The disclaimer, practically every character here is NOT mine. They all belong to their respective company. I am using a lot of them, so I can't list them all. Beside, I am gonna add more series to the story later on. Don't sue me. You won't get a penny out of me. Trust me, you won't. For others, there are SOME characters I made up, but who cares? I don't. Ranma Crossover fanfic first fanfic alert!!! 2nd draft alert!!! and... Ah heck, read at your own risk. STALLION Prologue. A field. A barren field, with nothing on it. No. There was someone standing. It was a boy. He couldn't see the face, but there was something familar about the boy. Almost like a... memory? The boy was crying. In front of a body, the boy was crying. No. Make that lots of bodies. The field was full of dead bodies lying around. No wonder the boy was crying. 'No......' For some reason he felt this urge to shout out to the boy. 'No, get away! Get away from here!!' The boy got to get out of here, he thought. It wasn't because of the dead bodies on the field. It wasn't because the boy was crying. He could feel IT was coming. No, he KNEW IT was coming. IT was coming and IT was coming for the boy. 'Get out!! Run!! Before it's too late, hurry!!' But no words came out of his mouth. In fact, he couldn't even feel his whole body. It was as if he... didn't exist there. Suddenly two hands bursted out of the boy's chest. Two hands then grab the edge of the hole and began to pull it apart enlarging a wound that was already too fatal for a human, let alone a boy. But the most shocking thing was that all through this, the boy didn't seem to feel a thing. The boy kept crying, heedless to what was happening to his own body. Not a single scream made out of the boy's mouth except the continuous cry full of sorrow and despair. All he could do was just watching with horror. Suddenly the cry stopped, as a man came out of the hole, totally tearing the boy apart. Just as soon as the man stepped out on the field, the boy's body melted into the air from the man's hands. Not even a trace was left of the boy's body. Now there was only the man and the lying corpses on the field. It took some time for him to recover from the terrible shock he just had received. But it was nothing compared to what he was experiencing now. 'He is... he is... this can't be!!' Before he could speak word, the man's head turned towards him. All he could see now was the man's eyes. Deep, dark, and empty eyes. As he watched speechlessly, the man's face distorted into a nasty, cruel smile...... "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!" It was at that moment when he finally woke up, just to find himself still in his room. "A, a dream?" He then realized that he was sitting on the puddle of his own sweat. This made him feel rather relieved, though. He was in a real world, in real flesh. It was a sure reminder that what he just experienced was only a dream. A Nightmare, acutally. 'But I guess I gotta wash up. I feel awful. The dream, and the sweat... Ewww.' So he stood up, not paying attention to the loud snore of his roommate. Faster he get cleaned up, the better. This was just another morning after all. He didn't like showing any sign of weakness, in a dream or not. Less people know about this, better it is...... Setsuna was, as always, sitting alone in front of Time Gate. This should come as no surprise, since it was her sword duty to guard the Time Gate. But her face displayed the emotion she rarely showed in over a millenium. The Sensei of Time was worried, and she had a good reason for it. There was a disturbance in the timeline. The Senshi of Time Gate was well-known for her always calm demeanor even in the face of apocalyptic crisis. But right now she was anything but calm. She could feel a headache coming from all the strain she had had for last two months. It took a lot of effort to cause a tiny speck on the timeline. Right now, the size of the disturbance was nothing short of a disaster of the universal scale. The worst part of all this, at least to Sailor Pluto, was that she had no idea what the disturbance was. Guarding the Time Gate had some benefits, and one of them was that she could always find out about the events before they even happened. But this time she didn't see anything through the Gate, nor received a warning from her future self. She had been sitting in front of the Time Gate for past two month to find out what was disturbing the timeline. But all she got was her woman's "intuition," screaming its head off warning "TROUBLE!! TROUBLE!!" Whatever it was, she was sure that it was big, really big. Fortunately, or in some people's points of view UNfortunately, she was rarely wrong involving the future. After all, that's what she has been doing for millenia. Unfortunately, which in this case applies to all points of view, she was also rarely confused like this time. The part that really confused her was that whatever was coming, it wasn't threatening but rather... familiar? It was chaotic in nature, but somewhat stable at the same time. The magnitude of the disturbance was very dangerous, but Setsuna couldn't help but to feel secure watching it. But if this was something safe, why did she felt so worried? She asked herself over and over again, however she couldn't answer the question. Setsuna sighed deeply. She had to do something if she was going to protect the remaining members of the Moon Kingdom. Whatever this was, the Princess must be safe to ensure the future of the Moon Kingdom and she was going to do everything in her power to make sure of that. If only she knew... One fact is known throughout the universe, you do not want to see an angry Washu. Of course, you do not want to see a too HAPPY Washu, either, especially when she has you tied up in the experimental pod hanging on the ceiling. Sadly, Tenchi was in that very situation. Even more sadly, or rather, horrifyingly, Washu was MAD. '*Gulp* Help.' The Light Hawk(1) was now in a deep trouble, and he knew it. There she was, the smartest, and the maddest, genius scientist in the universe, typing frantically on her floating keyboard, with a frown that could melt an iceberg by just telling the ice about it. Whatever it was, Washu was very upse with it, and that made the already-bad situation REALLY REALLY worse. "Um, Washu-CHAN? Are you okay?" Washu made no reply to Tenchi's question, still busy with her keyboard. Knowing too well about an upset female(after all, he lives with four of them, very powerful ones at that(2)), Tenchi kept his mouth shut. He was still alive, and he wanted to keep it that way. Beside, Washu can take care of her own problem, can't she? "I don't understand." Of course, you don't often hear that sentence coming out of Washu, either. Tenchi, out of curiosity, decided to take a chance and asked her. "Um, what do you mean?" "I don't understand this." "Um, hehe, ano, what are you talking about?" "......" 'Uh-oh.' Then suddenly, Washu exploded. "AAAAAAACCKKKKKKKKK!!! This doesn't make sense at all!!!" "EEEEEEEP! Washu-san, I mean CHAN!!! Calm down!!" "What's going on here? What the $%#%@$ is this? Why in the h***'s name is it here?!? WHERE IS THIS FREAKING SOB!?!?!?!!" Tenchi was confused. Washu didn't even notice his slip. He didn't even want to imagine what would've happened if she did, especially in such foul mood. Whatever was disturbing her, it seemed it had nothing to do with him. 'Well, I won't be in any more experiment now, as long as she doesn't pay attention to me. That's fine with me. Then I should at least be safe.' It was right at that moment when Washu exploded again. "Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!! This is driving me crazy!!!!!!" Then Washu smashed the keyboards out of frustration, which was very unusual thing for her to do. Then the keyboard malfunctioned, which was very unusual thing for Washu's machine to do. So Tenchi was now in BIG trouble, which was very usual thing for him to be. He knew that, and knew that well. Tenchi screamed his lung out. "HHHHEEEELLLLPPPP!!!!!" Unfortunately no one was there to listen. Washu was there, but she wasn't listening The pod suddenly turned into a torture chamber. It stretched, shrank, twisted, and spun. Tenchi, being tied to it, stretched, shrank, twisted, and spun with it, making unholy sounds in every part of his body. CRACK! CRUNCH! POW! CRASH! "OW! OUCH! AACK! KEK! UMPH!" All the while, Washu was oblivious to the outside noise, in deep thought. 'What was that disturbance? What did my sensors pick up? I thought it was Tenchi-dono at first, but his data hasn't changed at all. Somehow, somewhere on this planet, there was a huge energy spark that almost broke my sensors. I have been looking for it for two months now! Only possible origin I could think of that magnitude is the Juraian Power inside of Tenchi-dono, but it's not! What else could there possibly be? Whatever it is, I will find it! After all, I am the greatest...' "Mommy..." "...mommy in the universe!! Huh? That didn't come out right. Who was that? OOPSIE." Washu turned around to find Tenchi, still in the pod, now stretched the bottom part, shrank the top part, all the while twisted and spinning. Washu hurriedly turned off the machine. Now the pod was dangling in the ceiling only by a strand of string. Washu scratched her head thinking, 'He is already passed out, thankfully. But when he wakes up, he's definitely gonna feel it.' Snap! CRASH!!!!!!!!!! 'Yep, he's definitely gonna feel it.' "Urd." "Huh? Why?" "Are you sure this is the place?" "How many time do I have to tell you? YES, I AM SURE!" "THEN WHY CAN'T WE FIND ANYTHING HERE?!?" "Um, that is..." The goddess of the past, and self-proclaimed goddess of love(despite not being able to solve her own love problem), was lost in words. It wasn't her style to plan ahead, so it wasn't all that rare for her to be stuck in her own words like this. Right now Urd was with her youngest sister in the other part of the city, far from her home. They had been searching for something for last two hours, but with no avail. It was Urd's idea to come all the way here in the first place, so she couldn't say anything to her sister's accusing tone. "Beside, why can't Belldandy-neesan come with us? I know she has some houseworks to do, but I really don't like leaving her alone with Keiichi!" "Ah, come'n. He isn't that bad. Beside, what could possibly happen? This's Keiichi we are talking about." "Well, you are right. But still..." "Just forget it and let's look for that thing, shall we?. I'm sure they'll be fine." They better be more than fine, Urd thought. It wasn't that often when those two can be by themselves. It was especially hard when Belldandy's over-protective younger sister was around. So Urd brought Skuld with her so the two lovebirds can have some "quality" time together. She is such a trouble maker, Urd thought as she smiled at her youngest sister(as if you are not, Urd). Then she frowned. It had been two months since she felt a mysterious power surfacing in the city. Even Skuld was able to pick it up(even though it cost her another electrical gadget she was working on). But even Belldandy couldn't tell what it was either. They called their Office to inquire, but their father couldn't give answer. 'Or wouldn't. What is he hiding?' 10 minutes later. "Urd." "Huh? What's it?" "Let's go home~." "Eh? What'cha you mean? We've been here for only an hour." "But we can't find anything! My "Mr. Looky"(3) is not picking up anything. Let's come back again later with Belldandy-neesan, neh? She is good at those kind of things. Pleasssssseeee?" "...good at only those kind of things. If she was good at EVERYTHING then I wouldn't have to bring YOU around..." Urd muttered. "Urd? Did you say something?" "No-nothing. Okey-dokey, kiddo. Let's go home. We're not finding anything anyway." "Yay!" With that, Skuld ran to the closest water puddle. Sighing, Urd turned to the nearest TV shop. It was true. She couldn't find anything anyway. Even though she was sure that the mysterious power was in this town, she couldn't pinpoint the exact location. She just came here because it was the last place she had felt the power resonating. In fact, the entire point of this search was mainly to give Keiichi some time alone with Belldandy. If they DID find something, it would have been a side benefit. 'Yeah, as if things would be THAT easy.' She rolled her eyes as the thought crossed her mind, and she walked through a big TV screen, not noticing a wide-eyed salesperson staring at her disappearing into the TV. "KEIICHI! WHAT DID YOU DO TO BELLDANDY-NEESAN!?!" "No, nothing! I swear! This is just misunderstanding!!" "LIAR! WHY ELSE WOULD BANPEI-KUN ATTACK YOU??" "I don't know! I swear! I really didn't do anything!!" Urd sighed, as she heard Skuld's shouting and Keiichi's whimpering as she arrived at the living room through their TV. 'Banpei. Forgot about that. I should have done something with it.' It seemed that Keiichi failed at another romantic attempt... Typical day at home, Urd mused. "KEIICHI, YOU PERVERT!" KONG! "Ouch!!!!" "Oh, Skuld. Welcome home. Oh my! KEIICHI-SAN!! Are you okay?" 'Typical day indeed...' At the same time, inside a downtown TV shop, "Sir! A woman, blonde, gorgeous, tanned, TV, big screen, walk, through, disappeared, a woman, gorgeooooouuus, DISAPPEARED, TV!!!!!" "Sigh. Kasuke. Didn't I tell you not to drink so much last night? Why don't you take a break?" "Not, beer, drink, TV, gorgeous!!!!" "I know our TV's are gorgeouse. That's our shop name. 'Gorgeous TV's.'" "Not, woman, big, screen, breast, a woman!" "You need a girlfriend, Kasuke." Prologue ends. (1) Tenchi can summon three Wings of the Light Hawk. I am just calling him because I think it's a suitable nickname for him. End of discussion! (2) It is true Tenchi is living with 6 females, 7 if you count Ryo-oki, and 8 if you count Kiyone who comes out in the TV series(She appeared in the 2nd edition of the OAV briefly, but that's just because she got popular in the earlier TV series). For the record, I will use OAV series for the main storyline of Tenchi Muyo but I will put Kiyone too. She is just too good to be ignored ^^ Ahem! My point is, Sasami is a very sweet kid and she rarely gets angry with Tenchi. Mihoshi is a bubble head so she practically NEVER gets angry. Ryo-oki? Don't even mention it. Mayuka is a pre-schooler by now. However four of those females get angry in regular interval. Ayeka? Because of Ryoko. Ryoko? Because of Ayeka. Kiyone? Because of Mihoshi. Washu? Mainly because of Mihoshi. That's why I am mentioning only "four" here. One of the readers : "But you didn't mention Mayuka in the previous draft...?" You again!! Why don't you just rest in peace!?!?! TADADADADADADA! Ignore this machine gun in my hand, and please keeping sending me C&C's. (3) I don't know why but Skuld seems to be lacking a sense in naming her gadgets. I thought if she doesn't, why should I give her one now? 3rd draft. I read through this again and I can't help hitting myself over and over. What kind of idiocy made me think that I can write a fic?!?! Well, I will end what I started. Thank you again for all of your comments. Coming soon to your nearest email!! STALLION Chapter 1. < I know I am but what are you? >