, Ranma, I came here to help you." "I dont trust you." "Nor should you but I will give you a bit of free information to show you that I am telling the truth. Go behind that bookcase to your left and pry open the emerald diamond shapped floor panel, under it you wil find a small catch of weapons mostly made up of explosives that you can use to destroy the library." As Hre reluctantly went off to look for the catch of weapons, after carefully stepping over the discolored flooring, the others continued talking. "I dont understand, what do you want? Why are you helping us?" "Are you going to stand their all night and ask me silly questions?" Seeing the tensing of his jaw she sighed rather loudly before answering. "I want my people to be strong again without having to abandone the old ways and bow down to the Senshi. Im helping you because I see this as the best recourse to directly challenging the Senshi and hopefully during the confusion those Amazons still holding true to our ancient traditions will be able to leave and start anew again. Now do you want to destroy this library or should I do it?" Before Ranma could answer they all heard a exclamation from Hre as he rounded the bookcase with a bag full to bursting with weapons. Not wasting any more time they opened the bag and took stock of the explosives, noting the chinese characters stamped into the materials and the other weapons along with the symbol for China's flag. Hre, some what out of breath asked the obvious question. "What are these weapons doing in a library? Isnt that dangerous for the books?" "I will admit this is a bit more then I was expecting, it appears that our patrols have been picking off a few more soldiers then usual lately. But this library is also our bunker in case the Chinese Army should ever invade us in overwhelming numbers, around this great cavern their are catches of food and water enough to last for months should anything happen above. Now stop asking questions, all of you!" ----------------------------------------------- Jade walked cautiously through the all encompassing night with a travel back full of food and other supplies for the warriors at the southern sentry post. She was one of the most stealthy warriors in training and so she was chosen for this particular job more often then any of her sisters, which made her hate it all the more. Worst, because of the chinese troops seen moving so close to their lands she wasnt even allowed to use a torch as she usually did, instead having to cautiously pick her way by both touch and her poor nightvision. Her teachers said that such tasks as she was performing would strengthen her for the real challenges later in life. She only paid them as much attention as was their due because they were veterans of numerous conflicts with either the Phoenix and Musk people's. Once they and the chinese military might have been a threat to the Amazon way of life but no more. Like all the other young warriors she's seen the amazing weapons and magic of the Senshi, truth to tell she couldnt wait to get her own silver armor. And all that power! No longer would any of the patrols have to go out risking life and limb while wearing flimsy leather to protect their bodies against arrows and more powerful weaponery, instead they could march forward into their enemies line of fire while their armor protected them with its many enchantments. Ever since she had first heard about Shampoo's stories of the Senshi she had fantasised about fighting for love and justice, protecting the weak and powerless from the forces of chaos and destruction. If only she had that armor of course. One other reason she had been chosen to carry the food to the sentry post was because she didnt have any strong inclination in any of the Amazonian fighting arts, nor a very strong ability to generate ki. In other words, she was expendable. But in her fantasy she saw herself in that shiny armor as her family and those who'd mocked her asked to be friends, then she wouldnt be the runt of the village unable to turn a males head, instead she could have her pick! Up ahead she saw the steady glow of the torch affixed to the pole that marked the sentry post. Stepping up her pace a bit she managed to get there in a few minutes. But before she stepped into the torches circle of light she stopped, the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end at the sitght that greeted her as her stomach did a 180. When she had been ten feet away she thought several of the warriors were sleeping against the pole instead of being alert like they should have, but as she got closer she saw the one Amazon on the ground and noted that her purple short sleeve shirt contrasted with her dark purple bottoms. Then she noticed it. So pale....... The Amazon lying on the ground against the pole had a puddle of blood under one of her legs, the blood having soaked through her pants bottoms turned it dark before staining the ground. Fearfully the little girl stepped closer and saw to her fright that all of the warriors were dead and that whoever had killed them had tied them to the pole to make it look like they were sleeping. So dead......... She dropped the heavy pack to the ground and looked all around her, frieghtened of whatever waited out there. She began to imagine hundreds of concealed eyes watching her out of every shadow existing beyond the torches light. In that same moment all of her fantasies dissolved, washed away by fear of what the other people that lived beyond her simple village could do to her fellow Amazons. So many shadows............ Hysterical with fear the little girl ran back into the night, away from the bodies, in the hopes that she would survive to tell everyone in the village of what she had seen. ----------------------------------------------- Sorting out the explosives from the rifles, hand guns, and assorted knives they started off around the vast chamber. Under Colognes instruction they used two small bricks of plastic explosive on each of the support pillars that kept the cieling up, then connected up a radio transmitter to the arrangement before moving on to the next pillar. While all this was happening Hre and the scout were arranging the evidence for the frame up, stating with positioning the dead soldier just inside the entrance before using one of the guns to put several bullets into the corpse at close range to muffle the bullet shots and at the same time make it look like some sort of betrayel, then they put on a set of army fatigues that had been scavenged from the other dead chinese soldiers before passing on two uniforms to Ranma and the other Pheonix Warrior. "Now come here and I will show you one of the emergency exits." On the other side of the immense cavern Cologne had come to a wall that looked like all the others with a complete if faded mural of something that might have looked like a pheonix person at one time or another. The area around the wall didnt suggest anything of importance as it too looked like any other portion of the large cavern with the only exception being the placement and orientation of the large book cases. Before any of them could try to explore further Cologne poked her staff through a hidden crevice, almost imediately the sounds of heavy gears could be heard as the thick section of wall slid back a couple of feet before breaking into two rectangular sections and sliding into adjacent holes to leave the passage behind them free of obstruction. "Heres where it gets fun!" With that the scout ran back to the dead body, pausing just inside the stone archway before pulling out a handgun from inside his military jacket and shooting it a few more times before running back toward the emergency exit, as he ran he took several grenades from within his military uniform and began pulling the pins and throwing each one randomly along the way. During the fourth exploding grenade he ran into the exit to catch up with the others just as the sliding wall partitions slid back into place. The tunnel proved longer then any of them save Cologne had thought it would be, behind them they could hear the explosions caused by the plastic explosives and through the ground the rumble of hundreds of tons of dirt suddenly shifting and filling a great space while above most of the buildings in the village must be slowly sinking into the great depression that would form except for the concrete structure over the stairway to the library, they had made sure not to put explosives around it so that the evidence would survive. From behind a new noise came, the sound of something callapsing and falling in, yet before they could worry about the tunnel falling in on them they were out the tunnel exit and into the moonlit night. Cologne followed one of the sightly overgrown paths, Ranma and the soldiers followed her. "Cologne..." Cologne quickly shushed Ranma with a rap of her cane just as several Amazons passed their position, when they quickly turned and went down another path Cologne sighed in relief. Off in the distance toward the village shouts could be heard along with the ringing of bells and more shouts from areas close by them. Turning around she gave Ranma an annoyed look when she saw that he had taken up a defensive stance. But when Ranma didn't stand down she laughed. "Its good to see that some of my teachings didn't fall upon deaf ears." Feeling around with his senses he could sense the presence of the other Phoenix warriors nearby, ready to draw their weapons and attack at a moments notice. "Why?" Cologne snorted. "Do you really have to ask Ranma? Fine then...........I will tell you. For the past three thousand years my people have lived free. The romans, the first chinese dynasties, communism, the musk, none of them could control us. But now there are the Senshi, who's plans will turn my people into nothing more then a glorified police force. If that is the future of my people then it would be better for them to be spread to the four winds." Cologne's expression was wistful. "You were the best of my students Ranma. Don't fail me by dying at the hands of such weak Amazons." Ranma's slack jawed expression disappeared as he bowed at the waist toward Cologne. "Goodbye, sensie." With that said he and the phoenix soldiers quickly made their way down the path to Phoenix Mountain. Cologne watched them run off until she could no longer see them. Reluctantly she began to hop back to the village in the hope of salvaging something of her way of life. Before she could enter the village she had to do something else. The next squad of warriors she saw she motioned closer to her. With a strait face she told them of her sighting of several Chinese Army soldiers running from one of the emergency exits and heading toward Pheonix Mountain. With a nod the leader of the war party immediately turned back toward the village to gather more warriors for a retaliatory strike. Cologne silently made her way into the village and passed the word as descretely as possible to those she knew who agreed with her views. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wagons were nearly ready, the Workers around them putting on the last minute touches that would hopefully keep them running for as long as they needed. She only wished that the civilians were as ready as the wagons. Those who knew were telling people what to pack for when it came to clothing, which was about the only stuff any of them had brought down. Off in his own corner Benar yelled at his apprentices to hurry up with packing the books, around them a untidy pile of books that had been thrown about during their hasty packing more resembled a broken wall then the irreplaceable ancient tomes of knowledge they were. Past the long line of hastily refurbished wagons a mixed team of Workers and Warriors were heading out to the designated exit point that would let them out halfway to the Musk Citadel. As the Chinese army was concentrating its forces on the mountain itself they wouldnt look for any tunnels or passages that far from the base of the mountain. Or so she hoped, but like everything else it was the best plan they could come up with in the time alloted. Most of the civilians were ready to go though she was sure at the end of their trip more then half of them would be suffering from exhaustion and injuries to their feet. Several of the warriors wanted the people to use their wings to get to the Musk Citadel faster but she along with the other warriors and Keepers resoned that the Chinese Army would account for that possability and had possibly placed squads a mile or more from the mountain for the exact purpose of shooting down any fleeing Pheonix People. After more details had been ironed out concerning how they would protect the civilians and what course they would take they each went their own way to speed up the evacuation as much as they could. Until now. While everyone got into neat orderly lines behind the wagons se selected several Warriors and Workers to use some of the explosives they had taken to seal up the entrances into the mountain. "That wont be necessary Kima." The voice made her look down at the child Saffron while he studied the Warriors who stood guard at the new entrance into the mountain. With those words she heard the confidence he once possessed in abundance, before Ranma had beaten him Slightly confused at Saffrons behaviour she answered. "Why not? Do you want the Chinese to get their hands on our treasures?" She couldnt keep the anger she felt from creeping into her voice. When Saffron looked at her she involuntarily took a step back as his eyes were glowing and his aura was becoming visible around him. "Those explosives wont stop them if they are determined to get our peoples treasures. So Im going to seal this mountain permamently so that no one will be able to get in, ever." As if agreeing with him the stone under his feet began to glow bright red before his flamelike aura dimmed and disappeared altogether. "I controled this mountain for a long time Kima, I know how to bend it to my will." Hearing the silent pleading in his voice she bowed her head and motioned for the group of Warriors and Workers to go join the line of refugees. When everything was set up she would send a runner to tell the squads of Warriors that had been guarding the main entrance and the entrance blown into the top of themountain to come down and join them. When they left several Workers would seal the doors thus seperating the chamber they were in from the rest of the topside mountain. With his power Saffron should be able to protect himself long enough to allow Ranma and the soldiers to get through before closing the mountain. Behind her Saffron assumed a lotus pattern on the floor and closed his eyes. After a few minutes his aura became semi-visable, like a very dull red flame that just flowed around his young body, the stone beneath him started to slowly glow in sympathy with his aura but too dimly for anyone to notice. Streams of flame wafted off Saffrons body, too fient for anyone to see each stream reached out to a piece of stone, then through the stones outer surface it began to flow through the myriad channels and cracks until it reached past the stone room and up into the mountain itself. The myriad channels and cracks joined together by the flaming aura began to act like a nervous system as his mind reached out to take control of the entire mountain. Dimly he could feel/hear Kima's voice and the answers from thirty other phoenix, then the dull thrum of the wagons moving out ahead of the line of civilians, he could almost hear the ragged steps of each and every individual making up those lines. None of those people could feel, would even begin to suspect, that Phoenix Mountain was coming to life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alia watched, it was all she could do at the time as her power reserves were slowly recuperating from her last major show of force. It had been too long since she had had to interfere in matters so far away from her own power base, and now not only she but an entire culture would pay the price. Yet as she stared at Ranma through one portion of her perception matrix she began to feel hope for if he could distract the chinese army by using the Amazons then the resulting conflict might also distract the Senshi enough to draw their attention away from Pheonix Mountain as they would have to protect their Amazon allies from possible reprisals. But it was such a small hope and she wanted to help so much, but somehow, someway, she managed to riegn in her need for action as the cold hard logic of the situation made itself known. If she were to use her power now she might not have enough to make a difference when it would really be needed. Behind her she could feel tiny pinpricks along her back that signified that some intelligence's were watching this battle as well, but from long experience she knew that such beings rarely if ever got involved, and, sometimes, they could be much worse then any enemy these people would ever have to face. She still had nightmares from the last time such an intelligence had come out to 'help' a culture, through some twist of logic the intelligence had thought that the only way to really resolve the conflict for any length of time was to vaporize one half of the planet. Alia shuddered involuntarily, trying hard not to think of that happening to this world. The distraction she hoped for came from the part of her perception matrix centered on Ranma just as a large fireball occluded her view briefly before reorienting itself on Ranma and the group of Pheonix soldiers running through a underground tunnel leading out from the Amazons main library. Going back a couple of minutes before the explosion she saw them lay the explosives around the support pilars running alongside the caverns domed room. Then, just as the grenade throwing pheonix warrior neared the tunnel Cologne thumbed the remote detanator trigger for the plastic explosives. -------------------------------------------- Letting her perception matrix go back to their present she focused her view on Cologne briefly as she watched the young warriors run toward Pheonix Mountain before tuning her view more on the group and the surrounding area. Because of her metaphysical nature she had no problem seeing more then the visible section of the electromagnetic spectrum and now, with the growing clouds from the runaway storm blocking the pale moonlight she used it to see everything. She watched as the warriors ran ahead of Ranma slightly as they neared the new ground level tunnel and wormed their way over the remains of the mining machine. She twitched, then, noting the reaction she opened her other senses a bit further ahead of the group to see Saffron sitting cross-legged on the floor in a deep meditative trance. The pheonix soldiers yelled at him as they got closer but he didnt respond, instead the entire mountain began to shake and quake as something was let loose, though her own senses Alia could see the layer of heavy armor covered by dirt both inside and outside the mountain glowing faintly while the layers of stone covering the mountain began to crack and steam. There, again, another reaction to something else she hadnt felt before, something that was reacting in sympathy to Saffrons power. Feeling that it might be important she sped up her own time, then stretching her senses out to encompass the entire area she began to feel out the area. Refocusing her senses slightly she saw the small flicker of something that had been partially buried under some unrolled scrolls. Focusing through the thin peices of paper she saw a book whose cover was being lit from within, focusing further inward she saw past the old leather cover a plate of dull red metal that was glowing. Letting curiousity get the best of her she peered through the cover at the leaf thin pages of dull gold metal and the characters that had been imprinted on them, speeding up her own sense of subjective time she went through the entire books contents, noting that the end was missing yet feeling that the book itself was very important, to confirm this she moved her point of view up to the library and looked thorugh the other books that had been strewn about on the desks and tables, none of them had pages of gold or covers of dull red metal. Still, the symbols had a meaning to them that she had felt before, yet whatever it was the connection between that mysterious book and that insignificant piece of information refused to yeild to her conscious efforts at recall, instead taunting her to the point of distraction. Going back to the cavern she found the Pheonix warriors had already left via the same exit the civilians had used, Ranma had stayed behind with the young Saffron. Looking back at the hole the chinese drilling machine had created she saw it being covered with thin streams and globs of molten red metal, sealing the entrance against anyone outside. She, or rather that part of her perception matrix devoted to Ranma tturned around just in time to catch him sprinting down the tunnel with an exhausted Saffron in his arms. Wracked with a moment of indecision as to the possible use of the book she flung caution to the wind and used a small amount of her power to fling the book at Ranma, just managing to tag him behind the knees and incidentally tearing away some of the false cover to expose the unusual red metal within. As expected Ranma took a moment to make sure that Saffron was okay before getting up and picking up the book as well upon seeing and feeling the unusual cover. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been three hourse since contact was lost with all of the strike elements and support units attached to the operation to take Pheonix Mountain. Of course the people that were in charge of the operation just used the label M-124 for the mountain instead of alluding to its unusual past in both history and myth. When the operation was completed the general public would be told that the treasures and technology, or rather what was left of the technology after the fighting, was found in some abandoned tunnels that had been used by dissidents hoarding ancient treasures from China's ancient past. It wouldnt matter how many people knew some part of the truth for the masses of people that had been taught to trust any and all propaganda put out by the Party would always outnumber them. Dozens of other forces were now converging on the mountain in an attempt to cut off any and all routes of escape that the Pheonix People might use. Not that they would be safe anywhere else, with their unique looks it would be hard for any of them to hide in China, possibly even the entire world. There were rumors tha certain crime elements based in Hong Kong were offering to buy feathers from Pheonix people to use in certain ancient remedies that would fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars on the black market. There wouldnt be any investigation as to whether or not any of the soldiers had taken up the offer as most of the physical evidence would doubtlessly have to be destroyed to keep the Party's version of events as credible as possible, the fewer holes the better. Whether or not the treasures inside the mountain would stop the impending revolutionary groups from attacking the Party was another matter entirely. Of the known revolutionary groups operating in China one-third wanted to isolate all of China from the rest of the world, another third wanted to overthrow the Party in favor of a better political system that didnt have to rely so much on military action and firepower, while the last third didnt make any sense however you tried to understand them as one moment they seemed all for peace while the next they were screaming for everyones blood. It was a sorry state of affairs, but at the same time strangely odd. Several of the group psychologists that were working for the Party had been heard to comment that nothing was even remotely following the described models for social behaviours that they should have been seeing in a population like in Biejing, instead the other groups and sub-groups were acting like some outside force were effecting them. The very idea seemed rediculous until you saw the entire picture with the food shortages in some districts as well as the growth of splinter groups in the same region. It was because all of the soldiers, or at most 90%, were from such areas and might not be very loyal to the Party should someone be it family and or friend try to turn them to a different cause that the Political Officers had been introduced into the military orginizations. As could be expected one of the results was more desertions and lower moral, that was even before one of the Political Officers killed a leutenent for smuggling weapons to a revolutionary party. It was a bad time to be in the military if you had no other reason then to protect your home. "Still nothing, theres too much interference sir." "I see, do you still think its artificial?" "At first sir. But now with that last report of that electrical storm growing over M-124 before all contact was lost. Just before I lost contact with the three forces near M-124 their radio operators were commenting on the terrible storm ahead of them as well as something glowing beyond their field of vision." "Please get to the point." He didnt want the man to start thinking of supernatural reasons that the interference would be generated as such thoughts would aslso lead to all the rumors about the Pheonix People possessing such advanced technology and treasures that they could have wiped out the entire population of China in one fell swoop. If any of his soldiers got wind of this information he didnt doubt that atleast half of them would try to desert with or without the Political Officer to shoot them for dereliction of duties. "Yes, sir, sorry sir. I dont see how it could be anything other then a large electrical storm. Nothing else." "But even if the electrical storm accounts for the radio interference it doesnt explain the glow they saw coming from the area near the mountain." He rubbed his chin for a moment as he looked up at the map tacked to the inside of the tent that showed the positions of various units that were meant to surround Pheonix Mountain. There was another group said to e in the area that he and a few others had been warned of through the military grapevine. "Musk." It was all coming back. Amid the tales and myths surrounding the mysterius mountain several of his friends had told him to beware the Musk, one of them mentioned the current king....or was it prince? He was said to be quite powerful and rumored to 'glow' at odd times. "Private, dispatch these three units toward the Musk Citadel east of Jusenkyo. Their orders are to form a blockade between their Citadel and M-124, if they are attacked they are to destroy the Citadel immediately! Is that understood." "Yes sir, Ill start right away." He hoped he was giving the right orders. But still, there was something in the back of his mind that refused to yield, something that gave him the nagging feeling that he was missing something very important. Something that changed everything. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The line of large wagons and people kept going as the ring of defensive soldiers watched out for anything that might attack the civilians under their guard. Ahead of the line small groups of warriors searched for chinese soldiers waiting in ambush, clearing them away before they could hurt anyone. Ranma and Saffron made it out of the cave before the power Saffron had imbued into the mountain melted the cavern system underneath it. Ranma leaned down to pick up saffron before he could collapse from exhaustion. Whatever protests saffron said were lost as his voice gradually changed to a soft snoring sound. Looking down at the ground he saw the trails left by the wagons big metal wheels. Seeing the direction they went he started off at a slow run. He ran for several minutes before he encountered the line of refugees after cresting a hill. Looking back he saw Phoenix mountain glowing a dull red as its once sharp rock face melted and flowed down the sides. The mountain was now half its height, the rest of it seemed to have flowed down to the base of the mountain before cooling enough to harden, the overall effect made it look like a large irregular glowing hill. Just as he lost his home so had the Phoenix, he wondered despairingly how many more homes would be destroyed before they found safety. Before he could think about that anymore he saw more explosions just beyond the mountain. The dark part of his mind took pleasure in thinking that the Amazons might have bitten off more then they could chew. Confused, and a little scared, Ranma turned away and began running after the refugees. The line of regugees from Pheonix Mountain moved as fast as its slowest members. They trudged along the rocky plain, unaccostomed to traveling long distances using thei legs instead of their wings, those younger that could spare the energy helped their weaker elders as much as they could. In the center of the thick line were the large wagons loaded down with books, supplies, and those pheonix people that were near death. In the eyes of these people one could see the terror they all felt, and in their wary lookout of the area's they passed one could also see first hand their new fear of the future. Ranma saw all of this as he passed them by, still holding the sleeping Saffron in his arms. He gave a quick nod to those few soldiers he passed that had been left with the refugees to defend them in case they were attacked by anything that got through the advanced parties scouting ahead. Behind all of them the remains of Pheonix Mountain continued to glow crimson, its rock and metal layers mixing and flowing until what had once been a solid mountain was now reduced to a gently sloping hill one third the height of the mountain that continued to obey the laws of gravity and sink further into the Earth's soil. Its rudy crimson glow, already bright enough to occlude the stars, bathed everything all around it the same dark red color. At the head of the line Ranma found Kima already debriefing the soldiers that had accompanied him. Ahead he could just make out the top level of the Musk Citadel. From behind him several non-descript figures appeared out of the ground and quickly joined the line of refugees, with their ragged clothing and shuffling gait none of the civilians paid them any attention. If they had they would have seen inhuman faces with dull red/purple eyes that lightly shown under the hoods. But all the civilians could do was to walk as closely together as possible while those nearby Warriors tried to keep watch over areas that would have required two to three to keep an effective lookout while helping those civilians that were not used to long treks upon the rocky ground. Given the situation its amazing that none were lost or killed by renegade soldiers. --------------------------------------------------- The Musk Citadel was as large as the Amazon village, walls twenty to thirty feet high depending on the terrain sloped at a gentle angle upwards, the walls didnt have any easy breaks in them as they were composd of huge rectangular stones that fit together without need of cement. Compared to Pheonix Mountain it was obviously man-made though it looked small and squat until one came closer to it. Then the true scale of the walls and the few buildings that rose behind them made itself known to the weary travelers. Ranma stumbled along with everyone else though he tried to remain alert to any and all threats that might approach yet the time it had taken them to reach the Citadel while evading other parties of soldiers had given him time to go over what he had done. Never before had he actually taken a life, the time he defeated Saffron he couldnt get rid of the small voice in his mind that kept calling him a killer until Cologne told him that Saffron had not died but had instead regressed back into a egg. When he killed those chinese soldiers there had been no voice afterwords to brand him a killer, only the cold certianty and......the sense of power that came over him at learning how to take control of his life once again. Closing his eyes in an effort to suppress that...feeling and its addictive power. He was at the front of the line, behind him he could hear the crunch of loose soil as the heavy weight of the wagons behind him rolled forward more silently then they should have. He didnt know what powered them, if anything, but he was thankful for their silent operation otherwise everyone would've had to carry more then thy could possibly handle. As it was the people he saw coming to the front of the line already looked haggard and tired from the walking, few of them could probably handle anything else. He just hoped they would find shelter at the Citadel. Beside him Kima kept a steady pace with the two Warriors flaking them. Hre walked behind them as he carried the sleeping child Saffron in his arms. "Halt! Who goes there?" From out of the terrain before the line of refugees emerged several Musk warriors. Several more emerged from hiding to the startlement of the Pheonix warriors. Like the terrain the Musk warriors clothing consisted of cloth that varied between soft and dark brown to blend in better. Hearing the sounds of fighting from behind them Kima turned around to see two Pheonix warriors gaining up on one of the Musk warriors. "STOP!" The warriors immediately stopped what they were doing and let the Musk warrior go but they still kept their eyes on the man. Kima turned back to one of the Musk warriors before them. "Please tell Prince Herb that Kima of the Pheonix People needs his help." The Musk warrior didnt reply, instead turning away to wave at someone on the defensive wall. The civilians behind them gratefully took the chance to rest as much as they could while passing word down the line to hold up and rest while they could. Beyond the civilians the Pheonix Warriors nervously kept watch over the surrounding land, aware for the slightest disturbance in the surrounding shadows of moonlit ground. All it would take is just one chinese soldier to call back to his superiors and they'd be as good as dead. After several moments of tense silence punctuated with urgent whispering from those civilians that couldnt keep quiet another man approached. Ranma didnt look at the figure, instead keeping his eyes on the surrounding terrain around the Citadel for any threats. "Hello, Herb." "What happened?" His voice was at once urgent and concerned as he took in the long line of refugee's, though he kept most of his attention on the large wagons. Kima briefed him on the two pronged attack by the chinese army as fast as she could while keeping as little out as possible. When he asked for evidence that they couldnt just go back to Pheonix Mountain Kima pointed back the way they came to the bright orange light coming from below the horizon. Ranma's gaze didnt waver as he looked into Herb's eyes. "They came after us Herb and for now the Amazons are keeping their forces in that area busy but it wont last foreever. When whoevers in charge discovers that they cant get into the mountain their going to shift their focus onto a different target, and as the Amazons outnumber you at this time they'll come here for your treasures and people." Herb stared at Ranma for what seemed an eternity before turning his gaze away. "Cr'K! Go open the gates tell everyone inside to get ready to recieve refugees." When the Musk warriors saluted and ran off Herb looked again at Ranma. "Sometime later your going to have to tell me how yoou got the Amazons to attack the Chinese Red Army, but for now we should all get to safety." Without incident the line of refuguees again moved forward toward the main gate of the Citadel, inside Pheonix and Musk warriors worked to make sure that everyone was evenly distributed and didnt try to stop everyone behind them. Amid all of this rumors quickly spread through the spartenly populated Citadels population of their new quests. Those civilians that were intent of going to these new refugees and kicking them out were met with the looks of people that had lost everything that meant anything to them, those civilians stared for a while before one of the soldiers asked them to help out. It took about an hour to get allof the wagons into the citadel but they would only fit in the hallway leading from the main entrance as they were too wide to turn into any of the smaller corridors that branched off, fortunately there was enough space to accomodate all of the wagons while leaving just enough space for several people to squeeze through at one time. In one of the connecting rooms where civilians were handing out what food was available and blankets Ranma sat down on the hard floor with his back to the wall. Keeping his eyes slightly open he saw everyone mill around him but keeping a respectable distance. He then caught site of Benar heading back toward the wagons. Calling out he caught the Keepers attention. wading his way through the crowed Benar looked at him suspiciously before Ranma pulled a book out of his shirt and handed it to the old man. "I tripped over this going through Pheonix Mountain and I thought you'd like to examine it. Look under the fake cover." Benar ripped away the fake cover to expose the gleaming red metal underneath and the characters imprinted directly into it. With wide eyes he turned away from Ranma and hurried out of the room toward the wagons, almost knocking down two soldiers that after a few moments of study turned out to be Hre and the scout. They went through the line for food fortunately the crowd that had been there earlier had thinned out as the Pheonix refugees moved out of the room to find someplace to rest. Soon they came back with bowls of soup in their hands, after a little nudging Ranma opened his eyes to see that they had seated themselves on both sides of him and the scout was offering him an extra bowl of soup they brought. Feeling the impending grumble from his stomach Ranma accepted the bowl of soup with weak 'thanks' before digging in. Hre and the scout talked for a few minutes before they became quiet, after a moment he realized that one of them had asked him a question. "What?" Hre took a few spoonfuls of soup before answering. "How long do you think it will take the Senshi to find us?" Looking away he caught the scout staring at him, waiting for his answer. "I dont know. What makes you think the Senshi will come after us? I mean the Chinese Army is doing a good enough job already, right?" The scout's jaw clenched tightly at the mention of the chinese army. "Because they found you once, and then went after Saffron. It seems to me that they dont like to leave any loose ends. And with you being a loose end dangerous enough to send one of their own after then it seems reasonable to assume that they'll do it again to make sure that the job gets done right this time." "They wont. Pluto doesnt try the same tactic twice, next time she'll go for something more subtle with a higher probability of success." Even as he said these words Ranma felt his stomach knotting up with new tension as he realized that whatever the Senshi, or rather Pluto did next it ws bound to be more dangerous then the last time. Even if he fought off the first attack by the Senshi he had only been against ONE senshi in a large room that hadnt survived the fight very well. Next time the attack would doubtless catch him and a few other people offguard. He shuddered at the possabilities. He needed to do something as he was responsible for their current situation. While Hre and the scout continued to talk about what the Senshi might do Ranma tried to distract himself by looking at the cieling. Like most of the rest of the Citadel it was constructed out of large blocks of stone that might have been decorated at one point but it was hard to tell. Nearby the flicker of one of the torches drew his attnetion, the stone behind the torch shone with a dark red color highlighted by the torches own flickering. But Ranma didnt see any of that, instead he saw a crater at the base of a mountain surrounded by flames that seemed to move of their own accord. "Mr. customer?" Ranma blinked his eyes slowly as he looked away from the torch to see the Jusenkyo guide, and beside him another guy that towered over him. "Jusenkyo guide? And you, your that same guy from The Cult of the Muscle Sword arent ya?" The Jusenkyo guide looked back before noding an affirmative to both of Ranma's questions. "Is so. Ever since springs dry up I have been out of work. And..." At that point the tall guy spoke up. "And with all the violence happening in the towns and cities we had to all move here for some measure of peace." Hre. "Is it that bad?" The guy's usual bravado failed and he smulmed slightly. "Its even worse. The police and military are cracking down on anything that even hints at dissention, that especially includes any form of Martial Arts not sanctioned by the party. From out in the main corridor they heard some shouting. ------------------------------------- Kima stood across from Herbs throne, discussing what to do with the resources they had. Suddenly a runner came through the large double doors and immediately crossed the room to Herb side to lean down and speak a few terse sentences in one of Herbs ears that immediately caused him to stand up straiter from his usual slouched position. "What wrong?" Kima said though she felt that she already knew what was being said. After a few moments the runner exited the room leaving her and Herb alone. "You said the Chinese army attacked you, correct?" "Yes." "It looks like they're coming here as well, several scouting parties have observed two of their smaller forces changing course for the Citadel. Im not sure if they are heading here but given what has happened to your people it seems quite likely that they will attack us before the night is over." "We brought some of the weapons the chinese army was using against us, rifles, explosive shells and grenades. Youll find them in the third wagon near the front and they are yours if you will help us." "Will Saffron appreciate you usurping his position?" Herb said this with the barest hint of a smile on his face. "No....but under the circumstances I feel he will understand." "Who would have imagined a time when the Pheonix and the Musk had to work together for their own survival?" He got up from his thrown and started to pace the room. After several circuites he started to speak. "The problem is that even with the best soldiers we dont have the weapons or training necessary to take out whatever forces are sent against us, the best that could be hoped for would be a battle of attrition where our combined forces would attack the army forces while they were still too far from the Citadel to do any harm, but with their weapons and Infared goggles they would have the advantage in spotting our forces before any sort of attack could come." Kima broke in. "Not to mention the possibility of a........nuclear assault." Herb stopped his pacing and looked at Kima for a moment with large eyes. "I hope matters wont come to that, if anything they'll be too greedy for the treasures here to risk destroying them. Hopefully." He started pacing, this time a bit faster. "The best we could do is to lay some traps using those explosives you brought and then in the ensuing chaos attack and kill however many of those soldiers we can. Meanwhile well have to get ready to abandon the Citadel and go somewhere else out of China." "And therein lies the next problem: How do we move all of these people and keep them safe while trying to stay concieled from any and all chinese forces?" "Does Saffron have enough energy to destroy anything?" "Very little. But I fear he wont be waking up very soon, whatever he did to the mountain has almost completely drained him." "I see. I would ask Ranma to help but when I laid eyes on him outside I could see he could barely stand on his own two feet by the way he was swaying, I couldnt even see his aura. What...." Before Herb could voice his question shouting errupted outside the door to the room. Both Kima and Herb turned to the door in time to see Benar barreling in, actually dragging one of the Musk guards that had been standing outside the door with him. Kima. "What is the meaning of this Benar?!" Her anger stopped the Keeper in his tracks while the guard holding his wiast let go and fell to the ground. The guard looked at Herb fearfully but after a nod he exited the room as fast as he could. "My lady, I.....I mean we......I just..." "Please get to the point Keeper Benar." After a moment he held up a book in his hands and showed it to her and Herb. "My Lady, we found The Book of Ages. With this we could leave this Citadel, possibly this world even without having to fight our way through any of those chinese forces out there." Herb stepped closer to get a look at the book, after a moment his eyes wondered from the red metal cover to the side of the book where he cought a hint of gold, Kima saw his look and opened the book to show the different pages of leaf thin gold metal that had been impressed with different characters. "But I cant actually read the language my lady, only bits and pieces. Ill need time with the other Keepers as well as a few of the Mages to decrypt this language." Herb walked up to Benar and stared him in the eyes. "How much time will you need?" Benar stepped back from Herb's intense gaze, gulping several times he tried to speak while all too aware of how easy it would be for all the Musk to destroy the Pheonix people once and for all. It was a irrational fear but one that had been building in all of the Pheonix people since they had to evacuate the mountain. Now, if this failed, the Musk people could blame his own and kill most if not all of them before the chinese army could invade. "I..I...I..Ill need several hours at the least to fully translate the spell itself, once thats done it shouldnt take very long for the Mages to rehearse the spell before casting it. Most of the pages that have to be translated I believe are only for the patterns that must be drawn in the ground to concentrate their power." He was aware that he had left out several things but he was too nervous to say so....and too afraid of what might hapen should one of the guards outside the room overhear and decide he might be keeping some other secrets. As he was thinking the last thought Kima came into his field of view with a expression both questioning and...something else. "Do you think this will work, Keeper Benar?" He pointed to the book. "If you were holding one of our other paper books I would say no, but this book....Lady Kima this book was made to last in case our people were again thrust into a desperate situation for survival. The spell in that book your holding has never been changed nor do I believe it could have been. So my answer is yes, it must work." Herb looked at Kima and when she nodded he walked out of the room, behind him the two guards that had been standing outside glanced at Benar briefly before following their leige. From further down the corridor Herbs voice could be heard shouting out orders. -------------------------------------------------- Authors Notes: This took a bit longer then i wanted it to but this just proves that the imagination is not easily controlled, or atleast it isnt easy for me to control my imagination. Originally I wanted this part of the story to end at chapter 7 but then that got pushed to chapter 8, and then (finally?) to chapter 9. Hopefully by the time you read this chapter 9 should be about finished or already posted. If everything goes correctly of course, yet somehow I dont think thats going to happen:) Oh well, thats life. But, in case your curious, I DID create a funny scene but it just didnt work with the rest of the story. Rather it utterly destroyed the dark atmosphere Ive been striding toward. Here, Ill add it below: OMAKE?--------------------- Ranma landed on the ground between Kima and Sailor Io. Taking a deep breath he looked away at the chinese soldiers gawking at his glowing red eyes before he looked back at Io. "FINALLY! The Wild Horse has come back to chinaCAN YOU SMELLELLELLL, WHAT THE WILD HORSE..............IS COOKIN?!" For the first time in three months, Sailor Io, otherwise known as Akane Tendo, facefaulted. Behind the now grinning Ranma, Kima had pulled out a banner saying "GO RANMA!" from somewhere and was waving it about enthusiastically. The Chinese soldiers took one look at the massive stadium that had just sprouted up around them complete with cheering crowds, Ranma, and the wierd girl passed out on the ground which had somehow become a ring before they ran screaming into the night never to be seen again. In the background the song "Wild Thing" could be heard. END OF OMAKE?------------ Now before you break out the torches and pitchforks (or automatic weaponery) let me just say that I really had nothing to do with that scene. If anything its my brothers fault since he's the one that watches those wrestling shows......and he forces me to watch. The life of a fanfic writer is fraught with peril. Knowing my luck Ill be sued by that wrestling show (WWF, WCW, RAW, ah heck I cant remember!). Dont worry though, this comedic side of my personality wont be coming back for the next 15+ (knock on wood) chapters, hopefully. If it does Ill put a warning at the top, isnt that nice of me? Now if I were a truly cruel/evil/insane fanfic writer I wouldnt tell you at all and just let ya warp your own minds reading stuff like this.........hmmm...............hehehehe......... All comments, ideas, messages urging me to stick a fork in a light socket (like I havent done that before! HA!) can be sent to my new E-mail address at: