Private Bet #10: Chapter III: Opening Moves.... by Shade Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and affiliates are the property of Rumiko Takahashi, Rifts and Phase World are owned by Palladium. Other references belong to their respective owners. ~~~~~~~~~ Part 1a: The roll of the dice..... ~~~~~~~~~ Tsunami, Goddess of the Planet Jurai and the most powerful battleship in her Universe rested inside the safety of quantum space, hidden from the prying eyes that coveted her. Her connection with Princess Sasami provided the powerful entity with all the outside information she needed without the need to reveal her presence. Lately Tsunami's thoughts had been troubled, there was discord forming between her chosen champion and the current ruler of Jurai. Although Tenchi bore no ill will toward the Emporer, the same could not be said of Azusa. Despite his wive's best efforts he seemed bound and determined to make the Masaki boy's life a living hell. Steps needed to be taken to put a stop to that. This newest complication might make things even more difficult. Now was the worst time for interdimensional meddling to occur. But who was responsible for it? It was unlikely Tokemi would try such a risky gambit, her sister preferred to use her pawns much more calculatingly despite her role as a Goddess of Chaos. Washu could possibly attempt to summon one of her old allies but so far it seemed that the scientist remained unaware of her divine origin although she too had selected her champion...... Champion...... Could this be....Tokemi's chosen one?!! If so, then this situation was more serious then any of them realized! While Tokemi would not waste such resources on a paltry minion, her champion was an entirely different story!! Tenchi wasn't ready yet. Even the formidable powers of the others would not be enough, not against Tokemi's champion if indeed as the Goddess feared it was. It made chillingly perfect sense to dispatch both of their chosen before they could master their powers. Something so logical that Tokemi would do it in a moment. They would need help. A warning in Sasami's dreams should be enough to alert the household while she arranged a few things elsewhere. Tsunami set her plan into action at once. ~~~~~~~~~ In the vast emptiness of deep space Minagi's spaceship Hinase patrolled in search of evildoers to steal from. Following in her sister Ryoko's footsteps the cheerful swordswoman had chosen the life of a space pirate, though she only only preyed on bad people. Minagi was a good friend of the Masaki Household, her physical features were identical to Ryoko except for two old sword scars, one on each cheek given to her by her father Yakage. But her personality was more like Mihoshi's, lighthearted and carefree. A beeping from the main console caught her eye. "Hmm?" {We're near the Sol System!? I haven't visited them for the longest time!} "Hinase!" "You called, Minagi?" "Set course for Earth!" "Yes ma'am!" A faint reflection on the viewing screen that might have been a beautiful woman with turquoise hair smiled and vanished. Step one was complete. Now for step two. ~~~~~~~~~ Nagi was not happy. And for once it wasn't Ryoko's fault. Well actually in a way it was partially Ryoko's fault, if only she didn't have that damn.... "Ciao!" "For the last time NO!!!" "Ciao!!!" "Absolutely not!!! You don't know where she's been! You'll probably catch a disease from that furball!" "CIAO!!!" "How about a carrot instead?" "Ciao!! Ciao!!!" "You're turning down a carrot!? Are you feeling alright?!" "Ciao!! Ciiiaaaaooo!!!!" "Stop that!" The ship's caterwauling continued unabated. Nagi tried to harden her heart to Ken-ohki's pleading, if she went to Earth she'd have to go after Ryoko again. Not that she'd ever admit it but in her hearts of hearts the bounty hunter had developed a grudging respect for the one person who had ever escaped her time after time. An unoffical truce had finally developed between them, As long as Ryoko didn't leave the Sol System Nagi left her alone with that boy of hers. Part of the reason behind that was the current problem, their cabbit partners were in love with each other. If either owner killed or seriously wounded the other the consquences could be....bad. Best to put as much space between her and Ryoko as possible to avoid any unnecessary temptation. "Ciiiiiiiaaaaaaaoooooo!!!" But she couldn't go like this. Day in and day out, the endless begging and wailing...... "All right!!! You win! We'll go visit your girlfriend already!! Just...Stop that racket!!!" "CIAO!" Tsunami nodded her head as she faded away from the top of the rapidly departing vessel. Sometimes a little push in the right direction was all that was needed. Black Bishop takes White Rook. ~~~~~~~ Rei was not in a good mood. A visible dark aura of doom and destruction seemed to hang over her bent head. Nervously Makoto and Ami snuck occasional worried glances at their friend. The recent nightly patrols had been hard on all of them. For weeks they'd been keeping an eye on the city, but aside from the rare mugger or burgler their efforts had come up with zilch so far. There hadn't even been any of the youma attacks that usually preluded the entrance of a new supervillain. Tempers were wearing thin from having to be at a constant state of readiness even though they now only had two or three of the Senshi patrolling a night, Inners and Outers included. But Setsuna insisted that they keep on their guard, so they continued remaining on alert despite their mounting doubts about the accuracy of her warning. Surely if whatever it was was so dangerous they would have seen some sign of it by now? "Waaah! I can't believe it! I actually woke up on time today!" A pair of familar blonde meatballs bobbed into view as Usagi joined her friends with lunch in one hand and her schoolbag in the other. The part time Shinto priestess merely growled in reply. "What's with Rei?" Usagi asked, puzzled by this odd behavior, normally her friend was more vocal then that. She missed the frantic waving and desperate shaking of heads as the others tried to warn her. Too late.... "I DIDN'T GET ANY SLEEP LAST NIGHT OKAY!!!" Flames billowed forth from the Giant Demon Head Attack. "WAAAAAHH!! She's scary!!!" The others didn't think any less of their leader for her panicked reaction to Rei's explosion. She DID look scary at the moment. Besides if they made any noise she might notice *them* instead of focusing on Usagi. Okay, so it wasn't a particularly noble choice. But they still weren't about to try and interrupt her unless their friend tried something drastic. Rei Hino was normally a quiet, demure, peaceful maiden. And anyone else that dared say otherwise quickly learned the error of their ways. She didn't have a Black Belt in Karate for nothing! But the visions that sometimes came to her, the ones that had more often then not had proven right and aided her and the other Senshi in their battles against Evil had been particularly bad the past night after she'd finished her patrol. No sooner had she closed her eyes to get some rest then her mind was bombarded with scattered random images that didn't make any sense to her at all.The surreal vividness of the few psychic fragments she'd received were so clear that even now she could remember practically every detail of the visions... ~~~~~~~ The first dream had been the worst. A Darkness where no light shown, cold as the grave and worst of all, totally devoid of all existance. No surface met her feet yet she did not fall. Too dark to see, too quiet to hear, no substance to touch. It was like being dead except she knew she was not for even death was this,this...Void...... Rei had screamed herself awake. It took her several minutes to calm down enough to lie back down. The second dream brought only more questions then it did answers. Warmth, hidden from view yet comforting to the soul. A sense of purpose that brightened her surroundings to reveal a shining white crystal about the size of a human heart. Not the Silver Imperium Crystal, it did not emit the sense of power she associated with it, this was different somehow. A strength that was both less and more ran through the very core of the dazzling object that seemed to burn with a pure inner flame of its own. But as she reached out to touch it..... Try as she might she could remember no further what had happened until she awoke again. The third vision had been frightening, fears long lost in the rebirth of the Senshi had been revived. Green fires of envy and jealousy reaching out to envelop and consume the world and all within it. Among the faces of the dead had been her own, while a horrifyingly familiar laugh had roared triumphant..... But it was the last one that had haunted her thoughts till dawn had banished the ghostly phantoms. A sense of deep loss, the ultimate price paid.....A life for a life.... ....Swirling drops of twilight upon the clear canvas of the Heavens.....Two stallions standing over a Moonlit pond.... ......A single tear had falling, the silver droplet bright as the full moon as a burst of scarlet sprouted forth.... The same sequence had repeated over and over again throughout the night and into the earliest hours of morning. By the time Rei had to get ready for school she was a wreck, the drain on her internal strength and sheer physical exhaustion leaving her with a serious case of industrial strength Crankiness. ~~~~~~~~~~ "GET BACK HERE MEATBALL HEAD!!!" "No way! Baggy Eyes are contagious!! Bieee!!!" The Japanese Red Eye was presented. (1) "Grrrrr!!!" A chase ensued between the two. With large sweatdrops behind their heads the other three girls watched as their dear (but rather embarrassing at times like this) friends vanished in a trail of dust. "Ah....Should we try and stop them?" Ami asked Minako and Makoto hesitatingly. "Are you out of your mind!?" They looked at her as if she'd grown a third eye and said they should join a convent. Not even Makoto, the strongest out of all the Senshi got in the Hino girl's way when she was in one of her *moods*. "I guess that is a silly question." White Queen moves to block Black Pawn. ~~~~~~~~~ -Masaki Household "Minagi!!" A delighted Sasami enveloped the cyan-haired space pirate with a enthusiastic hug. "You're just in time for breakfast!" "That's great! Your meals are the best in the Universe, Sasami!" "Ah, Welcome back Minagi." From the open door in the stairway a familar crab haired figure stepped out. "Miss Washu!" "Ahem...that's Little Washu." "AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" The loud male scream coming from upstairs indicated that Tenchi was now up, the explosion that came a split second later also meant that Aykea was now awake and not pleased to see how Lord Tenchi had been roused from his slumber. The rest of the household was already digging in, they were getting used to it by now. Mihoshi waved hello to Minagi before getting another helping of pickles. Kiyone blinked and sweatdropped, just what she needed to deal with, another Ryoko. Noboyuki smiled as he saw that another one of the pretty space ladies had returned, maybe his son would finally choose one of them! An unlikely event but still, he kept hoping anyway. Washu sat herself down and dug into Sasami's heavenly cooking, she amused herself by calculating the exact moment when things should reach critical mass. Right "Yaaaahh!!!" The heir apparent to the royal house of Jurai came flying down to make a spectacular crash landing at the base of the stairway followed by a few stray chips of wood that had once been the door to his room. {I am such a Genius!} "Good morning Tenchi! Breakfast is ready!" "Morning Sasami." Tenchi pried himself out of the floor and and then did a quick double take as he saw Ryoko smiling in front of him. Wait a second. "Oh! Minagi! You startled me for a second, I thought you were..." Shouting from above interrupted him. "Now you royal pain in the butt, prepare to pay!!!" "Begone Demon Woman!" Blaster fire and electrical forcefields clashed and resulted in yet another devaluation of property values. Tenchi winced. Bad enough that they were fighting yet again, but why did they have to do it in the house?! "Nice to see you again Tenchi. I just popped by for a little visit. Is that all right?" "Sure, feel free to stay as long as you like." At least Minagi didn't blow the house least not since she'd tried to kill Ryoko and Tenchi. But almost everyone tried that at least once so he didn't hold it against her. {Mmmm...the grilled fish seems especially tasty this morning.} Tenchi realized that he was starving, being the unintended victim of multiple acts of random violence was hungry work. He'd have to eat fast if he wanted to get to school on time. "That's the spirit my boy! You can never have too many pretty ladies around, why when I was your age..." "Dad!!" "Mihoshi, can you take me to the market to pick up some chicken for tonight's dinner?" "Sure!" The eternally cheerful detective giggled, of all the adults there only she and Noboyuki had a driver's license. Since the architect had to work that left Mihoshi in charge of ground transportation. A fact that gave her partner Kiyone the chills every time she thought about it. It flew in the face of all reason that the ditz of all people had managed to acquire the one thing that she'd failed to pass the exam for. "I think I'll go with you." {Just in case.} "Yay!" Black Knight takes White Bishop. ~~~~~~~ Ranma Saotome awoke at the crack of dawn. A glance to his right revealed that Genma would probably be sleeping for a while. The old man looked rather charred, apparently instead of doing the smart thing and letting go after the mazor had zapped him the first time Pops had instead tried to smash the lock open. Unfortunately the case's built in defenses had reacted a bit more severely to that...... Well.....Genma was still breathing so it looked like no permanent damage had been done. The scorch marks would fade away eventually and it wasn't like he needed all that smelly fur anyway. {At least I'll have some privacy this morning.} Ranma mused as he quietly slipped out of the guest room and headed to the Dojo to unpack and train without interruption. He had a feeling that he was going to need every minute of it. ~~~~~~~~~ Retina and DNA scans passed. With a small hiss of escaping air the pressure seals opened. His time in space had taught him to appreciate the advantages of high tech, especially while traveling. When it came to keeping his personal belongings in one piece through even the roughest of conditions Advanced Micro-tech was the only way to go. This particular model of luggage was from Bushido Industries and cost a small fortune with the advanced security upgrades package. Credits well spent since the cargo inside was priceless by any standards. [It's about time you got me out of that stuffy case!] "Sorry!" With the greatest of care Ranma removed Ishtar from the fine white silk that covered the shining instrument of Light. As always the sheer unearthly beauty of the Greatest Rune Weapon's lines took his breath away, the Spulgorth were sadistic alien bastards but he had to admit that their preference in fine craftsmanship was unmatched. Only the foulest beings could take such a work of art and pervert it into such a damnable prison for a living soul. He made a few practice swings, Ishtar seemed to fit his hand as if she were made for him. The only time Ranma had felt something similar to this sense of rightness was when he summoned his Cosmic Weapon. It was a mystery that he'd just accepted as being real enough. Besides, what did he have to complain about? [Yes!] Pure unadultrated sensation filled the trapped psyche with sweet bliss. Physical contact took the psychic bond between weapon and wielder to a whole new level. While they could communicate with each other up to three miles apart, aside from advice and information there was not much else that Ishtar could do when she was seperated from him. But once Ranma had her in hand the two became as one. As long as he held Ishtar the Goddess's formidable defenses protected him and gave him access to some badly needed special abilities that helped balance out the Cosmoknight's formidable fighting strength. In a sense Ishtar became a second set of eyes and ears that watched Ranma's back. She felt what he felt, knew what he knew, and in return for this gift the imprisoned soul was able to get a taste, no matter how brief, of feeling. There was no greater reward for one doomed to exist in a eternal limbo. When she had existed free of the captivity that now chained her the dusky divinity had been a patron of nature and healing, under her tutelage Ranma had discovered a new joy in creating life instead of destroying it. Though her powers were bound within the cursed core of the metal and crystal cage that held her entrapped like a fly in amber, he could still carry on her work and did so willingly. Though Ranma didn't use use her as often as she wanted him to, the weapon didn't begrudge him for it. She knew and understood his reasons, Rune Weapons were the most coveted magical artifacts in existance. Wars had been fought and Empires crumbled over the possession of these legendary indestructible tools of power. Probably the one thing that was most responsible for the weapons' notoriety was the whispered ability of the most powerful and corrupt blades. Soul Drinking, the weapon literally tearing out the helpless spirit of the victim and devouring it, destroying them forever. The slightest scratch from such a Rune Weapon could prove lethal, all that was needed was a single drop of blood to be spilt and it would all be over. Fortunately that was not one of Ishtar's properties, such an abomination was completely against her nature. That hadn't stopped the fools from across the Megaverse who'd tried to steal her from Ranma though. But once bonded, only death could severe the link forged between them. No one else could use her, not even those pure of heart, Ishtar was his alone. And woe to the one who tried to seperate the two! "How do you feel?" [Heavenly.] She gave a warm mental purr of contentment. [By the way.....why the sudden change? Not that I'm complaining mind you.....but I thought the reason you kept me in there with the rest of your gear was to keep the presence of so much supernatural energy to a minimum?] "Well, I sure as heck don't want Pops to finding you and if those presences you detected are unfriendly it would be better to have you close by. Especially if they're Psychic, I hate getting hit by Bio Manipulation. It's a real pain, no pun intended." [I'm hurt, here I thought you just missed little ol' me....] "Well.....that too. But I can't just carry an ancient glowing rune-covered weapon around in plain sight, you'll have to stay in the sub-dimensional pocket." [Hmph!] {Look, I'm sorry. It's the best I can do right now until I can think of something better.} [You owe me another one Saotome.] *Sigh* {Add it to my tab.} [Don't worry...I will.] Uh oh. That did not bode well for him. He concentrated for a moment, a brief distortion shivered through the air and soon Ranma's hands were empty once more. {Now for the rest of the stuff} A small branch with five buds that radiated vitality was the next thing he pulled out.... It never hurt to be prepared. ~~~~~~~ -later A small fortune in gems lay in front of Ranma, during his last stop to Phase World Ranma had purchased a quantity of flawless diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, rubies, and pearls. Since Universal Credits had no value back home he'd needed something that he could trade for local money, it helped that the stuff was practically dirt cheap in an age where the rare precious metals and gemstones were either common or easily synthesized. Even Ranma was unaware of the true value of his little stash, the pile of glittering stones lying in the case were valuable enough to make Saotome one of the richest men on the planet. He made a mental note to see a jeweler and get some of the smaller gems appraised. {I think this is going to come in handy soon enough.} Pocketing a few of the priceless jewels Ranma continued to rummage through several years worth of accumulated stuff both magical and not. By the time Kasumi awoke and started to get the kitchen ready for breakfast his luggage was secured once more and the young martial artist had begun his morning katas. ~~~~~~~~~~ It was a quiet morning, the previous night's rain left few traces in the bright light of the new day. A light mist shrouded the Nermia neighborhood and had draped the Tendo's yard with a covering of dew, the diamond drops sparkling as the warm rays of the sun struck them. It was this serene scene that the eldest daughter of the household enjoyed as she prepared her family's morning meal. Kasumi had learned to find and enjoy the simple pleasures of life, they were all that she had now. The notes of the local avians sounded sweetly as the rice cooked, vegetables were chopped, and leftovers warmed up. (2) Looking out toward the Dojo as she fixed a steaming pot of green tea, Kasumi noticed that the door was ajar. Everything was fine here so she could afford a few minutes away to see what was going on. Perhaps Ranma or his father had got up early to practice. She couldn't resist checking the guest room on her way out. A snoring well done Genma was its only occupant. That meant..... ~~~~~~~ -Tendo Dojo Front Kick. Turn. Open Tiger Palm Strike. Step Forward.. Block. Snap Kick. Step Back. High Punch. A light sheen of sweat developed on his naked chest as Ranma put his body through a workout that made Marine boot camp seem like a Hawaiian Vacation. He pressed his physical limits to their max in a graceful dance of strikes and parries that started with basic Kempo before flowing through dozens of other martial arts forms. Somehow the diverse moves that came faster and faster until his arms and legs started to blur had been woven together into a unique harmony that was as beautiful as it was effective. A slight change in stance to gain a better base to strike from, the adjustment of an attack by a few centimeters, signs so subtle only a master would be able to spot the small characteristics that identified the Anything Goes Style. Relentlessly he continued to test himself, even though the strain of keeping up such a grueling pace had now reached a point as to daunt even the healthiest human Ranma's breathing still remained smooth and even. One of the few useful things he'd learned from Genma during their training trip was that you couldn't slack off if you were a true Martial Artist, it was an all or nothing proposition. For over an hour his kata went on, blows that could crush a tank like tinfoil hissed through the air and exotic styles long lost to this world were performed with a grandmaster's ability. At length even a CosmoKnight's extraordinary stamina must succumb to fatigue. His Forge blessed body ached all over, but it was a good pain. The fire in his muscles made him feel alive, a natural rush that cleansed the mind and body. {I wonder what's for breakfast?} Ever since his transformation Ranma had been keeping up his illusion of mortality. He ate, he slept and he trained. Never did he allow himself to forget what it meant to be human. As long as Ranma remembered to live, his power wouldn't corrupt him as it had so many others before. Few beings had ever seen his true form and lived to tell about it, Ranma had only summoned his armor in the past for real emergencies. Even then he made sure that nothing ever linked him to the mysterious Knight that showed up every now and then. Evil-doers who had discovered the truth usually did so with their dying breath.The number of people that were aware of his deception could be counted on two hands with fingers to spare. Even most of the other Knights didn't know that he was really one of them, especially given his penchant for relying on magic. As a rule CosmoKnights usually tended to rely chiefly on their natural powers, magic was usually avoided by them like the plague because it was one of their few vulnerabilities. As Ranma could have pointed out though, he was still alive and lots of other CosmoKnights weren't. A small gasp from the entrance of the Dojo caught his attention as the half naked young man started to wipe off the sweat from this morning's training. "Oh my!" ~~~~~~~~~ -A whole Universe away "CAPTAIN!!!" "Uh?" Lt. Commander Justie Tylor of the CAF Space Force was jolted awoke from his nice nap and great dream. In it he'd been having a great time at the beach with Emi, Yumi and Azalyn-chan. That reminded him, one of these days he'd have to show the Empress how much fun the sand and surf were. Speaking of which, he STILL hadn't found out about those Raalgon hotsprings yet! Maybe the next time Dom captured him he could find out. It was a shame that the others couldn't join in until they came to *rescue* him from the enemy. Even though both governments were now members of the Consortium of Civilized Worlds (CCW) they had never actually signed a peace treaty and were technically still at war with each other, although by CCW law they couldn't actually engage in hostilities. So every couple of weeks when Azalyn, Holy Empress of the Raalgon wanted to see her pet Paco-Paco, Dom or his subordinate Shia Has (depending on which one of them was unlucky enough to get the short straw that week) went out to *capture* Tylor and bring him back. He came with them willingly enough most of the time, but then the women on board the Soyokaze would get jealous and so the crew had to go and get him back from the Melva, the Raalgon Mothership. But at least the eighteen year old monarch was only one person. The legion of WAIT (Women After Irresponsible Tylor) numbered in the hundreds of millions. Discovering the planet Victoria's Secret had been a big mistake, the Captain volunteering to lead the investigation expedition had been an even worse one. But at the moment none of that was Tylor's concern, his indifference to even the most grave crisis was already legendary throughout the known Universe. "CAPTAIN!!!" "What is it Mr. Yamamoto?" First officer of the infamous destroyer, Lt. Yamamoto was a man who routinely gave himself an ulcer trying to make up his mind. Usually a by the book officer, Yamamoto possessed an irresponsible streak that rivaled his superior's though he usually covered it up quite well with layers and layers of regulations. "We have detected a group of unidentified ships closing fast!" "Oh? That's probably just Azalyn-chan coming to pick me up again." "Captain! They don't match any Raalgon signature! In fact their profiles are more like the space pirates we were sent to apprehend!!" Lt. Yuriko Star, the efficient intelligence officer of the Soyokaze and perhaps the most responsible person on board (which wasn't really saying all that much) shot an exasperated look at the man that she both loved and wanted to strangle whenever he behaved irresponsibly. In a way she envied her counterpart aboard the Untamed Stallion, at least Ranma behaved sensibly some of the time. Of all the men in all the planets in all the galaxies in all the Universe she had to fall for the most Irresponsible Man Alive. Granite had nothing on Tylor. "Oh, I guess that means we better do something then." *CRASH* The entire bridge picked themselves up from their collective facefault. Sometimes they thought that the Captain was actually more sensible then he was letting on and then he'd go and do something like this. Either he was a tactical genius or the luckiest idiot in the Universe. The popular money was riding on the latter, although after awhile several people were now coming to suspect the former. "What are your orders Captain?" Lt. Katori was the only known Buddhist Monk navigator in the Consortium Armed Forces (CAF). His dazzling head of blonde hair was actually a wig, though even a close inspection could fail to spot the difference. Undisputedly one of the best capital ship pilots living, the handsome officer seemed out of place on the rather rambunctious ship. Without his skills however the Soyokaze would have been scrapped long ago. "Hmmm...." The twenty two old Captain looked like he was thinking seriously. By now though every one of the officers on board knew that appearences could be deceiving, especially in Tylor's case. "Let's talk to them! Lt. Kim, open a channel." "Of course, what else could we expect from you Captain." A runway fashion model in her off hours, the young and beautiful brown haired communications officer possessed a tongue sharp enough to geld even the most officious superior. Naturally she often directed her scathing comments toward Tylor's relaxed attitude, though every now and then the part of her that really liked him slipped past the mask of professionalism. "Standard hailing frequency ready." "Yoo hoo! This is Captain Justie Ueki Tylor, Age 22. Please identify yourselves since you're approaching the Soyokaze and we don't know who you are. It's common courtesy after all." "Uh...captain...." The crew had much faith in Tylor, but once again that loyalty was being put to the test. Sure the Captain was able to get them out of the messes that the Soyokaze encountered but he was usually the reason that they got into them in the first place! Nervously everyone (with the exception of Tylor) looked toward the bridge's display to see the unidentified ships' response. ~~~~~~~~ Aboard their ships the Scourges of the Spaceways (a fancy way of saying they're scumsucking pirates) were breaking out in a full blown panic attack. THE Tylor was facing them!!! The most feared man in all of space, hailed as the greatest military mind in the Three Galaxies (3), had obviously been sent here by the CAF to utterly destroy the pirate problem that the CCW had been having in this sector. So now their problem was trying to decide what they were going to do about it. The majority wanted to surrender immediately before they were brutally slaughtered by the Tylor. Several wanted to just run away and never come back, the only problem with that was he'd probably kill them if they did. And a very small group actually wanted to try attacking the Soyokaze. Of course that resulted in quite an argument. "We must attack!!! If we destroy the Tylor we will become famous!!" "You FOOLS! The Soyokaze's marksmanship is unequalled!! They have a PERFECT to-hit ratio!" That was common knowledge. What *wasn't* well known was *why* its record was so flawless, the reason that the destroyer had never missed was because it had never fired a shot at the enemy since Tylor became captain! Captain Tylor's opponents were their own worst enemies. He didn't have to attack them, they did all the work for him. Once again this point was demonstrated. "We should run!" "We should give up!" "We should kill him! He's only one man with one small ship! If we stick together we can destroy the Soyokaze!" "Are you out of your MIND?! I don't want the Raalgon Empire after my head!! Not to mention W.A.I.T., do you know what those Amazons do to people that get on their bad side!" "Bah, Stay here then you cowards! We'll do it if you're too afraid to!" "No! Stop them!! If they anger the Tylor we're all dead meat!!!" ~~~~~~ The astonished oberservers on the bridge had a front row seat to the ensuing havoc that broke out. A fraction of the pirates broke from the rest to attack and were promptly fired upon by their comrades. The fight that broke out between the two factions soon ended with most of the ships on BOTH sides either destroyed or badly damaged. Kim was the first one to relay the good news. "Captain, they say that they are the Space Pirates in this sector! And they want to surrender!!" "Captain you're a genius!" First Officer Yamamoto had never doubted him for a minute, never mind the fact that he'd been about to declare Tylor unfit for command a minute ago in this situation. "What'd I do?" Captain Tylor looked puzzled before deciding to just smile and go along with it. White Queen takes Black Knight. *$*$*$*$*$* (1) Pulling down the lower eyelid and sticking out the tongue, a commonly used insult in Anime. (2) It’s a Miracle! (3) Scary thought isn’t it. ~~~~~~ 1b: And the Band played on. ~~~~~ "Oh? Good morning Kasumi!" Ranma had decided to do without his shirt since his workouts tended to work up quite a sweat and he didn't have that an extensive a wardrobe in the first place. His crew had never complained about it though so naturally he figured that the same would be alright here. His years spent in other dimensions had not destroyed the core of innocence that lay within his heart, a fact that continued to draw members of the opposite sex to him like moths to a flame. The main drawback of that well meaning naiveté was that it also meant that short of directly confronting him with said interest (and sometimes not even then) the poor Knight would never realize that it was there in the first place. Now was no exception to the rule. That rosy tinge to those flawless cheeks, those sparkling eyes simmering with barely repressed lust, and the way she tore a perfectly good apron into teeny tiny shreds of white would have clued even the most dense of men that something was up. But this was a Saotome.....their cluelessness was legendary. "So what brings you out here this morning? If you're going to practice I just finished so the Dojo's free." It took Kasumi a moment to realize he was talking to her as her attention wasn't focused on his head. Her appreciation of Chinese garb rose enormously as she noticed that after his workout the black silk pants now molded onto Ranma like a second skin. "Oh no, I don't train anymore. Akane is the heir to our family's style. I was curious to see who was out here at such an early hour, usually Akane goes out jogging in the morning. She prefers to save her workouts in the Dojo for when she comes home from school." "Sorry about that, I didn't think anyone would mind if I trained here." "It's no trouble at all. This place has been so quiet since mother..." Kasumi looked down as her voice trailed off. Human perception is an unpredictable thing. While he couldn't pick up even the most blatent come on if his life depended on it Ranma had a uncanny knack for being able to recognize the signs of emotional distress and help a person deal with it. This was due in part to the fact that he was an excellent listener (though with rather selective hearing) and a very compassionate person by nature. So as soon as the words "quiet" "since" and "mother"were uttered tiny alarms started going off in his head. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to remind you of any painful memories." Leaning closer toward Kasumi who still averted her eyes away from him Ranma placed a warm hand on her cheek and gently tilted her head up to face him. A chance ray of sunlight chose that particular moment to illuminate the young man's features with a bright halo as his smiled warmly in an attempt to let the Tendo daughter know she wasn't alone and that he was there for her. A quiet hush descended on the premises as Kasumi became lost in those concerned pools of sapphire blue. They seemed to promise a safe haven from the storm of turmoil that surrounded her as she kept the household together day after day. Her body unconsciously swayed and started to lean toward him, bringing them closer together. She could almost taste his lips, the moment was so perfect..... Closer....just a few inches more..... Almost there..... ~~~~~~~ Just as this scene was about to become prime time viewing one of the simmering pots in the kitchen started to bubble over on the stove. A slighty unpleasant smell coming from the direction of the house caused the couple's respective noses to twitch in alarm, breaking the mood. "Oh my! Breakfast is burning!" Withdrawing with a guilty look of disappointment Kasumi started to rush toward her little kingdom to avert a potential disaster. Ranma followed close behind. He still hadn't put a shirt on yet. Kasumi wisely didn't turn around to look as she fought to keep her composure. But she also didn't point the young man's state of disarray to him either.... ~~~~~ "I'll give you a hand in the kitchen." "It's alright, you don't have to...." "It's no trouble, as a guest here it's the least I can do." "Oh....Thank you." Such a simple gesture of kindness, yet it made her feel all warm and tingly all over. Had anyone ever done anything like this for her before? Akane's ill fated attempts at helping her usually sprang from wanting to impress friends or out of a desire to simple show the world that she was just as good at the more feminine arts as "Big Sister Kasumi". Somehow cleaning up the messes she inevitably made and compensating for the utensils and dishes she broke or rendered unfit for human contact was always ignored and left for Kasumi which only added to the workload of cleaning and cooking for a family of four.The only time Nabiki ever entered her domain was to pick up something to munch on. As for Father..... though she knew in her heart that he was a good man even he didn't lift a finger to do the chores and she didn't have the heart to try and tell him to do them. Yet here was someone who she had just met and he offered his help without asking for anything in return. Not that she'd mind if he did want something...oh my...that thought was becoming most improper..... If Kasumi had been wearing glasses they would have fogged over at that moment. Fortunately Ranma was able to keep her from accidently pouring kerosene onto the grill, otherwise the still slumbering residents would have gotten the mother in law of all wake up calls! ~~~~~~~~ As the hours passed the glorious yellow sun started its climb across the sky and brought lifegiving light and heat to the citizens of Tokyo. Akane and Nabiki opened their slightly bloodshot eyes, yawned and cursed the early hour that forced them from their beds, then went to attend their individual morning toiletries. Both made very sure to check the furo for occupants before entering. Oddly enough both suffered minor twinges of disappointment upon the discovery that it was indeed empty after all. Genma woke up, relatively speaking. Perhaps it would be better to say that he regained consciousness. Or rather what passed for a state of consciousness. { more all night sake binges..... ..wait a second...this doesn't feel like a hangover...} The thick stench of burnt fur and body hair quickly got his eyes open as he sat up. *CRICK* Genma's eyes widened as tears of pain formed. Sometime during the night when that evil suitcase had sprouted giant mechanical gloved hands and dribbled him around like big furry basketball before tossing him into the koi pond a disc had slipped in his back. And boy did it hurt! Training the boy could wait, he needed a chiropractor ASAP. "Morning Pop." It took only a glance to figure out his father's predicament. Even though he knew it was wrong Ranma couldn't help but smirk a little. That "ACME Warner surprise upgrade" had been worth every credit he'd spent for it. "Ranma my boy...your father needs a doctor. Be a good son ...and run along and get one." "No need, I can fix it." "Ah..wait a second boy, do you have license for this!?" "Don't worry Pops....I had a good me...." Somehow that didn't reassure Genma any, it sounded too much like him right when he'd suggested the trip to Jusenkyo. `I'm sure it's nothing Ranma, you don't have to!!" "Oh but I insist...." The older man did not like that grin he saw on his son's face. "Wait wait wait!!" "Now hold still...this may....sting a little." "Ack!" Locating the appropriate spot in the small of his father's back Ranma gave a small tap to it. *SNAP**CRACKLE*POP* "YEEEEEEEOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!" The house shook for a moment before settling back down. `THAT HURT!!!" "You're standing up aren't you?" "THAT'S...uh..I guess I am....." "Now if you'll excuse me I've got to set up the table for breakfast." "Wait a second boy! It's time for your training! I've been too lax on you lately! You've become soft and weak like a woman!" Ranma tryed not burst out into hysterical laughter. If Genma had ever dared to say something like that on the Untamed Stallion no one would ever find his body. If there was one thing that he’d learned, it was that women weren’t weak at all. This was not the reaction the overweight martial artist had expected, normally even implying that he was remotely like a girl was enough to send his son charging in with a full head of steam. And the boy had even left his back wide open, such sloppiness was disgraceful! A good thrashing should teach his son better. The older heavyset man crept up to Ranma as the young man set the table. Then as his son bent down to place a cup he struck. Ranma would never know what hit him. ~~~~~~ -1.2344433446 seconds later *SPLASH* A soggy brown muzzle poked its way out of the koi pond. "Nice try Pops." A few late blooming flowers were being carefully arranged among the dishes to form a decorative work of art. ~~~~~~ -1.1118327483 seconds later *SPLASH* A large bulky form floated to the surface of the water. "Would you at least wait until I finish?" The tea set tastefully offset the rice bowls but the chopsticks needed to be moved a little bit. ~~~~~~ -1.26457 seconds later.... *SPLASH* “Knock... 1.00033 seconds.... *SPLASH* “” .93465 sec.... *SPLASH* “ already!” *KLONG* A large lump formed on the now unconscious bear's head as it slumped against one of the ornamental rocks bordering the pool. "He's stubborn, I'll give him that much." Ranma went to pull his father out before he drowned. Maybe now Genma would leave him in peace. {Nahhh.} ~~~~~~ Breakfast progressed smoothly with only one interruption. "YOU'RE going to OUR school!?" Akane's look was one that said she obviously hoped that she'd heard him wrong. "Yes, Here's my transcript." "How did you get it so fast?! You just arrived yesterday!" Nabiki was a little flabbergasted, her contacts should have informed her about something like this weeks ago! "I made a few arrangements before I came to Nerima. No biggie, just a little this and that to smooth things along.." He deliberately left out the fact that he'd hacked his way into the government servers to register and set up a passable background that would minimize the paperwork the moment he'd set foot in Japan. Ranma hated paperwork, it was the bane of all decent military personnel. "Well then, me and Akane will just have to walk with you to school then and show you where it is." {Time to start revealing the disadvantages of the competition. Is that a silk shirt? It looks...nice.} "Gee thanks!" "NABIKI!" "Oh my." {Drat, I've already graduated.} ~~~~ Akane and Nabiki looked at the carefree martial artist casually strolling along. This wouldn't have been so strange a sight had it not been for the fact he was doing so on a narrow chainlink fence that was taller then they were. "Why are you walking up there!? Too good to walk on the ground like the rest of us normal people?!" Akane took this as yet another slight toward herself. At this rate she was going to earn herself an ulcer before she graduated. "She does raise at least one valid question Ranma, why are you up there?" Nabiki was genuinely curious to hear his reason for being up there. "It's kinda fun." *WHAM* After picking herself up from an impressive facefault Nabiki shot a disbelieving look at what had to be the most totally unorthodox person she had ever met. "You're walking on a fence because it's *fun*?!" "Well, why not?" "....." Okay, so for once the Mistress of Wits didn't have a ready response at hand. It happens. Silence filled the gap between the three. Of course Ranma didn't notice it much. It gave him more time to do important stuff, like thinking. "I'm NOT going to marry you, you know!" Finally the youngest Tendo daughter decided to break the stifling quiet with her flawless logic and insight. The handsome pigtailed young man shrugged carelessly. "Fine with me." Akane's eyebrows twitched with suppressed irritation at having been dismissed so casually....again. Enter the comic relief. "You WILL marry one of Tendo's daughters, Ranma!!!" "Gotta catch me first old man!" Laughing gleefully Ranma took off across the rooftops at a speed that a peregrine falcon would have envied. "Come back here!" Huffing and puffing, Genma scrambled off in pursuit. "Honestly, those two are so embarrassing. Why do they have to stay at our house?" `Now be nice Akane, they are our guests after all." "Hmph!" ~~~~~ -About 2 miles later *pant**pant*' "*cough*cough*....bac... ...back..*wheeze**ugh*...." Genma collapsed, sweating like a pig and totally exhausted as he watched his boy vanish in the distance. {When did he get so damn fast?!} ~~~~~~ -Whoops Ranma looked around at all the big stores and little shops. He must have taken a wrong turn back there. This was the commerical district, not Furinkan. Although it was rather nice to know where he could go this afternoon to get some local units of exchange. Money couldn't solve every problem but it certainly worked well for most of them! It looked like he'd have to hurry if he didn't want to be late for his first day of school. A jade green blur bounded from roof to roof as he finally determined the right direction to go. It was rather embarrassing to admit that even with his instinctual knowledge of his exact position in the Multiverse at all times he STILL got lost sometimes. The funny thing was it had only started happening after that side trip to a little backwater dimension...... ~~~~~~~ One particular building was home to a pair of sharp eyes. "Micheru, what are you looking at?" "I thought I saw someone for a second, Haruka." "On the roof? Are you sure?" "Funny though, I could have sworn it was carrying....." "Carrying what?" "A...a schoolbag." ".....Maybe you need some rest." "Only if you're here to share it." "Well then...hey!..*mmm*......*light sigh*.....*giggle*... ...aren't we full of energy all of a sudden.... ....*sounds best left to the imagination*......" ~~~~~~~~ -Now where am I? How hard was it to find one school in Tokyo? Ranma was about to find that out the hard way. "Sorry, this is Tomebiki." He sighed, this wasn't it either. "I knew I should have taken that right turn at the Cat Cafe!" "Look, I've got to get going. Sorry I can't help you out." "Oh that's okay," "Ryuunosuke, my name's Ryuunosuke Fujinami." "Ryuunosuke? That's strange, what kind of an idiot gives such a cute girl a guy's name?!" "..Cu..c...cute?" *Ba-Bump**Ba-Bump* "Sure! I mean anybody could see what a pretty young lady you are. Oh where are my manners, I'm Ranma. Ranma Saotome." His devasating smile was on full power, he wanted to make the best impression he could. It worked well.....too well in fact. "..Pr..p..pre...pretty?!" Ryuunosuke had just passed Cloud Nine and didn't show any signs of coming back down to Earth anytime soon. "Sorry to bother you! Ja ne!" Off he bounded like a grasshopper on steroids. Leaving behind one very dazed crossdressing girl..... {Furinkan High.....maybe I can see mean it, later.} Somewhere in the neighborhood a monk named Cherry raised his head and uttered two words that pretty much summed up the building situation. "Most ominous...." ~~~~~ -Uh.... Saint Hebereke. Nope, he definitely had no business at an all girl's school. Maybe he should have checked the map *before* he left. The only consolation he had was that at least none of the people he knew were here to see this, he'd never live it down. He wondered if that kid he had met in junior high had gone through this. What was his name again... .Ryo.....Ryoda Hidiki... or something like that.... Far, far away in the wilds of China something warm, fuzzy, and pure evil sneezed. ~~~~~~~~ -This is getting ridiculous {Not again!} This was starting to get out of hand. "Ah, excuse me. This isn't Furinkan High School is it?" "No, this is Gravitron High." {DOH!} "Thanks anyway Miss ah...." He was talking to a dust trail. "Oh well. Let's try that again." He'd probably never run into that redhead again anyway. Once more into the breach. ~~~~ -Good Night Everybody! "WHAT THE HECK?!!" {Big...Toenail...of....Satan.....Educational.....Facility?!!} This didn't look anything like a school, he'd seen Kreeghor Prisons less intimidating!! A very naked young lady ran past dressed in a red mask with a matching pair of high heel boots. "....." Carefully Ranma blinked his eyes a few times. {I did not just see a naked girl in a red mask run by.} Today was not shaping up to be a good day. Try again. ~~~~~~~~~ -One more time! *ZOOM* At this point Ranma was getting a little desperate, if he couldn't find Furinkan soon he was going to be late. So here he was chasing after a bicycle doing better then 80 mph in the quiet Nermia streets. At least the girl was cute. "HI!" Amazingly she could talk to him and pedal like a maniac at the same time without running into something. "Hi, do you know where Furinkan High is?" "Hmm....Nuku Nuku remember! Take next right and go straight!" "Thanks!" "BYE BYE!" Nuku Nuku waved back at her new friend as she decided to start really moving. *WHOOSH* The ten speeder that was going at least nine speeds faster then it was intended to abruptly went from Warp drive to Ludicrous speed. Lines of plaid bounced off Ranma's now sheepish face as he was left behind in the dust. {This IS my home planet, right?} ~~~~~~~ -Elsewhere Ranma wasn't the only one having a hard time swallowing this. "I don't believe this! How can anyone fumble SIX navigational bearing rolls in row and not be a Hibiki?!" Even dressed in stately white platemail, somehow the figure managed to convey a sense of twitching incredibility. The grey robed one pulled out a small notepad and then looked at the various enchantments and alterations in play on Saotome to jot them down for posterity. After a moment of looking a very oversized sweatdrop appeared. "I think I'm going to need a bigger notebook." ~~~~~ -At long last "Whew! Finally found it!" He had arrived just in time, Akane and Nabiki already approaching the front gates. He waved at them, happy to see that he'd made it just in time. Jumping down to join the Tendo girls Ranma clasped both their hands in his own in relief. "Man, you two have no idea how happy I am to see you guys." "What do you think you're doing?!" Akane wasn't the only to react to this strange twist of events, several dozen angry male voices yelled from the school yard as they witnessed this undreamed of sacrilege. "Huh?" Ranma looked to see a weird sight, it looked like every boy attending Furinkan was dressed up in sports equipment or martial arts outfits and gathered in front of the school building. One of them, dressed in an *ice* hocky uniform gasped in shaky disbelief. "He's...He's...HE'S TOUCHING AKANE'S HAND!!!" Cries of outrage sprung up from all around at that observation as if they couldn't see that perfectly well for themselves. The group seemed to come to a consensus after some dark muttering. "Let's get him!!!" The horde of beserk hormonally driven jocks charged toward the new student, intent on turning the infidel who had dared defile the skin of their pure goddess Akane into a stain on the concrete. {You have GOT to be kidding me.} A large sweatdrop formed on the back of Ranma's head as he saw the angry mob heading toward him. {Now the fun begins.} Nabiki smirked, this was sure to discourage any chance of anything forming between her younger sister and their potential fiancee. ~~~~~~~~~ -Saotome Residence "So when will we meet Ranma, Aunty Nodoka?" "Chi! You and Azusa didn't have to tag along!" It wasn't fair! How was she supposed to be able to spend any quality time with fiancee and get to know him better when her manager and apprentice in training would be watching over her shoulder every minute!? "Very soon, once you've gone through the Anything Goes Bridal Training we'll join my son and husband at the house of an old family friend." {Poor Soun, I do hope he's recovered from the loss of his wife. My son's wedding shouldn't be disrupted by one of his crying sprees.} "Wha?! Anything Goes BRIDAL TRAINING??? "Of course dear, when I'm done you will be the perfect match for my manly son." Something sent a cold shiver running down the spines of the three girls. It might have been that eerie confident tone, the twinking sparklies shooting out from big eyes filled motherly love and pride, or the battle aura of motherly pride that towered over them. The sudden crackle of thunder and lightning in the clear blue sky had absolutely nothing to do with it, nor did the flock of frozen black ravens crashing down into a nearby temple, and it couldn't possibly be due to the fact that every chopstick in sight had just broken in half for no conceivable reason at all. Heh. Hehehe...yeah right. The three girls almost made it out of the house before the arms of well intended doom dragged them back in to meet their fate.... "Wait!! I'm not the one getting married!!!" The fine wooden door slammed shut with a solemn finality. Black Queen takes White Pawn. ~~~~~~~~ -Furinkan Ranma Saotome was being given a warm welcome by the local athletes. {Oh Fershlugger!} While being attacked by an bloodthirsty mob was not totally outside of his experience this was the first time they used bats and rackets instead of guns and grenades. Japan was supposed to be a peaceful country after all, had things really changed that much in ten years? He'd have to follw that line of thought later, as for now.... [Tactical Mode Engaged.] [Multiple hostile contacts detected.] [Threat value: 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000001 i.e. you’re kidding right?] [Options: 1. Attack -Unacceptable, Ethical conflict 2. Run -Unacceptable, Honor conflict 3. Nonlethal Neutralization -Unacceptable, 99.9% certainty that hostilities will resume in 23.68 hours 4. Bluff -Loss of dignity within acceptable parameters Commencing with Style #37: Lee Kwan Choo Initiating.....] Hopping back a bit to get some room to manuver Ranma avoided no less then twelve different types of sports balls, half a dozen training weights, and a javelin that some wise guy from the track team had borrowed. Not to mention all the punches, kicks and miscellaneous attempts to cause great amounts of bodily harm to him. It helped that every one of them fought like individuals instead of as a team. That meant that their attacks often got tangled up as they tried to attack from the same direction at the same time. Akane watched this with a little shock. The crowd that normally challenged her each morning had gone right past her today. Why weren't they attacking her? They were attacking...HIM?! Relief was the first thing she felt. That lasted for only a moment before Anger hit. HOW DARE HE INTERFERE WITH HER FIGHT!!! She was a martial artist too! No boy was going to upstage her!! Ooohhh...She hoped that he got creamed, that would teach him to stop butting in! In fact she was going to give him a piece of her mind right now! Akane started stalking over to the genral melee going on, the slower boys that had the misfortune to be in her way quickly learned of their error before heading to La la land. "Ran....!" If Akane had been able to finish what she was about to say the entire course of the story might have been different. But that was the moment Ranma choose to make his move..... ~~~~~~~~~ A lot can happen in fifteen seconds. In that short span of time battles can be won or lost. Within that brief fragment of time a decision can be made that will have earth-shaking effects in the future. In fifteen seconds a person's opinion of another can be forever changed or set in stone for eternity. ~~~~~~ 1... The more observant ones closer to him spotted it first. The new kid was starting to light up as a prismatic glow enveloped him right before their eyes. Ranma's stance now looked a lot like a large cat preparing to pounce. ...2... Those with a lick of sense in their heads hesitated in their attack and began to find that the idea of a strategic withdrawal had considerable merit. The majority of the pack charged in heedless of the consquences. Ranma's features hardened as a deadly gleam appeared in his eyes. ...3... Now the rest of the boys noticed, even the most hardened of them were taken aback by the sheer force behind that chilling expression. Some of the more superstitious found themselves remembering stories of the boogie man and the many demons of Japanese legend. Now more of the jocks were beginning to reconsider this impulsive attack. But it was already too late.... "KIYA!!!" The battle cry struck like a physical blow, stealing away their confidence and weakening their muscles with the first venomous drops of terror. ~~~~~~~ -Eyecatch 1 (Scene: Ranma is chasing a horde of monsters and villains from various Anime and RPGs (Rifts, Slayers, BGC, SM, etc.). They run from left to right and then offscreen for a moment. Then Ranma comes running back from the right side with a look of pure terror on his face. A moment later a *gigantic* mob of women with Kasumi, Tsunami, Urd, Ayla, Shayla Shayla, Misato, and Jaina Solo among them coming charging after him.) -Eyecatch 2 (Ranma looks nervously to both sides, then breathes a sigh of relief when he sees that he's alone. Then he spots a gourmet feast laid out on a white picnic blanket. When he leans over and tries to grab some of the tempting food the trap springs and a dust cloud briefly obscures the screen. Sasami, Kasumi and Makoto(SM) step in and smile, Ranma is revealed to be caught in a fish net hanging from a wooden rod behind them.) ~~~~~~~ ....15 Furinkan's finest athletes were frozen in place by a combination of terror and disbelief. Growing dark stains on both ends of their pants along with a foul odor that started to fill the air were clear evidence of the effectiveness of Ranma's attack. The entire student body (minus one) was stunned by it, even Akane had to admit that she wasn't good enough to pull something like that off. ~~~~~~ "Damn...." Shadow let out a soft whistle of admiration. Who would have ever thought to use the Neko-ken style that way?! The fact that he was able to relearn it without going insane was incredible enough! "I don't believe it! He's not supposed to have a horror factor unless he's transformed!!!" Zora dumped a bucket of ice water to end the Guardian's ravings quickly. The screams of outrage were another story. ~~~~~~~~~ {How'd he do that?!} Akane wondered, if she could learn a trick like that...... Casually the pigtailed martial artist relaxed from his ready state and dusted off a few wood and metal splinters from his hands. "That's the only warning you get gents. I strongly suggest that you leave both me and the Tendos alone or you won't be so fortunate next time." Seeing that the gentlemen in question were incapable of even coherent thought at the moment Ranma started to head toward the school building. Akane blinked as he walked past her then went after him. She reached out to grab him by the arm, as her hand encountered a solid array of muscle a small shiver that wasn't at all unpleasant in the least ran through the rest of her body and sparked a few emebers in her lower abdomen. "Wait a second Ranma!" "Who dares approach the fierce tigeress of my heart?!!" Tatewaki Kuno's rehearsed speech was forgotten as he beheld this affrontery to his refined senses. So immersed in his fantasies that he'd missed the fireworks earlier, the would be samurai had strode out just in time to see his beloved Akane grab some strange boy's arm! {Unforgivable!!!} ~~~~~~~ It wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair. {There's always one more to deal with. The Universe never cuts me a break!} What was next, giant singing fuzzy purple dinosaurs doing the Macrena? (1) "Who are you Cur?" Not waiting for a reply Kuno ranted on. "Ah! But it is the custom to give one's OWN name first!" {Is he for real?} "Fine then! MINE I shall GIVE!" The rumble of the approaching storm grew louder. {This is ridiculous. I came back home to escape from the craziness, NOT make it worse!} Ranma heaved a disgusted sigh as he looked up at the darkening heavens. It was going to rain any minute now and he wanted to get inside his class, not deal with this blowhard. "My name is Upperclassman Kuno. I am captain of Furinkan Kendo club and the undefeated rising star of the high school fencing world. But my peers call me...." {A loudmouthed idiot with more pride then sense by any chance?} "The BLUE THUNDER of Furinkan!" *KRAKKA**BOOM* A perfectly timed bolt of blue lightning ripped across the sky. {What a show off.....} Several students watching the unfolding spectacle from the second story of the school building looked slightly puzzled by that last statement. Among them was Nabiki. "Blue Thunder?" "Have you heard about that Nabiki?" "News to me, last I heard he was calling himself the Shooting Star or some such junk." The entire student body looked upon the poor doomed fool who had attracted the attention of the school's best fighter. Even though he'd just beaten the rest of the male population, Kuno was in another class altogether. It was rumored that he might even be better then Akane! So everyone watched and whispered conversations sprang up among them. Those that were still conscious that is. Which meant that the crowd was composed mostly of girls. Lonely girls who hadn't been able to get a date for weeks since Kuno's stupid declaration had sent practically every eligible boy in school after Akane Tendo. "Oh no! Kuno's going to kill our one chance for happiness!!" "Maybe he'll just break a few bones and be content with that?" "Shhh...look! Something's happening!" Having decided there was no other viable way out of this Ranma decided to just go along with this little farce until an opening appeared. "I'm Ranma Sao......" Trying to stop this Akane blurted out the first thing that came to mind without bothering to think of the consequences. "He's just staying with us, Kuno!" {Oh swell, that really helped.....} "What?!" Kuno's shock was nothing compared to the student body's reaction. "WHAT?!" Told ya. An ugly red glow formed around the slightly shaking son of the noble house of Kuno. "Under the SAME roof as AKANE?!! I FORBID IT!!!" The Insane Strike of Righteous Justice (patent pending) came slashing down. Kuno might as well have sent his opponent a formal letter announcing his every movement, he telegraphed his attacks like a professional wrestler. Ranma merely jumped backwards, then continued on from his new spot several yards away from the angered kendoist. "As I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me..." {Foul lowbred dog! You dare insult the noble House of KUNO!?} Tatewaki growled like a feral animal at this base attack to his noble samurai heritage. At this point he wasn't about to settle for anything less then this peasant's head mounted on a pike. "I'm Ranma Saotome of the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts. And to be completely honest, you don't impress me one bit." After that statement was heard the betting tripled. Nabiki found herself hard pressed to keep up, even she was astounded by Saotome's guts to say something like that! But could Ranma back up his bold words? It looked like they were about to find out. ~~~~~~~ -Somewhere not revealed yet "Is something wrong old friend?" The figure's features were lost within the grand hall that stretched as far as the eye could see as he gestured toward the exquisitely crafted platinum board between the two players. "You've yet to make a move, in all the millenia I've known you I've never seen you play so poorly before. " The setup of the game in progress revealed that Black was swiftly gaining control of the board despite the solid defense of White. Currently it was White's turn to move. There were few options left, no matter which direction a move was made one of the important pieces would be lost. A closer inspection revealed that the pieces were in fact miniature representations of various beings and creatures from from across the Multiverse. Even more telling was the fact that Ranma represented the Knight for White. The figure expected no response, he'd learned long ago that there was a reason for everything it did, the trick was finding out and more importantly, understanding it. Their friendship was an unusual one even by his standards. Both of them possessed ancient secrets and long lost knowledge that mortals would kill for, their seperate existances had been recorded at the dawn of the written word and spanned far before that through half remembered legends passed down through near ritualistic oral tradition. Unique and alone, scholar and meddler, yet who both found a common enjoyment in a simple friendly game. For a brief drop in the sea of time their responsibilities were set aside for the only true peace they had. But now.... The change in his friend's choice of pieces had not gone unnoticed either. He was worried, it seemed as if the other was playing an entirely different game this time rather then the one between them.... [The Circle must be completed once more.] Shock held him in its grip. For the first time ever his friend had spoken to him! Ranma's armored form moved across the board to quietly knock over one of the opposing Black pieces. Knight takes Rook (To be continued...Hehehehehehe......) *$*$*$*$* (1) I'm a fanfic writer, not a sadist! ~~~~~~~ 1c: The other shoe drops... -Negaverse, T-minus 7 hours From the lifeless depths of the dark void came the order that they had been dreading. "It is time. Go, and do not fail me." The three generals knelt partly in respect, but mostly in fear. Maybe death wouldn't be so bad after all compared to having to live in terror and suffering for all eternity. "As you command, Master." But it was a millennia too late for them. They left for the Material Plane with their individual signatures of teleportation, smoke, cherry blossom petals, and shards of crystal respectively. But they did not go alone. A number of smoky, featureless wraiths went with them. Metall'a was through with being subtle and letting the Senshi nibble away at her resources, her string of defeats spanning back to the Silver Millenium had shown her that when it came to death and destruction sometimes the old fashioned ways are best. Instead of using one youma at a time that would quickly get blasted into Moon dust and result in yet another loss of her precious psychic energy this time her minions would be prepared and numerous enough to overwhelm even that old Time Witch. It would be amusing to watch as the mighty Sailor Pluto was slowly broken by a thousand years of degradation at her tendrils. Yes, the Intelligence had many plans for its hated enemies. If the first attack failed then another would soon follow it, and another, and another, and so on. It would strain her reserves to the limit but the end result would be forth the lost power. Unlike Metall'a the female warriors needed to eat and rest. For every youma that she lost two would be sent in the next attack, but when one of the Sailor Senshi eventually fell that would mean they would have one less for the next attack. The Senshi were mortal, and therefore weak. While the Gaki she had created from her own life essence were not as strong as her greatest warriors, the Seven Shadows, they had one cruical advantage over her lost minions, they knew their opponents. They knew their strengths, their tactics, and most importantly of all, their weaknesses...... It was a foolproof plan. Too bad nobody bothered to tell a certain Cosmoknight that. ~~~~~~~ -Again that unnamed place "A bold move, but you've left your King wide open." The ebony Queen seemed to ooze menace as it slid into position in front of the opposing ivory ruler. "Queen takes pawn, Check." ~~~~~~~ -Furinkan High "Prepare to face the wrath of the heavens, swine!" {Doesn't this guy ever shut up?! What's his problem anyway?} Ranma could honestly say that of all the people and creatures he'd ever met, Kuno was not the most annoying or even the most thickheaded. He'd run into people back in Rifts that made this guy look like a bona fide genius. But the loudmouthed kendoist definitely was up in the top ten and he had to repeat to himself over and over that "A Knight fights only to destroy evil and defend the innocent...this loudmouth isn’t worth it...he’s just stupid...." "Hah! I see that yon base frame doth tremble at the prospect of facing such a magnifience as mine own! Your foul hands clench in the grip of mortal terror at the sight on my noble blade!" {Isn't cruel and unusual punishment illegal on this world?} "Whatever, this is pointless. I'm going to class." With that Ranma pointedly turned away and started walking. "You dare to try and flee from the raging wrath of Kuno!? Take this fool!!!" Kuno charged toward from behind with his bokken overhead to deliver a deadly slash aimed toward this insolent newcomer's back. "Look out!" Nabiki looked shocked by her outburst. She wasn't the only one. *Chungggg* "Eh?!" Impossible! How had the cur avoided his perfect technique?! Instead of the satisfying sensation of his blade striking flesh he had merely cut a sizable hole in the school building's side. "Blast!" His second swing fared no better, a mere tree branch was severed instead of the legs he had been aiming for. This was fast wearing away the few bits of restraint that Tatewaki possessed. Was he not the greatest warrior in this, on this, in the entire Universe!? How could this mere flea continue to elude his righteous blows?!! "Hold still! Cease thy infernal movement that spirits you away from the Blue Thunder's strikes!!" *Slash* Miss. *Slash* Missed again. *Slash* Sorry, better luck next time. "Um...that's the whole point of dodging." "Silence Fiend!" For just a brief moment he considered just ignoring the pompous buffoon and let him find out on his own that sticks and stones would NOT break Ranma's bones. "Demon! Honorless dog!! Fight me!!!" {Ah, the heck with it.} Throwing any pretense of caution aside, Ranma ran straight toward Kuno and the school doors behind him. "I have you!!" Kuno proclaimed triumphantly as he brought his sword to bear. *Swish* The running figure's lines blurred as he zoomed past the attempt to strike him down. At that moment the young knight did commit an error most grievous that would bring him only more headaches in the future. Even as he reached his class right before the bell rang the upperclassman remained outside, frozen in mid-swing by a small cluster of nerves in his wrist that had been hit just right. Unmoving except for a insane fire in his burning eyes. For he had a perfect view of his blade and the desecration performed upon it. It had been intended as a lesson of sorts, to give the young man time to think about the errors of his ways as he was forced to see the message left to him by the upstart newcomer. So it was that Tatewaki Kuno age 17, did swear to have his revenge upon the foul sorcerer, for only the most dark and vile magic could have defeated a noble samurai warrior. He looked at his defiled sword and his rage burned ever hotter. Scratched deeply into the side of Tatewaki's noble bokken was one simple word. [Imbecile.] ~~~~~~~ Noble Rook moved into position, putting the Dark Queen in peril now. "Ah, I didn't see that reversal......" ~~~~~~~~ "What the heck is he doing?" The sounds of lots of big heavy things being moved around was quite noticeable. "You know how he is, always a performer at heart." Shadow didn't look up from where he was standing even as he answered his counterpart. "Does he really need that many speakers?" "Well he said he wanted to give the scenes a little more pizazz." "More like he's going to give us a temporary case of deafness at this rate." The Guardian really wished he'd gotten a pair of earplugs, the Half-elf's reputation was not without some basis in fact. In that minstrel's hands music was literally a lethal weapon. "I'm almost ready...." *SSSRRRRIIIEEEEEEEEEEECCCCCCHHHHH* The feedback squeal nearly blasted the entire gathering into next Tuesday. "oops." "I TOLD YOU IT WAS A BAD IDEA TO LET HIM DO THAT!" "WHAT DID YOU SAY? I CAN'T HEAR YOU! MAYBE IT WAS A BAD IDEA TO LET HIM BE IN CHARGE OF THE BGM." ~~~~~~~~ Tokyo, T-minus 3 hours "AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" `Wow! This is so cool!" "The truck!! The truck!! Watch out for that TRUCK!!!" Driving with Mihoshi was a unique experience. The same way skydiving without a parachute is a unique experience. It wasn't that she was a bad driver, rather the detective seemed to have forgotten about a few basic concepts like inertia, gravity, and friction. "It's just like being in a rollercoaster!" Needless to say, Sasami was having the time of her life. "Look out! Wrong lane!! Wrong lane!!!" Kiyone was well on her way to a nervous breakdown. For the umpteenth time since buckling her seatbelt at the start of this little demolition derby from Heck she swore that she was never going to do this again. Kiyone made a lot of promises like that, sorta like how she always promised herself she would get a transfer and a new partner. " where are those brakes again?" The Eternally Innocent Blonde was oblivious to her passenger's reactions as it required all of her attention and reflexes at these speeds to keep the car from winding up as a metal and glass stain on the road. Her partner's skin was starting to turn the same color as her hair. Kiyone gave serious thought to praying for divine intervention. *thunk**smash**crunch* Mihoshi let out a nervous giggle. "Oops! Umm.....oh well, they didn't really need that sign anyway." Kiyone then considered fainting. ~~~~~~~ "Black Bishop moves to block." The named piece slid into place to defend the stronger piece from danger. In response a white pawn knocked off one of the opposing knights. "Cute, but that won't work a second time." ~~~~~~ -A certain temple, T-minus 1 hour 37 minutes 25 seconds "Keiichi, have you seen Skuld?" "No, I haven't seen her all day now that you mention it." "She must have gone out for ice cream again." "I'm sure she'll be fine Belldandy, Skuld's a big goddess now. Plus Banpei's not here either, she proably took him along too." "I hope you're right, I'm just worried that something bad is about to happen...." Once again Keiichi Morisato faced that age old dilemma. How do you reassure a goddess that is both smarter and more powerful then you could ever hope to be? tea helps. ~~~~~~ Furinkan High "Class, I'd like you to welcome a new student recently arrived from China, Mr Ranma Saotome." Hushed whispering broke out. {"He's only a sophomore?!"} {"Wow! I thought for sure he was a senior..."} {"Looks so mature for his age..."} {"Sayuri! You already have a boyfriend!"} {"You can have Daisuke, good thing I brought an extra lunch with me."} {"No fair! Who wants that Akane chasing loser?!"} "Uh…hi." Ranma knew he was forgetting something important. But all the stares he was getting since he'd entered the room were making it hard to concentrate on remembering the customs of this time period. "Hello Ranma!" The all female chorus replied, their voices dripping with sugar and spice. The boys that were supposed to be in here had all mysteriously come down with some ailment just minutes earlier (a sudden need for spine transplants, perhaps). The predatory undertone to their greeting were completely missed by the uncomfortable target, though not by a glowering Akane. Just her luck that she wound up in the same class as that....that.... {How dare he act like he's innocent! That womanizer!} Now he remembered! He was supposed to bow as a sign of respect to the class. Instead of the traditional polite gesture that the class was expecting, they were treated to a bow more fitting for a royal palace then a simple school classroom. "Ranma Saotome, at your service." {"Wow! It's so romantic....."} {"Like a prince out of a fairytale..."} {"....We must not rest until one of us dates with him!"} ~~~~~~~~ Juuban District, T-minus 45 minutes Trouble was brewing..... Skuld looked a little guilty as she exited from the ice cream parlor, she knew she was supposed to tell one of the others or leave a note behind so that Belldandy, Keiichi, and Urd (yes, even her) wouldn't worry about where she was. But there had been a sale! A real honest to goodness half-price on all three hundred twenty seven flavors of that cold sweet ambrosia! Once she'd seen the advertisement in today's paper the next thing Skuld knew she was riding on Bampei and telling him to get the lead out. And it had been worth it. Oh had it ever been worth it! The sugar rush alone was enough to have the petite techno-goddess floating a few centimeters off the ground. Banpei, her trusty robot sidekick, was currently in scooter mode and parked a little further down the street. Skuld wasn't worried, Banpei's scanners would pick up any trouble way in advance and give her plenty of time to deal with it. Her patented super duper weapon system would easily wipe out any possible threats if they dared to show their faces here. She would not have been so confident had she known that Sailor Mercury's visor was just as high tech and the Sailor Senshi's attacks had grown over the years to such an extent as to match even divine craftsmanship. But Metall'a's minions had come prepared with just such an eventuality in mind. So quietly had they crossed over that even the Guardian of Time herself was unable to detect first. So it was that while the guardian robot's screens remained clear, evil had already penetrated into the heart of the city and prepared to strike the first blows of their mistress's revenge. Skuld's morale would have plummeted even further had she noticed the watching darkness lurking above, where no shadows should be. A darkness that paid very close attention to the unsuspecting Goddess.... Black Rook takes remaining Bishop. ~~~~~ Juuban District, T-minus 30 minutes Amazingly despite Kiyone's worst fears they had all arrived alive and in one piece. After taking a moment to kiss the sweet ground and then another one to verbally chastise her partner (i.e. screaming and ranting only to find that Mihoshi wasn't paying attention again) the three finally walked into the supermarket. For the youngest princess of Jurai, it was like stepping into her own little world, all these yummy ingredients to cook lots of delicious meals for everyone were stacked from floor to ceiling all around her. The smell of fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices mixed with that of beef, fowl, fish, and cheese to become a heady perfume that tickled and teased the palate. Sasami loved the supermarket with a child's innocent glee, for it was here as in the kitchen that she wielded ultimate power. Washu knew science, Ayeka had manners and rituals, Kiyone carried the GP manual in her heart, Ryoko could party like no one else, and Mihoshi....Mihoshi.....could.....could...karaoke and knew the story of every soap opera in known Universe. But when it came to cooking, it was Sasami who they all bowed down to. Kiyone and Mihoshi quickly became loaded down by the little sprite's shopping list. Surprisingly there weren't many people shopping that day which left the usually bustling building rather quiet. In the silence a certain stomach growled. "Mihoshi!" "Waa! I'm sorry, but I'm just so hungry Kiyone!" "You just ate a few hours ago!" "But that was just breakfast!" "Well just wait till we get back to the house!" "I...I...I can't!" "Mi...ho...shi!" "Waa!" *Boom**Crash** "Oh no!" "This is all your fault Mihoshi!" "I'm sorry!" "Why me?! If I've offended some unknown deity and am being punished for it by this...then I'm sorry already!!" "Kiyone!!" "*Ack*...can't......breathe...let go..Mihoshi......" "Kiyone!!" A flood of tears worthy of the Anything Goes School poured onto the rapidly turning blue officer's new skirt. "....*gasp*...*everything going dark*.....*must escape from hug of death*......" Somewhere in the excitement the third member of their party had vanished. ~~~~ The White Queen took the other rook. Now both sides had totally lost an advantage in the field. Yet Black still held the upper hand. {What are you planning old friend? This stratagem is only delaying the inevitable. You can't hope to win by staying on the defensive, not against me at any rate.....what are you up to?} ~~~~~~~~ -Alliance Space Like a small sea of shining jewels the largest armada of Rebel ships gathered in a decade amassed at the edges of the Ristmoth system. Hidden from Imperial sensors by the gas and dust of the nearby asteroid belt, the final preparations for their attack were underway. "All wings reporting in." From the command ship a pleasant neutral female voice went about the task of getting the various task forces organized. "Red group standing by." "Green group standing by." "Gold group standing by." The various strike craft and bomber squadrons sounded off as they moved into position. They, along with the faster escort vessels, would spearhead the first strike. Their job was to engage the security perimeter defenses while the more heavily armed capital ships took out the orbital battle-stations and ground defenses. At the very rear of the armada were the troop carriers and heavy transports, accompanied by a smaller rear guard taskforce and the fleet's medical ships. "Alliance Corvette 119 assume point with Destroyer forces 4 and 9." "Understood HopeBringer. We're moving into place now." The Untamed Stallion's sleek lines seemed to radiate the predatory nature of the ship itself as it's four engines powered up to maneuver the small (in comparison to the assorted cruisers, dreadnoughts, and carriers) but deadly craft around its larger neighbors until it finally reached the very edge of the gathering. Two flights of twelve destroyers joined it, as well as their accompanying fighter patrols. "All ships are in position Admiral." "Prepare to make the jump into Hyperspace." ~~~~~~~ "I keep expecting someone to say 'Lock S-foils into attack position'." "Don't give them any ideas!" ~~~~~~~ As the stars streaked into lines, the entire Alliance fleet made the transition to faster-then-light speed. In the space of a few seconds the area that they had occupied was cold and silent once more. A few moments later, the first lights of battle lit up the early morning skies above the third planet of the system….. ~~~~~~ -Furinkan High Nabiki Tendo didn't care much for Tatewaki Kuno, but he was rich and the bills needed to be paid. So it was with some reluctance (and a substantial reduction in the weight of his wallet) that she finally dragged him into their class, the upperclassman still paralyzed by the nerve strike Ranma had delivered earlier that morning. She did get a fair bit of amusement from the look in his eyes at having to be dragged into class by the female he despised most. The word scratched into his prized weapon was worth a small laugh too, though she had to make sure that Kuno didn't see it. As long as he remained her biggest source of income she had to display at least the pretense of discretion around him. The raspy whisper was barely audible as locked vocal cords finally unfroze. "….…..damn…you….foul…sorcerer…." "Looks like whatever he did to you is finally wearing off, Kuno baby." Nabiki's voice dripped with sympathy, or rather a severe lack of it. He had it coming for having every eligible boy in school chasing after Akane and leaving her out in the cold and without a date for every weekend of the school semester. "…….I….despise…you….." "I am *so* glad to hear that." Liquid magma would have frozen at that frosty tone. Unfortunately for all Humanity, stupidity is a natural insulator. ~~~~~~ -Juuban District T-minus 15 minutes Two girls ran headfirst into each other. *Crash* "Ooof!" "Ouch!" Royalty met Divinity. "Sorry about that!" "No, It's my fault. I should have watched where I was going." "My name's Sasami. What's your name?" "I'm Skuld, Goddess Second Class Limited……Oops! You didn't hear that from me!!!" If Urd learned about this she would never hear the end it! But something about this girl reminded her of Belldandy, it had simply felt wrong to try and hide anything from her. Sasami laughed at the look of sheer panic on the other girl's strangely marked face. For some strange reason she was reminded of Washu. That subtle aura of scientific mayhem was unmistakable. "You're silly." ~~~~~~~~ -Not so nice watchers They were obviously too young to be the Senshi, but such an opportunity couldn't be passed up. "Wait for my signal." Swiftly and silently the forces of darkness moved into an entrapment configuration, there would be no escape for the princess this time. Jedi'te and Malach'te exchanged a look, despise each other they might but both knew that they had no choice but to work together. The alternative wasn't even worth thinking about….. ~~~~~~~~ -Furinkan High "E equals mc squared." "42." "Boron." "Charles Dickens, Mary Shelly, Sir Francis Bacon…. " Mr. Yoshida didn't like disturbances in his average boring dead-end job, his idea of excitement was springing a pop quiz on the class on subjects that he'd never taught them. He was also one of the few instructors that had disapproved of the daily morning brawls for Akane. The uproar that had caused by this new student hadn't exactly pleased him either. For the past hour he'd attempted to demonstrate his superior intellect by throwing questions that were more appropriate for collage graduates then simple high school students. So far all his efforts had proven in vain. A fine sheen of sweat had started to build on the increasingly annoyed teacher's brow. Finally the balding man started to pull out the big guns, there was no way that this wise guy could possibly answer a question that had stumped the most brilliant scientific minds on Earth! "GUT, which was resolved by the discovery of the anti-graviton and harmonics of electromagnetic particle waves. The principle equation was the basis of all contra-gravity theory and led to faster-then-light drive development." Mr. Yoshida's jaw smacked painfully onto his desk. He shot an evil glance at the Saotome boy's slumped head. Bad enough that he was a bloody know it all, but literally answering the questions in his sleep was going too far! "Please keep your flights of fancy out of school Saotome. Making things up will only get you into trouble. In fact for not paying attention go stand out in the hall." "Sensei?" "GET OUT!!!" {"I thought that this was supposed to be a History class?"} Yuka whispered to Sayuri, disappointed by the loss of the view she had been getting from her seat behind Ranma. "Everyone else turn to page 576 of your text and get ready for a pop quiz!" The entire room groaned in dismay and more then one of the girls there gave serious thought to breaking a few rules in order to get out of class and joining the cute new student in detention. The veins throbbing violently on the instructor's forehead and the slightly bloodshot maniacal look in his eyes was enough to discourage them however. Yoshida-san was going to make it his personal quest in life to utterly crush, humiliate, and otherwise make his new student's life completely miserable. ~~~~~~ Holding the two heavy water filled metal buckets with his pinkies, Ranma yawned and tried to keep in mind that nothing exciting happening was supposed to be a *good* thing. If this was what Furinkan was normally like he decided that he should sleep in class more often. He could survive lasers, bombs, bullets, even magical girl speeches, but he had yet to find a defense against plain old boredom. The whole point of going back to school had been to start learning how to live in this planet's society without commiting too many gaffs that would reveal him for what he was. So far the results hadn't been very promising. Ranma wasn't sure who was wackier here, the students or the teachers. And it was only his first day attending this place. Maybe it wasn't too late for a transfer. Tomebiki High sounded good, or maybe the Ohtori Acadamy. ~~~~~~~~~ There are some Universal constants that hold true no matter how much the fabric of reality is reshaped and rewritten. For example; Akane Tendo will never be able to cook, Ryoga Hibiki will always lack a sense of direction, and Tatewaki Kuno… "WHAT? FIANCE?!" "Well actually Kuno, he…" "I WILL NOT ALLOW SUCH A TRAVESTY! SAOTOME YOU FIEND!!!" {...managed to squirm out of it for the moment and he's just a guest of the family now. Not that you'd bother to listen once you set your mind on something. Honestly, you and Akane deserve each other. Everything goes in one ear and out the other.} The bored voice of educational authority interrupted the dramatic speech in mid-rant, much to the relief of those few students with a sense of good taste. "Go wait out in the hall Kuno." Grabbing two buckets, the *former* greatest fighter of Furinkan High ran out to rescue his beloved fierce flower. After ducking into a nearby empty locker for a moment, the sound of a shirt being ripped in two came from behind the door. "Never fear Akane! Kendo Champion Man is here!!" Out popped Tatewaki in his traditional samurai fighting gi with one addition, a big red cape. Recently he'd been exposed to a 24 hour marathon of poorly translated gaijin television programs by his father and there had been some lasting results.... ~~~~~~~~ Juuban, T-minus 14 minutes Sasami's pink eyes widened in horror as she looked up and saw the dark forms descending behind Skuld. Her scream rang out loud and clear as a bell in the quiet district. A second scream joined her a moment later when the girl with strange markings on her face turned around. The youma thought that they had found easy prey, but though young, Skuld was a Norse goddess descended from Heaven's finest warriors and fighting ran in her blood. Once she got over her initial panic the monsters found out firsthand that their chosen victim wasn't quite as easy a target as they'd thought she'd be. "Bampei! Attack sequence #35 anti-monster mode! And make it quick!" The little robot beeped an acknowledgement even as Skuld pulled out her Bug Masher Mark II and brandished the dreaded atomic mallet. The faithful machine hopped up to defend its creator, a double rocket punch took care the first wave. The Gaki's forms were partially insubstantial , a protection against normal physical damage and some energies but useless against divine craftsmanship. Concussion grenades fired from two launchers that popped out of the robot's shoulders, scattering the evil creatures in every direction. Meanwhile the spunky patron of the future had not been idle as her invention's program ran its course. *TWHACK* *CRACK* *SMACK* “Neo-Skuld Bomb!!!” *KABOOM* It is a well known fact that a mallet in a woman's hands is the most dangerous weapon on Earth. When that woman happens to be a Goddess, heaven help the poor fool who has incurred her wrath. A lifetime of squashing bugs had given Skuld a strength that went beyond mere appearence as well as refined her technique over the millenia. Metall'a's forces never knew what hit them. ~~~~~~~~ "Wow! You did it! You beat them!!" Sasami was impressed and it showed, if Kiyone and Mihoshi could see this she bet they'd be amazed too. "Hah! That'll teach......them?! Hey! You're not supposed to get back up!!" Both girls paled a little as the fell creatures arose once more, seemingly unscathed by the blows they had taken just moments earlier. "BAMPEI!!!" They could only watch helplessly as the dark swarm congregated on the more dangerous of the opposition. Ruthlessly the creatures attacked through the blasts and explosions to rend and tear at the metallic covering of their enemy. The valiant creation was pulled down by sheer numbers, fighting to the end. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Juuban, T-minus 10 minutes After such a long strained expectant wait, the first actual attack came as a kind of relief to the Senshi. Those that could transformed and headed toward the disturbance immediately. Those that couldn't were stuck in detention and trying their best to come up with a excuse to leave. It was going to take them awhile to catch up to the others and the shift schedule had already left the Sailor Senshi at barely two thirds strength. The first girls to arrive were going to find themselves badly outnumbered. Worse for them, the generals sent to Earth were expecting that and intended to take full advantage of this oppertunity. ~~~~~~~ As the living nightmares closed in on the two frightened girls reinforcements finally arrived. "Shabon Spray!" A cold blue white fog filled the street, concealing everything from sight. Using it as cover Skuld and Sasami managed to put some distance between themselves and their pursuers. Jedi'te smiled maliciously, his revenge was finally at hand. Of all the Sailor Senshi, he hated Mercury, Mars, and that blasted Sailor Moon the most. It was all their fault that he'd been imprisoned in the horror of eternal sleep. The other two would get theirs soon, but Mercury would be at his mercy! "Not this time Sailor Failures. Today marks the beginning of my vengence and the end of you and your pathetic friends." Malach'te was of a similar mind as a giant bolt of green lightning and a yellow laser beam heralded the appearence of Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus. His palms crackled with dark energies that paled next to the black fire burning within his breast. "Take them!" The youmas rushed out to fullfill his order. In the span of a few heartbeats the three Senshi on the scene found themselves badly outnumbered and fighting for their very lives. No matter how many times they blasted, fried, or froze the horde, it would only slow them down, after a few moments to bioregenerate the monsters entered the fray once more. Even the appearence of Sailor Saturn a few minutes later failed to turn the tide, there were just too many of them. Saturn was hampered by the fact that they were in a commercial district and didn't dare risk using her destructive powers, the possibilty of civilian casualties was simply too high. Metall'a had planned her attack well, while the sailorsuited warriors were crippled by their morals her minions had no such qualms. As long as they got their targets it didn't matter who else got hurt in the process. A third Pawn fell to the Black Knight. ~~~~~~~ Sasami was starting to regret leaving the Galaxy Police officers behind while she did some more shopping on her own. {I wish Kiyone and Mihoshi were here right now!} She hadn't felt this frightened since Kagato had nearly trapped her and Tsunami. Except this time there was no Tenchi to save her. The Sailor Senshi were doing their best and even Skuld was getting into the thick of things with her mallet and explosives but even she could see what the likely outcome would be. The wraiths were too many and too hard to destroy, and they weren't fighting fair at all. "Someone please help us!!" ~~~~~~~~ -Furinkan High A burning pain suddenly enveloped one of the bucket carrying digits. "Yeouch!!" Ranma yelped in pain as he spilled the water all over the floor. Clutching his hand protectively, he looked to see that the ornate silver ring he wore was glowing slightly, that could only mean one thing... Sticking his head out a nearby window the young Knight started to look around, searching for any sign of the trouble that he was being warned of. {Now how am I going to find it? Give me a sign or something.} A blue geyser of flame exploded high into the sky from a city district not too far away, followed by the faint sound of multiple explosions and the scream of emergency vehicle sirens. {Call me crazy, but I think that's where I need to go.} Reflexively he leaped up to avoid the bucket full of dirty mop water hurled at him by the upperclassman charging toward him with a full head of steam. "What's your problem now Kuno?" Ranma asked distractedly as he tried to think of a plausible excuse to leave the campus without raising suspicion. From what he'd seen so far, he might not even have to. "NEVER! NEVER, Ranma Saotome!! I will never accept your engagement..." "Hey! Now just wait a second here!! I ain't engaged to nobody!!" " fair Akane!!!" {Arrrggghhh!!! Why me?!} *ZHOOP* The windows behind Kuno slid open in response to the shocking news. "WHAT!?" "Engagement?!" "NO!!! She's stolen another one!!" "I thought she was you know, *nudge nudge* *wink wink*." The crowd's mood was starting to turn ugly. There was only so much they were willing to put up with, having both the most popular girl in school and now the most eligible boy both rendered unavailable was simply going too far. "Wait!! It's not true!! Our parents decided!! Who'd want to marry a pervert like him anyway!!" Ranma would have been tempted to ask Akane where she had come up with that pervert crack if it hadn't been for the insistant spiritual tug he was getting from the little trinket he was wearing. He started running toward the nearest available exit with a swordswinging caped nutcase following close behind. The mob of students with Akane at their head followed a few seconds later. The marathon passed the pool side of the building and made a left toward the side that faced the soccer field. "Stand your ground coward!" "I don't have time for this Kuno! And for the record I'm not engaged to any of the Tendos!!" "Liar! Relinquish your hold on Akane!!" Ranma leaped out the nearest open window without another word. He was severely tempted to demonstrate his control of multidimensional profanity but managed to resist....barely. "You think to escape me?! I follow!!" "HEY! This is the THIRD FLOOR!!" The speaker's jaw dropped a moment later as he saw the new student make a three point landing by one of the large oaks next to the school building. Kuno wasn't as fortunate, in his haste he had jumped out a little too far. *Crack* ~~~~~~~ -Elsewhere There was a brief moment of respectful silence among the men of the gathering, several of the heroes doffed their hats and muttered a few ancient prayers as they averted their eyes. "Well, I think I'm emotionally scarred for life now." The Bard squeeked in a high pitched voice. His legs, like the others, were crossed tightly in instinctive reflex. "Knock on wood anyone?" The groans at that horrible pun nearly drowned out the whimpers from the more sensitive members of the audience. ~~~~~~~ -Furinkan Slowly, ever so slowly Tatewaki slid from where he'd landed, clutching himself where he'd had the misfortune to encounter a very large and very, very solid branch. Ranma was already long gone much to the disappointment of the students who'd been expecting a entertaining fight. Nabiki was not amused when she heard about this. ~~~~~~~ Tokyo, T-minus 5 minutes Even as he moved across the roofs of the city at a pace that would give most cheetahs a heart attack Ranma was hoping for a fight. He was just itching for something to work off the frustrations of his first day at school. But first there were certain formalities that needed to be followed. Cosmoknights had the ability to transform for a very good reason. "Cosmic Armor up!" A bright flash of white surrounded him as Ranma's assumed his true form and became the Forces’ of Evil’s worst nightmare. The energies involved in the transformation did not go unnoticed, even with the ring's jamming in place that much power being released all at once was impossible to fully conceal. Especially from the greatest scientific genius in the Universe, the Guardian of Time, and a Goddess First Class Unlimited. ~~~~~~~ "Aaaa!!!" "Setsuna!! Haven't you ever heard of a thing called privacy?!" "You can indulge in your love play later, get your uniforms on and get ready to move out. I've finally gotten a trace on the Invader." ~~~~~~~ Somehow the media had found a news crew brave enough (or stupid enough) to televise the battle between the famous Sailor Senshi and the horrible monsters tearing up a good sized portion of prime real estate. So it was that every household in Japan with a television on got a special live coverage of the battle and some of the events that would follow it. In fact, a tape of this scene would eventually be rebroadcast on an international scale, something Ranma would not find out until much later unfortunately. ~~~~~~~~ Juuban, T-minus 1 minute Sailor Jupiter clutched her bruised ribs with her good arm as she stumbled back from the line of fire. A dazzling Love and Beauty Shock bought them all enough time to catch their breaths, but things looked grim. The little girl with strange markings and the big hammer had been clipped by a blow that would have caved in her skull had it connected fully. As it was she was barely conscious and had been dragged back to relative safety by the cute little blue haired girl. Venus was limping slightly and her normally cheerful blue eyes showed signs of strain and exhaustion. Mercury's uniform had become a two piece set and the ugly bruises to her shoulders and midriff would take a while to heal even with the accelerated recovery provided by their Senshi transformations. Saturn had fared the best out of all of them despite the fact that main concentration of attacks had gone to her. With the Silence Glaive and her Silence Wall to protect her from their blows she had actually managed to destroy a number of quick healing monsters. But for every one that fell, half a dozen were ready to take its place. The sheer amount of special attacks that all the Senshi had been using had taken its toll, they could all feel themselves getting weaker with every second of fighting that passed. It was only a matter of time now, then the two Generals waiting patiently behind their minions would move in for the kill. Even though things looked hopeless the Sailor Senshi fought on, they wouldn't give their enemies the satisfaction of just giving up and being slaughtered like sheep in butcher's shop. ~~~~~~~ T-minus 20 seconds Disaster struck. One of the larger youma broke through their desperate last stand to go after the two girls that the Senshi had been doing their best to protect. Only Sailor Saturn had stood in the seven foot hulk's way and she was swatted back only to trip over Skuld's semiconscious form. ~~~~~~~~~ T-minus 15 seconds Her glaive skittered off to the side with a metallic clang of finality. There was no way she could possibly reach it in time. With a sort of morbid fascination Saturn watched the inky black clawed limb raise for the death blow. Then a small form got between her and the monster and spread its arms out in defiance. ~~~~~~~~~~ T-minus 12 seconds It took all of Sasami's courage to not run away screaming from the horror she faced, but she couldn't just let the girl who had been fighting to protect her and the others be killed. The youma didn't even hesitate, her death simply meant that the amount of life energy they would rip from her body would double and three kills instead of only two. The grotesque appendage reached its peak and then descended. Sasami, Skuld and Sailor Saturn shut their eyes as they braced for the final blow. It came impossibly silent, impossibly fast. Someone screamed. ~~~~~~~~ T-minus 10 seconds A gust of heated air rushed up against her trembling form. Slowly, unable to believe that she was still alive, Sasami opened her eyes. The monster that had been in front of her was gone, only a large smouldering crater in the street where it had been standing just moments earlier remained. "How?" The Warrior of Silence asked softly, relief at not having to die again left her limbs as weak as wet spagetti. "Urd, is that you?" Skuld's head ached even as she tried to find any sign of her older sister. "WHO DID THAT?!" Malach'te and Jedi'te both yelled out in shocked fury as their eyes finally recovered from the blinding light that had just come out of nowhere and wrecked their careful plans. As if in common accord everyone (as well as the only working camera there) turned toward the direction that the mysterious beam had come from. …5… The Senshi's eyes widened as they looked up. This definitely wasn't Tuxedo Kamen! Sasami let out a cheer as she beheld the awesome figure standing above. …4… The youma instinctively knew that this newcomer was an enemy, a very dangerous enemy. Fear swept through them and even affected the hardened Generals as they beheld the terrifying apparition. More then mere physical appearence, this newcomer radiated an aura power that made the hair at the back of Malach'te's neck stand on end. …3… -Masaki Household "Oh no! Sasami!! Miss Washu do something!! My sister is in danger!!!" "Come on Ryo-ohki! Let's go!!" "Right behind you sis!" Minagi was already in her combat outfit, but it was a toss up as to which one of them was more intimidating at the moment. The house odds currently favored Ryoko. "Hold it!" "Miss Washu?!" "Look!" "What in Tsunami's name is that?!" "It looks soon-to-be new guinea pig!" …2… -A familar temple "Skuld?!" "What's she doing all the way over in Juuban?" "And what in Heaven's name is THAT?!" …1… The Cavalry had arrived. And as the Knight moved into place, it came within striking distance of the Dark King. Check. ~~~~~~~ For that pure undiluted spine-tingling atmosphere of excitement, nothing beat the classics. And when you have a semi powerful nearly cosmically talented demi-human musician in charge of the gosh darn biggest speaker system ever set up in the past several thousand years with a full case of movie and anime music CDs at his disposal....well..... "Popcorn?" "No thanks." The giant widescreen 3-D viewer had been a nice touch too. Craning one's head to look down into a small pool for hours on end only benefited one's chiropractor. So now the couple hundred or so entities that had been watching and making side wagers on the events taking place were now all comfortably seated and ready for the mayhem to resume. ~~~~~~~~ While they are feared and reviled by the Kreeghor, hated by the Splugorth, loathed by demons and alien intelligences, and absolutely despised by Genesplicers, Necromancers, Dominators, and other assorted baddies, even the most megalomaniacal of their enemies respect the potential power of even the most novice of CosmoKnights. A respect that more often then not turns to fear when facing a veteran Knight, and with good reason. Most CosmoKnights are usually killed or fall from grace within the first three years of assuming their role as Guardians of the Cosmic Forge. Those that survive accumulate enough experience that only a full scale armada or the most ancient beings of darkness have a prayer of actually killing them. Along with that experience comes a hard earned knowledge of what not to do when confronting an unknown supernatural enemy who has superior numbers. The first and most important rule is to never, *ever* confront them head on. Common military wisdom holds that it's best to divide and conquer whenever possible. The vast majority of CosmoKnights felt it was folly to go against conventional tactics. Ranma Saotome wasn't one of them. It was a risky course he had chosen, one that allowed for no mistakes if he was to have any chance of success. By not immediately engaging after firing that one blast he'd forfeited the advantage of surprise, a mistake more suited for a beginner rather then a warrior with Ranma's experience. But he didn't care, in fact he had a lot of unrelieved pent up stress and frustration to vent right now and so wasn't thinking very clearly at the moment. Being forced to leave his ship and crew behind during rumors of a new assault being planned against the Empire, the discovery that his father had treated him like a damn commodity to be traded for whatever the old bear wanted, the stupid engagement they'd tried to force on him, that viper Kuno with his words of slander, and now this..... The bastards were attacking children. That was it. The final straw. They had crossed the line and all bets were off. Forget sensible, forget stratagy. He was going to send this scum to Hell in a handbasket one piece at a time. It was stupid, it was foolhardy, it was totally reckless. His former weapons instructer would probably have applauded. ~~~~~~~ ...0... A CosmoKnight in full armor is one of the most impressive sights one can see in the Multiverse even when one knows what to expect. Standing nearly seven feet tall, the metallic black armor's design was somehow reminiscent of a high tech powered combat suit combined with the more sleek lines of modern padded body armor that molded along him like a second skin. The helm was beautiful and inhuman at the same time, envoking the image of a bird of prey or perhaps even a more fantastical predator. In fact he looked more like some great dark metal angel then a man. The small protrusions along the back even vaguely resembled razor sharp wings. ~~~~~~ "Looks like one of the Iczelions except with more coverage." "Really? I thought it was more along the lines of Tekno-man meets Transformers." "You're both nuts, he looks more like Macross crossed with Triax." "Well, it's very impressive anyway." "On that we're all in agreement." "Uh oh....that's going to be trouble." "What?" "Take a look at that little thing on his left breastplate." A moment of shocked silence descended. "Damn, you didn't...." "She did." "Oh dear." "Oh my." "Oh hell." "Already checked the book, no rule says can't do it." "You are one devious Cosmoknight, aren't you." "Flattery gets you in trouble." ~~~~~~ For a long moment Ranma's armored form regarded the horde of smoky shifting forms. No two of them were alike, some bore a resemblance to certain predatory invertebrates, others appeared to possess a more reptilian nature, and the remaining few were grotesque mockeries of the humanoid form that were too horrible for mere words to describe. It was not a sight for the faint of heart, by his hurried count they outnumbered him 46 to 1. And then he was upon them like a merciless dark bolt of Divine Retribution(tm). Ranma's earlier gamble had paid off, unaccustomed to feeling the terror that they themselves inflicted on the puny mortals, the youma were crippled for those first few precious seconds of the melee. His first enraged punch tore the head off of something that looked like a giant mantis with traits of a scorpion and a octopus, it's mandibles continued to click in denial even as the macabre missile went flying back with enough force to slam into a telephone pole. The reinforced titanium proved harder then the luckless youma's skull, splattering it like an overripe melon. Even as the first body started to disintegrate into dust a side kick from Ranma buried itself so deeply into another gaping Gaki's scaled midriff that its back bulged impossibly outwards. Its fanged maw opened in a futile attempt to scream even as an open palm drove the front portion of its skull in and reduced the contents to processed jelly. Three more of the disgusting monsters fell before the rest finally recovered enough to start fighting back. They closed in on all sides, trying to overwhelm him with sheer numbers as they had done to the Sailor Senshi. Special attacks of every possible description were released from innumerable orifices. Gouts of dark red flame, streams of sizzling green acid, puffs of noxious purple gas, wicked barbed spikes, even a occasional bolt of bio-electricity was fired toward the intimidating CosmoKnight. In addition those closest to him tried to pin Ranma down in hand to hand combat long enough for their foul brethren to finish him off. But it was like trying to hit the wind, no matter how hard they tried the Knight was never where they aimed at. More then once they wound up striking each other in their attempts to hit him. He was running them in circles, using his superior speed and agility to keep them off balance as he picked them off one or two at a time. The few hits that Ranma took were absorbed by his Cosmic armor and amounted to little more then a few scratches that quickly dissappeared thanks to its remarkable regenerative properties. The two generals watched in unbelieving shock as their forces were wittled away youma by youma. Even bioregeneration was insufficient to heal the grevious damage being inflicted on their troops. Something had to be done before all of their forces were wiped out! ~~~~~~~~ Finally they managed to keep Ranma in one place long enough to dogpile him, burying him underneath a squirming black hill of monsters that clawed and tore away at the nearly impenetrable protection surrounding him. Malach'te's cruel eyes narrowed as he saw the opportunity presented. "Now's our chance! Blast him!" Jedi'te looked at him in disbelief. "But the youma are in the way!" "So what? Do you want to report a failure to Metall'a?" "Good point." Together the two let loose a devastating barrage of magical energy that enveloped the entire area in a ever expanding chain of white hot explosions. ~~~~~~~~~~ A gasp of dismay arose from the spectators as their savior vanished in the inferno of destruction wrought by the villainous pair. Nothing could have possibly survived that hellish holocaust. As the glare subsided a little behind them the generals swiveled to face the battered Senshi. The few remaining youma still in one piece (more or less) began to close in. It was obvious to all that the heroes were on their last legs, only sheer stubborness still kept them standing. Even Sailor Saturn had somehow manged to struggle back to her feet and stood with the others on shaking legs that threatened to give out at any moment. "So, you little girls are still defiant. No matter, it doesn't make any difference in the end! Time to be embraced in the arms of oblivion!" Manical Ranting 101 is not a required course for demented supervillians, but it should be. "Think again." On the other hand Witty Retorts 241 *is* standard material for all true heroes. And the look on their prissy faces was worth spoiling another opportunity for a surprise attack. Stepping through concrete that had become runny and sticky due to the tremendous residual heat, Ranma's armored form emerged unharmed from the heart of the conflagration with a pale blue glow surrounding him. A deathly chill descended down the spines (or in several cases, exoskeletons) of the surviving forces of Darkness, what did it take to stop this thing?! ~~~~~~~~~ "I think I like this guy, talk about devious and sneaky sleight of hand...." "Come again Shadow? How the heck did he manage to survive that? Even with the armor he should have sustained some injury." "He used his invincibility power tattoo to absorb the blast, see how the blue aura surrounding him is nearly transparent now? Normally it'd be really bright, but its protection is almost all used up. But now those little baddies think that Ranma is some kind of monster, in fact I'd wager that the foppish duo are wetting their pants right about now." "You're on, fifty platinum says you're wrong." It was almost too easy. ~~~~~~~~~ "Get him! Get him!!" None of the remaining monsters made a move to follow Jedi'tes slightly hysterical shouting. They had no intention of confronting that one again anytime soon, seeing so many of their fellows being massacred so easily had cowed the normally ferocious beings. The youma were evil, not suicidal. Metall’a had to be told of this new threat immediately. In spite of the threats and direct orders given to them, one by one they teleported back to the shifting darkness of the Negaverse, leaving the two villains alone with a very annoyed celestially powered being that was capable of taking on large alien warships....and winning. "Since you two have already given me your best shot, I guess it’s my turn." The Malach'te and Jedi'te were already opening fire with dark blasts of Negative energy that dissipated the last wisps of the protective aura surrounding the Knight's armored form. Then there was a snap of rapidly displaced air followed by a minature sonic boom as Ranma went from 0 to 1,200 mph in less then three seconds. Only sheer reflexes saved the blond Jedi'te from meeting the same fate as his minions. A nanosecond before black metal knuckles crushed his face in his telekinetic forcefield snapped into place and the killing blow meant for him smashed into it. A spectacular shower of sparks erupted from the point of impact. A noticable dark stain started to spread down the front of the pale twitching general's long pants as his eyes crossed to stare at the hand that would probably have been squishing deep into his grey matter if his psychic based defense had been even a hair slower. Malach'te's slightly crossed legs hid his secret shame a little better. He'd never thought that anything could move that bloody fast! {By all that is unholy, what kind of monster is that?!!!} Jedi'te's relief at having narrowly avoided a gruesome painful death was shortlived as Ranma withdrew his fist only to start throwing a dozen rapid fire punches in the blink of an eye at the barrier seperating him from his quarry. Hits that could crush a heavy tank like an empty aluminum can struck the solid energy shield at supersonic speeds. The intense tempo pounded on relentlessly as the substantial amounts of kinetic energy being delivered were absorbed and converted to thunderous sound. Almost immediately shimmering cracks started to form on the nearly transparent surface as the forcefield started to buckle under the incredible hammering it was taking. ~~~~~~ "Arrrgghhh!!!" "You should have known better Guardian." "I'll just add it to his tab." Shadow rolled his eyes a little as he continued to watch. "I guess the Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken is going to be a little redundant. The look on Cologne's face should be priceless." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sailor Mercury finally managed to pry her jaw off the ground and through a heroic effort of willpower managed to tear her eyes away from the spectacle unfolding before her. A quick glance at the others revealed they were similarly mesmerized by all that damage being caused by that one man, if there really was a man behind that stern faceplate. While she was very grateful for the *just in the nick of time* rescue, seeing how casually and effectively he inflicted such brutal violence was extremely disturbing. Especially since they had no idea as to who's side this guy was on, sure he was fighting against the Negaverse at the moment, but if he decided that the Senshi were enemies too the results would most likely be....extremely unpleasant. Mercury didn't even have to think to activate her visor, it had become as natural as breathing to her. But the results were not what she expected. Instead of a detailed readout listing the figure's power level, structural composition, possible weak points, and just about anything else possible that her sensors could detect, all she got was static punctuated every now and then by brief spikes of high energy that had her computer throwing a fit. It couldn't determine if it was Senshi energy, Negaverse energy, or something totally alien to this Universe. One thing was for sure, she *really* didn't want to have to fight this guy, no matter what Sailor Pluto had told them about Rifters. "I want one of those." Sailor Jupiter sighed, surely all of that well defined muscle tone wasn't just the armor. Sailor Venus just nodded her head in agreement. It was getting rather warm over here all of a sudden. The expression on Saturn's face was unreadable. But she never took her eyes off Ranma for a second as he continued to fight. ~~~~~~~~ -That darned temple again "What?! For your eyes only?!" The platinum haired goddess continued to hold the phone long after the click of a dial tone ended her call. Skuld was in trouble and their father was worried about keeping secrets?! "Is something wrong Urd?" "I think Father has been watching that Ian Fleming marathon on cable again." "Oh dear." Belldandy was a fine example of the power of positive thinking and her prayers sent toward Juuban had a greater impact then most. ~~~~~~~~ Dozens of deadly explosive black spheres hurtling toward him forced Ranma to disengage before he finished busting through the terrified life essence's telekinetic forcefield. It was also at that moment that Jedi'te finally remembered that he possessed several supernatural abilities useful in situations like this, such as the ability to teleport. He did so immediately. Hovering several dozen feet off the ground Malach'te released yet another small swarm of marble-sized death at his quickfooted foe. Again Ranma was long gone before the balls were anywhere near enough to do any possible damage. In return he grabbed and threw a loose piece of pavement about the size of a bowling ball with crackshot accuracy and a physical force equal to that generated by a small cannon. It blew up harmlessly against the sorcerer's magical forceshield. And to make things matters even more unfair to boot, the sneaky SOB had teleported too. This time he reappeared a safe distance behind the Knight before raining blue bolts of magical destruction in a spread pattern to limit Ranma's ability to get out of the way. It looked Jedi'te would join in the fun as soon as he got over his fright and his normal malicious nature reasserted itself. Now that was starting to finally get Ranma annoyed. Magic users were always a pain to deal with even in the best of circumstances and the little free for all with those wimpy monsters had finally cooled the roaring heat of his anger down to glowing embers. It looked like it was time to start bringing out the big guns....the *really* BIG guns. Hidden beneath his faceplate, Ranma smiled knowingly. {Oh partner, it's time to come out and play...} [You say the sweetest things.] The two villians paused in their attack as some long dormant hint of common sense registered that something very *bad* was happening. The space around Ranma's outstretched right hand shifted and shimmered as ripples of extradimensional fabric parted to reveal Ishtar in all her shining glory. Gold, silver, and ivory intertwined into one to form a hilt emblazoned with symbols that had been old when this world was still cooling from its fiery creation. A silver angel with wings of purest gold served as the crossguard for the magnificient Rune Sword. The ornamentation was neither gaudy nor simple, rather it was just enough to give the blade a powerful presence without making its appearence cheap and overblown. Two tiny wingless ivory dragons uncurled from the handle to come around Ranma's wrist and form the beginnings of a pure white kote over his armor.(1) Twin white curved talons branched out over his knuckles to add an extra layer of protection that could also be used for attack. In short, it was a very impressive sight. The two servants of Metall'a took one look at her and promptly fouled their suits. "Oh shit!!!" Malach'te's mouth opened and closed, but for once he'd been rendered completely speechless. Greatest Rune Weapons tend to have that effect on those who recognize them for what they truly are. "Welcome to the Big Leagues boys." *$*$*$*$*$* (1) Japanese armored sleeve, Thanks Gregg *$*$*$*$*$* 1e: Let’s Rock! ~~~~~~~~~ It had not been a good day for the forces of Evil. And now it was about to get a whole lot worse. But mindful of the horrible punishment awaiting them if they returned in failure, the villianous pair were determined to try and defeat the intimidating armored figure opposing them or at least find out more about his capabilities before having to retreat. Hovering at what they believed to be a safe distance, about fifty feet above the street, the generals fell back to their tactic of attacking from a distance with their lethal supernatural abilities. The fact that this strategy hadn't worked before didn't deter them from using it again. Their initial fright at the sight of a Rune weapon was eclipsed (just barely) by their fear of their mistress's wrath. The sword was only dangerous if it could reach them after all, but *her* grasp stretched across the dimensions. ~~~~~~~~ Unfortunately for Metall'a's minions, Ishtar happened to be one of the Splugorth's latest models, or so was commonly believed. Perhaps it would be more accurate to call her the Asgardian Dwarves' final masterpiece before their secrets were stolen and perverted by the dimensional invaders. The sword itself had remained hidden for eons, a lifeless shell awaiting the proper rituals that would bind a helpless soul into the weapon's heart for all eternity. Even the entrapped goddess didn't know the true age of the ancient weapon, it had been old when she was was first assimilated into it and that had been untold ages ago. Time had little meaning to those it did not touch. For what purpose had such a cruel yet hauntingly beautiful thing been intended for? She had often wondered about that during those long stretches when she was not being wielded by her owner, when she was truly alone. Perhaps it was just a silly whimsy but Ishtar felt sure that there had to be some greater destiny that they had yet to fulfill. At the very least it helped her stay sane, yet recently there had been more then a hint of truth to support her belief in a larger plan at work. Since her creation the sword had known many owners, a few had been good creatures of renown, but far too many had turned out to be inhuman monsters that had forced the proud spirit to cater to their sadistic whims. Each one had used her differently from the rest, through some process that she still didn't understand the powers accessible from the Rune Blade varied with the individual who possessed Istar. At least that was how it had been, until Ranma had come and freed the sword from her last master, a ancient Intelligence that was twisted and corrupt even by the loose standards of the Splugorth. He was different, and not just because she loved him. Ranma was truly her first, never before had the lonely soul residing within formed such a complete bond with her owner. He completed her, filling the dark emptiness and making the longing spirit whole once more. The boy, who was in truth more of a man then many she had met (both before and after her imprisonment), had unlocked the powers of healing and rejuvenation that had been buried so deeply within that Ishtar had thought them long since lost to the ages. In his hands Ishtar had finally become the weapon of Life the she was originally intended to be and the sword would defend that cherished link between them at any cost. A link that not only shielded Ranma's mind but also provided a early warning system that increased his combat effectiveness tenfold by keeping him one step ahead of his opponents. A Cosmoknight might not be able to use the mystical "Force" one of his instructors had once told him about, but with Ishtar in hand he could certainly fake it. Small wonder that the Sploogies had put out such an obscene reward on his head. So when Malach'te and Jedi'te hurled a volley of levin-bolts, (small bluish white torpedoes of pure magical fury) at Ranma, it came as quite a nasty surprise to see him twirl his sword in a defensive weave that not only managed to parry every one of their attacks but also sent the projectiles hurtling back to their points of origin. ~~~~~~~~~ -A short distance away "Are you getting it all?" The News 5 anchor looked as close to total ecstasy as a normal person can get (short of summoning the monster with two backs), what had been another boring day of noodle shops and long interviews with middle aged housewives had turned into the opportunity of a lifetime. First the famous Sailor Senshi and now this! He could see the headlines now: "Japan's newest superhero; The Knight Hawk!" or some such junk that the public would eat up. Never mind that they didn't even know who he was, just imagine the awards and accompanying pay raise for this brilliant stroke of journalistic luck! "I'm getting it! I'm getting it! I just ain't believing it!" The camera man was entertaining similar fantasies. The tabloids were going to pay a fortune for his story. Heck, this might be enough to finally pay off the camera loan from that Nabiki girl. ~~~~~~~~ "Well, now we know he's definitely been hanging around with the Jedi." The Guardian slumped back, having long ago given up trying to comprehend the insanity of this complex timeline and just had decided to just keep accepting it on faith. He squinted a bit to get a better of look at Ranma's movements, it looked more like dancing then martial arts swordplay from here. "Some of that foot work seems strangely familar." "That's because he's using parts from *MY* fighting style!!!" Now Shadow looked rather peeved. He turned toward Zora and asked the obvious question. "There are only five people in the Multiverse who have ever used that particular style of sword fighting. Two are dead, one's an evil assassin scum and I know for sure that I didn't teach it to him, so who....." He saw that "gleam" in her eye. The same one that she'd had every time some new insanity sprung up to add to the already chaotic nature of her Bet. "....Oh no....." Shadow could do math as well as anyone else. Five minus four meant that there was only one possibilty left. A moment later Zora confirmed his worst fears. "Ranma deserved the best instructor." "But why HIM?! That guy's even more reckless then *I* am!" {"I wouldn't be so sure about that."} "Your point?" That seemed to silence him as he tried in vain to muster a counterargument. Seeing that Rowan seemed to know what was going on again (like always), the curious musican directed his query to him. "What gives?" "Ranma's using a modified Drow fighting stance, which also happens to be the same one that Shadow favors in combat." "A Drow fighting stance?!" Comprehension started to dawn, The Bard's home dimension was a backwater place but it wasn't *that* out of touch with the other worlds. (1) ~~~~~~~~~ -Masaki Household Washu Habuki was both intrigued and frustrated, a combination that spelled nothing but trouble for the poor soul who had attracted her interest (something a certain Tenchi Masaki had learned through first hand experience). These camera devices were so primitive! How was she supposed to get the scientific data she needed on that interesting specimen when the blasted things couldn't even register the infrared spectrum? Her hyperdimensional keyboard was already being put to work analyzing the scant information being provided by the broadcast. That fighting style was like nothing she had ever seen before and there was no match to be found in a cross-reference against the Universal database either, something Washu would have previously sworn was impossible. There was also that remarkable interaction with a extra-dimensional pocket of subspace, something that should be lightyears beyond the inhabitants of this backwards little planet. And then there was that sword! Without proper testing she couldn't know exactly how powerful it was, but she could make a reasonable estimate. If she was right (almost a given) then that weapon was almost as strong as Ryoko's and Minagi's blades combined. {Very interesting....} It wasn't every day that the genius discovered something that might possibly surpass her masterpieces. Tenchi had been one, could this be another? {I'll have some fun finding out!!} The spiky red haired scientist made a mental note to dispatch some of her new probes to Tokyo. It just wouldn't do to have her data on this interesting person remain so incomplete. A gleam came to her green eyes at the thought of all the samples she would need. ~~~~~~~~ Once Aeka saw that her younger sister was no longer in immediate danger she calmed down enough to start paying attention to the rest of what was being broadcast. Specifically the rather imtimidating newcomer was the focus of her attention. She was already favorably inclined toward him seeing as he'd just saved Sasami, for a moment she even briefly considered that it might be Lord Tenchi beneath that dark armor. {No! Lord Tenchi would never be so virile....} At some point during this interesting line of thought her cheeks had turned beet red and her hands began to twiddle her fingers together aimlessly as the princess's imagination placed her in Sasami's place with a fierce looking Tenchi in Jurai battle armor coming to her rescue. ~~~~~~~ -Juuban District Being a true hero in modern times is often a thankless duty where the hazards of the job usually outweigh the potential rewards involved. But there are some fringe benefits, like seeing the evil warlocks frantically doing their best to dodge their own magical missiles and looking like complete buffoons in the process. "Look out!" "Get out of my way!" And while those two were busy on avoiding their own levin-bolts they wouldn't be able to muster up enough concentration to teleport.... Ranma was already moving as soon as he'd blocked the last one of their shots. Jedi'te was the first to realize their peril. "He set us up!" Too late. ~~~~~~~~~ Eyecatch #3 (Ryoga Hibiki comes running on screen shouting his traditional battlecry.) (Ryoga: "Ranma! Prepare to die!!") (Ranma turns around and eases into a ready stance.) *Whump* (A large metal foot squashes Ryoga right before he can take a swing at his nemesis.) (Ranma looks up to see a Triax Ultimax robot armor, the cockpit pops open to reveal a smiling Makoto-chan who waves down at him.) (Ranma heaves a small sigh as the Ultimax lumbers to the side.) (Ryoga, slightly battered but still angry, gets up and tries again.) (Ryoga: "Die Ranma!!!") (Once again Ranma gets ready for a fight). *Stomp* (Cutey Honey and Nuku Nuku in a modified Spider Walker (has a smiling kawaii cat face instead of the traditional skull) walk through to get a good view from the sidelines.) (Ranma has a small sweatdrop on his head.) (Now a rather dazed and bruised Ryoga staggers weakly to a sorta upright position.) (Ryoga: I'm going to kill... *pauses as he looks up*.... Oh no, not again!") *SCRUNCH* (An AT-AT with Skuld at the helm has arrived.) (Skuld: "Oopsie!") (Ranma has a *big* sweatdrop on his head now.) (Ranma: "Hey! How am I supposed to be a hero when you girls keep beating up all the villains?!!") (Ryoga is now a crumpled mess as the giant war machine moves off.) (Ryoga: "Why is this happening me?!!") *STOMP**GRIND**SCRAPE**SCRAPE* (Eva units 00 and 02 take a moment to wipe their feet.) (Asuka: "Ewww....and I just had it washed too.) (Ranma slaps a hand to his forehead and sneaks away as the gathered girls get into an argument over who he's going to be riding home with.) ~~~~~~~~~ -Ristmoth System, 4 hours into the battle "Watch it Falcon! You've picked up a tail!" "I see him. Get ready to deliver an industrial strength wedgie Hornet." "Just leave it to me. On three." The Imperial Fang closed in on the Rebel starfighter with g-cannons blazing, its pilot totally focused on aquiring his next kill of the day. He never saw the the other Black Eagle starfighter sneaking up on him from behind. "Three!" So when his quarry suddenly made an abrupt climb with full afterburners on he was still trying to keep his dogtail when the first laser blasts punched through his fighter's shields and penetrated past the armored engine housing into the delicate equipment maintaining the protective electromagnetic barrier around his ship's antimatter fuel supply. In space your first mistake is also usually your last one. The conscripted pilot, fresh from the Imperial Acadamy went out with a bang. One tiny insignificant death among the hundreds of thousands that took place that day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Back to Earth (relatively speaking) As a dedicated martial artist Ranma could jump unaided to a height of thirty feet. And that had been *before* his transformation. By the time they saw him coming he was already too close. Ranma felt a brief stab of guilt for actually enjoying the look of absolute terror on his target's face. Ishtar on the other hand had no such qualms. This was what she lived for, the total destruction of the forces of evil so similar to those that had enslaved her. The silver blade glowed hungrily as it came cutting down, blasting through Jedi'te's forcefield as it were no more substantial then a soap bubble. Then it hit something more solid, though not by much considering that the weapon was capable of cutting through high grade duranium alloy like it was cotton candy. "Eiieeaauugghh!!!" The blond general howled in inhuman agony as his arm dropped to the street, cleanly severed at the shoulder. The wound was cauterized almost instantly as the sword's magic went to work, inflicting additional damage to his corrupted flesh. Despite the incredible pain he was in Jedi'te retained enough of his senses to realize he couldn't survive another blow like that. Using the last remaining reserves of his inner strength the badly wounded villian dematerialized back to his home dimension just as he was about to be made a head shorter. A split second later the Rune sword slashed ineffectually through the empty space he'd been occupying. {Sithspawn!} [Damn! I almost had him too!] And then there was one. ~~~~~~~~~ -Cosplay City The Hayami household was glued to the television. After all it's not every day that you get to see someone *else* fighting the big bad monsters for a change. There had been a few bad moments when things had almost gotten out of hand, namely when the guy holding the camera tried to sneak a few shots beneath the Sailor Senshi's skirts as they high jumped every which way during the first few minutes of the battle. Akakabu Hayami was still nursing a black eye where his wife Daiko had belted him a good one. His son Chokei was in a similar position. Natsuko had given her boyfriend the patented *evil eye of a jealous significant other* along with a slap to the back of his head to break the spell of the skimpy uniforms. Grandfather Danbei and Professor Kabuto had just stared and drooled like the dirty old men that they were. Honey Kisaragi on the other hand had remained silent, at least until the the mysterious newcomer had shown up. After a few minutes of watching him in action it was she could do to keep her quiet composure. It was almost scary how efficiently he dealt with those shadowy creatures. Then he'd produced that sword from thin air and any uncertainties about making a visit to Tokyo vanished then and there. Mayor Light would understand the necessity once it was explained to him. Youma and evildoers alike beware, Cutey Honey was coming to town! ~~~~~~~~~ -Furinkan High Nabiki Tendo was not happy. "Where is he?" Her agents were the most clever girls on campus, masters of secretive spying and schoolyard gossip. Right now they cringed before the barely controlled wrath of their mistress as they reported their first failure. "Um.....we don't know." "You....don't...know?" Somehow she managed to loom over all of them, proving that Nabiki was indeed an heir to the Tendo side of the Anything Goes Style. "He's not anywhere on campus. The last time Ranma Saotome was seen was right after the incident with Kuno on the field. We checked and he'snotthereanymore." Near the end they started to babble in fear as Nabiki upped her financial aura. While not as physically imposing as a battle aura it was more then enough to cow her fellow students. "That was over thirty minutes ago ladies, and you know I pride myself on only having the latest up to the date information on every student here." The little group began to eagerly nod their heads, anything to avert the other shoe from dropping. "So go out and look again! He's just one guy! How hard can it be to find him?!" Oh, if she only knew.... ~~~~~~~~~ -500 miles north of Tokyo Ryoga Hibiki, after much trial and hardships was finally back on his native soil. He'd had to leave China rather quickly, before the bodies of his latest victims were discovered. It was only a stroke of luck that had allowed him to learn that his hated nemesis also intended to return to Japan. The poor old man who'd been nice enough to tell him that had payed for his kindness with his life. His cursed body had new cravings now, needs that could only be satisfied by the pain and suffering of others. Their blood and death made him stronger, more powerful then he had ever dreamed imaginable. But still he hated his cursed form's looks, why did it have be damn CUTE?! Like everything that went wrong in his miserable life it had to be all Ranma's fault. If it rained, it was Ranma's fault. If he walked into the woman's side of the public bath it was Ranma's fault. If he went berserk in his cursed form and started slaughtering innocent people it was still Ranma's fault. Even the misery he'd suffered before he even met that accursed Saotome for the first time was somehow still Ranma's fault. If he ever bothered to sit down and actually think about it he was sure he would eventually find a connection linking the two. Onward the relentless monster in the guise of a man strode, seeking his arch-enemy. "Damn you to everlasting hell Saotome!!" A giant sumo pig suddenly rose up in front of the ranting lost boy to block his way. Unknowingly Ryoga had wandered onto the Unryu Fighting Pig Farm. Katsunishki grunted a warning to the stranger, the animal could smell the taint of bloodshed clinging to this one. It was a faint sickly sweet odor that would always mark the human to those who could sense such things. Ryoga almost smiled, his face was so unused to that expression that it came out more like a mangled grimace. At least during those moments when he fought man or beast he didn't have to think. He licked his parched lips. "Fresh meat." The pig was loyal and well trained. It would rather die then ever desert its post as defender of the farm. Katsunishki was big, he was strong, he was brave. But that would not save him. Luck was with Akari that day, she had gone to town that day with one of the piglets to get it treated by the local vet for a mild cold. Unfortunately, her grandfather wasn't with her this time. A loud agonized squeal rang out once before suddenly going silent. It was not the first death that day, nor would it be the last. ~~~~~~~~~~~ -Saotome Residence "Chi, Azusa, have either one of you ever heard of this Kama Sutra book before?" Yohko Mano held up a rather plain little hardcover book that looked rather old and only had the short title on its front. "Can't say that I have Yohko, though it does sound rather familar for some reason. It's probably filled with recipes or something." The brown haired freckled manager was munching on another one of those cookies Mrs Saotome had left out for them. " Well, Aunty Nodoka said that we should study it until we know the contents by heart." Azusa, Devil Hunter in training piped up as she set down yet another batch of study materials that they had been given as part of the Anything Goes Bridal Instruction. Yohko sighed, who would have suspected that the nice lady they'd first met was such a formidable taskmaster?! It was like training under Grandma all over again. "In that case I guess we should all take a look at it then..." ~~~~~~~~~~ -Juuban District After the retreat of Jedi'te the battle between Ranma and Malach'te had quickly turned into a high speed game of tag, except the loser wouldn't survive being "it". No sooner did the white-blond sorcerer materialize at one spot then he immediately released a flurry of red flaming bolts before teleporting to another location where the process was repeated yet again. While Ranma was able to deflect each attack with Ishtar's help, his opponent wouldn't remain in one place long enough for his partner to finish him off. So it was now a stalemate, and the Knight found himself in the uneviable position of having decide whether to up the ante by revealing more of his Forge granted abilities or try one of his special techniques. Either one was probably going to result in some major property damage and possible civilian casualties, something he wanted to avoid at all costs. {Got any ideas?} [Why not use your normal strategy against teleporters?] {Two reasons. First, using fusion blocks in this area would be a very *bad* thing. Second, I don't have enough of them with me anyway, they're for emergencies only.} [Oh right, I forgot how primitive this planet is. Well, there's always plan B.] {Plan B?} The goddess wasted little time filling him in on the specific details. Fortunately for Ranma's dignity his helm completely hid his expression, otherwise his wide mouthed gape of astonishment would have been displayed to half the households in Japan. Outwardly the only sign of his reaction was a slight pause in the middle of his pursuit of the slippery general. {Let's do it.} ~~~~~~~~ At first it seemed that nothing had changed, as Malach'te continued to stay out of reach of the Rune sword and Ranma continued to pursue him. But in actuality the general was being gradually herded right where they wanted him.... The enchanted blade came in a quick cross slash, once again too late to hit the already departed villain's foul flesh. The expected response came directly from behind, forcing Ranma to make an abrupt about face even as he brought Ishtar up to parry. Several black flakes scattered outward from his right arm where one of the blasts finally slipped through. Even as the Knight whirled to confront his tormenter, the white robed figure vanished in the shimmer of tiny multifaceted crystals. {Just a couple more feet.} Ranma was starting to see a pattern to the teleports, and if his guess was right then his opponent should be popping up right over ther.... His overhand block caught the first three shots, and he was quick enough to be able to get out of the way of the last two blasts. Small curls of smoke arose from where the magic had burned deeply into the already much abused concrete. The Knight could feel Ishtar's eagerness to end the evil mage's existence. A sentiment he wholeheartedly agreed with, but they had to be patient if her plan was going to work. Everything hinged on if the villain remained in the pattern he had set, otherwise Ranma would probably be forced to destroy half of the remaining neighborhood in order to finish this fight. Several shots struck his armor hard, but the young warrior took them without complaint, knowing that it was a necessary sacrifice. His attention was totally focused on Malach'te's position, a few hits were a small price to pay in order to end this. There he was! This time, instead of charging forward in a futile attempt to get a hit Ranma hopped back and pointed the sword not at Malach'te, but toward the fire hydrant he had chosen to reappear over. [Gotcha!] Concentrating on staying as far away from the dangerous stranger and that deadly sword, the general wasn't expecting an attack from another direction. So his surprise was complete when first a red metal hydrant slammed into his stomach from below, followed by hundreds of gallons of water which at that volume and velocity hit him like a brick wall. ~~~~~~~~ -Someplace else in the Juuban District "You've both got your uniforms on inside out." Sailor Pluto wanted some aspirin. "Neptune, I believe those are Uranus's undergarments." "So that's why they're so tight." "Hey!" Scratch that, she wanted a *lot* of aspirin. The Senshi of Time silently vowed that she was going to take a *long* vacation when the current crisis was over. Somehow everything finally got settled down and then the rest of the Outer Senshi were off to eliminate whatever new terrible menace that had dared to enter their world. ~~~~~~ -Masaki Household revisited "Magnificent." Minagi was impressed, she had trained under her creator Yakage and could recognize someone who was a true master of the sword on sight. That blade seemed to have become a natural extension of the fighter's arm, she had seen such a thing only three times before in her life. Once with Yakage, a swordsmaster who had survived over 5,000 years through repeated cloning. Another time in a duel with Tenchi's Grandfather. And the last had been when she had been seen Washu's records of Tenchi defeating Kagato and Yakage. Her father had wanted Minagi to become the best, and she had challenged the greatest fighters in the Local Cluster in order to fullfill his dream. Now it seemed she had found a new challenge for her skills, one worthy of facing the sword that was Yakage's last gift to his daughter. {I will make you proud Father.} ~~~~~~~~ -Hidy ho, back to the Temple we go Belldandy found herself being pulled in opposing directions by her feelings. The goddess wanted to help her younger sister but at the same time she also didn't want to leave Keiichi alone and unprotected. She gave a helpless look in Urd's direction, a subtle (yet strangely powerful) plea for her help. "Alright, I'm going, I'm going."Urd mock grumbled as she stepped into the television set, Father having decided to be lenient and giving her a reprieve from probation pending a future review by the higher powers. ~~~~~~~~~ -Juuban "Yeah! Go get him!" Sasami had quickly gotten into the spirit of things and was rooting for the good guy to trash the bad guy really good. It was just like one of those bedtime stories that Ayeka or Tenchi would read to her. The little princess had quickly placed the Knight in the same category as the rest of her friends like Minagi and Ryo-ohki. She tended to trust her first impressions of people and those same feelings told her that this new person meant no harm to them, only to the forces of Evil. Malach'te was in a bad spot, pinned to the upper wall of a fancy electronic goods store by the pressure of the redirected water geyser. The beating he was taking as a result of the intense water pressure made any sort of concentration practically impossible and also kept his arms pinned helplessly to his sides. It seemed all over except for the clean up as Ranma started to slowly head over toward his neutralized foe, careful to maintain the focused state needed by Ishtar to direct the continued water flow. Then a pair of long bronzed legs stepped out of one of the televisions in front of him, followed by an even more stunning (and lightly clad) body. That got his attention fast. Ranma had seen a lot of strange things in his lifetime, but this was new even to him. Maybe it was something like the Nightbane Mirror-Walk? Unfortunately during the brief slip in his concentration, the geyser had slipped from Ishtar's control and his trapped opponent was free once more. Malach'te had only moments to act before his enemy figured out what had happened. Realizing that he stood no chance in a direct confrontation, the evil general did what all nasty people do when confronted by a challenge beyond their abilities...he cheated. A barbed purple javelin of dark power formed in one hand as the life essence invested the last of its remaining energy reserves into a final weapon which would ensure that it would have the last laugh. The effort nearly caused him to pass out, he had exhausted much of his power in a short span of time. Perhaps it was not strong enough to slay the demon hounding him..... ....but it was more then enough to kill one of *them*. His viperish gaze focused on the little girl cheering his pursuer on. Yes, he would have his revenge on them all. They would suffer with that innocent's blood haunting them till they died. Somehow Malach'te found the strength to burst into evil laughter. Ranma looked up back toward the general, then he turned his head to see what the maniac was looking at. The cute blue haired girl with the two ponytails. Sickening comprehension struck. "You bastard!!" It was an instinctive reaction beyond any conscious thought, one second he was holding the Rune weapon in hand, the next instant Ishtar was being hurled toward Malach'te. "You fool! You're too late!!" The villain's throw was fast and true. Even as four feet of enchanted silver alloy plowed into his gut and through to the other side till the blade was buried hilt deep within his abdomen and pinned him back against the wall like some winged insect in a bug collection , even as gouts of dark green blood spouted forth from the mortal wound, even as the outraged soul inhabiting the weapon started to fry Malach'te from the inside out, that cursed missile was still heading straight toward Sasami. Ranma found himself in a race against Death. There was no time to think, no time to plan, no time to regret. It was just him, the girl, and that weapon speeding toward her. Even moving at full speed it was going to be close. Too close. Time seemed to slow down as he shot down the street like a Boom Gun round. The expressions of horrified realization appeared on the Senshi's faces first. Jupiter even began to move in a vain attempt to either get the girl out of the way or block the spear herself. She was too far away and she'd never make it in time, but still she tried anyway. Sasami watched the javelin coming with the same look that little rabbits give to hunters with automatic rifles. "Tsunami!!" ~~~~~~~~~ -Masaki Residence "No! Azaka, Kamidake!!" Even as the words left her throat Ayeka knew it wouldn't be in time. But she couldn't just sit here helplessly either while that madman murdered her sister! "Yes ma'am!" "Yes ma'am." ~~~~~~~~~ Ryoko steeled herself for a extra long teleport. It was feat she'd never attempted before, her range was normally within eyesight and even then hadn't gone beyond a few miles. {Don't do it.} [Washu?! Sasami's in trouble!! It's the only way!!!] {Even you can't make it. You know I'm right Ryoko.} [Damn you Washu! I have to do something!! How can you be so heartless?!!] {I'm just as worried as you are my dear, but I have some faith in that one.} [You're trusting some guy in a metal suit with Sasami's life?!] {Just as you trusted a simple schoolboy to rescue you from Kagato.} [That has nothing to do with this!!] ~~~~~~~~ -Juuban {Oh man....} This was going to hurt. Ranma didn't even have enough time to raise his arms to block when the spear hit his chest plate and kept right on going. Fiery pain registered from the point of entry as first one rib, then a second snapped under the impact. His flesh was considerably tougher then the average human's (or the average bulletproof vest) though and the shaft's head quickly became lodged deep in muscle tissue, stopping far short of the armor protecting Ranma's back. As injuries went, it looked much worse then it actually was. Sure it would probably have incapacitated or possibly killed even a minor supernatural being, but he'd had worse. Getting eaten by a Demonshark, now *that* had been bad. Bio-regeneration was already starting repair the damage and had begun to eject the supernatural weapon from his body. Even the broken ribs would reknit themselves back together in a few minutes. Still, the trickle of crimson dripping from his front where the rest of the javelin stuck out drew the attention of everyone else like a magnet. "Red blood." Sailor Venus didn't even realize she had spoken out loud, or that her thoughts were running along similar lines to the others present. If this being was human, then what? How much of Sailor Pluto's warnings had been true and how much just myth and legend? Did they really want to fight someone who'd just saved their eggs from the basket? Mercury took particular note of where the scarlet drops fell, she would get a sample for later analysis. Her suspicions about the truth of their rescuer would be confirmed one way or another. Skuld took one look, turned green, and passed out. The sight of any sizable quantity of blood always did that to her. She was still young for a goddess and the last big war between Good and Evil had been long before her time. Urd was still struggling with an inconvenient (not to mention embarrassing) predicament. Somehow or the other she seemed to have become entangled in what seemed to be every extension cord in the store's window after she popped out. For the moment her garments were still within the bounds of decency (for her anyway), but her struggling was making it more and more of an iffy thing. ~~~~~~ -Masaki Household "Oh dear." "She appears to have fainted." The two loyal guardians gently used their telekinetic powers to arrange their charge more comfortably on the couch. ~~~~~~~ -Juuban again Malach'te had thought he'd known what pain was before. Now he was finding out what the word truly meant. The accursed blade was searing his innards to ash, its magic inhibiting his body's healing and kept the wound open and bleeding. Worse, gravity was tugging his upper torso down onto the razor sharp edge, slowly tearing the cut open even farther. All the while the spirit inhabiting the weapon struck out with a intangible force that set his nerves screaming in agony as it overloaded his neural pathways. The most horrible thing of all was that the vengeful Ishtar had frozen his vocal cords, making it impossible for the general to even scream. The dying villain grasped the sword's handle in a vain attempt to pull it free of himself. A moment later he found out why that wasn't such a good idea. The surge of searing psychic energy nearly blew his arms off, leaving his hands blackened and curled into bony claws. [How dare you hurt my Ranma!! Fry you unholy piece of *big censor here*!!!] {Ishtar! That's enough! Finish him!!} A white glow started to form within the core of the weapon's silver blade in response to its owner's command. The horrified Malach'te could only look down helplessly at the tremendous charge he sensed the sentient weapon was building up. Then there was a blinding flash of light as Ishtar released the holy power she had called forth directly into his body. Malach'te was consumed in an instant, his head arching back in denial even as flesh and bone was reduced to dust. A small thunderclap sounded as the life essence was banished back to the shifting darkness of the Negaverse, leaving the Rune weapon as pristine and untouched as it had been the day it was created. ~~~~~~~~ With the death of its creator the summoned Psi-lance dissolved back into nothingness it had been formed from, making it easier for both Ranma's body and armor to start fixing themselves. Within a minute two small pops signaled that his ribs had just reset themselves, and the hole torn in his armor had shrunk noticeably. {Geeze, that stings! He just had to go and fight dirty! Jerk!!} Without even bothering to look up Ranma held up his hand to catch the returning Rune weapon. [Are you all right Ranma?] {I'm fine. We'd better see to those girls though, they were getting worked over pretty rough by those creatures before I arrived. No telling how long they were fighting or what kind of injuries they sustained. Those monsters threw everything but the kitchen sink at me.} [How horrible, they're just children!! The poor dears must have been so frightened.] Ranma was just glad that his partner's maternal insincts seemed to have been awakened, if she had seen those girls as women (and hence unwanted competition) things probably would have gotten ugly very quickly. ~~~~~~~ Turning to face the wide eyed little girl he'd shielded earlier, Ranma bent to one knee in order to meet her on equal terms. Children had always been a wonder to him, perhaps because he'd never really had much of a childhood before the responsibilities thrust upon him by first his father and then later on by the Alliance and the Forge. "Are you alright? Did those creatures harm you?" Sasami silently shook her head. Awe shone in her eyes as she looked back at the helmet of the one who had protected her life with his own, trying to find the nonexistant eyeholes in it. Nor could she see any opening for the mouth or nose, both areas were well armored since such a feature was unnecessary for a Cosmoknight. It was like watching one of her sister's guardians speak, the words came from his direction but there was no indication of how it was being done. Seeing that she was indeed uninjured, Ranma got up and turned toward the rest of the girls.The gathered Senshi looked rather nervous when the Knight strode toward them with sword still in hand. They hadn't realized just how big he really was until now. The armored figure towered over even Jupiter, and although he held his weapon in a nonthreatening way they had all witnessed its lethal cut. Ranma really wished that he could reasssure them of his intentions but time was running short. The authorities would be showing up soon now that the danger was over and he had no wish to still be here when they did arrive. Besides he didn't have any clue as to who these girls were. He'd seen and heard of some people who liked to dress up for a fight, but why skimpy school uniforms? A red rose chose that moment to become embedded in ground in front of him. "Where the cause of justice is imperiled, so shall the forces of righteous come to protect the good and the innocent. Do not lose hope Sailor Senshi, for Tuxedo Kamen has arrived to aid your struggles against this abomination." A large sweatdrop formed on the back of Ranma's helm, it was matched by the one hanging from Ishtar's hilt. [You have got to be kidding me. That overdressed jackass should take a good look in the mirror before calling someone else an abomination!] {I don't believe this, *two* poetic idiots in one day. Who does that clown think he is? Where the heck was this Tux-baka when the real threat was present?!} ~~~~~~~ "Mwahahahahaha!!" "I think all that power is going to the Bard's head." "I told you this was a bad idea!" "Eyecatch?" "Eyecatch." ~~~~~~~~~ Eyecatch #4 (Mihoshi is dressed in white shirt and pants and holding small metallic cylinder in her hands.) (The blue energy blade emerging from it reveals that she's holding a lightsaber.) (Shampoo lands next on her right, oufitted in an Iczelion battle armor and produces a purple Beam Saber.) (Sailor Venus lands on Mihoshi's left, a wave of her hand summons a yellow Psi-sword.) (Devil Hunter Yohko comes running and stops next to Shampoo, her Soul Sword at ready.) : "All for one and Ranma for all!" (P.O.V. changes to see who the four girls are facing.) (Akane in her gi wielding a oversized wooden bokken is revealed. A very *large* sweatdrop pops up on her head.) (She silently forms the words; "You have *got* to be kidding me!".) (Four slashes later Akane is just holding a small wooden stub in her hands.) (Akane: "That's it! I quit!") (She starts to stalk off only to be knocked off screen by the familar "Ranma 1/2 with a twist" logo.) ~~~~~~~~~ -Somewhere deep in the Heart of the Trans-Galactic Empire The first sign that trouble with a capital *T* was coming was the sixteen Raptor starfighters that screamed through space a few kilometers ahead of a mile long Imperial Battle Cruiser and it's fifteen smaller escort ships. The giant war machine looked like some giant archaic alien bladed weapon from the distant past, a deliberate choice meant to strike fear into the hearts of those who dared to resist the might of the Kreeghor. Although this choice in design left the vessel with several very *obvious* structural weak points, it was still quite an impressive sight to behold. Aside from its white running lights the entire cruiser's hull was dark grayish blue-black, a far departure from the customary bright blood red and absolutely hideous greenish orange that were the Fleet's traditional colors.(2) The infamous dark ship's registry was known and dreaded throughout the Empire and the Free Worlds. INS 1027-NC443 Dark Impaler. Standing at the front of the bridge, Captain Jarenz gazed out into the dark void between the stars, the small flare of the capital defense patrols the only illumination visible nearby. He was a cold hard man and his subordinates moved with the extra caution that visceral fear gave them. The Ironclaw despised incompetence among his men and his preferred method of punishment ensured that there were never any repeat offenders. An aide walked across the bridge, his stride controlled but with a nervous reluctance visible to the watchful observer. In the Empire, the old saying about "killing the messenger" was often taken at face value. "My lord, we have just received word that the Rebels have launched an all out assault on our base in the Ristmoth system. Shall we prepare an intercept course?" Bracing for an explosion, the petty officer started scoping out potential routes of escape....just in case. Whatever reaction he had been expecting, it wasn't the amused chuckle that was his superior's reply. "So, they've finally mustered enough of a backbone to begin their long delayed offensive against us." "Ah...sir? Your orders?" "Remain on course, they are not our concern. I have my orders from the Grand Admiral himself, the location and capture of Ranma Saotome is the only mission of any importance to us." "But our base?! All the troops stationed there will be slaughtered without reinforcements!!" A cool glance made the aide realize he had overstepped his bounds. But the Ironclaw demonstrated unexpected restraint as he returned to his contemplations of the stars. "The Emperor has something special planned for the Rebellion. You would do well to learn your place in the grand scheme of things if you wish to continue serving the Empire." The implied threat of that last statement was enough to send the trembling Silloutte scurrying away. Captain Jarenz tightened his bionic hand into a eager fist. Soon, he consoled himself, soon he would accomplish what the others had only dreamed of. Then the ghosts that haunted him would finally be put to rest at last. "It is only a matter of time now....." The Dark side was no longer in check. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) Give yourself a pat on the back if you figured it out before the Bard does. (2) Don't ask, just don't ask *Shudder* ~~~~~~~~ -From the Journal of Erin Tarn It has been many weeks since last I heard of my dear friend and I fear that the worst has befallen him. My contacts among the dimensional travelers have informed me that he has apparently vanished without a trace and is now the subject of one of the largest manhunts the Megaverse has ever seen. It seems that my friend has finally bitten off more then he can chew this time. The man I speak of is of course Ranma Saotome, quite possibly the most interesting and yet at the same time the most impossible young man I have ever met. It seems strange to feel so strongly about him when he spent such a short time with me and my companions. There is some intangible quality to that young man that seems to draw others to him like moths to a flame. Ranma possesses a refreshing zest for life that remains undampened despite the worst that the Fates seems to keep throwing at him. I first encountered the poor boy during that little mishap with a dimensional rift that landed me in the strange world known as Wormwood. Such an idealistic lad he was, brash and yet possessing an innate sense of honesty and a code of honor that I found quite charming, as did the other females in my party. Yet Ranma also quickly proved his mettle as a formidable fighter when he helped us to fend off one of the Horde's raiding parties. By all rights any normal human should have been dead many times over after sustaining the amount of blaster fire he did. Amazingly enough he came out of the fight with nary a scratch, though his raiment wasn't nearly as fortunate. Saotome soon became a welcome addition to our traveling party and escorted us through some rather nasty territory. Suffice to say within a week we finally managed to reach one of the world's free cities and regretfully parted ways. He was our very own knight errant right out of the tales of old, minus the shining armor. Ah, if I were only thirty years younger... There was little hope of ever seeing him again, though I did invite him to visit me in the city of Lazlo if ever he should happen to journey there. As luck would have it, he did go to Lazlo during the Mechanoid crisis, although I wasn't present at the time and only learned of his appearance through second hand accounts. I suppose that I should have known better then to believe that our paths wouldn't cross again. The next time I saw that pigtail of his was at the Gathering of Heroes. It was hard to tell who was more surprised when we ran into each other, him or me. Once again he had just shown up where he was needed most, the only reason he would give for his presence was that "It's a martial artist's duty to help a just cause". His aid in defeating the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse proved invaluable. I personally witnessed his battle with Pestilence, which only confirmed my earlier belief that Ranma was more then just the superb fighter he claimed to be. In the fight against the Demon and its minions my friend revealed several amazing abilities that he used to send the monstrosities back to whatever Hellish plane had spawned them. Flight, incredible supernatural strength and stamina, reflexes that a Juicer would be envious of, a capacity for somehow surviving even the most grievous injury, and the ability to rapidly discharge very powerful beams of energy from his hands at will. When I I later confronted him with the evidence he finally capitulated to my inquiries as to who and what he really was. I must admit, the truth came as quite a shock. Whatever I had been subconsciously expecting paled in comparison to the reality. I have promised Ranma that I will not reveal his secret, even though it pains me that his heroism will never be recognized by the rest of the world. Something changed between us after that, though I do not think he meant to distance himself he did so nonetheless. There was a new sadness in his eyes after the fighting was over, but he hid it so well that of the surviving heroes of the campaign only myself and the mysterious Katrina Sun noticed it. Then one night, during one of the many parties being held to celebrate our victory, he simply vanished. Though everyone searched the town he was nowhere to be found, I knew then that he had gone back to where he was most needed. It would be nearly two years before I saw Ranma again.... ~~~~~~~~ -Ristmoth, 9 hours into the attack After hard fighting that had claimed many lives on both sides, the way was finally clear. Alliance Battleships had established a solid perimeter for the vessels carrying their valuable ground troops to pass through. The occasional flash and cloud of superheated dust on the planet's surface arose from the continuing suppression of strategic planetary defenses and military bases. Careful precision was necessary for the orbital bombardment, the civilian population was already in uprising against their former masters and the fleet had no wish to hit friendly forces. "The transports are preparing to make their drops. Escorts, take your positions." The Untamed Stallion, along with her escorting squadron of fighters was joined by several other older corvettes and half a dozen Assault Frigates along with their capital space patrols to form a protective screen for the convoy of slow and quite battered barges. The transports were an old design and had been mothballed ages ago by the Empire. But now they pressed back into service by a Rebellion that desperately needed every functioning ship it could get. With only light shields, a few nearly antique laser batteries, and practically no armor whatsoever, these ships were the equivalent of big, fat, sitting ducks for even the smallest and weakest Kreeghor vessel, hence the need for the strong escort. By now, the remaining Imperial capital ships that could had already fled from the system, while the rest were now either expanding spheres of light and heat or dark gutted hulks depending on whether or not the ship's engines had been breached. But despite the through sweep that Alliance forces had made, an occasional squadron of enemy fighters still managed to slip out from one of the hidden hangers on the planet's surface. Just one squadron would be more then enough to decimate the transports. The anti-fighter defenses on the Untamed Stallion were the best in the fleet, her fellow corvettes also mounted impressive deterrents as well. If by some chance they ran into something larger then just fighters that's where the frigates would come in. But their abilities were about to be put to the test as the planetary defense forces played their final and most lethal trump card. "I'm detecting multiple launches coming from the planet's surface!" A hundred hidden armored silos belched smoke and flame as their contents climbed for the upper atmosphere and escape velocity. "Missiles incoming!" "Keep them away from the transports at all costs!!" "Activate the Defense Grid and prep point defense!" The Rebel cruisers Vigilant and Liberty quickly moved into position to pound the previously concealed launchers into fine grade powder. That just left the cruise missiles heading toward the fleet's transports as the only visible remaining threat for the escorts to deal with. Sophisticated ECM disabled a few before they ever reached space, in an ironic twist sending the missiles back toward the base that had launched them. The faster escort fighters came within range of the deadly swarm first, taking their toll on the evasive smart bombs with energy cannons and rail guns. But there were simply too many of the missiles and not enough fighters, despite their best efforts at least half of them got through. There was no time for a second pass, even as the pilots turned the massive rockets altered their heading to keep them out of range as they continued to close on the helpless transports. Then the corvettes began launching countering volleys of their own, going for multiple fratricide. More explosions briefly lit the darkness of space, yet the remaining warheads still headed relentlessly toward their targets. Now was the most dangerous time as the escorts were forced into close range in order for their guns to come into play. Cruise missiles could cross the short distances quickly enough that there wouldn't be enough time for an unlucky vessel in its way to even think of evading. With few exceptions the ships of the convoy could not hope to survive a direct hit from even one of those gigantic warheads. It was a grueling trial of the crews' nerves and the gunners' accuracy, there was almost no margin for error and casualties started mounting almost immediately. In the blink of an eye one of the leading corvettes vanished in the white hot flare of an antimatter explosion as a missile struck it head on. Onboard the Untamed Stallion Commander Ayla was a shouting orders to the rest of the ship, her draconic nature evident despite being shapeshifted into a human in the sheer force behind her commands. "You know the drill ladies, aim straight and shoot fast!" >From the comlink there was a chorus of affirmatives from the various gunners manning the weapons turrets. A score of enemy missiles died in the ensuing storm of point defense lasers, particle beams, plasma bursts, and hyper-velocity duranium rail-gun rounds. But more were still coming, the Assault Frigate Spirit nearly joined the first unfortunate escort in oblivion as its weak point defense was overwhelmed by over half a dozen of the guided warheads. The first missile was destroyed as was the second, but the third and fourth ones got through and inflicted a savage punishment on her faltering shields. By some quirk of fate the fifth warhead missed completely and was vaporized by the Untamed Stallion's guns as it came around for another attack. The sixth warhead punched through Spirit's weakened variable forcefield to explode violently against her hull, crippling the valiant escort vessel. The ship's lights went dark and the battered hulk was forced to use its remaining engine power to limp away. Three of the corvettes took up new positions to cover the vector left open by the withdrawing frigate. They succeeded in stopping the missiles coming from that direction, but the escorts paid the ultimate price for their bravery. All three ships were nothing more then expanding clouds of superheated gas by the time the fleet's fighters came screaming back into the fight with with full afterburners blazing fiery streaks behind the small craft. Ten cruise missiles managed to evade the gunners' tracking systems, and the defenders were running out of time. In a few moments the warheads would reach the transports and over a hundred thousand of their irreplacable troops would be lost. Commander Ayla realized that they had only one option left if the convoy was to have any chance at all. They were the only ship still between the warheads and the convoy. The missiles couldn't be allowed to get pass them, no matter what it took to stop them. Even though it might cost them their lives, death was something each and every member of the crew had accepted as a possibility that came with the job. "Set our ECM to deception mode. Use Alliance transponder setting seven." Tania winced but responded without hesitation. "Copy, Commander. Reconfiguring ECM now." The communications officer took a moment to whisper a short prayer in her native tongue. Setting seven meant that they would register to the missile guidence systems as a group of three Alliance Starcruisers. In theory the command protocols of the warheads should override control and change the target priority to the more enticing false readings. Of course if this worked then that would leave the Untamed Stallion with ten really big and very nasty smart bombs with anti-matter payloads aimed at it. She decided to pray a little harder. ~~~~~~~~~ -Juuban For some reason the Sailor Senshi weren't as glad to see their traditional rescuer as they normally would be. Perhaps it was due to the fact he was making a total fool of himself on national television. It might have something to do with his challenging someone who'd just wasted two of the Negaverse's finest military commanders just few minutes ago. Or it could be that he'd been late for the scheduled last minute rescue, which wasn't a good thing. Especially for the ones who were supposed to be rescued. Either way, to say they were quite miffed with him would be quite an understatement. Ranma rolled his eyes heavenward for a moment and then interrupted the cliche inspiration speech. "Lemmee skip the preliminary stuff and cut to the chase scene. Are you by any chance an Alien Intelligence? A God? A Demon? Some powerful supernatural fiend I've probably never heard of? A mage with a bad taste in overpriced wedding garments? One of those master psychics that have lost more then a few marbles? Or are you packing any 30th century firearms? Carrying a weapon of considerable magical power by any chance?" "" "Then stop bothering me and go get a real job." Tuxedo Kamen facefaulted, unfortunately for him he was leaning toward the wrong side of the roof at the time. The watching Senshi winced as he hit the pavement with an audible splat. Ranma ignored his twitching form as he went to check on the unconscious Skuld. His fingers gently probed her for injuries with a deftness and throughness that rivaled a experienced battlefield medic. {Hmmm, a light concussion, some bruises on her back and along her side and a twisted ankle.} [Fascinating.] Uh oh. Whenever she said something like that trouble always followed sooner or later. He was almost afraid to find out what she found so interesting *this* time. {What is it?} [Her psychic energy level is nowhere even near a normal human's. In fact I'm pretty sure she's not even a mortal.] This wasn't as bad as the malfunctioning thermal detonator or the fairy ring incident, but it came close. {What?! Are you telling me she's some kind of godling?!!} [Bingo. This is looking less and less like that quiet vacation you kept promising. On the bright side I haven't been this entertained in centuries!] Ranma winced as the sword burst into telepathic laughter. With Ishtar as his partner he never had to worry about his ego getting too inflated, she was always there to cut him down to size. {I'm glad one of us is finding this situation funny. Now are you going to heal her or is there anything else you'd like me to know about?!} [Well, aside from the fact that those other girls are some of the sources of those magical emanations from last night and that weirdo in the black tuxedo and hat seems to have recovered, nothing much.] {.......Ishtar!} [Fine, fine. Spoilsport.] Resting the flat of the blade across the young goddess's chest Ranma watched as a soft yellow light flowed from the sword into the girl's body. The most visible of the bruises shrunk and vanished, revealing unmarred skin. Although he couldn't see the rest of the effects of his partner's healing power, he did note with some relief that the girl's breathing was even and untroubled. Ishtar couldn't do anything about her faint, that was one of those little medical mysteries like the common cold that had never been solved by magic or anything else even in the advanced society he'd come from. Skuld would have to come out of that one on her own. He did his best to arrange her more comfortably on the ground before turning toward the nearest of the strangely dressed girls, which turned out to be Sailor Jupiter. She eeped in surprise at how fast he moved and took an involuntary step back. Ranma's action was also misinterpreted rather badly by a certain thickheaded masked crusader of justice. *Thwack* Something hit Ranma in the back. It turned out to be a fancy walking cane and was about as effective on his Cosmic Armor as a piece of down. The sound of wood hitting something considerably harder then mere metal was rather annoying though. He decided to just ignore it and hope that this weirdo came to his senses, only a complete idiot would keep on attacking him. "Get away from them!!" *Thwhack**Thwack* [Well he's got guts. No brains, but guts.] ~~~~~~ -A few moments later *thwhack**thwack**thwack* The cane was looking much the worse for wear. It was meant as more of a gimmick really, great for parrying attacks or polevaulting but leaving something to be desired as a melee weapon. The cantrips that enchanted the wood were no match for Ranma's skin, let alone his armor. "*huff* I will *puff* defeat *gasp* you *wheeze*!" Tuxedo Kamen resolved to get more exercise after this was all over. Normally all he had to do was toss a rose in, make a pretty speech, maybe make a few fancy moves with his cane and "presto" the crisis was over. Consequently he had no stamina to speak of, only his pride was keeping him going this long. It didn't help his confidence any that his target didn't even seem to notice his best efforts. "Those ribs seem to be only bruised Miss....ah... I don't believe I've caught your name yet." "Mako...err I mean Sailor Jupiter! Yes, that's right, it's Sailor Jupiter." Ranma raised an eyebrow beneath his helm as his patient turned bright cherry red with embarrassment and laughed nervously. "Okay... hold still, this should only take a second." Once again the Rune weapon's healing ability went to work. Almost immediately Jupiter breathed easier as the pinching soreness eased around her midsection. Even the rest of her cuts and bruises didn't hurt as much as they had earlier. She wasn't afraid of this stranger anymore, his kindness just had to be genuine. He probably looked just like her old sempai underneath that tight armor. "Thank you." Ranma nodded in acknowledgement before going to see to the others, he totally missed the little hearts floating in the girl's eyes. But his path was suddenly blocked by a slightly exhausted caped crusader. "Hey you! Quit ignoring me!!" "Huh? You're still here? And still dressed like that?!" That was the last straw, an outraged Tuxedo Kamen threw a wild punch toward the armored form that seemed to just keep on mocking him. A moment later he was nursing severely bruised knuckles and doing his best not to scream from the pain. That action would be filed under the heading of *things you now know not to do*. "Knock it off, you're only hurting yourself Tux-boy." "Don't call me Tux-boy!" Sailor Jupiter picked that moment to drag Tuxedo Kamen off in order to explain to him a concept known as "punctuality". ~~~~~~~~ Shadow and Rowan exchanged looks then turned to Zora. "How much for a DVD of that scene?" "50,000 yen per disc." "We'll take ten." ~~~~~~~ -Furinkan High Akane Tendo was angry. While this was not a unusual state for her to be in, the cause of her irritable state today was. Ranma Saotome this, Ranma Saotome that, she was getting sick of hearing his name on the lips of what seemed to be every student on campus. Even the boys were talking about him, though they were only concerned about a.) finding a way to beat him by tomorrow morning or b.) find a way to become his buddies and benefit from it with the girls. The only exception to this was the Furinkan Martial Arts Club, they wanted to recruit Ranma so that they could finally trash their rival schools. What was worse, they'd all turned to her for more information about him since Nabiki tended to charge too much. Akane had enjoyed being the most popular person in school and though she'd never admit it, being upstaged like that had hit both her vanity and pride rather hard. Consequently any residual attraction she might have felt toward Ranma was now buried under a flood of outrage and annoyance at being practically forgotten by the entire school. "Akane, my love!" *Wham* Well, *almost* the entire school. Just wait till they got back to the dojo, then she'd show that showoff what a "true" martial artist couild do! Turn down her offer to spar and fight *her* battles for her would he, well she'd have the last laugh!! *Crack* *Boom* That was strange, why was there a storm suddenly brewing over the Juuban district? Today's forecast had said there'd be clear skies all day. ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ -Juuban Ranma glanced up at the rapidly darkening sky with some concern, he could sense that the building storm wasn't entirely natural in origin. There was an almost electrical feeling in the air, as if every molecule had been supercharged with mystic potential. This didn't bode well, already he could feel his own power starting to flare up instinctively in response to the presence of so much excess psychic energy despite his efforts to keep his power signature to a minimum. An occasional spark of static electricity would briefly snap into existance around Ranma where his aura met the increasingly agitated atmosphere. Either he was in the middle of a leyline storm again or something or someone possessing as much potential psychic energy as all these girls combined was close by. And as far as he knew this part of Japan didn't even have leylines. Ranma was pretty sure that whatever it was wasn't like those diabolic monsters from before, figuring that he'd have gotten an early warning from his partner if that was so. That he wasn't starting to glow was also good sign, it meant that at least for the moment both parties were on the same polarity. If the other party was truly evil, his armor would have started to light up like a christmas tree from their aura's negative charge. The electricity wasn't as promising, he could almost taste the hostility that was fueling it. {Someone doesn't seem to like me very much.} Something this big showing up so soon with a chip on its shoulder was more then just a coincidence, and it didn't take a genius to figure out what had probably attracted their attention. That ring he'd gotten from the Harpells must be on the fritz again. A magical artifact that didn't always work properly, most people would swear that was impossible. Of course most people had never met the Harpells before either. {Now if I only knew how to take the damn thing off...} Ranma tended to trust his feelings, another bit of wisdom from an old friend and teacher. Right now, those feelings were telling him that staying around to find out who was trying to find him would be a *very* bad idea. His hunters might not harber any ill intentions toward the other people here, but Ranma got the impression that whatever was out there would not be so lenient with him. Fighting here wouldn't solve anything, and it would put innocent lives in jeopardy. Better to confront them at a time and place of his choosing, hopefully one where a peaceful settlement could be reached. While his injuries always healed fast, they still hurt. And despite sordid rumors to the contrary, he was not a masochist! {Time to go.} Slipping away shouldn't be too much of a problem, it looked like everyone else's attention was on the little squabble taking place in front of him. He'd put away Ishtar once she was done healing the girls, no sense in tempting fate by leaving her out where she might change her mind about them. A jealous Rune Weapon was not a pretty sight, especially when she could read his thoughts as clearly as a book with glass pages. For a moment he almost reconsidered retrieving her again, the sense of unrelenting loathing had been nearly overpowering and her abilities could come in handy if worst came to worst. But he resisted the temptation, such an act might be viewed as provocation and Ranma was determined that if there was a fight that he wouldn't be the one that started it. Much to his amusement, after he'd finished healing them the girls wearing the colorful fukus had surrounded the poor chump in the formal eveningwear and were currently berating him within an inch of his life. Ranma had never seen a guy that wasn't already married look so whipped before, after this he'd probably never be able to take that Tuxedo character seriously ever again. Ranma was congratulating himself for his cleverness on having avoided a potentially sticky situation as he quietly walked away. Then a sultry voice stopped him in his tracks and brought the others' attention back to him. "Hold it right there buster." A stunning platinum blonde blocked his escape, some idle corner of Ranma's mind noted that it was the same woman who'd fallen out of the television. He also noticed that she seemed to be at least partly responsible for the magical saturation of the surrounding area. The small jolts of lightning that kept popping up around her as she approached him was a pretty definite confirmation of that. No doubt about it, he was in trouble again. ~~~~~~~ -Tombiki High Somehow a television had been smuggled into class. A certain Shuutaro Mendo might have had something to do with that, but there was no proof that could be traced back to him. "What a babe!!" The most lecherous boy in the universe soon regretted his comment, however true it might have been. "Darling no baka!!!" Hell hath no fury like an Oni scorned. *ZAP* *$*$*$*$* 1f: Life Just Isn’t Fair Sometimes ~~~~~~~ Phaseworld Center, Free Trade Zone (Naruni Enterprise's Headquarters) Trader Smythers paced nervously, even within the relative security of his own office he didn't dare let his guard down. Being on the Board of Directors for Naruni meant that he had to not only worry about rivals such as the Splugorth, but threats from within the company as well. There were far too many ambitious beings surrounding him for Smythers to ever totally relax no matter how well he was protected. Especially now, the current operation that was on his authorization was both risky and potentially dangerous to the company itself. If any of the other members were to find out about this there was a more then likely chance that Smythers would be *retired* from the Board. Such a retirement usually involved a NE 20 mm plasma cartridge at point blank range. Yes, the risks of taking action were great. But the dangers of not doing anything at all were much, much greater. The information Saotome possessed couldn't destroy the company, but it would give Naruni's public reputation one heck of a black eye if it was ever made public. Yet Smythers had been unable to take any direct action against the troublesome officer while he had been surrounded by friends and connections, there would have been too many questions raised. Questions with dangerous answers, answers that might lead to old secrets that the Trader intended to keep buried at all costs. But now that the irritating flea had foolishly disconnected himself from his support network there was an opportunity here to finally get rid of the pest once and for all. Separated from his allies, Saotome would simply quietly disappear, never to be heard from again. Smythers had no intention of wasting this chance he had been given. Any remaining trace of the botched M'kri affair would finally be eliminated. And if his agents could get their hands on the disc as well, so much the better. "Do you understand your orders? I want no mistakes this time." The dark metallic form that stood at attention nodded once. "Make absolutely sure that we can't be traced in any way to this." It nodded again with a trace of impatience, this briefing was unnecessary. It knew what had to be done, the orders had already been directly uploaded into its system. But Smythers was the one in charge, so it had to humor him. Thankfully, the director soon finished and dismissed the subordinate. It left the office quickly, this kind of business always left a bad taste in its internal recepters. In a way it was a pity really. Kehal Redge was a shrewd negotiator, one of the company's finest. But he was also a very efficient enforcer and downright lethal (though reluctant) assassin. Although he maintained a healthy professional respect for Ranma, that wouldn't stop him nor would it sway from his duty. Naruni Repo-bots served the company with no exceptions, no excuses, and no mercy. ~~~~~~~ -The planet Ristmoth The capital was in a state of revolt as Imperial garrisons battled rioting citizens for control of the city. Rebel warships bombarded any detected signs of military fortification from high orbit, paving the way for the descending transports. Meanwhile, armed with Naruni plasma rifles and portable missile launchers provided by the Alliance months before, the locals threw themselves against their long hated oppressors with a vengeance. Blood ran rampant in the streets as they clashed with seasoned Kreeghor shock troopers. Humans and D-bees alike died by the score against the well entrenched Imperial forces, but inch by costly inch they clawed their way forward. Civilian hovercars with hastily added armaments and portable force fields faced off against hovertanks and military class powered armors, only sheer numbers gave them any sort of edge against the superior army weaponry. It was a terrible slaughter that went on and on beyond any standard of sanity, men and women who had lost their weapons earlier were clawing and biting at their foes where the fighting had broken down into chaotic close combat. Against the natural armoring of the Kreeghor and Machine People troopers all their efforts were usually for naught and death usually followed swiftly. The rebels fared a tad better against the Human,Wolfen, and Silloutte troops, the sight of fellow soldiers being literally torn to shreds by wild-eyed rioters sent military morale plunging to new depths. Then someone came up with the bright idea of improvising weapons from the high tech construction equipment that lay across the city, abandoned by their owners at the beginning of the attack. Laser torches, plasma drills, and construction bots soon joined the general melee, and this time it was the Kreeghor’s turns to do the dying. Bodies and pieces of bodies went flying everywhere as weapons and heavy explosives found their mark, even after centuries of refinement the business of warfare was still quite messy, and especially now it showed. Corpses started to quickly pile knee high in the streets, the smoking remains quickly growing rank under the putrefying heat of the glaring sun. More were pulped under the treads of high-tech armored killing machines that crushed enemy and ally alike indiscriminately. After a hundred years of pain and suffering under the iron foot of the Keeghor Empire, it was all finally being repaid in the work of a single brutal day. High Governor K’tarthkl’ppe Ryga had earned a special hatred in the hearts of the planet’s people for his harsh rule and exploitation of those lacking enough funds to bribe him and his administration. Millions had died working as forced laborers in the most hazardous and ill equipped areas of the industrial areas, thousands more had been seized and sold into slavery on the slightest excuse or whim. The depravities that those poor souls were forced to endure made the slow lingering deaths of the workers by starvation, radiation poisoning, asphyxiation, and disease seem like a blessing. Ryga had grown fat while the populace starved to death just a few yards beyond his diamond gates. The rebellion had no intention of taking him alive, the sadistic monster had been responsible for too many outrages, had sent too many good people to their death. They would bring out his head on a pike to be paraded across the entire planet. ~~~~~~~ Dennis Skythe let loose a blistering oath as he picked off a sniper defending the governor’s palace before ducking back down to avoid the return fire from the other troops defending the tyrant’s stronghold. “Damn, I’m gettin’ too old for this crap.” Though his hair had gone completely milky white in the last few years and his body wasn’t as strong as it had been, the general of the Resistance was still a formidable trooper. He signaled back to one of the soldiers in his squad, within moments a disposable one shot heavy rocket launcher was hauled up to his position behind one of the many fortified buildings that surrounded the decadent estate of the planetary tyrant. The cleverly designed Naruni weapon allowed Dennis to use the built in targeting to lock onto a heavy Dreadguard Tank defending the main entrance without exposing any part of himself to the enemy. A moment later a heavy armor piercing warhead came shooting down the street, penetrating deeply into the hard outer shell before exploding violently in the soft electrical innards of the machine. The thick blast armor actually increased the destruction caused by containing the explosion inside of the tank. With its propulsion system gone, there was nothing to keep gravity from asserting itself. The enormous hulk keeled over with a groan, squashing three troopers that weren’t fast enough to get out of the way in time. Whoops and cheers erupted from the other rebels as they renewed their assault on the now rapidly weakening Imperial position. The high pitched whine of balls of energized particles being fired from Imperial rifles mingled with the roar of plasma discharges from the freedom fighter’s own weapons. Skythe turned to see that the leaders of the revolt were making their way to him, despite his insistence that they remain back at a safer distance from the front lines. But there wasn’t much he could do, this was their planet. He was just here as an advisor from the Free Worlds. The real leaders of this planet’s rebellion were an unusual lot, two humans, a machine person, and a Silhouette. But they had all rallied under the cause of freedom, so now it was Skythe’s job to keep them alive so that their dream would succeed. He sighed and wiped the sweat off of a brow that had the consistency of dried leather. Those civilian leader types were going to be the death of him, he just knew it. Then the grizzled old rebel looked up toward the clear blue sky where flashes of light still appeared every few moments. “I wager those fleet boys are having a peach of a time right now.” ~~~~~~~~ (Yes, it does have one!) -Above the planet “All hands brace for impact!!” Alarm klaxons sounded as the corvette made an abrupt right turn and rolled 90 degrees in a desperate attempt to either dodge, or failing that, to minimize the blast damage of the incoming bundles of high powered death. Though the Shadowstar prototype was fast and heavily armed, it had one major flaw. The ship’s engines, no matter how advanced and powerful they were, could not supply the necessary power for *all* of the energy hungry systems onboard. Especially when in a combat situation, the ship’s guns and forcefield simply required too much power in active mode, which meant that sacrifices among the nonessential systems had to be made. So in exchange for an armament that outgunned anything smaller then a good sized battleship, the crew was forced to put up with some rather trying inconveniences. One of the biggest of which had been the inertial dampeners, the device that kept the people onboard from being squashed to the thickness of a pancake every time the Untamed Stallion changed her velocity or direction. During non-combat operations it was set at the normal rate for a vessel of her size. But in battle the dampeners were reduced to their lowest possible safety setting to keep the enormous drain on the engines down, even then the strain of acceleration was so rough that the normal humans and D-bees were required to wear full environmental body armor to their stations. Sammy, the Untamed Stallion’s navigator and helmsman was nearly thrown from her seat despite her safety harness as the force of inertia tried to smash her into the ceiling. She was forced to hang onto the guidance controls for dear life to prevent the ship from slipping out of her control. The plan had worked to a “T”, the cruise missiles were currently doing their best to kill them instead of the transports. Now all they had to do survive their success long enough to deal with the stubborn warheads before they were blown to kingdom come. Point defense managed to take out one more before the rest closed in. One of the nine remaining missiles actually skidded off of the ship’s shields before detonating, thanks to Sammy’s amazing maneuvering only part of the blast caught the protective barrier. The bluish green energy bubble flickered momentarily as the damage was absorbed and dispersed across the entire facing side, but stabilized quickly as more power was drawn from the shield generators. The next three overshot their target and came around for another pass, but hot on their heels was the return fire from the corvette’s guns. One of the missiles was winged but not badly enough to cause it to self destruct, the other two went into preprogrammed evasive maneuvers that were only partially successful. A lucky laser beam sliced off a stabilizer, sending the rocket careening wildly away from the ship and back into the planet’s atmosphere where it impacted and detonated harmlessly. Another missile impacted against the Untamed Stallion’s shield which still held, though the forcefield’s color dimmed and became almost totally transparent as it was exposed to the full destructive fury of an uncontrolled antimatter reaction. Yet another missile was intercepted by point defense, but the last five came as a volley and there was no chance to dodge this time. The intrepid vessel was engulfed by the ensuing chain of explosions. ~~~~~~~~~~ Eyecatch #5 (Fade in) (Caption: Washu’s guaranteed way to decide who Ranma ends up with!) (Overhead shot of a spinning roulette wheel, instead of numbers on the panels there are the names and pictures of various interested ladies.) (A SD version of Ranma’s head is thrown in as a roulette ball. It goes bouncing along inside the spinning circle.) (SD Ranma Head: “Ouch! Oof! Hey! Doh!”) (The little head passes several dozen names before it lands in Washu’s panel and sticks there.) (Washu: “Oh my! It looks like the one Ranma is destined to be with is me!!”) (The other girls: “Oh no you don’t!!!”) (Mihoshi: “Um....Washu, why is your panel coated with superglue?”) (Washu: “Mihoshi!! *Sees that the girls aren’t taking this development very well* Uh oh....”) The SD head takes matters into its own hands and manages to free itself with some difficulty.) *Rip* SD Ranma Head: “Owww!! You girls are all nuts!! I’m outta here!!!” (It bounces out of the wheel and starts to escape.) (Washu: “Wait for me!!”) (Washu runs after the bouncing head) (A moment later all the girls start chasing after them, telling SD Ranma to be a man and pick one of them. The strength of their argument is hampered by the fact that most of them are also packing several blunt instruments to *persuade* him who to pick.) (The real Ranma is shown to be hanging overhead with a resigned expression on his face. He’s wrapped up in so many chains that it looks like he’s in a metal cocoon.) (Ranma: “Would someone please untie me now?”) (Fadeout) ~~~~~~~ -Juuban Urd walked straight up to Ranma. The fact that the Knight was bigger then she was didn’t seem to deter her aggressive stance at all as she poked a manicured finger against his breastplate. It felt like she was tapping against a brick wall. That almost gave her pause for thought. Almost. “Okay you, I want some answers.” “………” Ranma stayed silent. This whole situation was rapidly spiraling out of his control, and he didn’t like it. But before he got himself into even more trouble then he probably was in already, he needed to know what in the Nine Bleedin’ Hells he was dealing with here! {Damn, I was hoping I wouldn’t have to use this again. But I can’t keep plunging around blindly anymore, all the power in the universe won’t save me if I don’t have any idea of what (or who) I have to watch out for. So far the score is Murphy’s Law: "Way too many to count", Saotome: "Zero".} A small unobtrusive brush of his left hand against his right forearm, an infusion of mystic energy from his internal reserves, and Ranma’s vision suddenly changed as his eyes now saw into a medium beyond the spectrum of visible light or conventional instruments, simultaneously expanding and narrowing his focus and opening his awareness to a realm of sensitivity where he was normally blind as a bat. The darkening surroundings now glowed softly with occasional blue flares marking the swirling eddies of power that fed the hungry storm brewing overhead. A second look at Urd was enough to cause Ranma to tense up involuntarily and take a wary step back. This was bad. This was very bad. This was "The Universe is using me as its personal chamberpot” bad. Most normal people tended to have auras that were little more then blobs of grey with the occasional streak of red, blue, black, green, yellow, or pink to determine alignment. Those who were either naturally strong in the supernatural or had trained themselves in the way of magic had auras that were rough approximations of their natural form and were usually a mixture of one or more of the basic colors. Adult dragons and the like had auras that were even more impressive, individual details peculiar to the being in question could often be made out by those who could see it. The auras overlaying this exotic woman's physical body were *very* realistic. That's right, auras, as in plural. The first one was almost perfect replica of the original body, right down to the individual strands of hair cascading down her neck. It was the second one that towered over the first that sent a shiver down his spine, seeing the true form of a kami tends to have that effect on anyone that's not one of them, even a Cosmoknight wasn't immune from the effect. It also didn't help Ranma's confidence any that both auras looked a *lot* more substantial then the 'real' form. The other little thing was the telling lack of any garments on those images. Not that Ranma really noticed this, since it didn't have any tactical significance that little observation was shuffled off to a far distant corner of his otherwise preoccupied mind where it would be filed away with all those other little things that Saotome either didn't think were important or just didn't understand. While this dusty little corner wasn't as big as it used to be, it still maintained a respectable amount of volume. What he did know was: 1.) This lady wasn't human. 2.) She was *much* more intimidating than an adult dragon. 3.) Judging from the way the intensity of the colors kept constantly shifting from one extreme to another, while she had oodles and oodles of power, she almost certainly lacked control. That was both a good thing and a bad thing, good because it meant that she probably wouldn’t be able to cast any of those really nasty high level spells that required discipline and focus. Bad, because if things came down to a fight there was absolutely *nothing* more dangerous then an unpredictable female. Well...except perhaps a group of jealous unpredictable females....(ahem) getting back to the current crisis at hand.... Reflexively he looked over his shoulder for a way out. No dice, eight pairs of eyes were looking right back at him. {Wait a second. Eight?} You could almost see those little gears turning in his head come screeching to a halt. Now that Ranma could actually 'see' them, he was getting quite an eyeful. The tall girl in the green fuku was mostly a mixture of medium green and blue, with green holding dominance. No surprise there. What was a surprise was that instead of manifesting as a person or creature like most beings, her inner self was projected as a tree. A tall majestic oak tree to be precise. Ranma had heard stories about this kind of thing, it was rumored that occasionally those with strong ties to nature and the natural order reflected that bond in their auras. There was also a small red stain that ran into the very heart of the tree that looked an old emotional wound that had never fully healed. He prayed that the light pink tint on the very fringes was a mistake, that kinda thing was only supposed to plague his human form. The girl in the blue fuku was slightly more normal. 'Slightly' being the key word here. A standard 'real-form' projection, while not as luminous as the others it was remarkably well structured. Almost completely ocean blue, her aura was a textbook example of calm and tranquility. This would be a good person to cover his back in a fight, someone who could remain cool under fire. It didn't hurt matters any that she wasn't hard on the eyes either. She looked like his best chance to talk things out later if he ever ran into these girls again, a possibility that he was finding more and more likely with every passing moment. Now, the cute blonde in the orange fuku wasn't what he'd expected. Her colors were much richer in tone then her companions, but the very fringes were worn and lacked a certain vibrancy that the others had. This one wasn't a stranger to battle, definitely some combat experience here. She looked pretty good (nowhere near his level of course), but there seemed to be some kind of block that was keeping most of her potential locked up. It required some pretty heavy duty magic to accomplish something like that, but for what reason? Uh oh, that pink showing was definitely there and getting more solid every minute. Definitely not good! The quiet one in the violet fuku seemed normal enough, but a little *too* normal. Despite the fact that it was exactly what he'd expect from someone her age with some minor psychic ability it just didn't seem to fit with the person he saw before him. But try as he might Ranma couldn't find anything else, she had a benevolent alignment and possessed a small amount of supernatural talent and that was it. But still, something about her aura bothered him... Now Mr. Fashion Embarrassment wasn't much to look at. Ranma had seen imps with more impressive fighting spirit. With such a weak aura challenging even a minor supernatural fiend would be an automatic death sentence. This guy was either really brave, really stupid, or just plain nuts. Judging from his earlier actions, Ranma was willing to lay money on the latter theories. But maybe, just maybe, by the smallest, most remote margins of possibilities, that little spark of power within his soul might actually amount to something worthwhile under the right circumstances. The little girl he'd rescued was another story all together. In all his years adventuring he had never seen anything even remotely like this. A natural living Power Nexus, and untrained to boot. No wonder those things had been after her, she was a walking battery of potential psychic energy! Although unable to use the power that they generated for themselves, with the proper training these incredibly rare talents could temporarily boost another person's personal power. This would allow a magic user to cast spells and attempt rituals normally only possible during solstices and solar eclipses, special times when magic was at its strongest. But it normally took decades of training to achieve the abilities of a Nexus and only a dedicated few had ever acomplished it to the best of Ranma's knowledge. {What's going on here?!} He almost missed the news crew. Compared to everyone else there they were like weak shadows on the wall, eclipsed by the brilliant lights shining around them. In fact he would have missed them entirely if the one holding the camera hadn't come closer for a better angle. The sudden movement in his direction caused him to instinctively focus his attention on them, but he quickly determined that they were no threat. Out of curiosity Ranma did a quick scan of the girl that was still unconscious. She was a Godling as he'd guessed earlier, the signs were unmistakable now. His effort was also rewarded with a fascinating discovery, yet another double aura! Not anywhere near as strong as that mystery woman's, but remarkable nonetheless. There was even a faint resemblence to the other aura, were they siblings? If so, that might explain the woman's agitation. That little nagging feeling that something was wrong was back.... {Wait a second. A news crew?} The full impact finally started to sink in. {...A NEWS CREW?!!} The equation was simple, but not at all comforting. Media + Cosmoknight = A whole lotta trouble. And that also meant..... .....Uh oh. ~~~~~~~~~~ “Hey! Are you hard of hearing or something?” Seeing that no response was forthcoming, Urd decided to change her tactics. The buxom goddess stalked forward until she was practically in the poor guy’s faceplate. Her voice took on a sultry tone, and her body started to move in ways that made it quite clear that she was very much a woman. “Well? I’m waiting for an explanation.” She emphasized her point by somehow getting even *closer*. You could now slip one, maybe even two sheets of paper between their respective forms, but no more. The Inner Senshi glared. The news crew started drooling. Ranma was suddenly very grateful for his armor's ability to automatically adjust itself to fit his form, thereby avoiding a potentially embarrassing predicament. Of course given the circumstances he would have had to be dead as a doornail *not* to be affected. {Well, at least it can't get any worse.} “So are we.” ...Ah damn. {Just had to think it, didn't I.} The rest of the Outer Senshi were here. ~~~~~~~~~~~ With a resigned sense of dread Ranma looked up. “I am the protector of a new age, Sailor Uranus!” “I am the soldier of elegance, Sailor Neptune.” {Oh boy....} The other girls he could understand, they were still young enough to get away with the whole fuku thing. He might not approve of their choice of combat apparel, but at least it wasn't tacky. The same could not be said of these new arrivals. The short haired blonde could have passed for a good looking guy, at least until you looked below the neck. Not exactly his type, but she was a looker in her own right. Of course her attractiveness was dimmed a bit by the dark looks she was giving him. Talk about hostility, this one was just oozing bad vibes. Nice legs though. The girl with sea-green hair was a bit nicer to look at, but still seemed out of place in the fuku. She was harder to read, her expression was as cool as ice. But it was a safe guess to say that her intentions were not friendly. One did not make a dramatic entrance from a strategically advantageous spot in order to invite someone to tea and crumpets. Unfortunately these two had the power to back up their pretty speeches. One of them alone he could have handled with little worry, but dealing with both at once would probably require more then he was willing to use in a heavily populated area. His ethical and moral code would not allow him to risk such an action unless it was a real emergency. This hadn't reached that point of no return yet, but it was getting there. Their psychic energy signatures were each about half as strong as his own, which meant that they were about twice as powerful as the fuku wearing girls who were already here. Unfortunately their higher level of experience also meant that they could partially shield their auras from his detection. There was no telling what other kind of nasty surprises they might be hiding, he'd have to treat it as a worse case scenerio until he knew otherwise. Ranma especially did not like the look of that sword. It had to be magical, nobody in their right mind would ever use such a silly looking weapon unless it was enchanted with some heavy duty power ups. Too bad that his tattoo didn't allow him to check items, it only worked on living things. The third member of their troop was a whole different story altogether. Not only was she the best looking of the three but her power level was.... {Oh shit.} (To be continued....) PB #10 9c....Or what the heck am I supposed to do now? ~~~~~~~~ -Rifts Earth Over five miles below the tranquil surface of the Pacific Ocean an ancient evil raged. In the depths of the Mariana Trench unfortunate minions who came too close were simply crushed into pulpy jelly by the Reachers. Hundreds of miles of black tentacles whipped violently to batter rocks, water, and flesh indiscriminately. A monstrosity so gigantic and hideous that the mere sight could drive a man to madness, this was the undisputed terror of the seas. Kraken, Leviathan, Terror of the Deep, Nightmare Beast, all names given to the horror through the ages. This was the Lord of the Deep, one of the most powerful alien intelligences in the Multiverse. A being of unimaginable age and power that now found itself threatened for the first time in its existance by insignificant mites. The Lord of the Deep was angry. In the last score of years more of its kind had been destroyed then had perished in the past millenia. In the Americas, silence was the only response where once over a dozen of its brethren had answered its calls. It had felt the One of Many Faces perish in England only a handful of years ago, not so long a time for an Intelligence. It had not been the Long Sleep of before either, this time the Final Death had overtaken it. There had been others, weaker cousins that were barely related only in name who had fallen one by one by one means or another as well. More often then not a particularly unique energy signature was associated with their deaths. A signature that the Lord of the Deep marked well, for none could hunt the Masters with such impunity and be allowed to live. That a puny mortal dared to do so was utterly intolerable. But it was also beginning to experience the first signs of something that its alien mind had never felt before. In a human, that emotion would have been called fear. Dimly did it remember the only other time that so many of its kin had died, during the War with the Old Ones. Few dared to risk the wrath of their power now, but there was something eerily familar about this one that dared to kill those who were gods in all but name. Something from long ago.... The physical outburst was replaced by a silence that was in its own way even worse then the former violence. All those nearby who still lived and could move left as quickly as possible as the Leviathan settled down and brooded deep within itself. For yet another part of Current-Rider's prophecy had been fullfilled. And with each step accomplished the Leviathan's time drew one day nearer to its end. It knew this, though the creature did not know how it knew. The Age of the Intelligences was drawing to a close. They had existed for far too long, their time was over. Yet the vile creatures refused to succumb to the inevitable and continued to live on in defiance of the natural order of things. But now, an end this perversion of the Balance was beginning to taking place. That Cursed Prophecy! In the hopes finding out how to destroy the Lord of the Deep a brave group of wizards had dared to cast a spell never before tried. All who participated had died in the attempt, except for one. Current-Rider, a fusion of man and whale and the first Spellsinger, who was struck blind and could only remember these words; "A Band of Warriors, brave and strong. A Circle of Wizards, wise and clever. The Largest War Machine. The Eternal Flame Blade. The Fires of the Cosmic Forge. The One True Eye of Eylor. The Strength of an Unbeliever. A Hundred Years War. When All are Done, the Lord of the Deep will Fall." -Prophecy of the Deep For the Spellsinger had glimpsed something that mortal eyes were never meant to see. In truth the words he remembered were merely a fragment, that had been all that his mind and soul had been able to stand without collapsing in on itself. But Current-Rider's action had already been preordained by the Prophecy. As had so many other events now taking place. A Prophecy which would shake the very foundations of the Multiverse as it ran its course.... ~~~~~~ -Elsewhere Such a strange dream. But why couldn't she remember it clearly? Come to think of it, why was it so dark? And why did her head hurt so much? Had she overslept and missed her shift again?! Wait a second, calm down, what was the last thing she remembered? {We were escorting the transports...then the plantery base tried a last ditch missile assault. The convoy tried to intercept them but some got the commander turned us into a decoy to lure the remaining missiles away... it worked but then we couldn't take them out fast enough and some of them got through...} And then...and then? Nothing. Just the memory of a blinding white flash followed by total darkness. She wondered if she was dead. She decided against that possibility when another hot lance of pain shot through her temples. If she was dead then it wouldn't hurt so much, she decided. Gunner Brandy Corbin bravely opened one eye wide and immediately regretted it. It felt like her brain had just caught on fire and someone was sprinkling kerosene on it. {Ow ow ow!! Too bright!!} A few seconds later she risked the dizzying pain again, only this time Brandy only took a small look as she gave her body time to get used to the emergency lights. It helped a little, but the effort still left her drained. Brandy coughed raggedly, the smell of smoke and scorched wiring hang heavily in the air. Though it wasn't very pleasant, it did beat some of the alternatives. At least there *was* air to breathe. She also didn't hear the dreaded whistling of atmosphere escaping into the vacuum of space. So it appeared that the turret's structural integrity hadn't been compromised. But judging from the damage to her station it looked like the power grid had overloaded and blown out half of the circuits while frying the rest to a crisp. Lifting her head up the petite Inquisiter was rewarded by abused nerves informing her about a whole new batch of aches and pains as her body violently protested against any further movement. Despite that she somehow managed to achieve a position more vertical then horizontal and began to take an assessment of the current situation. It had been close. How close exactly was revealed when the gunner looked down. Brandy blanched at the sight of what was left of her console. It looked like a bomb had gone off in the middle of it. Without her Shield of Inner Strength she would have been impaled by the dagger-like fragments from the explosion. Summoning it had been the last thing she remembered doing before losing consciousness. The blunted pieces now formed a large pile in front of her where they had landed after impacting into the force field. Even with the protection of the supernatural barrier it soon became apparent that she had not totally escaped from harm. A warm stickiness running down her right ear proved to be blood from a long shallow cut near the top of her head. The young woman swore softly as she tentatively touched the edges of the wound. There was no telling what other injuries she had at the moment short of a trip to the Med-bay. Which meant that Lotion would most likely try to jam another one of her noxious concotions down her throat. The ship's healer was notorious among the crew for preferring old fashioned remedies over high-tech equipment and synthetic medicines whenever possible. Most of those cures usually involved making the victim ingest large quantities of substances whose actual origins were questionable at best. In many cases the cure was often considered worse then the ailment. However, there was method to her eccentricity. So far all of Lotion's potions had worked, which was the only reason why the crew had put up with them as long as they had. Needless to say, those who possessed their own regenerative abilities or healing powers were much enived by the crewmembers who did not. Then Corbin paled again as she remembered that she wasn't the only person manning the turret. {Oh shit!! Amanda!!} The time it tool her to unstrap herself from the seat's safety harness was the longest minute of her life. As soon as she the last seal unlocked Brandy started frantically looking for any sign of her co-gunner and friend. She didn't have search very far. A dark stain on the far side of the turret drew her attention and from there the gunner quickly found what was left of Amanda. Bile rose in her throat as Brandy's shocked brain tried to make sense of the havoc. Although farther away from the console Amanda had not had a personal forcefield to protect her. That station had been blown violently outward and collapsed partially on top of the woman. Corbin knew that everything from the pelvis down had to have been crushed by the sheer weight. One arm hung like a marionette's, twisted at a nightmarish angle. Fearing the worst Brandy bent down to check for a pulse. Nothing. Still she kept trying, hoping. Still nothing...wait. There it was. Faint and thready, but stable for the moment at least. *...'...* Tears of relief filled her eyes. "Shhh. Save your strength." "" One aqua blue eye hesitatingly opened. It had nearly swollen shut and was the skin around it was even now an awful purplish black. The rest of her wasn't in much better condition. " bad is it? I....I...can't feel my legs." "...." Brandy averted her eyes, unable to actually say a comforting lie yet not wanting to tell her friend the gruesome truth. "...that bad huh." "I....I'm sorry." "D..don't be. I knew the risks w..wh..when I signed up." Amanda started coughing raggedly as splashes of dark crimson decorated the floor. "Just hang on!" Rising to her feet she moved to where the internal comm system was and prayed that it was still working. Brandy slammed her hand on the red distress button with all of her strength. "Medical Emergency in Turret 3!! Get someone down here NOW!!!" The injured Sea Titan smiled wearily at her panicking friend's back as Corbin screamed at the bridge demanding that they get off their butts and do something. Brandy had obviously forgotten about her supernatural heritage, it would probably take a few weeks but even the worst of her wounds would heal eventually. As she slipped into the comforting embrace of unconsciousness Amanda made a mental note to herself to tease the poor girl about her oversight later. ~~~~~~~~ -Ground Zero Well, it looked like he’d found the cause of the disturbance. Or rather, she had found him. It was enough to make a guy think that he was cursed or something. Was a fair chance for once really too much to ask of Lady Luck? {Well, judging from my current situation I'd say the answer is "Yes".} He did have to admit though, that rarely did trouble come in such an attractive package. She was quite....exceptional, and her fighting ability wasn't anything to sneeze at either. Long dark green hair, exotic red eyes on a classic ageless complexion, a trim waist that most women would kill for, smooth thighs with just enough muscle for a healthy figure, and a chest that were certainly more than ample.... *whap* {Bad thought! Bad thought!!} He mentally slapped himself, that kind of thinking would definitely get him into trouble! He had more then enough girl problems as it was, the last thing he needed was *more* of them. Especially when the woman in question eclipsed everyone's auras there, even his! The Cosmoknight had no trouble registering this Senshi's Power, it had reached a level where it was so strong that it was simply *impossible* to conceal. Ranma knew that although he was good, he wasn't anywhere even remotely near the real powerhouses of the Multiverse. Still, his current level of ability wasn't anything to sneer at either. If necessary he could reduce a large city to a blackened crater without even half trying. However, what he was facing was on the magnitude of continental devastation, perhaps even extending to a global level of impact. In either case, he had about as much a chance in a direct confrontation as a butterfly against a thermonuclear warhead. Except that you could probably get better odds on the butterfly. Oh man, she looked like she’d like nothing better to do then to crack him open like a walnut with that solid looking staff she was carrying. What was even more unnerving was the way her crimson eyes seemed to pierce through his armor’s faceplate as though it wasn’t even there. He had to fight the urge to flinch. Whoever she was, she was obviously a lot older and much more experienced then he could ever hope to achieve in a hundred years. The Knight could see it in her eyes, she had that look. The one that said she'd seen it all, done it all, and gotten the free T-shirt to boot. He was *way* out of his league here! To make matters even worse, the alarm he felt was starting to be compounded by the slow burning flames of desire, an extremely volatile combination indeed. Already awakened by the bronze skinned goddess who was still much too close for his comfort, his more primal instincts were calling for, no, make that demanding that he make up for denying them for so long. {This is nuts! She wants to kill me for crying out loud!!} Sadly, Ranma's hormones were not listening to the head that had the brains. They weren't about to let a little thing like his impending demise get in the way of an opportunity to have some fun. Something irresistible was drawing him to her, like a hapless moth to the beckoning flame. Ranma's hands itched to explore her secret pleasure points and discover those hidden centers of stimulation that would invoke soft cries of passion, to breathe in her scent and taste her.... {Stop it!! Damn it Saotome, pull yourself together!!!} The violence of his reaction shocked him to the core, such a loss of self control was completely out of character for him. He was a Knight of the Forge and yet here he was acting like some poor sap who had never even seen a woman before. Something was wrong, he didn't understand what was happening to him. What kind of power did this woman possess that could cause this uncertain feeling inside of him? His subconscious knew, even if Saotome himself didn't. Such a pity that he'd used the *cursed* scrolls of Sinanju to learn the secrets of Anything Goes Marital Arts all those years ago... ~~~~~~ Shadow shook his head, not sure whether or not he should laugh or groan. Perhaps both. At this rate the women were going to eat him alive. "He's still pretty dense for someone so intelligent." The Bard let a small puff of air escape from his mouth. "Yes, it's rather sad actually." "It gets worse." The pair turned toward Zora. "We already knew that." ~~~~~~ -Not the safest place to be Sailor Pluto shook her head to clear it of the strange sensations that had momentarily disturbed her normally unshakable composure. An odd sense of excitement coupled with a nervousness utterly foreign to the Time Guardian had seized her upon getting her first good look of the troublemaker that had forced her to intervene in the timeline. Almost as if there had been a connection between them for the briefest of moments. This wasn’t what she had been expecting, not by a long shot. For the second time in the same century Sailor Pluto was caught off guard. This was starting to get out of hand, she was *not* supposed to be surprised! Pluto had absolutely no idea what this stranger was, yet he seemed strangely familar. But to the best of her extensive knowledge she had no recollection of ever meeting anyone from either side that looked like this. She scanned him closely, noting the predatory lines of his form and disquieting sense of "presence" that surrounded him. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she noted that the voluptuous platinum blonde seemed to be all but glued to his front. An unfamiliar pang of....disgust?...anger?....jealousy?...envy? struck. Why did she feel such a strong desire to separate the two of them? And why did the image of a *100 ton* mallet suddenly pop into her head? She was supposed to be removed from such things, the Guardian of the Time couldn't afford such luxury of human emotions. But the sentiment was there regardless, something within him was calling to a part of her that she'd thought had been buried forever. Pluto didn't like this feeling at all, it was so messy and strange. She told herself that it was only a temporary thing that would go away once the stranger was dealt with, but that rebellious part of her that had been reawakened refused to listen. "Who are you?" The slight tremor in her voice was practically unnoticable, but she still cursed herself for it even existing in the first place. "I should be asking you the same question." Somehow Ranma managed to extract himself from Urd's clutches between one moment and the next as he went on the offensive. Not all fights were won with force, perhaps if he took the initiative they could avoid something that they both would most likely regret. If she beat him he lost, if he somehow managed to beat her he'd still come out as the loser. And for some reason just the thought of having to raise his hand against her made something inside him cry out in protest. After all, it couldn't hurt to.... {Oh that's right, "Do or do not, there is no try". You just had to drum that into my head didn't you, Luke.} ~~~~~~~~ -Not far enough "Oh ho. So this is what you're up to Urd." Demoness First Class Mara grinned nastily from her perch above the action. The thrice-bedamned temple was locked up tighter then a miser's safe, she'd found that out the hard way this morning while attempting to fullfill her mission of making Morisato's life miserable. It had been quite a shocking experience, thus her current surveillance. It would be awhile till she was back up to full power and since she couldn't get inside, that left causing trouble for whoever was unfortunate to be outside the safety of the Ultimate Ward of Protection. How fortunate that a sudden enormous burst of divine energy from this district had caught her attention. Now not only did she have the little techno-brat and Urd out in the open, but as a *bonus* the newcomer was here as well. This promised to be a profitable situation, her favorite kind. {Now if Senbei manages to do his job properly, things should start to get very interesting.} The tiny imp had been ordered into action as soon as she'd spotted Urd making a play for the stranger. With his talents, a misunderstanding was sure to occur and mayhem inevitable. At worst it would be a temporary split that she could exploit, best case would be for the stranger to be forced to reveal how powerful he really was, the Forces of Darkness were always looking for new recruits. If he was good enough to survive against that kind of firepower.... She might even be tempted to bring him in herself if he turned out to be worth her while. A win/win scenerio, sometimes being evil paid off in spades. Only one nagging little thing still bothered her, the discharge of Holy Power from here that had caught her attention had not come from either of the Goddesses on the scene. Mara had come to recognize the power signatures of all three from first hand experience, and that hadn't been Belldandy's doing either. But there were no signs of any other higher powers here, divine or infernal. Strange indeed, that Power definitely had a female's markings all over it, but the nature of the emanations disturbed her, they had been far too old to have come from any of the current pantheons. ~~~~~ Ranma gestured toward the other Senshi on the street. "I'm not the villain here, your friends can vouch for that." At least he assumed that the similar fukus were a standard uniform for all of them. His luck would be running true to form if it turned out that they were actually blood enemies instead. "That's right! Can't you give him a chance Pluto?" Jupiter was the unsurprisingly the first to speak in their rescuer's defense. Why should Usagi be the only one to get the hero? Venus was of a like mind. Surely the others would understand once she explained she had called dibs on him, right? "Yeah! He really shoved his sausage up our furnace!" {{Huh?!}} Everyone turned toward Senshi of Love with wide eyes and even wider sweatdrops on the back of their respective heads (and helmet). "What? What'd I say?" A redfaced Mercury explained while looking anywhere except directly at her fellow Senshi. "Venus, that's supposed to be "Pulled our bacon out of the fire."" "Oopsie." *CRASH* Throughout Japan a not-so-mysterious occurence of simultaneous facefaults took place. ~~~~~~ -Where Legends Dwell "Trapping your knight with your own pieces? That's not like you." It is the beginning and the ending of the Circle. "Did you say something?" A beak could not frown. But the figure came as close to it as his features permitted. He loved a good intellectual challenge as much as the next person, but still there were times when even he wished that things could be simpler then they were. Moves within moves, games within games, always were there too many secrets. Sometimes he envied the mortals and the way they lived their lives in blessed ignorance of the many tangled webs of power being woven among the fabric of reality. He sighed, such was not to be their fate. But for life of him he still couldn't comprehend what sort of strategy he was facing. There was no order, no patterns this time, instead the moves were seemingly at random and utterly chaotic in their effect on the game. But now it seemed that the other side had finally stumbled on an impasse. "There's nowhere left for him to go." [Only if he plays by the rules.] ~~~~~ "I don't want to fight you." Pluto hesitated, her determination wavering for the briefest of moments. There was something incredibly compelling about his voice, a quality that made her want to believe him despite her better judgment. What if he was telling truth? Could he actually be an ally instead of yet another enemy? No, said the part of her that was a Senshi. He was a man, and the power had always corrupted them in the end no matter how noble they might have been in the beginning.(1) They could never be trusted, betrayal was inevitable. Perhaps he came in peace today, but what of tomorrow? Best not to take the chance, her warrior's instincts cried out to destroy him on the spot. Yes, said another voice. It urged her to trust him, to let go of the old fears and suspicions. If he was evil then why was there no general feeling of malice or hatred surrounding him? Serenity had once spoken of other forces who had come from beyond their dimension to aid the founders of the Moon Kingdom, a legend so ancient that it had only been passed down from each descending Queen to the next. If Usagi hadn't been so young and the danger from the Earth so great then the Queen would not have had to entrust that knowledge with the Keeper of Secrets during the last days of the Silver Millenium. So there were others besides the Dark Ones, it was possible... But how to be sure? "Neptune." "Yes?" "I need you to use your Mirror." "Alright, but what am I supposed to be looking for?" "The truth." ~~~~~~~ -Trouble Senbei, Sub-Demon of Unhappiness and Misfortune, Second class Limited license, was getting ready for his happy level to go up, up, up! "Heh heh heh! Let the unhappy begin!" Sailor Neptune frowned as she concentrated harder, trying to get the image in the Mirror to focus. Yet the murky cloud still remained there despite her best efforts. She couldn't get a clear reading about him either way, the Knight might as well have been a granite statue for all that the artifact was able to tell her. Finally the Neptune shook her head in a mixture of frustration and defeat. "I'm sorry Pluto, the Mirror either can't or won't show me anything about him." "I see." Although alarmed by this setback, Pluto's mind was still open. A few more minutes and Ranma might have been able to bridge the gulf of suspicion and mistrust that seperated them. But that was when Senbei's surprise went off. ~~~~~~ -Phaseworld Center Katrina suddenly stopped and shivered as a dark chill seemed to brush across her very soul. It was too much like the panic attacks she had suffered a few years ago during the Gathering of Heroes. The unrelenting feeling of terror, of being absolutely helpless to do anything, those old fears threatened to drag her down once more into the darkness. "!!" "Are you all right?" Her guide looked at her with a worried expression on his face. "I..I'm fine. Just a bad memory." The D-bee nodded and turned away even though he wasn't completely convinced. The Alliance paid him to *not* ask questions, and anyway he wanted absolutely nothing to do with that crazy Saotome or any of his women. Especially this one. There was something about her that made him as nervous as a cat in a room full of sleeping pit bulls. If the money for this job hadn't been so good..... "Ranma..." The way she said that name sent cold shivers down the guide's spine. Yes, as soon as his task was finished and payment delivered he was getting as far away from her as possible! ~~~~~~ -In a galaxy far, far away.... "Master Skywalker! Are you all right?" "I'm fine, but just for a moment I thought I felt a great disturbance in the Force." Strange, why did he suddenly find himself thinking about an old friend now of all times? It had been years since his former student had left, but he would never forget Saotome. Never had a more brash and headstrong individual ever succeeded in passing the Jedi training, quite an accomplishment when Ranma was barely able to tap into even the most basic aspects of the Force. But now there was a sense of urgency to those memories, yet for the life of him he didn't know why. {Something has happened. But what?} Even a Jedi Master must wonder sometimes. Constructive C&C is always welcome. ~~~~~~~~~~ Part 2.5c: Why ask why? ~~~~~~~~~~ -You Are So Screwed. Unnoticed by Neptune, her artifact began to grow dark as the barely adaquate forces of adversity went to work. "Hmm?" {Someone's being very sloppy.} Urd glanced around curiously, someone nearby was expending quite a bit of magical power and if the amount of leakage she was picking up was any indication they obviously weren't very good at it. {Now where have I seen that style before?} The identity of the culprit was right on the tip of her tongue when her attention was suddenly called back to the little drama unfolding in front of her. It looked like the final act was about to begin. ~~~~~~ -You Think You Have Problems? {I am not going to panic. It's nonproductive and a waste of energy. There has to be some kind of logical explanation for all of this phemonena.} Sailor Mercury kept telling herself that as her VR visor hiccuped and finally started displaying something coherent. "Eep." That statement pretty much summed up her feelings when the nature of the data she was currently receiving became clear. {This can't be right! There has to be some kind of mistake!! It's impossible!!!} ~~~~~~ -You Ever Get That Sinking Feeling? She still couldn't take her eyes off of him. Why did she feel that there was a connection between the two of them? This warm feeling coming from inside her heart was filling her entire body with a sense Who was he? What was he? And most importantly, why did his presence make her feel so safe and secure? She had only experienced anything remotely like this a long time ago, when she was being held in her father's arms as he rocked her to sleep. Yet she was feeling the same sensation now, that complete certainty of being sheltered and knowing that no harm would come. Sailor Saturn looked at him, and wondered.... ~~~~~~ -You're Where? {This sucks.} Being stuck in a quasi-dimensional pocket courtesy of an ancient martial arts technique was not very high on Ishtar's list of things she enjoyed doing. For one thing, it virtually cut off her awareness of the outside world. The sword intensely disliked this muffling of her senses, which included even the bond that linked her with her owner. She could still feel it in the back of her mind like a warm ember, but was otherwise "left in the dark", so to speak. It didn't help matters any that gravity was nonexistant in here, objects tended to just retain stationary positions in what she assmed was the middle. Even her sense of time was distorted, although given the nature of the surroundings that might be considered a blessing in disguise. Because worst of all.... It was so damn BORING! She couldn't even have the satisfaction of chewing Saotome out while she was stuck in here. He had learned early on to tune out her many complaints, it helped that this was one of the few situations that dampened her telepathy down to a level that even an infant could block her sendings. Not that Ranma's mental defenses were much better then an infant's, at least in her opinion. Honestly, how had that silly boy ever managed to survive so long without her? {That over-inflated ego of his is going to be the death of him yet. I didn't sense anything really dangerous nearby, but still....} The little tart of a goddess she'd dismissed as a threat almost immediately, it didn't take a genius to see what *that* one was looking for. If Ranma couldn't win her over with that weird enhanced sex appeal of his *then* she'd be surprised. That way he had with women was part of the reason why Ishtar tended to look down upon any female chasing her wielder, she knew that most of them just wanted him for his body. Even if it was a very nice body and even if it took an exceptional willpower to resist his semi-supernatural charm that was still no excuse! Ishtar loved Ranma for who he was on the inside, not for his looks (pleasing though they might be). So naturally she got more then a little peeved whenever one of those temptresses tried to get their claws on him. {Sigh.} There *had* been the beginnings of a slightly disturbing reading at the very edges of her senses right before she had been returned here. But it had been very far away and the contact was too brief for her to confirm it. {Well, it might have just been a fluke. And even if it does turn out to be dangerous I'm sure that he wouldn't be crazy enough to confront it without me there....I hope.} ~~~~~~ -You Dirty Rat! Sembei smiled nastily as he snapped his fingers. "Unhappy strike number one." Black tendrils of ectoplasm erupted forth from the face of Sailor Neptune's mirror and launched themselves at the surprised Senshi. Although their appearence was rather horrifying they were actually quite harmless. The imp was more concerned with causing chaos then actual injury, not to mention the fact that he lacked the power to give his creations much substance anyway. Having experienced this type of unexpected situation before, she naturally responded with all the calm and dignity one would expect from such a mature young lady. "AAAHHH!!!" Then again...maybe not. Everything seemed to happen at once after that. ~~~~~~~ -Ristmoth, Governor Ryga's Palace The remaining Imperial troops crouched nervously behind whatever cover they could find. They knew it was only a matter of time until the rebels finally broke through. The armored doors might look thick and solid, but it wouldn't last long against any real firepower. This was going to be their last stand, none of them held any illusions as to what fate the rebels had in mind for them. The problem with serving a huge evil empire that trampled the masses into the dirt was that occasionally those masses clawed their way out and then pulled their oppressers down into the dirt and buried them in it. Suddenly it grew quiet. The constant background hum of energy discharges had ceased. Soldiers clutched their Power Halbards and Pulse Rifles closer. For a long moment eerie silence filled the building. No one dared to even breathe, afraid that it would shatter their temporary reprieve. Then the sound of many footsteps moving toward the palace broke the illusion. Snipers stationed at the windows started to open fire. Bodies could be heard dropping on the grounds outside by the dozen. The return fire from the attackers was overwhelming in its intensity. Snipers who survived the initial hailstorm of plasma bolts and laser beams became the recipients of mini-missiles and fusion grenades as rebel forces dislodged them from their tenaciously held positions. A dull red glow started to appear in the middle of the armored doors protecting the main entrance. The glowing area slowly grew from the size of a quarter to nearly twice the diameter of a normal man. The center went from dull bloodish red to bright cherry red, then to molten yellow orange, and finally to a blinding white. *BOOM* Charging through the wreckage came the screaming hordes. "For Freedom and Liberty! Death to the Empire!!" ~~~~~~~ -Yikes! {So it was lie after all! Damn him!} For some reason this betrayal hurt far more then it should have even though she had been expecting it all along. There wasn't much comfort to be found in being proven right all the time. For a few precious moments, she had secretly hoped that for once her instincts were wrong. But now it was too late for regrets, all that remained were the bitter ashes of lost hope and a burning desire for vengence. "Dead Scream." Sailor Pluto initiated her signature attack. ~~~~~~ -Double Yikes!! "Neptune!" It was the equivalent of lighting a match in a room full of dynamite. To say that Sailor Uranus was angry would be the understatement of the century. She was FURIOUS. {This guy is *HISTORY*!} "Space Sword Blaster!!" ~~~~~~ -You couldn't figure it out earlier?! She spotted the culprit just one moment too late. {Senbei? That little..!! So this is all MARA's fault!!} Urd rolled up her sleeves as she prepared to teach that no-good two-bit imp a lesson. "Lightning STRIK..Eek! Put me down!" ~~~~~~~~ -Are You Confused Yet? He didn't know what was going on. One second it seemed that everything would be all right and then all hell had broken loose. That girl, Sailor Neptune, was struggling against what looked like dark jello. Ranma realized after a moment of confusion that it was ectoplasm, though he'd never seen it in that color before. The stuff was practically harmless, although it could be kinda disgusting for the unprepared. The other two took one look and turned back toward him with grim expressions on their faces. {Uh oh.} Ranma knew a setup when he saw one. It was obvious that someone had just framed him. Unfortunately there was no way for him to prove it right now, and simply proclaiming his innocence at this point was obviously not going to do any good. {So much for talking my way out of this.} The short tempered blonde confirmed his suspicions about the sword when she shouted out some kind of command phrase and her blade fired a energy bolt at him. Ranma couldn't make heads or tails of the "sphere" (for lack of a better term to describe it) that the other woman shot at him. It looked pretty nasty though, so it would probably be in his best interests to avoid it. That one called Sailor Pluto(?) looked really pissed off at him, and the unfairness of it all made the Knight want to scream with frustration. Then Ranma saw that he wasn't the only one in danger here. What was that goddess doing?! Didn't she realize that those projectiles were going to... {Oh screw it! I can apologize to her later.} With no time to lose The Cosmoknight grabbed the platinum blonde in one arm and slung her over his shoulder as he leaped out of the way of the incoming attack. An explosion rocked the ground where he'd been standing just a moment earlier. Oddly enough, it didn't seem to cause much damage to the street. Which either meant that those were very weak attacks (not likely) or they were similar in nature to phase weapons in that they were meant for *live* targets (Quite probable *shudder*). ~~~~~~~~ -Phaseworld Center, Level 2-B: Spacetown "C'mon, We have to get going. Our contact is waiting in the Seel's Whails." "The what?" "Seel's Whails, it's a Spacer bar. Lotta freelancers and runners hang out there. Most of them are sympathetic to the Rebels so it's as safe a place as any for us." "If you say so." Privately Sun had her own doubts about that. This part of the city was only slightly rundown but she had the uncomfortable feeling that their passage was being watched by many pairs of eyes. Even though the streets were nearly empty of people there was a dangerous tension in the air. She rested a hand on her holdout blaster, its familar presence on her hip was reassuring as always. "Just keep a low profile and we should be able to avoid any trouble." The guide just hoped that none of the rough and tumble types around here noticed his client. Her exotic beauty had not escaped his notice, even in this interdimensional hub of the multiverse the woman stood out. {Yes, she's quite a looker.} He briefly found himself almost envying Saotome. But that only lasted until he saw that *look* in her eyes again. No siree, he couldn't wait to part company with her. The sooner, the better! ~~~~~~~ -You'll be sorry! Urd's shapely posterier wiggled in vain as she struggled to escape from her new position. Being carried over this barbarian's shoulder like the spoils of war was most embarrassing. "Do you have any idea how undignified this is?!" Beating her hands against the back of his armor proved equally fruitless. She might as well have been a sack full of groceries for all he seemed to care. {Oh no! My nails! And I just had them done too!} "Would you settle down please? I'm a little busy at the moment!" Ranma was having some trouble holding onto the scandalously clad woman while simultaneously jumping and dodging about as not one, but two infuriated opponents tried their damned best to make him very, very dead. Sadly, this was a situation that he was much too familar with, having experienced variations of the same theme many, many times over the past couple of years. Of course this *was* the first time that he found himself unable to fight back. These girls weren't really bad, they'd just been tricked into thinking he was the villain here. That observation still didn't help his situation any though. In the course of most events there will occasionally be *accidents*. When the event includes frantic evasive maneuvers coupled with a handicap that was both soft and curved in all the right places the odds of one of those *accidents* taking place tends to skyrocket into the stratosphere. *goose* "Eek! You pervert!" "Sorry about that!" "Release your hostage! And stop molesting her!" "Hostage?! You're the one who's trying to kill us! At least let me put her down first! And that was an accident!" "Shut up! Space Sword Blaster!" "Watch those hands buster!" {Why do these things always happen to me?!} ~~~~~~ -Are You Sure You Know What You're Doing? "Stop it! You're making a mistake!" "Pluto! Uranus! Wait! There's been some kind of misunderstanding!" When Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus are the sole voices of reason in a conflict, it's time to start worrying. The other Senshi prudently decided to take cover, as did Sasami and the now-awake and very confused Skuld. The little goddess felt a lot better now, but why was everyone fighting again?! Tuxedo Kamen produced a rose in one hand and watched the battle carefully, waiting for an opening. ~~~~~~ -High Orbit Over Ristmoth "Is everyone alright?" Assorted affirmative replies came in as the bridge's emergency lights flickered wildly. There were many cuts and bruises but amazingly no real serious injuries. It appeared that body armor and natural toughness had saved the day once again. "I need a status report. Sammy, weapons and navigation. Tania, check the communications broadcast array and all decks and turrets. Ana, can we still cloak? And someone contact the engine room, I'm sure Silvia is pretty pissed about all the abuse her "wee lil' bairns" have taken." "Yes, Ma'am." The crew went about their tasks quickly and efficently despite their recent near brush with oblivion. It was simply part of the job. "She can still cloak, but the grid is looking pretty unstable. I wouldn't recommend it short of a complete emergency. Our active stealth systems are pretty overloaded at the moment, we need time to let them cool down." "Noted." "We're at 85% of optimal power, capacitors for the main guns are off-line and our shields are so thin that you could throw a spitball through them. Ship's navigation seems to have survived quite nicely though, some luck seems to be finally going our way. Missiles and torpedos are available but the Reaper cannon is off-line. Secondary batteries are still functional, but it looks like they'll be only at half strength for little bit. Starboard turrets are down, looks like numbers 3 and 6 are a total loss." "Medical Teams have been dispatched. Yes Brandy, they're coming so please stop yelling at me! Commander, the crew manning turret 6 reports that they're fine, they just got tossed around a bit." "Casualties?" "Well...just a moment. Brandy! I told you they're on their way! Stop screaming already! What was that again?" "Casualties?" "Coming in now. Whoa, looks like Dr. Lotion is really going to be earning her pay this time!" "Lieutenant." "Forty eight crew members have reported injuries so far. Twelve of them are going to require hospitalization. Only two really serious cases though, Amanda and Ikeya." "I'm sure the doctor will be thrilled." Now the Commander hesitated, this was always the worst part about being in command. "...fatalities?" There was a brief pause as Tania checked the incoming reports. "Looks like we cheated the piper again, Ma'am." Ayla let out a breath she didn't even know she had been holding. {Thank the Goddess.} "Alright people, don't relax yet. We still have a job to do." "Aye aye, Commander." ~~~~~ -You Were Warned About Days Like This. "Dead Scream." Ranma found himself forced to alter directions in midair once again, that Sailor Pluto seemed to have an uncanny knack for being able to correctly predict where he was going to touchdown. "World Shaking!" So far he'd been able to avoid coming into contact with whatever it was they was shooting at him, but it hadn't been easy. No sooner did he manage to dodge one then the other would launch her attack. The two of them were working as a team, keeping him off balance so that he couldn't retake the initiative. {This is getting me nowhere! I need a plan, no, please don't tell me I'm grabbing what I think I'm grabbing!} "You better not let me go because the moment you do I'm gonna KILL you, Pervert!" {Oh joy.} Correction, first he needed to deposit his unwilling passenger somewhere safe. *Then* he could worry about what to do with latest additions to the long line of people trying to kill him. Well, it could have been worse. They could have been trying to marry him instead. ~~~~~~ -You're Despicable! {This is GREAT! Explosions, a beautiful woman in peril, the Sailor Senshi, and lots of gratuitious violence! Who could ask for more?} The News Anchor and his trusty sidekick were happier then pigs in manure. Even if they didn't know what was really going on. On a related note, the camera man *was* able to get an indecent shot of Urd's panties when she was hoisted over the Knight's shoulder. This resulted in several million slaps being delivered to viewers nationwide by angry wives and girlfriends. Plus one electrocution. Keiichi Morisato could only cover his eyes and groan. ~~~~~~ -High Ristmoth Orbit, Free World's Flagship "Admiral Iblis, the Ristmoth system has been secured. All Imperial ships have been destroyed or have retreated from the sector. We've won, sir!" "Don't get your hopes up just yet, Captain. We still have to capture this planet first." "Yes sir." "Ensign, status of the troop landings." "Proceeding as planned, Admiral. The convoy's escorts suffered heavy losses though, we lost nine corvettes and six other ships are out of commission." "Did we lose any of the transports?" "No sir. It appears that they were able to stop all of the missiles." "Good, we can't afford to lose any of them before they hit the planet. Our resources are stretched thin enough as it is, High Command is taking an awfully big risk here." "Sir, The first wave of transports will be landing in the capital city in twenty minutes." ~~~~~~ -You Can't Be Serious?! An opening finally presented itself. Sailor Pluto was forced to abandon her next shot when it became clear that the Knight had somehow managed to maneuver himself directly between his two opponents. This made it impossible for either one of them to attack him without risking the chance of hitting the other. The advantage only lasted a moment as they both quickly moved to get out of each other's way. But a moment was all he really needed. "Oof! Hey! You Jerk!!" It was not exactly the most gentle of landings, Ranma was in a hurry after all. At least she was on the ground and now safely out of the line of fire (he hoped). Urd rubbed her tender bottom with one hand while shaking her fist at him with the other. "Ohh, you're gonna get it!" Now that he finally had full mobility again it was time to think up a plan of action. That took him about ten seconds, which was nine more then he normally needed. {Okay, there's no way to calm them down. But I *can* make them even madder then they already are. Let's hope that certain universal principles hold true, otherwise they're probably going to be picking me off the street with ink blotters.} Once he started on this path, there would be no going back. Did he really want to do this? "Die, Monster!" {I guess that answers my question.} Ranma took a deep breath (don't ask me how) and unleashed his most devastating special attack, one so horrifying that it was only passed down through the Saotome line and even then, only from father to son. "You stupid uncute tomboy!" ~~~~~~~~ -O_O' "He calls *that* a plan?!" "I...believe so." "Zora, I think your Ranma lost a few marbles when he came back to his home dimension." "Always a method to the madness, there is." "In other words, he's nuts." ~~~~~~~ -You're In For It Now! "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!!" She might dress like a man in her civilian form, but Haruka still had her feminine pride. Yet even though Uranus was seething with rage she was still in control of herself. Something more was needed to tip the scales. "You're also a flatchested maniac." That did the trick. Of all the things he could have picked, Ranma had to choose the one which she was most sensitive about. *VOOSH* A gigantic red-hot battle aura sprang up around Sailor Uranus. Nobody insulted her chest!! Nobody!!! The sun hid its face behind clouds of darkest black. Lightning danced across the heavens and vermin within a two mile radius suddenly found that they had pressing business elsewhere. {Uh oh. I may have overdone it a little bit.} "CRUSH!! KILL!! MAIM!! DESTROY!!!" She came in swinging hard and fast. Any Amazon warleader would have been proud to call her one of their own at that moment. As soon as he dodged the first thrust to his head the Knight was forced to twist back and to the side as the lunge turned into a slash aimed for his abdomen. Her second stab came in unexpectedly low in an attempt to sever one of his hamstrings while he was in such an awkward position, but it was thwarted by his armor. The attack did leave a deep cut in the ultra-hard material though, and that fact did not go unnoticed by anyone present. Recovering quickly, Ranma was able to avoid Uranus's next attacks by shifting just enough to the left and right to prevent the blade from skewering him in the vitals. It helped that her swings were beginning to get wilder and more frenzied with every miss. He continued to give ground freely to her furious assault, always making sure to stay close enough that the other Senshi after his hide couldn't use that strange attack of hers without hitting them both. 'If the enemy's forces are united, seperate them.' 'All warfare is based on deception.' 'If your opponent is of base temper, seek to irritate them.' The wisdom of Sun Tzu still held true thousands of years later. But his entire plan depended on the last two being correct as well. Timing would be everything. He would have only one shot, they wouldn't fall for this a second time. ~~~~~~ -Do You See What I See? Uranus's readings were nearly off the scale. She was actually *glowing* from all the battle energy radiating forth from her body! Mercury used one hand to push her jaw back up into position. The blue haired Senshi didn't even try to get a reading from Pluto. She knew it would only give her nightmares in the days to come. The Time Guardian looked really angry. That was *scary*, especially since this was the strongest emotional reaction that Setsuna had ever shown! {Is he insane? They're going to kill him!} Once again she tried to scan the stranger, although his constant movement made that difficult. {Strange....the jamming seems to have stopped.} Not that it did much good. Whatever that armor was composed of, it wasn't anything that her computer could recognize. It also seemed to block any attempts to scan deeper, infrared and ultraviolet sensor beams were absorbed into it without a trace. {This can't be right!} How could his power level be at practically zero?! Even youma and daomons had a level of energy that could be detected. Yet his reading was as cold as ice... {Ice?} Something about that last observation sent alarms ringing in her head. Why was this person trying so hard to intentionally keep Uranus in a burning rage while at the same time maintaining a personal power level that was almost on par with a corpse? {Hot and cold....what's the connection?} *beep**beep* Then she saw it. As the Outer jumped into the air with her Space Sword held high, the Knight's right arm suddenly became a black void as every last bit of heat energy was expelled from it. "Uranus, look out! It's a trap!!" Too late. {Gotcha.} Ranma's fist rocketed out into an uppercut. "Hiryu Shoten Ha!" ~~~~~~ -(O_O) "I don't believe it. It actually worked?!" "Looks like it." "Told you so." "Okay, so now how is he going to deal with Pluto?" An uncomfortable silence descended. Crickets decided to chirp in the background and were promptly devoured by several dozen woodland spirits who were in urgent need of some munchies. "I thought so." Shadow sighed wearily, that was the trouble with these heroes. They always forgot about those little details until it was too late. ~~~~~ -So Tell Me, What You Plan To Do About The Rest Of Them? Ranma had been aiming for just the edge of Sailor Uranus's battle aura, so he only knicked it a little with the "Soul of Ice" technique. Of course, considering how much heat she was putting out he had to pull his punch quite a bit short in order to keep the size of the resulting tornado down. *WHOOSH* The twister was only a couple dozen meters high. But it was strong enough to pick up the unfortunate Outer and send her hurtling skyward like a helpless stray leaf. Through long practice and experience Ranma had learned how to direct where the Rising Dragon Ascension's victim(s) would land. Normally he used it to make sure his enemies wound up in the worst possible spots. This time he was trying to make sure that this woman didn't break anything when she hit the ground, even magic could only go so far when it came to preventing damage from falling several stories. How fortunate then that there was a truck lying on its side nearby, its cargo of leafy vegetables spilled out nice and high next to it. Apperently the driver had abandoned it sometime during the first battle, since the once fresh produce had grown rank in the daytime heat. It would certainly cushion a landing, but the smell... {Oh well, beggers can't be choosy.} It was good plan, all things considered. Unfortunately there was still a hostile factor that Ranma failed to take into account. "Heh, time for Unhappy Strike Two!" ~~~~~~~ -Well, You Tried. Neptune, still struggling to get the slimy gunk off of her, just happened to pick that moment to look up. Upon seeing her beloved about to come crashing down into the street Neptune did the first thing that came to mind. She jumped and tried to catch her. But a sudden stray updraft threw her timing off. *Kabonk* Instead of catching Sailor Uranus, they collided in midair. The two of them quickly discovered that ectoplasm is *very* sticky, right before they crashed into a small hill of stinky rotten greens. Their screams of outrage could be heard for miles around. ~~~~~ -You Can't Win Them All Right after Sembei finished his latest act of mischief an annoying tapping sensation started on his back. Tap. Tap. Tap. It just wouldn't stop, so the little imp turned around. His eyes were met by a pair of feet. {Uh oh...} He looked up. "Eep." Skuld looked down at him with a scary expression on her face. Her slightly dented Bug Masher Mark II balanced on one shoulder. Sembei pulled out a pair of old fashioned spectacles and put them on. "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?" The young goddess's rebuttal was simple but quite elequent. *WHAM* ~~~~~~~ -Do You Have Any Last Words? Ranma winced behind the safety of his armor, so much for his plan going the way it was supposed to. He had not been expecting the third girl to get in the way. That *had* to have hurt. But on the bright side, at least they wouldn't be after him for awhile. However he wouldn't want to be around when those two finally freed themselves from that gooey little mess they were in. Two down with only one left to worry about. Speaking of which... {Where'd she go?!} Somewhere in all the excitement he'd lost track of where Sailor Pluto was. He looked frantically around, but couldn't spot her anywhere. Ranma didn't even try to kid himself into believing that she had actually left. He could still feel her presence, a pressure that weighed down heavily on the air itself. Seeking a better position from which to defend himself, the Knight went from the street to the rooftops. From up there he'd have more manuvering room and a better view of the surroundings. Still he found no sign of her. {I think I'm in trouble.} ~~~~~~~ -You think? Mara froze where she was as the armored figure turned to look in her direction. But her barrier held and he looked straight through her position without even seeing her. She let out a small sigh of relief. That had been too close for comfort. {It wouldn't do to spoil the game this early. I've got plans for you.} A soft *bamf* behind her along with a hint of sulfer alerted Mara to the return of her servant. "You've done well Sembei. Remind me to reward you when we get back." "...Which way did he go George? Which way did he go?" "Huh?" She turned around, only to stare at the little imp in disbelief. "What in the Nine Hells happened to you?!!" Sembei was sporting the biggest, meanest looking bump on his head that she'd ever seen. It was obvious that her minion wasn't running with all of the lights on. "I'm only twee and a half yea's old...bwebubwubweble..." A large sweatdrop appeared on the back of the demoness's head. Perhaps it was time to leave before someone put two and two together. ~~~~~~ -You Have Issues, Don't You? Sailor Pluto has not survived this long by underestimating her opponents. It had quickly become clear that their regular special attacks weren't up to the task, stronger measures were needed in order to destroy this threat. With her Time Staff in hand Setsuna started to gather the energy she needed to invoke the power of the Garnet Orb. Each of the Outer Senshi possessed a unique talisman of power. Uranus had the Space Sword, Neptune's was the Aqua Mirror, and Saturn was the owner of the deadly Silence Glaive. But Pluto's artifact was perhaps the most unusual of them all. Unlike the other talismans, the Orb was a sentient artifact and served as one of the Guardians of the Timegate. But most importantly, by channeling potential psychic energy through it Pluto could amplify her abilities to a new level, allowing her access to the most dangerous Senshi attacks. One of those was the forbidden "Time Protector", which halted the passage of time itself. But that wasn't the only one available to her. In a few seconds she would be ready to unleash an attack that made her Dead Scream look like one of Sailor Chibi-Usa's Pink Sugar Hearts. ~~~~~~~ -o_o' "Oh no, please tell me she's not using *that* one." Shadow and the Guardian exchanged worried looks. That attack had killed them each once before, fortunately they had gotten better afterwards. Death wasn't much fun, not unless you were lucky enough to get the cool chick with the ankh and a sense of humor. "What's the attack roll?" "Give me a sec, Bard." Rowan swore softly when he got the result. "Damn. This is not good." "C'mon , how bad can it be?" "A natural twenty ." This time the curses came from several other throats as well. Everyone present knew what this meant. A critical strike, practically impossible to dodge. "Well, it's only double damage....he can survive that." The Bard tried to look on the bright side. "Try damage x12 instead." Rowan was quick to shoot his hopes down. "What?!" "Evil magical curse #34, victim takes triple damage from Rune Weapons. Since she's focusing it through the Garnet Orb, it still counts. Plus it's a surprise attack, so she automatically gets another bonus modifier of x2 to her damage roll." "Oh hell." "Exactly." ~~~~~~~ -Did You Have To Do That?! It was time. A crimson flare of raw temporal energy screamed forth from the head of the Time Staff. It took all of Pluto's concentration to keep from being caught in the backlash as the tidal wave of raw destruction spewed out. The Senshi of Time was in her element at that moment as she fought to master the wild power she had unleashed. "Chrono Trigger!" Sailor Pluto was also very good shot. After all, she'd had more then enough time to practice while awaiting the rebirth of the other Senshi. Ranma never had a chance. Even as he turned to face the threat he knew it was already too late. He only had a moment for one last meaningless thought. {I survived the Mechanoids, the Four Horsemen, the Vampire Kingdoms, the Splugorth, and even the Transgalactic Empire only to end up as the victim of a beautiful woman in a fuku? Damn it, looks like I owe Drizzt that round of drinks after all.} And then there wasn't any time left even for that. *KABOOM* -To be continued.... *$*$*$*$* Author's note: I did it!I did it!! I actually made a deadline!!! And I ended this part on yet another cliffhanger, damn I'm evil aren't I? Heh, well just going to have to wait awhile because I'm off for the holidays. Next time on Private Bet #10: -The conclusion of Chapter III! -Intriuge, mystery, and betrayal in the Phaseworld Universe -More about Ranma's past from Erin Tarn -Genma engaged Ranma to ?! -Amazons about to come calling! -Ryoga, killer at large! -More villains, lots more villains! -More Fiancees then you can shake a stick at! -Big Freakin Explosions! (No, wait. That's in Chapter IV, my mistake!) -Is that damn Chess game ever going to end?! Plus: How many secret organizations are out there anyway?! Looking at least a 60+ K finale...after which you'll just have to wait for Chapter IV! Bwahahahaha!! Merry Christmas to I'm going to sleep! -Shade (Shooting little black pigs wearing bandannas just because I feel like it!) Holy Knight of Mihoshi (Hail the Goddess of Coincidence!) Ranger of the Crossover Fiancees ~~~~~~~~~ "You know, a lot of guys would love to be in your position right now. So just lie back and enjoy the ride." "No! Let go!! Help!!!" Ryoko paused for a moment as a sudden thought hit her. "Say, you wouldn’t happen to be...." Ranma’s face reddened angrily as he figured out what she was asking. "I AM NOT GAY!!!" -Scene from Private Bet #7 It's funny the things that come to mind when you think you're dying... ~~Flashback~~ -A while back The need to unburden himself had been growing for a long time, yet he'd always managed to resist the temptation. But Ranma couldn't deny it any longer. He needed help. The fight at Atlantis had shown him just how careless he was getting. They would never have been able to capture him had he been paying proper attention to his surroundings. Next time he might not be so lucky. And of all his friends, Erin alone might be able to understand this emptiness inside of him that he could feel growing larger with each passing day. There was also the matter of Ishtar. What the hell was he going to do with a Rune Weapon anyway? ~~End Flashback~~~ "Irony is the Axis of the Universe." -AAnn proverb And now... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Private Bet #10: Chapter III by Shade Disclaimer: Yo ho, Yo ho, A Disclaimer's life for me! Argh maties, we be using these characters that be belonging to other people cause we're too lazy to come up with our own! "We can proceed about our business." You can go about your business. "Move along." Move along, move along. ~~~~~~~ Part 3: The Season of Light..... ~~~~~~~ -Ever Have One Of Those Days? "This is Go Takarada of Action 5 news, coming to you live from Juuban's commercial district where the Sailor Senshi have just blown up an entire city block!!" Upon seeing his chances for fame and fortune go up with a bang, Takarada was naturally more then a little upset. His dreams of an early retirement had vanished when that Sailor Senshi had blasted his story to kingdom come. "Only moments ago a battle was being fought between the Sailor Senshi and a mysterious armored figure who had saved them earlier from a horde of evil youma. But the reason behind their sudden attack against their rescuer is a mystery, could it be that they're afraid of a little competition?!" {Goddamnit! So much for my "Knight Hawk" exclusive!! Maybe I can play up the fact that the Senshi are responsible for all of this destruction. That's sure to make at least the six o'clock news.} Nothing could have survived that blast. And since he was a pragmatic sort... "Or have these so called Defenders of Justice finally turned to the Dark side? We will continue to cover this alarming situation of "Magical Girls Gone Rogue" with further updates to follow!" Scruples and Takarada were like oil and water. And his cliches *sucked*. Meanwhile his assistant continued to keep the camera rolling, not noticing that a stray bit of shrapnel had killed the transmitter beaming the signal to the station. Perhaps it was better that way. ~~~~ The Inners could only stare as the settling cloud of dust and rubble started to reveal a scene of total devastation. While ground zero was still shrouded from view, what they could see wasn't very encouraging. Pluto's attack had left nothing but rubble in its wake, every structure in the blast zone had been completely totaled. Apparently the Senshi of Time had never heard of a little thing called "overkill". Shock set in. It started as a pulling emptiness in the pit of the stomach followed by a glazed over look in the eyes of those who had seen their hopes raised and then cruelly shattered. There were no tears, not yet at any rate. It had all happened too fast, their minds just couldn't accept what they had just seen. So for now, a blessed numbness settled over them. ~~~~ It was times like this that made Urd wish she was allowed to curse. Even at her most vindictive she had only wanted to teach that impudent jerk a lesson, not kill him. "Mara's going to pay for this." What a waste. Come to think of it, that guy hadn't been really that bad. He probably hadn't meant to grab her like that and he *had* been trying to protect her (no matter how misguided that protection might have been). "I think there's someone still alive in there!" An excited cry from her left derailed the goddess's train of thought. "Huh?!" Urd stared at her younger sister and the strange device that she'd produced out of (their) Father only knew where. "Skuld..when did you-? How-? He's still-? What?!" "It's pretty faint, but I'm definitely getting a life force reading. There wasn't anyone else there when it blew, so it's gotta be him!" "Before you start celebrating sis, you might want to think about *them*." Urd gestured toward a exhausted looking Pluto and the struggling Uranus and Neptune. "Oh...right." Her cheery expression dampened slightly upon being reminded about the precariousness of the present situation. But that was easily fixed! "Skuld, put the bomb away." Urd didn't even have to bother looking, she knew by now how her younger sister's line of thinking worked. "Spoilsport." Reluctantly the petite little goddess removed her finger from the detonater switch and tucked it back into one of her many subspace pockets. "Relax, just leave everything to your big sister." Skuld's complexion turned blue upon hearing that dreaded statement. "Now I'm worried." ~~~~ -From the Journals of Erin Tarn "What is the true measure of a hero?" I have asked that question many times over the years. There have many responses, yet not one of them is ever alike. Each individual holds themselves to a different standard in their heart. But Saotome's answer managed to surprise me. For several minutes after I asked him that Ranma remained quiet, staring into his cup of tea as if it was showing him something from the past that he could not forget. I shivered when he met my gaze again. To this day I wish that I had left well enough alone. There was such pain in his eyes, more then any person should ever be forced to bear. For a moment I was nearly overwhelmed by this glimpse into his very being. So many shadows. I could not even begin to imagine what had done this to him. It was the first time he'd ever dropped his guard so completely in front of me. I guess that this was the first time it finally sunk in that Ranma was just as human as the next person. He just hides it better then the rest of us. Even as the realization hit I could see the barriers falling in place once more. The window into his soul vanished as if it had never existed in the first place. But the new awareness that I had of him did not leave me, things had changed between us. We were still friends, but now there was distance between us that could never be bridged. Then he gave me a small sad smile. "A real hero is someone that doesn't screw up." "What do you mean?", I asked him. His answer didn't make any sense to me at the time. Surely he didn't think that such perfection was possible, and I told him so. "We all make mistakes, that's part of being human." But it didn't seem to help. The somber expression on his face didn't waver, he was dead serious. "A true hero can't afford to be wrong. Not once. Not ever." So that was it. In a softer tone I asked him, "What happened to you, Ranma? It's been two years since I last saw you. But it seems that more time has passed for you then me." I didn't expect him to answer me, but he did. "I'm tired Erin. I'm just so tired..." He turned to look out the balcony, his friend's home was cozy but by no means small. It afforded an excellent view of the surroundings and the setting sun. The sunsets of Lazlo are one of the most beautiful sights one can see on Rifts Earth. Part of that attraction is being able to actually relax and enjoy it, secure in the knowledge that the City of Learning is one of the safest places in North America. But Ranma had no eyes for the glorious natural spectacle taking place outside. His thoughts were turned toward the past. "I've seen too much evil.... Too much cruelty... Too much hate... Too much pain..." His voice was empty, and his eyes had a haunted look in them. "And always Death. It follows me like a shadow, never ever going away. So many friends, people I cared about, have died because of me. No matter what I do, they die....and all I can do is find the bastards responsible and make them pay. But it's never enough. It won't bring them back." There was nothing I could say, simple words of comfort couldn't help him. It just kept spilling out of him, like a dam that had been finally breached and would not stop till it had run its course. "I hate having to kill. But I've become damned good at it. Too damned good. And the worst part of it is that I'm beginning to not give a damn anymore." The tears in his eyes refused to fall. But I could see his body quivering like a bow that had been drawn too tight from the pain he sought to keep in control. "Ranma..." I was sure that he was being too hard on himself. The Ranma I knew wasn't a killer, the only time he ever took a life was when defending himself or others. He took no pleasure in it, he simply did what had to be done. "I've done a lot of stuff over the years that I'm not proud of, Erin. All of it was in the cause of what's supposed to be right, battling evil and injustice. But the dividing line between the two has become so blurred now that there are times when I can't help but wonder who's side I'm really on. "Wha..what?!" I couldn't believe my ears, but I could see that he wasn't lying. The pain was being replaced by an empty expression in his eyes, and it scared me. Ranma had always been so strong, the person that could be counted on when things got bad. But now he was here before me, on the verge of burning out both emotionally and mentally. Never had I felt so helpless, it hurt so badly to see him like this. "I don't know who I am anymore and I'm starting to think that I never did. There's so much darkness out there and the best we can ever hope to do is check it in a bloody stalemate. I can't go on like this, there has to be another way!!" "You can't save everyone." "I know. I thought I could make a difference, but nothing's really changed. Sometimes... I feel like just giving up." When I heard that I just couldn't help myself. I'd never been so angry, and I slapped him. Hard. *CRACK* I regretted my action almost immediately. Ranma's face was *much* harder then my hand. It felt like I had struck a steel wall. "Erin!?" The dark emptiness clouding his eyes vanished and was replaced by a shocked and hurt expression directed at me. Of course, I wasn't exactly keep much track of all the details going on as I was rather upset at the time. "Now you listen to me, Ranma Saotome! Don't you DARE take that defeatist attitude with me!! Just because you're not perfect doesn't make you a failure! You say that you haven't made a difference. Well, take a good look at me Ranma! YOU saved my life!! And not just once, but several times. Hell, you helped save this entire planet from total annihilation at *least* twice!! I'll be damned before I repay that debt by letting you snivel in fear like some coward!!" He went from shocked and confused to just plain angry. I have admit I'm not exactly sure what I was thinking at the time. When I look back now all I can do is shake my head in disbelief. Ranma can have that effect on a person. "-What- -did- -you- -call- -me-?" The glare he shot at me was hot enough to vaporize a SAMAS. For once I was glad about that little quirk Saotome had about not hitting women. I suspect that if anyone else had said that to his face they would have had trouble trying to pull their ankles out of their tonsils. I'm not saying Ranma is a violent person, for a person his age he possesses a remarkable sense of self control. But he has very little tolerence for fools or troublemakers. Anyone stupid enough to challenge his sense of honor falls into *both* catagories. So what did that make me at that moment? Hmmm...Better not explore that line of thought any further. "A coward. If you're not one, prove me wrong!! Damn it, after everything that's happened you just want to throw it all away?! I thought I knew you better then that!! You may not care about what happens to you anymore but your friends care!! *I* care!!" There. I had said it. Now all I could do was brace myself for the coming explosion. He had every right to be angry. But I wouldn't back down. I believed every word I had shouted at him. The universe would be a much darker place without Saotome in it. "...I..." His mouth stayed open but nothing more came out. A mask seemed to slide over his emotions and I could no longer tell what he was thinking. Somewhere along the line Ranma'd finally managed to pick up an effective poker face. It was a little *too* damn effective if you asked me. "Ranma?" Finally he seemed to snap out of his little trance. "Erin..." Despite myself, I flinched. His voice sounded so soft, and it was filled with an emotion I had never heard in it before. I was truly afraid at that moment, convinced that I'd failed and he was going to let himself be beaten by the ghosts of his past. "Thank you. I needed that." All I could do was blink. I couldn't even manage a decent "Huh?", you could have knocked me over with a feather at that moment. Then he smiled. A actual honest to goodness, heart stopping, "Hoo boy! I *REALLY* wish I was forty years younger!!" smile. (*Ahem*, sorry about that. But it's just not fair! Why couldn't he have been available when *I* was looking for a man?! -Erin) I smiled back as the Ranma that I remembered finally returned. "So why don't you sit down and tell me what you've been doing since we last met." "It's a long story." "Those are the best kind." I started to brew up another pot of tea. If he said it was going to be long that meant it could take four or five days before he finished. Heh, but at least his stories were never boring! ~~~~~~~ -All Present and Accounted For {Let's see...that's 24 charged Energy-clips, one slightly used Mantle of Displacement, 53 Class IV type fusion blocks, 247 socks that don't match, duct tape, 6 modified Kittani Sentry Turrets, that old HI-80 laser rifle he insists on dragging around with him, couple of spare parts for who knows what, one really beaten up copy of the Book of Five Rings, more duct tape, and....} Ishtar was busy taking inventory of the other items that resided with her in the dimensional pocket. There wasn't much else to do here and Ranma was always putting stuff here and forgetting about it. So it was left to his partner to keep track of what he collected. It was not a job of the faint of heart, there was stuff scattered about as far as the human eye could see. {Geez, where the heck does he find all of this junk?!} A pair of white silk panties drifted past her position. {And what the hell is *THAT* doing in HERE?! It was followed by several other female undergarments ranging from "Skimpy as Hell" to "Guaranteed Nosebleed". Ishtar could only recognize about half of them as having belonged to certain "acquaintances" of her partner. (He is *so* dead when I get out.} That was when the explosion hit. *KABOOM* The dimensional pocket shuddered violently as its connection to the real world was briefly thrown out of alignment by the raging maelstrom. [OOOF!!!] The startled weapon was hurled into a pile of old scrolls and assorted knicknacks. She bounced off of a very patched up suit of light body armor and went into a uncontrolled spin. [AAAAAHHH!!! WHAT'S GO-GO-GOING-NG-NG O-O-ON-N?!!!] Thinking quickly, Ishtar erected a TK(TeleKinetic) field around herself. It brought her to an immediate halt. Fortunately whiplash wasn't something she had to worry about, so the sudden stop was annoying instead of painful. Once the sword's position was stabilized within the protection of the field, Ishtar's attention turned toward the cause all of this. Somehow she just knew that her partner was the cause of all of this. [HEY! What's going on out there?!] There was no response. [Ranma?] Now she was beginning to get worried. [Ranma?!] Something was wrong. She should have gotten some kind of response, even if it was only a mental brush off. The only reasons why she wouldn't be able to contact him would be if he was unconscious, inside a psionically shielded area, or... ...or... ...if he was dying. [Ranma!! I swear that if this turns out to be a false alarm and all my worrying is for nothing I'm gonna KILL YOU!!!] ~~~~~~~ -Ouch {.....} Darkness. Void. Pain. {!} Sensations that had become all too familar to him since he'd fallen through the looking glass. {?} Especially the last one. Physical pain had always been a part of his life ever since he could first remember. Ten years of training had taught him the hurts that could be inflicted by fist, feet, and words. Rismoth had introduced him to the agonies of weapons both ancient and modern as well as the horrors of magic and psionics. But it wasn't until after his Transformation within the heart of the Cosmic Forge that he learned the true meaning of Pain. {!?} The disorientation he felt started to fade as his mind eased its way back into consciousness. It wasn't a very pleasant trip. {....Did anyone get the registry number of that Star Destroyer?}(1) Memories of the fight started to return. It was accompanied by a splitting headache, his brain felt like was going to explode into a billion bloody pieces any second. This was on par with his first(and only) hangover in the "Experiences I don't think I'm gonna survive; Just let me die already!!!" department. {Damn it, I can't believe I got my ass kicked by a girl....*again*.} He cursed softly, then groaned as the effort made his head hurt even more. What kind of an attack was that anyway?! And more importantly...could he learn how to do it? {Well, I'm not going to be doing much of anything if I don't get up soon.} Ranma's first attempt to rise proved futile. Something heavy was pinning him down and for some reason he couldn't lift it off. {Huh?!} He should have been able to move whatever was lying on top of him, it wasn't *that* heavy. {What's the matter with me?! I feel so weak...exhausted....} He couldn't see a thing either, and it was then that he realized his tatto's power had expired. But that didn't make any sense, like all experienced martial artists his body kept precise track of time's passing, and according to his internal clock he'd been unconscious for only a few minutes. The magical enhancement should have been good for at least another hour. Something was wrong here. {Okay, no need to panic. First thing to do is find out exactly what I've got left to work with and then go from there.} A quick but through internal check of his status wasn't very encouraging. His power reserves were *much* lower then they should have been. Even taking into account the extra energy needed to activate his tattoos, it still didn't explain why most of his available PPE was missing. In his current condition he just *might* be a match for that Tux-boy jerk. {Magga cammara(2), I haven't been this wasted since taking on that Nightlord bastard....} Just thinking about it brought up a whole bunch of really bad memories. His stay there had nearly cost him his life, his sanity and his soul. Mind and spirit had both eventually recovered from that horrific ordeal. But without Erin Tarn and Ishtar, he would never have been able to find the will to keep on going. He owed them both a debt that he would never be able to fully repay. But there was no magic in the Universe that could fully heal a broken heart. Ranma would carry those scars till the day he died. Which, if things kept going the way they were, might be sooner then expected. {Damn it all!! I can accept dying for a good cause!! BUT I REFUSE TO GET KILLED BECAUSE OF SOMETHING THIS STUPID!!!} In his anger Ranma found the strength to move. A surge of raw power snapped through his muscles as he strained to shake off whatever was pinning him down. For a moment nothing happened. Then there was a creaking groan as the pieces of roof began to shudder and give way. A loud crash sounded as the remaining debris collapsed on either side of him. {I'm free!} But the effort had cost him dearly. Ranma could barely find the strength to stand up. He was forced to lean heavily on the remains of what had once been a wall. Even with its support he stumbled twice. {Kuso!} Gut wrenching nausea struck as he finally reached a more or less upright position. The unlucky Knight had to fight the reflex to drop to his knees and puke his guts out. His sense of balance was going crazy, the world kept dipping and swaying and spinning and twirling with the occasional loop-dee-loop for good measure. The low pitched drumming that some sadistic musician was beating into his eardrums wasn't helping him either. And it was getting a bit chilly for some reason... {Wa-wa-wait a sec. Why is it so drafty?} Ranma looked down. His body was bruised and battered, but still in one piece. His Cosmic Armor on the other hand... {!!!} Now that was a totally different story! All he could do was look down in disbelief at a lot of bare skin that *wasn't* supposed to be exposed. There also seemed to be a lot of little black bits of material scattered all around the area. In fact that debris looked *awfully* familar... {*GACK* Th-tha-that's my ARMOR!!!} She had blown up his armor. She had blown up his *COSMIC* armor. But that was supposed to be impossible!! A Cosmoknight's armor was one of the best protections in the Multiverse. That wasn't just an idle boast, it was a fact. Not only did it possess the innate resistance to energy that Ranma himself had, it was also capable of sustaining an incredible amount of abuse from practically any source *and* repairing that damage within a few minutes. Although some attacks were able to penetrate his armor, the sheer power needed to completely *destroy* the suit was on a scale that was simply mindboggling! {How in the Forge's name did that woman *DO* that?!} Ranma shuddered to think of what could have happened had he not been in his Cosmic form. Those dark fragments scattered across the ground would probably have been bits and pieces of *him* instead. As it was, enough of the blast had still gotten through to leave him damn near helpless. Right now all he was running on was plain old fashioned guts and stubborn determination. It wasn't enough, and Ranma knew it. {Shit! I really underestimated her. Gotta get outta here fast, I need time to let my body pull itself back together.} Speaking of which, why hadn't his healing factor kicked in already? Unless... {Uh oh.} He couldn't feel the telltale tingle that was the usual indicator of his armor putting itself back to rights like it was supposed to. Nor was his own body recovering at its normal rate, while Ranma could sense some life returning to the most damaged areas it was taking *much* longer then it should have. That was an even more horrifying and unwelcome discovery then the amount of damage the blast had caused. Getting severely injured wasn't normally that much to worry about, it happened to him all the time. But not being able to recover from those injuries in a few minutes, now THAT was a problem! {Okay, *now* it's time to panic.} ~~~~ -The Deadliest Emotion Sailor Pluto slowly sank to her knees in exhaustion, without the Time Staff as a support she would have collapsed totally. Her reserves had been virtually depleted by the enormous energy requirements of the "Chrono Trigger" technique. It was easy enough to make a hole in space-time and direct the resulting flood of wild quantum level energies at the enemy. Usually no more then a few seconds of exposure were needed to assure complete and total annihilation of the target(s). The hard part was *closing* the tear before it got out of control and ended up wiping out all existance within several hundred kilometers. And she hadn't used this attack in almost a thousand years, because it reminded her of...Ran. Even a millenia later her memories of him remained dark and bitter. She hated him more then anything in the Universe, there were simply no adequate words capable of describing the sheer burning rage she felt whenever she remembered the man who had gained her trust, stolen her heart, and then cruelly betrayed her. Because of his treachery a kingdom had fallen. Everything that she had fought for, all that she had sworn to protect with her life and honor, gone. Her ruler and fellow Senshi dead, along with over a billion innocent souls. But what he'd done to her personally had been far, far worse then mere death. That would have been a blessing compared to the fate he had inflicted upon her. Ran had left her alive, the only surviver of the once proud Silver Millenium Empire. For that alone she would have seen him writhe in agony within the deepest pits of the Abyss for all eternity. Trapped within the Corridor of Time and helpless to intervene, all she had been able to do was watch the horror repeat itself again and again as the currents of the Timestream flowed endlessly before her. It was enough to drive a lesser person completely insane, but she had been denied the easy escape of madness. Instead, her shame and guilt had grown until she now loathed herself almost as much as she hated her betrayer. Setsuna had learned her lesson well. Love was a fantasy for fools and dreamers, she was neither of those anymore. Ran had destroyed her illusions, all she had left now was this last attempt to make amends. By ensuring the security of the future Crystal Millenium Empire she sought redemption for her one fatal lapse in judgement. It was her self-imposed penance. She would not fail Serenity a second time. One way or another this threat to the Princess and the future would end, no matter the cost. A single lonely tear ran down a face that might as well have been cast in marble for all the emotion it showed. Only her crimson eyes did any trace of emotion escape the control that had cost her so much to learn. "No matter the cost..." ~~~~ -Be Afraid. Be *VERY* Afraid. *CRASH* "What was that?!" "It came from over there!" The Inners snapped out of their trance-like states as if awakening from a bad dream, right now they were willing to grasp at any straw of hope no matter how slim it was. "Can you see anything?!" "No, there's too much dust!" "If he's hurt *I* get to nurse him back to health!" "In your dreams Venus! He'd be in even worse shape afterwards!" "You're one to talk, Jupiter! As I recall you *flunked* First Aid training!" "Um, guys we have to *find* him first. Besides, I'm studying to be a doctor anyway..." "Hey! I have dibs!!" "No, I do!!" ~~~~~~ -Say It With Flowers The Universe had an unwritten law concerning Ranma Saotome that was similar in nature to the one it had concerning a certain blonde Galaxy Police detective. Although the wording of that law was quite long and tedious, what it boiled down to was "The given odds for any event happening are no longer applicable when said individual is involved". Case in point. Having already sustained considerable damage to his person from Sailor Pluto's attack, Ranma was now practically helpless and it looked more and more likely that he would wind up being fussed over by pretty girls yet *again*. This had happened quite often back in the Three Galaxies and on Rifts Earth...and Wormwood...and the Forgotten Realms... and...and...well, you get the idea. Let's just say that Saotome was no stranger to the horrors of being nursed back to health! It would be faster (not to mention *safer*) for him to tend to his own injuries, and if Ranma could have had his way that's just what he would have done. Unfortunately for him, Fate loves to kick a guy when he's down. It's one of her little quirks that tends to send most sane beings running if they know what's good for them. Which is why people tend to stick with Destiny, who is kinder and much more reliable. So it was cruel twist of Fate (pun intended) that the first person to spot him was none other then the only person there who was willing and able to deliver some serious payback. {There he is!} Yes, Tuxedo-Cuckoo was just determined to make an already lousy day for Ranma even worse. But then again, Mamoru Chiba could never be accused of any of those silly things like fighting fair, respecting rules of engagement, or not taking advantage of a clearly incapacitated individual. After all, the best opponents to hit were those that couldn't hit back. Of course he just *had* to use the one item in his rather tiny arsenal which was capable of actually doing anything. The rose throw was cliche, annoying, and an otherwise stupid looking attack. But it worked. "YES!! I got him!!!" Tuxedo Kamen would have jumped up and down in glee if he could have found a dignified way to do so. "You did WHAT?!!" Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus obviously didn't share his feeling of accomplishment. The two Senshi made that very clear when they kicked his shins with all of their strength. "OWWW!!" Then they got *really* violent. Sailor Mercury sweatdropped before running out to hopefully fix the mess the Caped Blunder had made of things. Minako and Makoto would be right behind her as soon as they finished venting a little post-battle stress and she wanted some time to attend her patient alone. There was no telling *what* further calamities might occur when those two tried to help. Mercury was so caught up in trying to avoid attracting attention from the others while making the best possible speed that she completely missed Sailor Saturn's silent presence following right behind her. ~~~~~ -Oro? Saotome normally liked roses. They were pretty, smelled good, and *really* useful for when he was in a pinch involving women. But he didn't enjoy it when one was hurled at his body with the intent to maim or kill. And he *really* didn't like it when that rose turned out to be a surprisingly effective projectile weapon against him. {SONAVABITCH!! I should have kicked his ass when I had the chance!!} Ranma jerked backwards in agony as the razor sharp stem sunk deeply into his already weakened flesh just past his collar bone. On a scale of one to ten, this rated a solid seven on the Saotome Pain-O-meter. It felt like he'd just been hit by a Hyper Grav-Cannon round, even though the actual injury was insignificant. It was the enchantment placed on the flower that was now draining into him which was doing the real damage. Flashes of red and white briefly obscured the badly wounded Knight's rapidly blurring vision as his sorely taxed body fought a losing battle to stay upright and conscious. "Some...vacation...this is..." {And to think that the Forge said this was going to be a good chance to relax and unwind. I should have seen this coming....} Ranma teetered, then he slowly started to collapse. The last thing he saw before everything went black was a generous amount of tanned cleavage. Okay, so even Fate can be merciful once in a great while. ~~~~~~~~ -From the Frying Pan to the Breakfast Platter "Whoof!" Urd had to scramble to catch the young man as he fell. She hadn't been expecting him to suddenly come crashing down onto her like that. At least he was lighter then he looked. "*This* is your very cunning plan?! Just run in and grab him?!!" The sad thing was, Skuld had been expecting some kind of harebrained stunt from her older sister. Just not *this* crazy! "It worked didn't it? So stop complaining and give me a hand here!" Under other circumstances Urd would have enjoyed having a young man's head pressed firmly against her ample bosom, but right now she was too busy trying to keep her balance while holding onto the unconscious stranger. He wasn't that heavy, but it was all dead weight, which made holding onto him clumsy and uncertain. On a more positive note, she was learning more about him now then during the entire time he had been wearing that strange armor. A pity that it wasn't *all* gone, part of his helmet and some scattered half-melted bits that had apparently avoided the worst of the blast were still obscuring most of the important parts. But the goddess had still gotten a good look at him before he'd passed out on her. Urd *liked* what she saw. Lean and tight in *all* the right places, not rippling with bulging muscles in every possible direction like most of the Asgardian Patheon, but definitely packing some serious power. She was willing to wager that if this guy were patched up and cleaned up a bit he would be quite a treat for the eyes, among *other* things... {Hmmm. Maybe I should just let him *work* his debt off.} Her thoughts were interrupted by a warm stickiness soaking through the front of her garments. Puzzled by this strange (but oddly familar) sensation, she took a moment to look down. The first thing that came to mind was "What a mess". The second one was "Belldandy's going to have her work cut out for her trying to get *this* stain out". And it was one of her favorites too! She gave the offender an annoyed look. "You're going to owe me big time for this." Fortunately Ranma was in no condition to answer her. His shoulder continued to bleed like a leaky faucet as the embedded thorns tore deeper at even the slightest movement. {Don't you *dare* die on me!} The brief feeling of possessiveness was noted and logged for later contemplation. Right now she had bigger things to worry about. Like getting the heck out of there before something *else* went wrong. It looked like it was time for "Urd's Super Duper Clever Distraction"(tm)! "Uh oh." Skuld eyed her now glowing sister nervously. This was going to be *bad*. "Hey, look over there!!" Urd pointed at a spot that coincidently happened to be the exact opposite direction from where she was currently standing. ~~~~~~ -Masaki household (Where Truth Is Stranger Then Fiction) Washu snorted in disbelief. "Oh c'mon! What kind of two-bit idiot would fall for that old gag?!" "Where? Where is it?! I wanna see!" Ryoko, Minagi, and the recently recovered Ayeka all craned their heads in an attempt to get a glimpse of what everyone was making such a fuss about. *KA-BOOM* The greatest scientific genius in the universe facefaulted onto the living room floor and started twitching. Ask a stupid question... ~~~~~~ -Ready. Set. Run away! "Urd, that was so...STUPID!!" "Hey, don't fix it if it's not broken." "And what's *that* supposed to mean?!" But her big sister wasn't paying attention, instead she seemed to be looking for something in the rubble. "Oh c'mon...they can't *all* have been destroyed." Then she spotted it. {Bingo!} Not the most ideal focus for a tranport, but since this was an emergency it would do. Urd grabbed her little sister, secured her unconscious passenger, and got ready to skedaddle. "Hang on, we're getting outta here!" The young goddess blanched as she listened to the chant that her older sibling was using. She wouldn't! Anything but *THAT*!! Not the "Official Heavenly Sake Hangover Instant Transport" spell!!! "Wait! Wait!!" Skuld shouted frantically as she struggled to escape before it was too late. "...She who parties and gets away, lives to get drunk another day!" Divine power surrounded them as the platinum bombshell finished her casting. "Aaaaa-" *Insert Spiffy Goddess Special Effects Here* The trio vanished in a swirl of white light. So did several scattered bits and pieces of what appeared to be random junk. ~~~~~~~ -There's A Nice Bridge In Brooklin Available For A Reasonable Price... The still smoking remains of what had once been a deluxe television set tipped over with a loud *Crash*. Everyone that was still there turned back around. "..." A long silence followed. Jupiter was the first one to recover and point out the obvious. "They...disappeared!!" A brilliant deduction by Venus followed. "Gah! She tricked us!!" A red faced Mercury closed her eyes and wished that the ground would just swallow her up. She was NEVER going to live this one down. {I-I can't believe *I* fell for that!!} Could things possibly go any more wrong right now? Emergency sirens blared as a swarm of patrol cars came rushing toward the scene. {Of *course* they could...} Since all the monsters were gone Tokyo's finest had decided that *now* was a good time to show up. "Hey guys! Did we miss anything?" "Whoa! What happened here?!" Sailor Mars and Sailor Moon looked at the other Senshi curiously. They looked rather surprised to see the two of them there. Okay, so they were a *little* late. But the situation seemed to be under control. It wasn't anything to make a big fuss over, right? "WELL IT'S ABOUT BLOODY TIME YOU TWO SHOWED UP!!!" Sailor Moon might not be so hot as a fighter. But she knew how to grovel at a level that put the "Crouch of the Wild Tiger" to shame. "AAAHH!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll never be late again!! Just stop making those scary faces!!" Fortunately Mars managed to stop herself before she followed her first instinctive reaction of hurling spirit wards at the terrifying apparitions looming over her. "We can assign blame later! Let's just get out of here before something *else* happens." That was when it started to rain. "Doh!" ~~~~~~~ -Heaven on Earth (Or The Next Best Thing) "Keiichi, you might want to back up a little bit." "Why's that, Belldandy?" "I'm afraid that Urd used one of the more esoteric Holy magics." Keiichi looked properly horrified as he sprang back from the television screen, he remembered the *last* big spell that Urd had attempted. It had taken two weeks for the antenna to fall off of his forehead. He still broke out into cold sweats whenever he saw a flyswatter. Still, even that couldn't prepare him for what came next. Three small sonic booms shook the temple in quick succession. Urd, Skuld, and some half-naked guy who was bleeding like crazy from a nasty chest wound came crashing out of a large crystalline gate that appeared directly in front of him. A moment later the gate imploded back into the nothingness it had originated from. Its passengers were deposited almost exactly where Keiichi had been sitting before Belldandy's warning. "Wh-who is this?!" "He's the one that saved Skuld's sorry tush, not that you could tell by looking at him now." "I said I was sorry for going out alone! Hey! Where's Banpei?!" A small downpour of robotic parts dropped on Keiichi. "Ow! Ouch! Hey! That hurts!! Quit it!! Ow!!" "Banpei-kun!!" Crying with relief, the petite goddess grabbed all of Banpei's components and disappeared into her room in record time. "Don't worry my precious!! You'll be as good as new in no time!!" "Uh..." Morisato rubbed a sore spot on his nose where a gear had bounced off, he should have known that Skuld would be Skuld. ~~~~~~ -Tendo Household (We Lower Your Property Values For Less) To the casual observer everything appeared to be normal. Genma, having already disregarded his son's warning to "Get off your lazy butt and find an honest job for once in your life", was playing shogi with Soun on the porch by the koi pond. Naturally both of them were cheating like crazy, resorting to lame tricks that even their much dreaded master would have been ashamed to use. Pathetic, but perfectly in character for those two. Meanwhile, Kasumi was doing the chores which the so called "men" of the house seemed to think were beneath their dignity or simply beyond their intellectual capacity. Again, nothing out of the ordinary. Or so it seemed... A closer look revealed that the eldest Tendo daughter was doing something that could be considered slightly odd for her. Kasumi was *singing*. "I've been looking for this emotion, Pure feelings hidden inside of me." A genuine glow of happiness seemed to emanate from her as she twirled through the house with broom and duster in hand. "The harder I chase my dream..." There was a light spring in her step, as for the first time in her life the willowy beauty let herself picture a future where the family she took care of would be her own. "...the more I experience the time for smiles and tears." It might be a little difficult at first for her younger sisters to take over the running the household once she was gone but Kasumi was sure that they would be up to the challenge. "I know that, but..." A small feeling of doubt arose. Did she dare to leap into the unknown? Could she afford *not* to try? Would there be someone waiting to catch her on the other side? Or would she find herself falling forever, helpless and alone? To risk it all, or not at all. "...sometimes I want to be more like myself and feel the wind. I want to find the future of no one else but me." For a long time Kasumi had been following a safe and mundane road in life. Now the way to a new path was being offered to her, one that promised to turn her entire world topsy turvy but at the same time tempted her with a chance to fullfill a deep heartfelt longing which had remained buried and nameless for a very long time... ~~~~~~~ -The Cure Can Be Worse Then The Disease "Move him over to the futon." Belldandy was relieved to see that her older sister had already started to apply a compress in order to slow the bleeding. Even if she did look less then thrilled about having to use the small remaining part of her robe that hadn't already been splattered as a makeshift bandage. {Darn it! I'm a Goddess of Love, not a field nurse!!} Urd glared at the nearest conscious target for her irritation. "Make yourself useful and hold him down. I need to pull this stupid flower out of him." Keiichi gave her a funny look in return. Hold him down?! She had to be kidding! Just *look* at him! He felt like a twig compared to this guy! "Do I have to do *everything* myself?" Morisato sighed in defeat, his head bowed in shame at having to surrender so easily. It was sad but true, he was a weenie. "I'm coming." ~~~~~~ -Exactly 1 minute 32 seconds later (Or It Simply Sucks To Be You...) Keiichi Morisato, perhaps the most lucky (or unlucky depending at how you look at it) guy on Earth, was currently regretting that he'd never taken the time to exercise and workout more. "AAAAAAAA-" He was also wishing that he had taken skydiving lessons. *CRASH* "-AAAAAAA-" It was a good thing that the wall he went through was actually nothing more then a flimsy screen divider, otherwise someone might have gotten hurt. *CRASH* "-AAAAA-" Well, it was only *two* screen dividers. *CRASH* Uh oh. "-AAAAAA-" *CRASH* Oh dear. "-AAAAAAA-" *CRASH* [How do I get into these messes?!!} ~~~~Two Seconds Earlier~~~~ "Be careful, this is probably going to hurt him a bit. Be sure to brace yourself, he's kinda strong." Urd had an infamous talent for understatement. ~~~~Back To The Predicament At Hand~~~~ "-AAAAAA-" *CRASH* This was so unfair! The most perfect woman in the world was in love with him and he was going to die a virgin! "-AAAAAAA!!!" *squish* The realization that he wasn't dead started to slowly sink in. With that matter settled, he proceeded to try and identify the puzzling incongruity here. {Squish?} That was funny, he didn't remember putting such soft cushions in this room. And warm too. How odd. For some reason they reminded him of Belldandy but for the life of him he couldn't figure out *why*. They even smelled like her. A subtle perfume of fresh baked cookies and spring flowers that he never got tired of. "Keiichi?" Uh oh. A feeling of dread and foreboding(tm) started to creep in. {Kami-sama wouldn't be that cruel...} In retrospect, it was a *really* bad idea to open his eyes. ~~~~~~~~~ -Furinkan High (Where The Quality Of Education Is The *Least* Of Your Worries) The lunch hour had come and gone. But she *still* couldn't find him anywhere. To say that Nabiki was more then a tad peeved by this was like saying Tatewaki Kuno was only slightly less intelligent then your average cucumber. Ranma had been gone *far* too long for any "reasonable" explanation. And despite Kuno's loud and pompous speech about how he'd "driven off the craven coward like the sniveling peasant trash he was", any student with more then two brain cells to rub together knew better then to listen to him. Naturally the male students on campus bought every word of it. Even despite the fact that Kendo-boy was currently unable to stand up straight without immediately going cross-eyed and clutching at the Kuno family baubles. {Where *is* he?} And while she would never admit it (even under oath), she was starting to worry about him. He didn't seem like the type to up and vanish like that without a word to anyone else. Something was up. And whatever it was, she was going to get to the bottom of it. There was her reputation to consider after all. *Nobody* pulled a fast one on Nabiki Tendo. It had been awhile since she'd faced such a difficult puzzle and Nabiki could feel her insatiable curiosity start to lick its chops in anticipation of the challenge to come. {I must be out of my mind...} Ranma might be attractive but was he *really* worth the headaches that seemed destined to accompany him? {Who am I kidding? Like I'll ever get another opportunity even remotely close to this one?} Nabiki was not a fool. "Kyyaa-*thump*-oww!!" Her sister on the other hand... "Give it up already, Akane! You're never going to be able to accomplish a double spin kick somersault-flip with a butterfly open hand strike after just seeing Ranma use it this morning!" The judges were out on that one. "If he can do it, so can I! I'm a martial artist too, you know!!" Nabiki could feel a headache coming on. {Sis, you only shout that out to the entire world every couple of hours. Maybe you should say it a little louder, I think a few people in Antarctica haven't heard you yet.} Why the heck was Akane so upset anyway? Just because someone else had *finally* done something about the morning spectacle and given Kuno-chan a much needed lesson in humility? Or was little sister jealous about no longer having the attention of the entire school anymore? She tried to shake off the smug sensation produced by that line of throught, but her efforts weren't very effective. There was just something deliciously ironic about Akane being upstaged by *Nabiki's* prospective fiance'. {Well, as soon as I *find* him....} Nothing ventured, nothing gained. {Watch out Saotome, you've just met your match.} And she always played to win. What she forgot to figure into her calculations was that even fools can be dangerous under the right circumstances. ~~~~~~~ -The Stuff Dreams (And Nightmares) Are Made Of Cosmoknights rarely dreamed. Their minds were restructured by the Cosmic Forge during their initial transformation into an efficient configuration that didn't require much to continue functioning. Most Knights could go for weeks or even months without rest, suffering only minimal reductions to their performance and efficiency. "Sleep" for them usually consisted of nothing more then a few minutes of simple meditation where the poisons and stresses that have been built up by activity were purged by their unique metabolism. They possessed a mind-body relationship which in some ways surpassed even that of the dreaded Phase Adepts. It was this control which enabled them to access so many of their unique abilities. Their power of flight was governed by pure will, a Knight merely had to concentrate and his body followed. Similarly their FTL capability was a product of mental discipline and focus. Through meditation a Cosmoknight's absolute mastery of each and every cell of their body enabled them to temporarily transform from matter to pure Cosmic Energy capable of surpassing even the most powerful hyperdrive. One of the side effects of such rigid discipline was an inability to naturally achieve the REM state necessary for dreaming under normal circumstances. It was extremely difficult to relax their self control long enough for theta waves to be produced, the closest thing to real dreams that most Knights ever experienced was a kind of "Zen" state where their consciousness received orders and information from the Forge. This particular situation was far from ordinary. Ranma's ravaged system was busy trying to overcome the effects of Sailor Pluto's attack that had irradiated his body with dangerous and unstable quantum level energies. The effect was compounded by the raw magic leaking from Tuxedo Kamen's sloppily enchanted bit of foliage. Even the considerable protection granted by the Cosmic Forge had never been intended to defend against such an unusual combination like this. All it had been able to do initially was keep the damage from spreading further, but nothing could be done about the ice cold fire that screamed down every nerve cluster as millions of living cells were torn asunder, only to regenerate in whole, only to be ripped apart once more. The cycle of death and rebirth repeated itself without any end in sight, only the unceasing pain was constant. Even the strongest will could remain in control for only so long under these circumstances. All that was required was the smallest slip to achieve the necessary conditions. That chance came when his body, instinctively sensing that further measures were needed, slipped further into unconsciousness in order to initiate a desperately needed healing trance. Ranma dreamed. Through a haze of pain and delirium, he dreamed. ~~~~~~~ -Governer Ryga's palace (Firefight In Progress) The Imperial Forces were putting up one heck of a fight. But then again, the rebels wouldn't have it any other way. The hatred between the two sides ran too deep. "Squads 1 and 2 take point, clean out those hallways and make sure those Imps didn't leave us any nasty parting gifts." His sergeants nodded and signaled their teams to advance, the troops used whatever scant cover was available as energy beams and solid slugs hissed and screamed back and forth between the lines. Their efforts were only successful part of the time. Several unlucky rebels were hit on an exposed front or flank. Very few of them got back up afterwords. War hadn't gotten any prettier in the future, only more efficient. "Squad 4, form up and protect the Resistance Leaders, we didn't come this far just to lose them to some stupid private with shit on his boots." The squad's soldiers started to carefully pull back, each person laying down covering fire for the next as they regrouped behind the front lines. A fresh squad quickly moved to replace their positions, though not without suffering casualties in doing so. "The rest of you, let's kick some Legionnaire ASS!!" "YES SIR!!!" General Skythe possessed that rare mix of charisma and brimstone which his troops would gladly follow into Hell itself if he asked them to. Having lost his wife and only son to the Kreeghor's brutalities, Dennis Skythe had dedicated his life to destroying the Empire. He was a hard man, but fair in his own way. "So which position should I cover, Grandpa?" Skythe's lower jaw smacked painfully onto the cold permacrete floor as he did a double take at the sight of his 16 year old granddaughter standing next to him wearing worn combat fatigues and shouldering a laser rifle like she had been born for it. "Hsi-Feng?! What the hell are you doing here?! I told you to stay back at the base!!" Heads were going to roll when he found out who was responsible for this mixup!! "There's no way I'm staying behind during a major engagement like this!" Scratch that, he should have known that the little mule of a brat would try something like this on her own. She had her mother's features, but she'd gotten her damned pigheadedness from him. Dennis rued the day he'd been forced to assume responsibility for raising her. How the heck anyone back then had expected him to know diddlysquat about taking care for a little five year old girl in the middle of damn intergalactic civil war was beyond even his comprehension. He'd done the best he could of course, but as she'd gotten older Hsi-Feng had turned into a complete tomboy. Hell, she could use that rifle she was carrying better then most of his troops. That *still* didn't excuse her being here though!! "You little...don't you realize how dangerous this is?!" {I swear that when this is all over I'm going to tan her little bottom so hard, she'll be standing for a month!!} Although even that probably wouldn't stop her from pulling another harebrained stunt like this. {Goddamnit! I'm getting too bloody old for this!!} "By all rights I should have you thrown in solitary with nothing but bread and water!! But-" "But you can't afford to detail any soldiers off from securing the palace to escort me back to base, now can you?" He glared at her. "You knew." Hsi-Feng stood her ground as she faced his his stormy expression. They both knew it was an empty threat, but he still had to try and save face in front of his men. There really was no good reason for him to send her back. She was just as qualified, if not more so, as any of the other soldiers to be there. "Just a logical guess." A flicker of grudging admiration crossed his face, his granddaughter might have many faults, but a coward she was not. The girl was going to give him a stroke one of these days. Unexpectedly Skythe felt a pang of sorrow in his heart. Where had all the time gone? He could barely see any traces of that cute little tyke who had laughed so happily at her "Gwamps Skytights" in this hardened young soldier. For fifty years he'd been fighting in this bloody war. During that time his duties had cost him many things, but none of them were more painful then seeing the only family he had left denied the chance to experience more in life then just the battlefield. Maybe... Maybe it was time to start thinking about Hsi-Feng's future. But first he had one last promise to keep. Only when K’tarthkl’ppe was dead would he finally be able to lay the ghosts of the past behind him. It had taken over a decade of searching, but at last the bastard who had murdered his son was going to pay. "Stay close to me and for once, try to keep out of trouble!" "Don't I always?" She smiled back at him. For a moment he caught a glimpse of that little girl he remembered in those laughing gray eyes. A renewed sense of certainity filled him. This was why he was fighting, for Hsi-Feng and all the others like her that deserved better in life then this. "ATTACK!!" ~~~~~~~ Floor by floor they cleared the governor's palace of Imperial scum. It was hard and bloody work, the butcher's bill was going to be far too high when all of this was over. They were winning, slowly but steadily. It was only a matter of time. But every minute that the battle continued increased the grim toll for Rebels and Imperials alike. {Damn this war and damn the people who forced us to fight it in the first place!!} Skythe hoped Ryga was pissing himself right now. With all of the exits sealed off and the sky being watched by Rebel forces, there was no escape for the tyrant. He and Hsi-Feng had split off from the main group, taking a small band with them to search for the governor while the others finished mopping up the remaining spots of Imperial resistance. It was a tricky business, they might be winning but their hold on the palace was far from secure. The Imps were still fighting for every meter of ground that they took, but there was an increasing sense of desperation in their resistance. The Rebels had cleared most of the main halls, but there were still occasional groups lurking around that they'd missed during the initial sweep. To add to their headaches an occasional automated defense system would still pop out in areas that the rebels had already secured, they had few options except to always watch their backs. And until their electronic-countermeasures teams went through this place there was always the danger of stumbling upon a makeshift mine or bomb. Dennis let his reflexes take over as he led his troops through each room. There was no time for hesitation, no time to think, not if he wanted to stay alive and in one piece. Rather then suppress the fear which rose up in him, he put it to work for him. Everyone got scared, the trick was not to let it cripple you at a critical moment. All of his senses were keyed up, on the alert for even the slightest hint of danger. It was that alertness which saved his life. Just as he was about to head back down one of the previously checked side passages connecting to the heart of the palace Skythe caught a flash of movement in the shadows. He rolled to the side, while a quick snap shot took out the trooper lurking behind a lifesize crystal statue of the governor. The acrid smell of ozone from his plasma charge burning through the air had just reached him when a "colonial" laser rifle blasted from his near right to take out the Imperial lacky who had been drawing a bead on him from the *other* side of the statue. Hsi-Feng's shot burned through the other Imp's faceplate, which mercifully obscured the graphic demise of the being wearing it. Skythe spared a moment to give his granddaughter a look of irritation. That shot of hers had been much too close for comfort. "How about a little warning before you fire that damn thing?" Hsi-Feng shrugged carelessly. "Sorry, there wasn't any time." But the impish gleam in her eyes indicated that she wasn't the least bit contrite. "Humph!" Turning away, he performed a quick search but found nothing of any real importance. It seemed that they'd just caught a pair of stragglers from the main enemy body. But where had they come from? The only ways out led back to the main hall where they had come from. Skythe and his men had already searched this exact same room just a few minutes earlier... Click. "What the...?!" One of the wall panels slid *inward* at his touch. "So that's how they got here." Hsi-Feng ran a finger along the rim of the entrance then tapped the butt of her rifle lightly against the dark blue crystals that were revealed. A thoughtful frown crossed her face. "Looks like psynetic shielding. That would explain why nobody picked this up earlier." Skythe nodded in agreement, that was what he had figured too. Of course Ryga would have taken precautions against supernatural as well as technological forms of detection. "It figures, vermin will always have bolt holes handy in their nest." Her expression said it all. "Let's flush this rat out." ~~~~~~~ -Smoke And Mirrors Ryga's office turned out to be actually easy enough to find. They simply looked for the biggest room overflowing with extravagent and gaudy displays of wealth and power. But when they burst inside, the surprise turned out to be on them. The first thing that hit them was the smell. The misma of recent death was strong, nearly a tangible presence in the room. It was a stench of fear and suffering that could only be described as...Evil. Then they saw it. Or rather, what was *left* of it. The ghastly sight in front of them was enough to cause even professional soldiers to recoil involuntarily. Ryga K’tarthkl’ppe, merciless tyrant of Rismoth, butcherer of countless millions, the most despised individual in this region of space, was dead. Murdered. And it did not look like his end had been a quick one. The taste of bile rose in Skythe's throat, even in his most vindictive moods he'd never imagined anything remotely close to *this*. "Bloody hell! What's going on here?!" ~~~~~~~ -A Knife In The Dark Guard duty is almost always a boring job, sorta one of those near universal constants. What most people fail to understand is that boring is a *good* thing. It's on those rare occasions when something exciting happens that trouble starts. Unfortunately, the unlucky rebels who'd been assigned to sentry duty inside of the main computer control room inside the palace didn't share this sentiment. "Damn, I'm bored." "Would you shut up already! It's not like your complaining is helping the time pass any faster, you know." "Okay then, let's talk about something else. How do you think the others are doing?" "Better then we are, that's for sure." "I can't believe we got stuck with standing watch back here. Man, we're missing all the action!" "That suits me just fine. Getting killed ain't exactly high on my list of things to do." "Where's your sense of adventure?" "Where it belongs, safely buried beneath my sense of self preservation." "Are you a man or a mouse?" "Squeak squeak." "Oh very funny. What do you do for an encore?" That question would never be answered, because at that moment the two sentries finally sensed the presence behind them. As they turned their plasma rifles were just starting to drop into firing positions. But when they saw who it was they hesitated for a fatal second. "You?!" The sounds of a blaster firing twice in quick succession drowned out any further speech. Both guards dropped like sacks of wet cement, steam rising from the gaping holes in their chests. Their faces frozen in expressions of surprise and horror. The killer regarded the corpses briefly, then dismissed them from any further concern. All too easy. A dark gloved hand reached out and pushed the body slumped across the communications board to the floor. Sensitive fingers lightly skimmed over the decorative red runes that seemed at first glance to be nothing more then standard Imperial bureacratic artistry. But those who had built this device always had more then one purpose in mind for everything they designed. One simply had to know where to look. The symbols for "Fate" and "Destiny" were found and pushed down into the board. *Click* His efforts were rewarded by one of the console heads sliding back, revealing a previously hidden control panel. It didn't take long to punch in the proper access codes, sending out a prearranged set of commands out into a part of the continent that most people considered the middle of nowhere. The figure slipped back through the concealed entrance once the green light indicated a successful transfer. His job here was almost done. Ryga had been successfully disposed of. The signal he'd been instructed to deliever during the Rebel attack was even now being sent. All that was left for him was to tie up some loose ends. The rest was up to the Empire. ~~~~~~~ -Elsewhere Tucked securely inside a concealed bunker, obscured from long range electronic sensors by the high metallic content of the surrounding mountains, a compact and extremely powerful pulse transmitter started to power up. Within mere seconds it reached full capacity and began to beam a series of carefully modulated signals out towards deep space. ~~~~~~~ -High Orbit, Rebel Fleet "Commander, I just picked up a short high frequency transmission burst from the planet." "Source?" "Unknown, it was too quick for me to get a lock. It wasn't using any encryptions that I could recognize either." "Strange..." "If it weren't for the fact that the burst itself was on such a high energy wavelength, I would have thought it was just random electromagnetic static from the mop up of the planet. But there was definitely a delibrate pattern embedded in it, so that rules out any natural cause." "Hmmm. It's probably nothing, but we'd better inform the Admiral anyway. Tania, patch me through to the Hopebringer." "I'm on it!" ~~~~~~ -Phaseworld, The Seel's Whails (BGM: The Cantina [Star Wars: A New Hope]) It wasn't what she'd expected. Instead of being a dark and dirty vermin hole, the place was warm, well lit and almost cozy in a weird futuristic sort of way. "*This* is a Spacer bar?" "What, you thought they'd be hanging out in some kind of sleazy dump like in the movies?" "Well to be honest, yes." "Actually, that's often the case. But the owner of the Seel's Whails has a full set of house rules that she's good about enforcing. Plus, this is one of those rare places where a civilized being can get a decent drink for a reasonable price and not worry about getting a blaster bolt or a vibroblade in the back, so the patrons tend to try and keep it that way. "I see. So who is "she"?" "Miss Rairruk." "Does Miss Rairruk have a first name?" The guide shrugged. "If she does, she ain't telling." Katrina's eyes widened as she spied what was hanging on the wall behind the main bar. Resembling a high-tech samurai, the empty Warlock Combat Armor silently watched over the rest of the room. Suddenly those last few statements made a whole lot more sense. "Oh my." If even *half* of what she'd heard about the Warlock Marines was true then things were probably going to get *very* interesting soon. ~~~~~~ Their entrance had not gone unnoticed, many sets of eyes had come to rest on the newcomers. The pair didn't look like regulars, the man might be from the Center but his companion was most certainly not. It wasn't her exotic good looks, or the way she was dressed, or even the fact that there was a Millenium wand hanging from her belt along with several of the more dangerous techno-wizard devices. She just didn't have the "feel" of a Spacer. This meant she was either a potential client or *really* stupid. After seeing her deliver a nasty but effective kick to the crotch of an overeager pilot with more liquer in him then common sense, those watching revised their opinions accordingly. Noting that the rather large male humanoid failed to stir from where he lay in a curled up fetal position after several minutes, the majority of the patrons wisely decided to turn back to their drinks and other forms of exotic stimulants. It was obvious that this one could look out for herself. Those remaining were mostly hoping for some work to come their way. Most of them didn't care who they worked for, as long as they were paid on time. But there were always exceptions to the rule. A pair of hooded eyes paid very close attention to the unusual woman... ~~~~~~~~~~ Their contact announced his presence with a low whistle of admiration accompanied by his hands clapping in respect. It wasn't often that he'd seen such a commotion dispatched with so little fuss. "Not bad. I must admit that I was rather worried when you two showed up as you did." "Oh?" Katrina assessed the man before her carefully. A mop of black hair flecked with traces of silver, enough wrinkles to give his face character, and his brown eyes had the mark of combat experience. He wasn't young, but given the level of medical science available here that meant nothing. It was interesting to note how well he seemed to blend in with his environment, her gaze tended to slide off of him if she didn't concentrate. "You're not exactly the type of gal that blends in with the local scenery. We've been keeping tabs on you since the Central Checkpoint." It spoke well for her credentials that she could take care of herself so easily. If she really was one of Ranma's *intimate* friends, that would explain a lot. The captain's taste in women was the stuff of minor legend in the Rebellion. Lt. Nicholas Croaker even had a few credits of his own in the "Saotome" lottery that had started up a few years ago. Wagering on who would be his next conquest was common but small potatoes, the bookies had learned the hard way not to give anything but token odds on that. The real money was in the "Who he'll finally end up with" pool. The odds were long, *very* long. But the potential payoff for the winner was incredibly lucrative, at last check the pot consisted of enough credits to buy an entire planet! Putting his dreams of a wealthy retirement aside for the moment, Croaker gave his full attention to the woman before him. "My name is Katrina Sun. I..I..." Flustered, Katrina berated herself silently as she struggled to ask what had suddenly become a most difficult question. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she plunged ahead. "I'm looking for..." He raised a hand to interrupt her. "You want to know about Ranma." "How-how did you know?" "These days *everyone* wants to know about him. Ever since he disappeared..." The look on her face was absolutely priceless. "He's gone?!" Nicholas nodded. She must have come from somewhere *really* out of touch if she hadn't heard about this until now. "Just up and vanished somewhere among the Rim systems a couple months ago. Nobody's seen a trace of him since. Not even his friends, and if *they* don't know then it's a pretty safe bet that Saotome doesn't want to be found." Seeing that Sun was still stunned by the news, he tried to clarify his words. "Not that I can blame him. That poor guy has got so many death warrants on his neck that even if they ever catch him, they'll never be able to agree on how to execute him. He's probably just taking a vacation away from it all. I know I would if I were in his shoes." "Death warrants?!" He was just about to answer her when all conversation inside the bar came to an abrupt halt. The Guide had been waiting patiently behind the pair as they conversed, wanting them to finish quickly so that they could pay him and he could get out of there. He turned to see what was the trouble while praying that nothing was wrong. Then he froze as his eyes went wide at the sight of someone he had always hoped never to see in person. "Oh shit, not him!" ~~~~~~ -The Scales Turn Against all the odds, White had somehow managed to rally and now stood poised on the brink of total victory. His forces had been scattered across the board, and were now left in a last ditch defense that was just waiting to be swept away. "It seems that I underestimated you yet again." His opponent had been very cunning in utilizing Ranma to cover a devastating counter offensive. It was amazing how much trouble even a replica of that boy could do. Thoth contemplated Black's next move, his long fingers dangling over one of his few remaining pieces as he searched for a way to at least make his opponent pay a heavy price for victory. {So few options left...} "But wait, what's this?" An opening? Yes, there was a single avenue of attack offered...There! His dark knight struck down White's defender like an angry bird of prey. "Gotcha!" The repercussions would soon be felt throughout the Multiverse. Things were never going to be the same. ~~~~~~ -Rismoth System Tania had been half-right. That transmission *had* been purposely sent. But there were no hidden messages contained within it, the transmission itself *was* the message. In an asteroid belt similar to the one that had hidden the Rebel invasion force from detection, the signal that the Untamed Stallion's sensors had briefly picked up was finally received. Communication lasers quickly spread the word to others waiting impatiently behind the shielding asteroids. It was time. -End Part 3 *$*$*$*$*$* (1)For those of you who are wondering; Yes, he *did* actually collide into one before. It was an Impstar II. (Imperial class II, 1.6 km in length. Ouch!) (2) Translates as: "By the stones" Bonus points for anyone who gets this reference *$*$*$*$*$*$*$* Author's notes: Oopsie, this was originally planned to be released way back in April. But the almighty Muse of writing has no respect for deadlines. I must also admit that having to focus on school and work doesn't help matters any either. I didn't intend to break this up into two parts, but since I'm going offline for a month and the second half is only 30% finished, this was how it ended up. My apologies to those who wrote to me and got no response, netaddress lost some of my mail and when I complained to their service dept. they told me that the data was unrecoverable. -_-' Let's not even get into the eternal struggle between Windows and Netscape that's been haunting my cpu... Oh well, time to start working on the other PBs for a change. -Shade