Title: Love For All Time Part 13 Author: Jade Hunter A.N: It seems my streak of writing luck has run it's course. Now, it's back to short chapters. Darn. Disclaimer: The standard disclaimer is on parts 1, 4, 8, and 12. "talking" **thoughts** _emphasis_ <> ////memories//// ############################################################################# "When can we go see them again?" ::sigh:: "When _he_ tells us that we can." "Oh." ::sigh:: "Why not now?" "Because _he_ hasn't told us to yet." "I wonder when _he_ will tell us." "As soon as possible, would be my guess." "Yeah, _he_ knows how much this will mean." "And that's why we have to wait." "For them to get their memories." "Yeah, we don't want them to kill us." Silence reigned, the quiet echoing in the large penthouse they were in. "When can we go see them again?" ::sigh:: "Arrgghh!" ***** Ryuujin sighed as he lounged in the Hikawa Jinja with the others, waiting for the really important memories to surface. The Inner and Outer Senshi, excluding Hotaru and Setsuna, were all milling about, eating Rei's Grandpa's muffins and drinking their tea, waiting for the memories. Hotaru was quietly sitting in a corner, talking with the two Mau advisors. Ryuujin shuddered. Setsuna, who was leaning against his back, noticed, and settled back down more comfortably. <> he heard her send. He tried to lie through their bond, <> Amusement and a slight hint of hurt came through, along with, <> <> Ryuujin sighed. <> <> Setsuna demanded a bit crossly. He sighed again, loudly this time, and then admitted reluctantly, <> <> Setsuna wondered. <> Ryuujin hesitated for a moment and then began again, <> <> Setsuna urged, knowing this was major. <> Ryuujin scowled. <> Setsuna raised an eyebrow at that, fixing her blank eyes at the wall so that the other Senshi didn't think her weird, <> Ryuujin turned his head to the entrance of the shrine for the same reason as Setsuna, <> Setsuna, sensing that it was a touchy subject, kept quiet as Ryuujin gathered his thoughts. <> <> Setsuna asked, astonished and angry. Ryuujin winced as he relived that memory, <> Setsuna was sending out waves of pure fury, making Ryuujin wince again and stirring up his own anger as well. She was sitting ridgedly, and was no longer staring at the wall. Her eyes were glowing with her power, focused on nothing, and her hair was starting to lift up from her Plutonian aura. Usagi was terrified, and was slowly inching to the wall. Rei, Minako, and Makoto were all 'one with the wall', sticking to it like glue. Ami was frozen in disbelief, her jaw working, but no sound coming out. Mamoru was trying to be unnoticed as he slowly crept into a corner. Michieru and Haruka were both gaping at the normally unemotional Senshi of Time. Hotaru was concerned mostly, but was nervous as well. Luna and Artemis were cowering in Hotaru's lap. "HOW DARE HE?" Setsuna screamed. "I'M GOING TO KILL HIM! I'LL..I'LL EVICERTATE HIM! I WILL......" The Ptutonian Princess began to curse Genma in every language she knew, which was quite a lot. She then switched back to Japanese, and began to, in exact detail, describe what she would do to Genma. By the end, Ryuujin was feeling sympathy for Genma, the Inners were trying to keep from throwing up, and the Outers were all terrified. And impressed. Well, _Haruka_ was impressed. They were confused, until Setsuna, with permission, described what had happened to Ryuujin when he was Ranma. Then, Luna and Artemis were ready to join Setsuna, Makoto and Haruka were wanting a piece of him also, Rei was thinking about ways to torture a man without getting arested, Michieru was wondering if 'accidentally' locking Genma up in chains with cement and throwing him out into sea was legal, Usagi and Mamoru were boiling with fury, especially Mamoru who had suddenly decided being an orphan wasn't the worst way to grow up, Hotaru was quiet, but her eyes had gone hard, like when she was Saturn, and Ami, dear sweet Ami, was listening to all the plans to kill Genma and was offering sugestions on how to make the torture more painful, and that she could, in a jiffy, call up someone who knew how to get rid of a body with no questions asked. Suffice to say, Genma Saotome was not feeling well at all in Nermia; for some reason, multiple chills had gone up his spine, several sneezes had shook his form, and his danger sense was blaring overtime. ############################################################################# To be continued in Part 14. ~~~~~Jade Hunter~~~~~