A Humble Home for a Strong Heart Chapter 10 Disclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi+Creativity = Ranma 1/2 . Naoko Takeuchi+Creative = Sailor Moon. LaShawn Wanak+Creativity=Fanfic that isn't meant to bring in money or fame--just fun. Previous Chapters can be found at the Lost One's Page at http://ranmaxovers.tripod.com/under the Fanfiction section. ======================== The small bell above the Nekohanten's door jingled, bringing a small frown to Shampoo's face. Mousse was out doing errands and Cologne was in the back counting receipts, since she decided to close shop so they could train for the upcoming contest--which left Shampoo to turn away the would-be diners, a chore she didn't relish much since she felt she sounded like some petulant three-year-old. With a sigh, she put on a polite smile and turned towards the front. "Nekohanten closed now. We open later tonight. Come ba..." Shampoo faltered as the woman turned to her. It wasn't the woman's appearance: Shampoo knew many Amazon sisters who were just as tall, or even taller. It wasn't the woman's dark skin or the flowing green rivulet of hair that flowed down her tasteful two-piece burgundy pantsuit. Her eyes--a strange reddish hue, curiously direct--did not faze Shampoo as they rested upon her. Rather, it was the mere *presence* of the woman that filled the entire room with a strength Shampoo couldn't identify. A presence that spoke of things far past the Amazon's, even the world's time. "Hello. I wish to see Cologne of the Joketsuzoku. I understand she is the owner of this restaurant. May I speak to her?" Even the woman's voice, while soft-spoken, commandeered the room with its underlying will-power. Regal, stately, intensely curious, and it drove all the words, Japanese or Chinese, straight from Shampoo's mind. Shampoo could only nod while thinking frantically what was the best way to warn her great-grandmother. This woman appeared dangerous... "Speak? Ah...ah..." "Yes, you may speak to her." Shampoo nearly jumped as her great-grandmother appeared next to her on her staff. "Well, well, well..." Shampoo prepared to move out the way in case Cologne attacked the strange woman, but her great-grandmother didn't say anything more; she simply looked at the woman with a strange half-smile while the woman merely looked back without speaking, appearing to wait patiently. "Shampoo," Her great-grandmother suddenly said, "Why don't you prepare some tea for our guest?" Shampoo stared at her incredulously, but the old woman's face betrayed nothing of her intentions. With a nervous bow towards the younger woman, she gasped out, "H-hai, great-grandmother," and scrambled to the kitchen. A kettle of hot water was already sitting on the stove for curse-changing, but out of deference to their guest, Shampoo grabbed a spare kettle and filled it with fresh water, being careful despite her excitement not to spill any on herself. The other room seemed oddly quiet. What were they doing in there? Shampoo nimbly rummaged in the cabinets until she found cups and the canister of green tea, then when the water was ready, she set to preparing it with grace and speed. Inside, however, her nerves were jittery. Who was the strange woman? What did she want with her great-grandmother? Why did her great-grandmother send her out? Did it have anything to do with that strange girl who claimed she was Akane Tendo? Shampoo growled silently to herself. She had been there when the accident Ranma had said occurred, and her Ranma could never be wrong. Unfortunately, she had been knocked head over heels by the explosion and when she came to, she found herself being leered at by a couple of schoolboys and punched them away (though, now in hindsight, they were just asking if she was alright, but that still didn't excuse them from looking at her). When she had returned to the scene of the accident, her husband was already gone. Was that tall girl really Akane Tendo? Shampoo's eyes narrowed. If she was, then the situation wasn't good. And now this strange, alluring woman show up asking for her great-grandmother. What did it all mean? There was nothing that got to Shampoo more than being left in the dark. As she entered the dining room with steaming cups of tea on a tray, the only actions that had occurred was that her great-grandmother and the woman had seated themselves at a table next to the window and both were now gazing contemplatively out as if neither were aware of each other. More baffled and curious, Shampoo served the tea silently. Then, as she started to pour a cup out for herself, Cologne turned to her and said, "Thank you, Shampoo. That will be all." Shampoo scowled, her plans thwarted. She sketched a less-formal bow towards the other woman, who was watching her bemusedly, and stiffly went back to the kitchen, muttering choice Chinese words under her breath. The woman turned to Cologne with a warm smile. "What a charming great- granddaughter you have, Cologne-san. If it wasn't for her politeness, I'd almost mistake her for you." Cologne beamed with pride. "I trained her myself, you know. The child is as hard-headed as her mother, but oh! Such a great pupil!" The woman's eyes slid towards the kitchen door. "Did you teach her to listen in to others' conversations?" "No. I'm proud to say she picked that up on her own. Usually, I just let her be, but in cases like this, I always have something to keep her occupied." Cologne took her staff and, standing on the table, tapped it once on the ceiling. In the kitchen, there was a loud bang and splash, followed by a feminine yelp that shrunk to a feline's puzzled cry. Smiling broadly, Cologne reversed her staff and tapped it once on the floor. There was the sound of the back door banging open and several more yowls, these sounding deeper than the first one. There was a loud hiss, then the kitchen door exploded as a little pink-and-white cat tore frantically across the room with several larger, mangier cats in pursuit. They crashed through the front door, literally ripping it off its hinges, and disappeared down the street: a cacophony of screeches and yowls. Cologne looked from the doorless front entryway to her kitchen door, now sporting a gigantic hole. "Of course, the method could use a bit of fine- tuning." The woman nodded, not appearing to be startled at what she had just witnessed. "I see you've been to Jusenkyou ," She instead stated calmly as she sipped her tea. "Mmm-yes. The poor girl has difficulties in knowing what her responsibilities are. Her curse was my little way of showing her the consequences of slacking off them." She casually glanced at the woman. "Shocked, Pluto-san?" "Hardly. After all, you were given a similar punishment, were you not?" A slight frown crossed the old woman's face. "Yes, but that was a long time ago. I've learned my lessons since, and as you can see, I'm no longer cursed." "Ah, I see." "Still, I do love the girl. She reminds me so much of my own childhood self. Her spirit, her view of life, even the rebellious streak she sometimes exhibits. But still naive. So, so naive." Pluto's voice was gentle. "The Council has changed you, Cologne-san." Cologne shrugged, finally turning to look at her. "I haven't changed a bit, Pluto-san. Sometimes I feel like I'm still the same precocious child whom you faced at the Gates of Time. It's just the people I play jokes on have changed. That's all." Pluto chose to reply with only a faint nod and another sip of her tea. Both women silently regarded the window again, each deep in her thoughts of what took place beyond the boundaries of Time years and years ago. Cologne's murmur softly cut into the mediative mood. "You can't have her, you know." Pluto blinked. "Who?" "That strange girl who was in my shop earlier." At the green-haired woman's puzzled frown, Cologne's voice sharpened. "Don't try to act as if you don't know. You know perfectly well of whom I'm speaking of. A tall girl claiming to be one of Shampoo's rivals came here asking for the Nanban mirror. I considered it an odd prank my son-in-law was doing as an scheme to get out of marrying Shampoo, but then you show up after so many years of my not seeing you. Coincidence? I think not." "Oh?" "From what my great-granddaughter had told me, something happened to her rival--that I won't deny. The fact the strange girl specifically asked for the mirror aroused my suspicions. My guess was that something out of the ordinary has happened--something not just physical, but temporal--that pulled this tall girl out of the confines of her world and somehow placed her here. Your presence merely confirms my suspicions. Why else would the Guardian of Time leave her post except to put things in their proper place? Therefore, I assume you have come to return this girl back to her own time." Cologne finally looked at Pluto, her eyes hard. "And I can't let you do that." Pluto leaned forward, crossing her fingers and resting her chin upon them. "Really? Why not, may I ask?" "Because if my guess is correct, then Akane Tendo is stuck in another time, most likely the tall girl's time. A perfect opportunity for my great- granddaughter. With the girl gone, Shampoo has a chance to strengthen her claim on her husband. Each moment Akane is out of sight increases her chances even more. By the time the girl does find a way to return here, Shampoo and I will be on our way back to China with her rightful husband in tow. So you see, for the sake of Shampoo's future, that girl must remain here." "My, my." Pluto smiled. "The pains one must go through for the matters of the heart." Cologne replied coolly, "It is not a matter of the heart. It is a matter of duty." "Duty?!" Pluto arched an eyebrow and leaned forward even more, as if indulging in a juicy piece of gossip. "Do tell." Cologne rolled her eyes. "Please. Spare me your dramatics. As the last of her line, Shampoo holds the title as heir to my position on the Council. Therefore, she must prove herself capable in all challenges thrown her way. So far, she has succeeded in all except snaring this young man as her husband. Since she had originally issued this challenge, she must complete it. If she fails, her standing in the tribe will be questioned. Already there are whispers that she is spending too much time here chasing after this boy, time which should be spent learning the laws and duties of the Council so she can be prepared when she takes my place." The Chinese matron frowned at her slowly-cooling tea, then added softly, almost to herself, "Sometimes...I wonder if she knows this...and is failing to apprehend her husband just for this purpose." She shook her head slowly, then continued in a normal tone. "Regardless, Shampoo cannot afford to shirk her responsibilities. Whether she likes it or not, she will be seated on the Council and--why are you laughing at me?" The Guardian of Time had covered her face with a hand, and though no sound escaped her, her shoulders were shaking perceptively. At Cologne's question, she raked the hair out of her face. "I wasn't laughing at you, Cologne-san. Your words just reminded me of another who came into my domain by accident. It seemed that she had acquired a magic mirror that allowed her the travel the Paths of Time. And, by strange coincidence, she was also a Joketsuzoku. I believe she was also slated to join the Council, and she was taking measures to prevent it from happening. Interesting, ne?" Cologne glowered at her. "There is a difference. I was a child. Shampoo is nearly an adult. And besides, I merely stole the mirror so I could play a prank. Something to expect of a child." "Indeed," replied Pluto cattily. "A prank to insure you were unworthy to be on the Council. A prank that backfired, I see." "I would appreciate if you leave my past out of this. These are entirely different circumstances." "If you say so," Pluto took another sip of her tea. "Still, you shouldn't worry yourself, Cologne-san. If the girl is anything like you, she'll turn out fine. Give her some time--" Cologne's fist struck the table, causing the cups to rattle. "Time is something *I* don't have, Pluto. You of all people know that!" Pluto stared at her in surprise. Then, understanding dawned upon her and she slowly asked, "This has nothing to do with Shampoo claiming a husband at all, is it? This is about...oh, Cologne!" Cologne didn't speak for a long time, choosing to stare out the window again while absently turning the teacup around and around in her withered hands. When she did speak again, her voice was faint, as if it came from a faraway distance. "I still dream about the first time we've met, you know. Each moment is perfectly ingrained in my mind. Stealing the mirror. Appearing in your presence by mistake. Panicking. Dashing past you into the Gate. Emerging to see--" "Cologne, what you saw was only a possibility--" "We are in that possibility now!" Cologne retorted back. "The area I saw is only a few blocks from here! And you saw the color of my great- granddaughter's hair." "A coincidence, Cologne. I told you then and I'm telling you now: what you saw was only a possible future, one of countless upon countless of possibilities. What you saw then doesn't necessarily mean it would come true." "Then explain how it came to be that my great-granddaugter, skilled as she is in martial arts, manages not only to find herself here, in Nerima, but also in a precarious position, one that could be called upon by the Elder Council. It is only a matter of time. At the rate she is going, she will never gain her husband. If the Council calls her upon this, her fate is sealed--as well as mine. "Every Joketsuzoku lives with the knowledge that she could die at any time- -in a battle, by the elements, accidents--yet she takes it in stride. Death is simply part of the cycle and makes living all the more precious. But to know the exact moment of your death, every detail down to the very second..." She paused, then looked back at Pluto, deep emotion simmering in her eyes. "No child should have to bear the burden of knowing their own death. It is a curse more stark than any punishment or nightmare." Pluto's sigh was more resigned than comforting. "Cologne..." "Do you know," Cologne continued with feigned casualness, "on the night Shampoo was born, I was going to kill her? It was a very hard birth--so hard that my granddaughter's body couldn't take it. Then when they opened her up and I saw that shock of hair, I turned so cold. To watch the girl make her first kill...without even meaning to...I was terrified, you see. I was well-versed in herb-lore by then. It would have been easy to slip something undetectable into the child and attribute it to the bad childbirth. But when she was finally pulled out of her mother, the girl shrieked so loud, those tiny arms reaching for her mother as if she knew what had happened--it pierced my heart and instantly I loved her. And when they placed her in my arms, I knew then that I would take her as my own, train her harder than I did my daughter; I would teach her to be the fiercest, strongest, most powerful warrior of the tribe--even though I knew, in truth, that I would be training my own killer." Pluto tried again. "Now you being overly dramatic. The girl can't be more powerful than you. You as her trainer would see to that. Even with the knowledge of your death, you wouldn't teach her anything that would overwhelm you. A student who is more powerful than the teacher is very dangerous, and though you'll claim you're teaching her to be the best, subconsciously, you're only teaching her enough so as not to hasten your own death." "I do not fear death." Cologne stated flatly. "If anything, I am all too prepared for it. I never expected to outlive my daughter or granddaughter. If I had not seen what I did when I first met you, I would have been certain that I would even outlive Shampoo, and I would make sure she would have lived very long indeed. No, my fear is for Shampoo. Can you imagine the consequences of my death on her hands? Emotions aside, she would be stripped of her warrior status and made to work in the village as a common girl. The worst that could happen would be expulsion from the tribe and all of Joketsuzoku ways. Shampoo has learned to live away from the village, but to do so permanently? It would break her heart. Cologne leaned back to gaze out the window again. "It is one reason why I encourage all these Nerima folk. Yes, Shampoo has rivals here, and the place is overrun with foolish boys who think more with their egos than their minds. But their collective fighting aura is strong, and when they unite for a common purpose, it is a power worthy of a Joketsuzoku. If Shampoo is exiled from the village, she will have many strong allies here. Many." "Are you certain she would be expelled?" queried Pluto softly. "It is law. We are few enough as it is--we don't need anyone depleting our number, especially if it is done by one of us. Any Joketsuzoku who fatally strikes another would be considered an enemy of the tribe, even if she does it by accident. From what I've seen, what Shampoo will do to me would be a simple accident--something that is not even her fault. But the Judgement of the Council will be true...and harsh." Cologne looked at her hands and spoke quietly, "All my life I have dedicated to preparing Shampoo for the moment of my death. It has consumed my waking hours and it visits me in my nightly dreams. Yet I fear it is not enough. I dare not tell Shampoo lest it will destroy the focus I have instilled in her. But I also fear that when the time does come, she will not be ready, and all I have worked for will be destroyed with Shampoo taking her own life in despair. It is almost enough to drive me mad sometimes..." Pluto reached across to lay her hand on the Amazon's, "Truly, Cologne, this is something you should not worry yourself over-" Cologne snatched her hands back, glaring. "And what shall I do then? Pull up a rocking chair and spin stories about times when I was young? There is a legacy at stake here! Shampoo is the last of my line! She has my blood in her veins! She is the focus of all my hopes, my dreams, my livelihood! I *must* worry! Do you know what is like to watch the flower of your youth stand unprotected in the fiercest of storms with only your bare hands to shelter it? The wind can still creep through your fingers and strip it of its petals, no matter how hard you try to keep it out!" "Perhaps," Pluto agreed, her gaze fixed firmly on Cologne. "But couldn't the same flower be also crushed by the weight of your own hands?" A faint frown crossed Cologne's face, but she responded quickly, "What would you know? You, who sit so pretty up in that empty space you call a gate, venturing out into the real world only when it suits your needs or to keep tabs on those like me who manage to defeat you and slip past your defenses..." "As I recall it, you shouting 'What's that?', then bouncing off my head and running for it is hardly called 'defeating'." "Don't try to change the subject. You know nothing of what it's like to raise and nurture a child. To fear for her. To have your heart clench in fear whenever she steps outside." "Actually, you'd be quite surprised at what I can know." Pluto muttered. For the first time in the conversation, a trace of hardness could be detected in the smoothness of her voice. Either Cologne didn't hear it or she chose to overlook it. "Know? You know nothing! You've never had a child! You've never seen your own children die! All you have is the power you possess, which is nothing in the face of all your *duty*-" "Duty? Let me tell you about duty, Cologne." interrupted Pluto, the edge in her voice turning into full-blown ice, threatening to push Cologne back in her seat with its force, though Pluto herself had not stirred. "I have served numerous queens and kings as their advisor and confidante. I danced their children upon my knee, even the ones I knew who would betray their parents when they were older. I have seen civilizations rise and fall, and stood by as entire bloodlines were wiped out. I have known friends, rivals, enemies and lovers and I always knew the moments of their deaths, from those who were cut off in their prime to those who lived long, full lives. There are even those whose lives I knew intimately, yet they have never set their eyes upon me--such as your daughter and granddaughter." "And a fat lot of good that did them!" Cologne broke in, refusing to be cowed. "Did you know the moments of their deaths as well? Of course you did-you appeared after each of their memorials. You didn't dare lift one finger to help them or protect them. So much power you bear--useless!" Pluto's eyes narrowed. "Is that so? Maybe I was wrong then. Perhaps I shall use my power after all." Pluto casually stretched her hand up and a long, ornate staff, topped with a glowing garnet orb, materialized. "Do you miss your daughter that much? I will warn your daughter before she is set upon by thieves and killed several feet from the village. The Joketsuzoku would not need to search for those thieves in revenge, and thereby learning about the Japanese contingent of soldiers several days away, heading unknowingly towards the village. But since your daughter would be alive, you would never know that until they did stumble upon you. That would be no matter, though. Your daughter would be alive and well to serve those soldiers, yes? "Oh, but what was I thinking? I'll just simply tell the village about the soldiers. That should warn them sufficiently. Of course, with I being an outsider, my word would be subject to inquiry, so you would send some of the Amazons to investigate it. Naturally, your daughter would head the team- -she was quite the leader, I remember, but she was also something of a hothead. She would be already sore over what the thieves would do to her. Seeing those soldiers, however, would incur something akin to bloodlust, and rather than retreating quietly and moving the village to a more hidden and secure place, as your village had originally done, she would have screamed a warcry and fought those soldiers right there. You know it as well as I, Cologne, that it would be so and no other way. It was how your daughter got killed in the first place, wanting a worthy battle so much she forsook wisdom for glory. So no matter what I will do, Cologne, she will die." At Cologne's paling face, Pluto smiled coldly. "Maybe we should save your granddaughter instead. Now that is more easily done. We simply ensure she doesn't become pregnant with Shampoo--that way she doesn't die in childbirth. So what shall I do? Shall I strike her husband dead before they consummate their marriage? Shall I cause an accident so she will be unable to bear children? Or maybe I can have her abort the child in some way. After all, Shampoo will cause pain to someone upon her birth. Let's nip it in the bud, so to speak. In fact, we can go to your younger self. I'm certain she wouldn't hesitate...this time." Horrified, the old woman barely gasped, "You...wouldn't...*dare*!" "No, Cologne. I wouldn't." She let that sink in a moment, then smoothly rose to her feet to stare down at the matriarch. The staff pulsed briefly in her hands, causing her long, green hair to lift gently around her. "Do you understand now? More is at stake than just simply foretelling what I know. I am the Guardian of Time. I protect the flows of Time--not even I can touch them unless I wish to sacrifice my life. A few words from me can change someone's destiny or harm millions. I protect not only the future, but also future generations, so no one can twist the past on a whim...or for darker reasons. It is called *duty*, Cologne--something you are all too familiar with, but you only have begun to scratch the surface of. You have been a Joketsuzoku for 164 years. I have been at my post for over 100 millenia. I have experienced many friendships, much love and joy through relationships such as yours. I have also experienced more pain, more grief, more heartache than you ever will in your laughingly brief life. So do not presume to preach to me about duty, *child*. You are a hundred years too young to fathom the likes of me. Have I made myself clear?" Cologne did not respond. The Chinese matriarch sat with her gaze fixed firmly on her clenched hands. Only an astute observer could have seen two faint, pink spot tinging her cheeks. With all the patience of a mother who has borne many children, Pluto repeated calmly, "Have I made myself clear?" After a long moment, Cologne grumbled, "Perfectly." "Good." Pluto returned to her seat and with a flick of her wrist, sent the staff back from where she retrieved it. Reaching for her tea, she casually added, "And as for your mysterious 'Akane Tendo', I have no intention for taking her back." She took a long sip of her tea, therefore missing what every Joketsuzoku and Nerima resident always longed to see--Cologne facefaulting. "Why didn't you tell me that in the first place?!" the old woman roared from the floor. Pluto paused with the tiniest of frowns...and a mischievous glint in her eye, "And pass up the chance to chastise the wise and venerable Cologne, Head Elder of the Chinese Amazons? I think not." Cologne stared incredulously at her. Then a broad smile spread across her face, and Cologne threw back her head and laughed, her chortles bouncing off the walls and ceiling of the Nekohanten to echo out into the street, where passerbyes paused to stare at the old woman rolling on the floor and pounding her fists, while her green-haired companion calmly sipped her tea and gave a warm, even some would call fond, smile. Finally, Cologne climbed back into her seat, still chuckling and wiping her streaming eyes. "Ah, Pluto," she gasped, "you certainly have strange ways of making me feel young again." "Just keeping you on your toes." "Yes, well. If you're not planning to bring the girl back to her own world, what was all that Guardian of time mumbo-jumbo you just spouted off for? Are you just going to leave her here then?" "Oh, no. Every word I told you is true. That girl has a name, by the way-- Lita Kino, and yes, she is going back, but I'm not going to take her. You are." Cologne stared at her. "Pardon?" "I can't interfere in her life right now, Cologne. It is not time yet for us to meet. If she sees me, it will introduce...complications. So I must remain from her sight for now. You, however, she has already met, and as I can see there are no complications in the timeline, so I'm sure there will be no problems for you to send her back." "Not yet time for you to meet, eh?" Cologne pondered this, then grinned wickedly. "Ah, I see. She's one of those *special* girls on that world of yours. Ho, ho! I've always wanted to claim one of those 'magical girls' for the Joketsuzoku, so what makes you think I'll return her as you say?" "You have no choice. It will happen. That I can say truly with confidence. As to the reasons why, I don't know. Maybe you'll become frustrated with her. Maybe your plans will fall through." Pluto leaned forward. "Or maybe I'll just decide to bring your Akane Tendo back and watch how your plans develop." "Feh. Such things happen. You bring Akane back and I'll kidnap her and tie her up in the basement. I've done it before, so I still fail to see how that convinces me to send your girl back." "Always the skeptic. Very well. Seeing how fond you are of games, I understand there is a cooking contest Lita has challenged you to. Would you care to make a little wager?" Cologne blinked--her only sign of being surprised, "I know you are the Guardian of Time, but I've only spoken to the girl a mere twenty minutes ago, yet you know about it already? Sometimes your uncanny methods of spying unnerve even me, Pluto-san." Pluto reached into her vest pocket. "What are you talking about? I learned about it from this flyer some young man in the street handed to me." Cologne snatched the paper from her. The flyer was true to its form, with the contest information done in multiple eye-blinding colors and bold strokes of "TODAY TODAY TODAY!!!" splashed across the top and bottom. There were even sketches of the participants: the faces of Ranma Saotome and "Akane Tendo", drawn in painstaking detail, glowering righteously on the right side of the page, while on the left, the opponents from the other school gnashed their teeth in distorted grimaces, their faces childishly scribbled together (thus revealing which school the flyer was from). Inexplicably, scrawled towards the bottom in red ballpoint ink were the words: "Just added to the lineup!!! SHAMPOO and COLOGNE from the NEKOHANTEN!!!!!!!!!!" And there was Shampoo, winking and smiling cutely, next to what appeared to be a lizard or a monkey with large bulbous eyes. Ignoring the sweatdrop sliding down the back of her head (and promising swift retribution to the artist who portrayed her in such unflattering terms), Cologne remarked, "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. News on such strange contests regarding my son-in-law do have a tendency to spread quickly." Granted, she hadn't expected it to spread *this* quickly, but such was life in Nerima. She handed the flyer back. "So what's this wager of yours?" "It's quite simple, really. You participate in this contest as planned. If you can defeat Lita, then I won't force you to send her back. However, if she defeats you, you send her back immediately using this." She held up something that glittered in her hand. Cologne leaned forward and frowned. "A key? Huh. You're oddly trusting to give this to me. What makes you think I won't use it for my own devices?" Pluto smiled. "You won't. You will send the girl back. There's no doubt about that." Cologne mused for a moment, her huge eyes following the key's path as Pluto placed it on the table. "Strange. If you were acting like your normal elusive self, you would've taken the girl away and brought Akane Tendo back without alerting me to your presence. Instead, not only have you chosen to let this girl remain, she is actively participating in this world." She raised her eyes to Pluto. "And you are willing to let her remain even longer? This isn't like you, Guardian of Time. Why the sudden change of heart?" Pluto lifted her shoulders slightly, her closest approximation of a shrug. "Mainly I need to investigate what switched the girls in the first place. And I do not detect any anomalies that may incur from Lita's presence here. In fact..." A faint frown crossed her face. "there's a small chance that one would occur if I took her back too soon. An oddity in itself that I must investigate. But if you want the whole truth," She smiled again, "I'm curious to see how one of my own would fare against yours." "You realize we will sweep the floor with her." The Joketsuzoku deadpanned without a hint of bravado. Pluto's smile deepened. "Don't discredit her so soon, Cologne. You may be surprised." "Perhaps. I saw the girl's battle aura earlier. Quite strong, but strong battle auras don't make strong fighters." She looked back at the key once more, then broke out in a toothy grin. "Very well. I'll accept your wager on one condition--" "No." Pluto flatly replied. "You may not adopt her as an Honorary Amazon if she wins." The old woman poked out her bottom lip and whined in a voice remarkably similar to a certain perverted old man. "How did you know I was going to ask that?" "Because whenever you ask me that in the past, you always get that look on your face. I know you, Cologne. You asked me to become one every time I visit you, and every time I give you the same answer: it's not within my authority to grant such a request." "Psht, authority! You know how little I care for that! Besides, it will only be a temporary honor--it would only last as long as she is here." "And I know you would use every second possible to wring the knowledge of her magical skills from her. Skills she herself know little about, may I remind you." At Cologne's pouting expression, Pluto let her own soften. "Listen, there is nothing I would like more than an alliance between the Joketsuzoku and the Sailor Soldiers--" "You were calling yourselves Sailor Scouts last time I heard." Cologne sullenly pointed out. Pluto briefly rolled her eyes. "Scouts, Soldiers, it does not matter here in this timeline. But getting back to the point, I would love to have an alliance, Cologne--it would benefit us far more than it would benefit you-- but I just do not have the authority to initiate it. I'm sorry." "You're no fun, you know that?" Cologne huffed. "Ah, very well. I will still take you up on your silly wager. Don't expect me to go soft on her, though. Shampoo and I will do all we can to keep her here as 'Akane Tendo' until my son-in-law's future is assured." "I expected as much. Just don't kill her, please. She is still needed in my timeline." Cologne barked out a laugh. "You drive a hard bargain, Pluto-san." "In dealing with the likes of you, I must, Cologne-san." Pluto rose smoothly to her feet and turned as if to go, but at the last moment, looked over her shoulder at Cologne and added, "By the way, if anything does happen to Lita by your hands, I will be forced to take your great- granddaughter as payment." The matriarch slowly blinked her eyes before replying, "Is that a threat or a promise?" Pluto's mouth quirked. "Perhaps." The two women stared silently at each other--two hard gazes, ancient, time- worn, measuring--until Cologne snorted as she reached for her teacup. "I'll hold you to that...*if* I ever see you again." "Time is but clay, Cologne. It's not how you shape it, but *how* you see it shaped that determines things." Surprised, Cologne looked up and found herself alone in the restaurant. The Guardian of Time did have a habit of appearing and disappearing abruptly, but leaving with such cryptic words was odd even for her. Perhaps Cologne needed to watch this Akane--no, Lita Kino--more closely. She may prove more of an asset than she realized, despite what Pluto says. Cologne reflected, She sat like that for a good hour until realizing she had to get Shampoo for the upcoming contest, roused herself and drunk down the remaining tea in her cup, wincing at its cold, bitter dregs. ====================== Author's notes: Well, finally finished this one. Slowly but surely, this is getting done. I expect probably five more chapters before this baby is finished. Warning you ahead of time that the next couple of chapters will be slow on the action, but hey, what's wrong with a little character development? Let me know your thoughts! This has been a T-bone Corporations Production: In Touch With Yours Truly