Unexpected By Jeremy Evans Unforeseen Meetings Disclaimer: I don't own these characters nor am I Making any money from this. Please do not sue me. The day under L-sama's sky was a Beautiful one. Being summer the world was rich with the signs of life. But one man took no notice of this. Zelgadis Greywers, was a man on a mission. That mission was to rid himself of the curse that had Plagued his existence for so long. The past few years had seen him being sidetracked by his time with Lina and the gang. After the events dealing with the Dark Star They'd each gone there separate ways. Now he was able to devote all his time to his search for a cure. His last stop had been at a temple of Ceiphied's. There he'd learned of a Library that had books on the removal of enchantment and curses. So once again he was off, hoping that this one would not be a disappointment like all the others. The forest was like the many other thousands he'd walked through in his life. It teemed with the sounds of life, an a gentle breeze caused the trees to rustle in such a way as to fracture the light from the sun creating a dazzling display. He barely even registered any of this. As he continued on, his hand idly brushed a flower, The fact that he could not feel its softness did not occur to him. He had crossed that bridge long ago. His only thoughts were on finding new leads if this one did not pan out. A loud scream pierced the young Shamans thoughts. Quickly he moved towards the sound, more out of curiosity than a desire to help anyone, at least that's what he told himself. Soon he came upon a sadly common scene, a small group of travelers was being menaced by a group of burly Bandits. Deciding that these people may be able to better directions to the library, he stepped into the clearing to intervene. It turned out to be unnecessary as a figure clothed in green, broke from the tree line across from him. The person's hands blurred and several men went down, grabbing at the dirks lodged in their knees. The figure continued its rapid pace, devouring the distance between him and the villains. One of the larger raiders unsheathed his sword. In a flash of silver two scimitars appeared in the others hands. The bandit lunged, trying to skewer the young rescuer, who instead pirouetted to the side. His left blade flashed out, knocking the sword from the other's hand while his right slammed the hilt across his face. The man sank heavily to the ground as the figure continued on by without breaking stride. Seeing so many of their men downed so quickly the rest of the raiders had a sudden attack of intelligence, they broke and ran for the trees. Unfortunately there path took them towards Zelgadis who casually raised a hand, "Fireball." The orange ball of flame flew from his hands to explode in front of the fleeing men, launching their burnt forms high into the air and out over the trees. Once done He turned back to the figure who'd saved the travelers. Already he had the remaining bandits hog tied and was talking with one of the travelers. Seeing this he turned and began to walk away, no point in staying, they probably didn't know anything about library he didn't know already. He didn't get to far before he was tapped on the shoulder. He whirled around to find himself staring at the green clocked man. Check that teen. The hood covered much of his features but Zel could easily make out his blue eyes and bright smile. "Thanks for the assist." Zel nodded "Your welcome, now I must be on my way." A frown crossed the others face as he turned away "Hey, wait where you going?" Zel looked back over his shoulder "Ceiphied's library." the other looked surprised "Really, I was on my way there too. Some friends of mine need some information there. Say, the leader of this group knows one of the librarians, he said they don't normally let people see those books. However if we agree to protect them till they get into town he'll put in a good word with his friend. That or 50 gold pounds each." Zel thought it over and nodded "Alright, I'm in." The smile returned to the young man's face "Great let's go!" As the two walked back towards the group the other spoke up "What's your name any ways?" "Zelgadis Greywers and you." The young man turned around and stuck out his hand which Zelgadis took and shook. "Ranma Do'Urden" Zelgadis blinked "Interesting name, are you an Elven Ranger?" Ranma chuckled a bit as he pulled his hood off to expose human ears and a long pony-tail that reached to mid-back "I'm not an elf but I have been trained as a Ranger. The last name is from a personal hero of mine." Zelgadis nodded and decided not to press, it wasn't any of his business after all. And so the two rejoined the group and continued there trek to the town. Once they'd made it safely to town, the leader of the traveler's had kept his word. Soon Ranma and Zelgadis found themselves in the waiting for a guide to take them to the lower level's of Ceiphied's library. The two had spoken very little, and it had mostly been Ranma trying to strike up a conversation. "I got it!" Zel turned genuinely curious "Got what?" Ranma smirked a bit "I knew I'd heard of you. You were a part of that group responsible for the destruction of a piece of Shaburanigdu, Hellmaster Phibrizzo, and Dark Star!" Zel raised an eyebrow at this and then nodded "Yes I was. I didn't think you Rangers would know about that" Ranma took up an indignant expression "Hey, I'll have you know I am WELL informed on current events!" Zel watched him for a few more moments then turned away "So it would seem." Before he could say any more there guide arrived and lead the two through a series of long passageways and stair wells. before finally ending up in front of set of large doors. "Here you go sirs. If you need anything just ask." Once gone the two pushed open the doors and froze at the sight before them. There before them was a 30 X 50 ft book case with an innumerable number of text stored in it. After blinking several looked at his companion, turned to him, shrugged, took off his cloak, and moved towards the book case. Zel sighed and decided to start with the lower books and work up." *** Silently the two poured over the books for hours. Neither finding anything of use. Still they continued on, hoping to find at least one small clue to the answer they sought. Eventually their diligence was rewarded. "Hey! check this out." The young Ranger put the tome in question before Zelgadis. The Shaman quickly read through the text, which told of a Golden Dragon artifact that could lift any curse through nullification magic. It was located in a Dragon Temple that that wasn't to far away. However to get in they would need the permission of a Dragon Priest or priestess. Zel looked at his young friend and nodded "Good work." The other man smiled obviously pleased with himself, then his face fell as he noticed his companions somber expression "Hey, what's wrong. If its the priest thing I'm sure we could find one pretty quickly and I figure a quest or two latter and we've got their permission." Zel shook his head "Actually I know a priestess named Filia, so that's not a problem." A frown creased his face "then what is it?" Zel stared for a moment at Ranma before he answered "I've run into a lot of false leads and goose chases before, I just don't want to get my hopes up." The pig-tailed ranger nodded his understanding. After a few quite moments Zel stood "Filia lives a couple of days walk north so we'd better get moving." The other nodded and stood and the two walked towards the exit. Once outside Zel turned to Ranma "If you need any provisions now would be a good time to get them. I'll meet you in the Town square in 2 hours." 'Ranma nodded "Got yeah." Hearing this Zelgadis turned and strode away. Ranma watched till he was out of sight before heading quickly towards the tree line. *** A few minutes later and we find the young ranger laying across a tree branch, arms folded across his chest. The warm summer air gently moved through the trees causing motes of light to flash across his eyes in a dazzling display. His Enjoyment of the moment was interrupted by a light cough. Turning his head to the side he saw a familiar face. "Hello Xellos, I see you got my summons." The trickster priest sat on the branch next to his in a similar position only his arms were folded behind his head. "Its good to see you. So how goes it." Ranma straightened up a bit "Well I got him interested in the artifact. We leave for Filia's in a bit. We should arrive in a couple of days" Xellos nodded, obviously pleased "Good, good. He should arrive when the others do." Xelloss gave the young man a sideways grin "I suggest you be careful around that group. You lack my resistance to fireballs." Ranma gave him an exasperated look "I'll keep my foot out of my mouth." Xelloss smiled but looked unconvinced "We'll see. well I best be leaving, good luck" and with his usual flair he disappeared. Ranma sat for a moment longer, considering his actions before dropping to the ground below and sprinting for the town. *** At night we find Zelgadis and Ranma sitting before a fire, Ranma is busily roasting several rabbits he caught over the fire. The Shaman's stomach began to rumble as the seasonings and spices Ranma had added created quite the aroma. "Smells pretty good." He commented. Ranma inclined his head slightly "Thanks, one can learn a lot doing my kind of work." Zel noticed the fire began to dim some what and quickly tossed another piece of fire wood on it. The light flared slightly bathing the area in a warm light. "What happened to your friends?" Ranma looked up from his seasoning "Hmmm?" Zelgadis folded his arms across his chest. "Your friends why do they need this cure." Something flashed across Ranma's face but it was to face for him to follow, but the slightly pained expression that followed it was far more obvious "Its kind of my fault, I made a mistake and they ended up with a water based poly-morphism curse. When ever splashed with cold water they turn into something else. Hot water returns them to normal but only till next time." Zelgadis looked at his stony hand then back to Ranma "The ability to turn back at the touch of hot water." A wry smile briefly touched his lips "I would give much to trade places with them." Ranma stared at him for a long moment "I guess, but they could still be trapped in their forms so I want to find a cure as quickly as possible." The two fell silent for some time. Only the snapping fire was heard as Ranma added more kindling to the flame. "Have you met any Elves?" Ranma looked up slightly surprised but not un willing to answer "A few, they mostly keep to themselves." He nodded, and turned back to staring at the fire and listening to there surroundings. "So what is Lina Inverse like?" Zel drew his eyes from the fire to look at Ranma, who wore a curious expression "The rumors are right and wrong. She is powerful, greedy and she has a short fuse but beneath it all she is a good person." Ranma considered this, before going back to work on dinner. Soon the two ate heartily, then bedded down for the evening *** The two arrived at Filia's around mid-morning. As they approached they heard the voices. As they came closer Zelgadis recognized whose they were. "I tried to contact him too but no one seems to know where he's disappeared to." That was Filia "Well I guess we'll have to do with out him for now." Lina. "Its too bad, I was kind of looking forward to seeing him again." Amelia "Why I'm sure we'll run into him" And Gourry. Looked like they were all there. All eyes turned on him as he cleared his throat "I assume you are talking about me." The first emotion the group showed was shock at his arrival then genuine joy. "Well speak of the devil..." Lina began "See I told you we'd run into him." Filia seemed relieved "Oh good your here after all. "Mr. Zelgadis its great to see you again." Amelia began as she gave him a firm hug. A slight snicker behind him alerted the group to Ranma's presence. Amelia released Zel "Whose your friend?" Zel motioned for Ranma to step forward "This is Ranma Do'Urden. He helped me find a book on an artifact that could cure my curse which is why I'm here." Ranma bowed politely. "Its a pleasure to meet you all." The Dragon priestess fidgeted "The artifact your talking about it wouldn't by any chance be the 'Crystal Scepter'?" Zel looked genuinely surprised "You knew about that? Why didn't you tell me?!" Filia held her hand up defensively "I only learned about it today because it was one of the items stolen by an unknown group of thieves from the temple." Zelgadis shoulders slumped slightly as Ranma muttered "Figures." under his breath. "That's why I called you all together" Filia continued "We don't think it was the Mazoku, they aren't in a position to attack." "BINGO!" Filia nearly jumped out of her skin at the words spoken directly into her ears. when she caught sight of the speaker she growled "What are you! Doing here." The Trickster priest smiled as his eyes opened, barely revealing the purple pupils beneath "Sore wa, himitsu desu." Filia checked the urge to bash him and turned back to the others. "The only description we have of the thieves is that they were mostly thin but wiry, With ebony skin, white hair, pointed ears and an odd sort of cloak." A sharp intake of breath caused everyone to face Ranma. "Drow." he said simply Lina blinked and looked between Filia and Xellos "Dark Elves, don't they work for the Mazoku?" Xelloss shook his head "Not since the great war. To bad to they make excellent assassins." His piercing gaze fell on Ranma "So I see you've added a Ranger to your little group. Interesting." Ranma gave him a funny look "Who are you anyways?" The trickster priest made a great show of bowing "Xelloss Metallium" Ranma stared at him for a moment then shifted to a more defensive stance to the priests amusement" I see you've heard of me." Ranma didn't take his eyes off him "Some high elves mentioned you once." Xelloss smile grew "Really, what did they say?" Ranma was about to answer when a hand landed on his shoulder, he turned to see Zelgadis shake his head. Ranma straightened up "Nothing pleasant." Filia cleared her throat for attention "Although we think the Mazoku are not responsible we aren't willing to chance That. Zelgadis realized where this was going "You want us to recover the stuff while you continue your vigil on the Mazoku." Filia's expression said it all Zel sighed "Well they have my cure so I'm in, Ranma?" The young Ranger smiled "Hey, I got to cure my friends right, I'm in too." Amelia took pose "We will bring these foul villains to justice!" Lina didn't look convinced. "You know, they took a lot of treasure with them, I'm sure no one would mind if a few baubles here and there were missing." Filia said. Lina's face brightened considerably "Of course we'll help, right Gourry!" The swordsman shrugged "Sure." Zelgadis rolled his eyes "So where do we begin." Ranma stepped forward "The high elves or Forest elves might know something, we could try asking them for information." Xelloss cocked his head to the side as he considered the young man "You know some Elves?" Ranma glared back "I know things about them." Xelloss chuckled then continued "You might also want to try the Orcs living in the plains." Amelia looked surprised at this suggestion "Why would Orcs help us?" Ranma fielded that one "Rumor has it that these Orcs have reject the dark sorcery of there ancestors and peers and are living with the land. Basically they've gone Noble Savage. Travelers are safe but they will protect the land from the encroachment of civilization." Xellos nodded, "They may know of the Dark Elves though so it would behoove you to look into it if you find nothing else." Lina stared suspiciously at Xellos "We'll think about it." Xelloss began to fade from sight "Well, good luck then." The group watched him leave, once gone Lina turned to face the group "I guess we should try to find these high Elves first, I figure they'll be fairly receptive to us, at least more so than an Orc." All the others agreed except Ranma who maintained a dubious expression. "Maybe." he admitted. "We'd best get going, its quite a walk." The group started to depart when they noticed Filia wasn't following "Aren't you coming?" Amelia asked. She shook her head "I have to stay here, but good luck." The group gave a collective shrug and waved goodbye. She watched as they disappeared into the distance. A rustling of air and wind alerted her to his presences. She turned and sighed to see Xellos "I don't like this one bit." Xellos merely shrugged "Its necessary, you know that. Besides Ranma's with them, they'll be fine." She frowned as she turned to stare in the direction the group had gone "That doesn't fill me with great confidence." Another rustle of air and she knew he was gone. Sighing deeply she walked indoors and prayed she was doing the right thing. Author Notes: No Ranma was not trained by Drizzt Do'Urden nor will he be showing up. The reasons for his last name will come up later though. Well I would greatly appreciate some C&C on this.